>watching anime or cartoons as an adult
Watching anime or cartoons as an adult
>posting on Yea Forums as an adult
>doing both while pretending to be an adult
I can smell this thread
who diz funny squid
>writing off an entire medium of story telling even though it has unique strengths (and weaknesses) that could better fit the story being told because society told you that this medium is for some reason only for children and you believed it
I agree that you should probably moderate your behavior if you have the potential for a normal life, but those who have nothing to lose can and probably should watch anime.
>sh*t talking BASED as FUARK anime like Dragon Ball Z, JoJo's (hella sick memes for this one lol), or WHOLESOME AS FUARK ones like Legend of Korra
anime is one of the best storytelling mediums on the fuarken planet, yo.....i wish so bad they'd make an anime about Metal Gear Rising Revengeance!!!
AND anime taught me that my true heart of justice would always burn brighter than the sun and to never give up on my dreams as long as I had friends around to fight my hardest for!!
Doesnt matter if you're 15 or 30 like me, anime is LIFE desu fampai!!!!!
Legit low IQ response
Cmon bro 99% of anime is ass and people who defend "anime" in general almost always like the shitty stuff, at least secretly
There's like ten or twenty good anime shows (FOR ADULTS TO WATCH, I don't mean TTGL or something) not more, and maybe a few dozen good anime movies.
Why do fucking white birdshitskin faggots make this face?
And I could argue about 99% of western shows are shit (and I would be right).
Highschool D×D or GoT by D&D every medium is equally shit
Kek, just because you've been exposed to the same 10-20 the mainstream touts as masterpieces doesn't make you an expert. "For adults to watch" my ass. Do you know what most adults watch? Reality TV at worst and GoT at best. Give me a break.
If I have to choose between cute charismatic girls or bad actors and political agendas in my shitty escapist fantasy I will not choose the latter.
Have sex
Day of the rope soon, pedophile.
>Do you know what most adults watch? Reality TV at worst and GoT at best. Give me a break.
And I'm being lambasted by someone who doesn't even disagree with me. This happens so much on Chans, and so infrequently everywhere else.
Why do you think I'm defending western bullshit?? Most people on earth watch too much tv and they watch 99% bullshit. Stop sperging out on me son
>watching television and/or film as an adult
Watch something other than shitty escapist fantasy then, unless you've resigned yourself to being a little kiddo into your 30s and 40s
Unironically 1st Corinthians 13:11 and I'm not even a religious guy
>doing literally anything but pure wageslaving as an adult
Dumb kids.
>He says this on an anime website
This is the Yea Forums board
Then he should go complain about anime on Yea Forums, not Yea Forums
not liking something interesting because of its medium. would you give people who listen to music or read books shit
If they listened to kids music or fiction, yes.
t. serf going to die in poverty
Cartoons mostly suck though
Guess the character
I used to think the same until I saw LotGH
Go dilate tranny
reminder that girl drew that elephant
Cope harder with your failed, sad life.
>There's like ten or twenty good anime shows (FOR ADULTS TO WATCH
Wrong. There's like half a dozen of them. Pretty much the same as good tv shows. Watching Naruto or watching GoT is the same shit. Muh dragons and muh ninjas.
Jokes on you, I'm a manchild.
Every TV episode is 45 minutes long, it's too much of a time commitment.
If I'm going to unwind after work, it's gonna be anime.
Reminder that all weebs are tranny pedophiles.
Trannies are ironic weebs. All anime pros are just pedophiles
>be Amerifat adult
>"can't wait for Big Bang theory and Young Sheldon this week!"
Most anime is not made for children.
>99% of anime is ass
>There's like ten or twenty good anime shows
The only people who say this are people who have seen barely any anime. And they're always the same anime.
You are a pedophile and you are projecting.
Fuck you cocksucker
What a weird position to take because you're either admitting you watch SO MUCH ANIME that you can accurately rate 99% of it in one sentence.. which heavily implies that you enjoy anime if you watch that much of it. Or you're saying you're a DBZbro who watched some shit on toonami and grew out of it and decided it was all gay.
Either way, shit opinion from a hypocritical dick licker.
>hanging out on an anime website
>not liking anime
Teenagers please go
>Someone points out that watching sexualized little cartoon girls might mean you're a pedophile
Anime has nothing to do with pedophilia. You are a pedophile and you are projecting.
Yea Forums is an anime site.
Seems like I touched a nerve seeing as you reply and go on the defensive so quickly.
If you don't want people replying then don't make any posts, dumb pedo.
AKA "you aren't allowed to question anything I say, because I am a narcissist and I don't like that."
Majority of the boards are non-anime.
Still an anime site.
That ain’t how it works, chief.
Keep watching your sexualized little girl cartoons you disgusting freak. I'm sure your parents are proud.
We've been over this literally hundreds of times now.
Sexualized is a leftist buzzword, and leftists are known pedophiles. And even though most anime characters are not little girls you are nevertheless ranting about little girls. You are a pedophile and you are projecting.
>having to make all these implications to make an argument
Most leftists irl are degenerate weeb scum.
I didn't make any implications, I just stated how things are. Leftists are opposed to anime.
>he hasn't watched the greatest aniKino of all time yet
God I feel bad even justifying this shit comment with a response...
I watched anime WHEN I WAS YOUNGER YOU DUMB FUCK, that is what this thread is about remember?? I watched 20-30 animes before college, looking back, only about half of NGE and a few odd episodes of other shows are suitable entertainment for people of voting/drinking age. Watching anyof the rest of it at my age would be like sucking on a pacifier to calm myself down, it's just age appropriate
I'm not saying shit like Jin-Roh and LoGH is for babies, but damn, most anime apologists will defend fucking MAIDDRAGON and darling in the Franxx, jfl
Leftists aren't opposed to anime irl. If you ever go on campus you'll see that most weebs are shitskins, hapas, and "white" mutts. Everyone who is normal merely looks at freaks like you with disgust.
Based horseshoe posting user
>watched 20-30 animes before college
This is a negligible amount.
>most anime apologists will defend fucking MAIDDRAGON and darling in the Franxx, jfl
Dragon Maid is seinen and the anime was a late night anime.
Most anime isn't made for children.
They only pretend to like it for strategic reasons.
>Everyone who is normal merely looks at freaks like you with disgust.
>only watched 30 anime and believes he is qualified to say a goddamn word about it
Lol. Also only faggot retards will defend darling in the shit or maidragon. And nge is hot garbage only pseuds think is good. If you actually watched anything of substance you would know this. I don't even blame you for your opinion knowing how little you've seen.
>nge is hot garbage
This is nonsense. It's one of the most popular and highly regarded anime of all time that revolutionized the industry.
name good, adult anime for someone who hasnt ever watched any anime
Serial Experiments Lain.
Nothing wrong with that, most anime is basically capeshit anyway.
Battle shounen is capeshit. It's also a very small minority of anime.
That doesn't invalidate my statement.
Of course it does, but you're a narcissist so you can't understand how.
how many animes does one have to have watched before being qualified for an opinion?
You can talk shit once you've seen at least 300. But don't expect to be taken seriously with less than 800. Not that people will believe you or actually care anyway