Atom Nagaitis Edition
/RBMK/ - Chernobyl/Kinobyl
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>post yfw "you're done"
Bacho was the worst part of that episode
What did Walmart mean by this?
i hope people realize he meant "you're done working"
are you dumb? what graphite has to do with radiation?
the show got the timeline wrong
That was on purpose.
this list is kinda sad
*puts hand on belly*
pizza kid
Please help
The show got many things wrong, forcing there was no explosion
>What is symbolism
Meanwhile in Russia
the smoke looks like cum
t.seething armenian
>new black science man Cosmos above the original Sagan masterpiece
What is wrong with people?
what's your point, comrade?
>not in our lifetime
>this is the beginning of the end
They do it every episode
>last episode fades to black
>"This series is dedicated to all the women who took part in saving the world during the Chernobyl disaster:"
Post yfw.
>planet earth 2
Yeah fuck me
walmart is delusional
I dropped the wire after the first episode. Why is it so high?
8.7 is actually significant, to oppose the guy who said many Russians hate it
It's concrete.
It's easy to judge her as an idiot but she was watching her husband basically turning into sludge for two weeks and wanted to comfort him. She was a 23 year old civilian who couldn't have known how bad the consequences really were.
>are you dumb? what graphite has to do with radiation?
Have you not watched the series? It's radioactive.
They're shit.
Will we see these jokers again?
private Pavel, im roastie
You really need to stick with it for a few episodes. It's worth it but it can take a while to engage with.
Fuck. Just fuck.
>It's radioactive.
I hope you're memeing
>Have you not watched the series? It's radioactive.
obvious troll
Real Big Man Kock
Maybe at the trial.
The finale has their trial buddeh
>the shovelers are told to not look at the core, to not stumble and to immediedly return after the time is up
>the guy looks at the core, stumbles around and stays like 20 seconds extra
The double meaning was pretty obvious, comrade.
I see no graphite, comrade.
Because it's "real".
Seriously it's got artistic merit out the ass but, goddamn, watching the emotionally dryer sequences unfold can feel like sitting through a social science lecture. Ironically there is no lecturing to the audience.
Unforeseen consequences.
new media always gets rated higher
I still don't know if people on /RBMK/ actually think graphite is radioactive or if it's a meme here to pretend it is.
kot upper biological shield
Oh God, Now is need it too.
How does this show compare to say Stranger Things?
There are people here who don't know how a nuclear reactor works.
Fuck head it's used to contain radioactive rods
God this fucking moron
Well it has a radioactive isotope, like most elements. You generally encounter a much more stable form of graphite because, well, it's more stable.
>falling for thread appropriate b8
Watch the first episode retard. The fireman touched the graphite and got radiation burns
Not that significant. It’s not great but it’s not terrible.
who gonna fuck it up first ? China or Nigeria ?
Fugg i have hella pencils im finna get bitch lasagna'd
why did almost everyone in this show have a mustache?
>There will never be a german style simulation game where you run a nuclear reactor reactor
it's much lower than foreign resources.
They're not burns.
God, I hope so.
I'm not saying she's smart but hospital staff should have kept her the fuck away from him, whether they knew she was pregnant or not. They let her live in the hospital for weeks.
It's apples and oranges if oranges didn't even deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence as apples.
Stranger Things is okay, but come on bro.
I know you're trolling but because I'm an autist I have to say it
walmart graphite hasn't been sitting inside a reactor for a couple of years, so it's not radioactive
this comrad is delusional and needs to go the infirmary
based and industrialcraftpilled
It was the 80s
Bisping bless
graphite absorbs the radiation
We need a shot of Legasov and the KGB director.
You are actually retarded cunt
depressing that nigeria wants to have nukes
What would have happened if the AZ-5 button wouldn't have been pressed, would the reactor still explode or what ?
Only 3.6 retarded
>caring about IMDB
Holy fuck, that's grim
Do we know who this is? Most of the named guys in the series were already long dead by day 40.
because you have bad taste
>tfw worked in my country's worst industrial disaster
Brumadinho HBO series when
>so it's not radioactive
Based kot.
This series is such an example of heroism exhibited by normal ordinary men.
>"Then I'll do it myself"
>"You will do it cause it must be done"
>The whole miners just doing what must be done.
Also 30% of russian nuclear physicists during the sovjet era were women so.
RMBK reactors dont explode user
Guess not. But It was poor design that would have made the core explode sooner or later.
a few weeks earlier
Seen only the 1st episode.
So it's a "documentary" by Americans about Russia to show how incompetent they are?
Sounds very very honest, legit and reliable...
