What the fuck was his problem?

What the fuck was his problem?

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It’s over. Stop talking about it.

Went made due to his isolation

If your wife was an annoying ugly cunt and your son was half tarded youd snap too

didn't like niggers. scatman john deserved that axe in the back

Unironical alcoholism

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he was actually black

Isolation drove him mad

He snapped once and now his wife was eternally scared of him. Wife unironically wouldn't let it go and made him stop doing something he liked. The isolation made him realize he hated his wife and that family life unironically wasn't for him

>mfw i can feel myself growing increasingly bitter and turning into Jack torrance

at least i don't have a wife and kid to lash out

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>is there with his family
This is you brain on normalfaggotry

He couldn't really talk with them, there was nothing to talk about, and don't tell me he could talk with his son

donner party

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Sure but calling it isolation is quite a stretch.

at least his wife made an effort don't know why he had to be such a cunt

His wife was goofy and his son believes we landed on the moon

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Real talk?
I think Jack was resentful of Wendy.
In every scene of the movie they share together, Wendy just absolutely outclasses Jack.

She's a better caretaker for the hotel, a more engaged parent to Danny, a more supportive spouse, a more resourceful and resilient survivalist, and a just a better human being in general. I bet if she was a writer she'd be better than him too, judging by the classy pile of books surrounding her in the apartment.

Jack knew this and felt emasculated. That's why most of his bitterness is directed at Wendy despite her being so nice to him.

TLDR: the virgin Jack Torrance vs the chad Wendy

Fucking Rain Man right here.

>a nigger??

It was alcohol that kept him sane.

He was infected by "the thing"

He was a gay guy that molested his son. Go read theories about this online.

Stanley Kubrick's best movie is A Clockwork Orange. 10/10 masterpiece.

He was sick of being a normie, so he wanted to dispose of his thot wife and her son

The guilt got to him

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Are some of these coincidences or was Kubrick THAT autistic?


have sex

When his wife made an effort he was already sick of her. The marriage was never meant to be.

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