So tell me again, what does this "based" mean?

>So tell me again, what does this "based" mean?

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it means the opposite of you soiboy liberal. haha based *dabs* god emperor trump 2020, the walls almost completed!

Well you see doctor, it all starts off in the 2000’s and a rapper named Lil B, aka the Based God...

t. SEETHING zog cog

>So you spend over 10 hours a day constantly refreshing the catalog waiting for a Simpsons thread so you can type "Sneed"
How do I explain this one bros?

>user why did you just tell me to "Have sex"?

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I guess cool? maybe neat?

No, it means being yourself and not giving a shit if people don't like it. Doing your own thing.

Because you look like a fucking incel

it's some retarded nigger internet slang. basically it means nothing, like all words driven into the fucking ground by zoomers.

you had to be there in 2007 to understand

do you even know what a lolcat is? have you even played halo 3?

>This "Rich" and "Mike", are they your friends Are they here with us right now?

it means to based

I still don't know what "based" actually means, outside of contextual clues.

people use meme words to fit in because they are pathetic.

>What do you mean you were "ironically being bad"?

it's basically the upvote of Yea Forums

every time I see the word "kino" I picture the person giggling like a little girl, them thinking they are part of the group because they used the word.
I really wish you would all kill yourselves.


I don't even remember the name of the little negro that made the term popular

that word has ruined this board. at least 'bane' is relevant

Who hurt you?

it means me

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Finnish for "upvote". It's used to validate quality posts (unironically) or as a reply to shitposts (ironically or unironically).

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lil b based god

Basedworld for life
Protect Lil B

Strong underneath foundation.


have you ever been to a freemason lodge?