TI's mostly bots and pro-soviet retards who hate it, the rest like it or just to afraid to watch it.
Your whole country is a disaster, so hardly counts.
Based Major Sixta. Another extraordinary mini series
>What would have happened if the AZ-5 button wouldn't have been pressed, would the reactor still explode or what ?
Yeah, pressing the button made the power surge and the reactor explode almost immediately. The power was already out of control though, so the explosion would have happened no matter what. There was no stopping the incident.
Fucking kek.
aaaand I'm replying to bait
Have you ever been to Goiania?
As a swede and oldfag I can testify that there has always been something wrong with Johan Renck aka Stakka Bo.
Must be why the Vatniks gave it 8.7 out of 10 the right? Fuck off m8
no idea, but here is the dude with the glasses from ep 2 I believe.
the core never exploded, comrade user.
That would be impossible
Turns out Sixta was a child molester.
He can only stand hairless cunny, as seeing pubic hair would have triggered his PTSD giving him Iraq flashbacks of elvises with un-policed moostaches.
They did the helicopter timing on purpose
The graphite itself wasn't radioactive. Graphite is an allotropic form of carbon.
it shows genuine heroism, self-sacrifice and patriotism
I think the Soviets come across as heroic, hard-working, stoic and at times very likeable
Reactorchuk cannot explode, get him to the infirmarchuk!
>by Americans
Is that Roose Bolton calling Khmoyuk to speak?
that's why there are still operational rbmk reactors and the last chernobyl reactor was shut down in 2000AD
based stakka
picking faults with historical tv-shows is how I maintain my self esteem.
most "graphite" is actually lead, which is not radioactive.
>Graphite is an allotropic form of carbon.
go to /sci/ with that shit, dude
No reason you can't have a handful of radioactive carbon atoms in that allotrope.
It was activated graphite
>the fuckers kept it going for 14 more years
and it was no. 3, the one next to no.4
can't they restart the pump and let the steam cool down before pressing the AZ-5 button ?
Can we get some miner qt posts pls?
Inside the Elephant’s Foot
okay dude everything is radioactive
India no doubt
Spreading disinformation at a time like this
Disgraceful, really
I read this guy has his fingers pulled apart so they don't collapse due to bone becoming very soft.
Did you know that if you burn a diamond it turns into graphite?
Absolutely. There was obviously massive human error that led to the disaster but if anything the series shows that they were willing to do absolutely anything to contain it.
>Aleksandr Akimov
>Cause of death: ARS; burns on 100% of body, estimated 15 grays (1,500 rad) dose
Ordinary citizens, low-level workers come across well.
Party members and managers come across as buffoons who are too incompetent/scared to make decisions, and always looking to shift the blame.
slavs don't care. their lives are so shit, they might as well end the world.
You aren't seeing graphite.
Comrade, rbmk reactors can't explode, you should not worry yourself.
Thats Sitnikov, user. Akimov is my pic related. Akimov has glasses.
Jesus learn your plantfus /rbmk/
noooooo comrade trump, don't look into the core!
*turns up in your episode*
*steals your scene*
>can't resist corechan
Shcherbina and Legasov were both party men and got shit done at the cost of their own health
This was the whole point of the show. To show how ordinary people pick up the pieces for mistakes from the higher ups.
I detest short ties. Those soldiers look like little kids.
I'm just glad GoT-fags are probably seething right now.
So here's a question about the whole "RMBK reactors don't explode" shtick. Did they mean they don't explode due to steam/volatile gas buildup because there are mechanisms in place for that or did they mean the reactor was incapable of having a runaway reaction in the first place that would lead to steam/gas build up
Give me a quick rundown on the operation, and maintainance of a RBMK reactor.
The reason the hit the AZ-5 button is because they had no more time left. If they did nothing the reactor would blow, little did they know that if they hit the button the reactor would ALSO blow. It was going to happen no matter what, maybe they could bought themselves a few more seconds or even minutes, but it couldn't be saved at that point (thy didn't know this of course).
why would they?
>Shcherbina and Legasov were both party men
The show appears to be portraying them as party men, but not true believers in the Communist cause.
A true believer wouldn't criticise the Soviet state, status-quo in the way they did in Episode 4.
>making fun of glorious Red Army uniform
you will get a visit from KGB shortly, Comrade.
Brukhanov communist.
I knew I recognised him from somewhere.
RBMK reactors cores don't explode.
They've been seething nonstop since Barristan was killed off 4 years ago.
according to ep 4, KGB knew they could explode due to water displacement when going from low power to operating power.
They meant by design it should be impossible for the reactor to go critical, let alone explode.
Holy fuck, this scene was fantastic. I love Skarsgård so much.
akimov did everything right
Post the one form the episode preview pls
Jesus fuck.
>Chris finch in The Office
>Dagmer Cleftjaw in GOT
>That one guy in Peaky Blinders
>That guy in Harry Potter
He's great in everything
>tfw radioactive poo goes flying ecerywhere
Testifies V.G. Smagin;
The first two days, April 28 and 29, Sasha Akimov came to our ward, dark brown from nuclear tan, severely suppressed. He said the same thing, he did not understand why it exploded. After all, everything was going fine, and before pressing the “AZ” button, no parameter had any deviations.
“It hurts me more than pain,” he told me on April 29, leaving forever.
He did not appear again. He lay down and did not get up. He became sharply worse.
Did I leave reactor off?
Totally agree. I’m in legit awe of the courage and heroism on display.
>KGB knew they could explode due to water displacement when going from low power to operating power.
>let's literally not tell anyone just to be sure the rest of the world and especially americans won't know
wew lad
its fucked up user
That was Dyatlov bullshitting as hard as humanly possible. It doesn't matter what they mean by "explode"; someone came into the control room and told Dyatlov the core exploded, and he said the thing that would give him as little accountability as possible.
If you're making a subtle joke about Soviet incompetence, I'm sorry.
Just by chance, the US, Europe and Japan/China are fucked.
Are Australia and NZ the best countries to live?
Yeah, they know they're screwed. KGB guy said as much to Valery, the story needs heroes and villains.
>poo smeared pieces of graphite become places of worship
*folds a piece of paper and sticks a pencil through it*
>No red face after gazing on the beauty of core chan
By the probability theory the safest one to live is Ukraine
IRL they asked her if she was pregnant and she fucking lied to them.
She killed her baby, end of story.
enjoy your coal lungs
>Your bones will rot, forever destroying your ability to create new blood cells. As you near the end, your immune system will completely collapse, your lungs, heart and other internal organs will begin to disintegrate and you’ll cough them up. Your skin will eventually break down entirely, all but guaranteeing infection. One man from Chernobyl reported that when he stood up his skin slipped down off his leg like a sock. At high doses, radiation will change the very fabric of your DNA, turning you quite literally into a person other than the one you were before. And then you’ll die, in agony.
>tfw didn't visit Chernobyl before they put up that new ugly shield on top of it
>steps slightly to the right
Yes Comrade Fomin, explain why their's graphite in the deputy chairmans lead pencil
This was really good
It's funny how in the first episode Dyatlov tells Fomin that the test was carried out all according to Fomin's specifications, essentially passing the buck to him. While in reality it was a bold-faced lie and Dyatlov started the test at dangerously low power.
That's not Akimov ya dumb shits
not bad, but not great either. i've seen worse
>France 17 active and even building new ones
Whats their fucking problem, fucking dense cocksuckers
We should have leveled them harder in WW2
V.G. Smagin testifies:
Near Lenid Toptunov his father was on duty. He gave his son his bone marrow for transplantation. But it did not help. He spent day and night by the bed of his son, turning him over. Leonid was all tanned to black. Only the back is light. Apparently, less radiation hit it. He was everywhere with Sasha Akimov, was his shadow. And they burned the same, and almost at the same time. Akimov died on May 11th, and Toptunov - on May 14th. They died the first of the operators
Granny Give-No-Fucks was awesome. I half-expected her to ask that soldier, “Why stop now?”
Holy fuck.
looks like PS1 graphics
The only based thing the French do actually
Is this person alive at this point? I'm asking because it looks like the body is decaying
a lot of the real images were taken from video in the 80s.
He was fucking amazing.
>reverse image search
Here's a translated poem from the beginning of the Ep2 comrades. It's several lines from the Konstantin Simonov's "Roads of Smolenschina"
You know, I believe that the Russia we fight for
Is not the dull town where I lived at a loss
But those country tracks that our ancestors followed,
The graves where they lie, with the old Russian cross.
By old Russian practice, mere fire and destruction
Are all we abandon behind us in war.
We see alongside us the deaths of our comrades,
By old Russian practice, the wound to the fore.
Alyosha, till now we've been spared by the bullets.
But when (for the third time) my life seemed to end,
I yet still felt proud of the dearest of countries,
The great bitter land I was born to defend.
he plays the villain in a medieval movie I saw when I was a kid, i think maybe it's the First Knight? I might be confusing him with someone else but he's one of those guys that has at least one other lookalike and neither of them are that well known.
Where do I obtain a continent-destroying piece of uranium?
the writer acknowledged on the latest podcast that about 1% of the liquidators were women
I don't think he is alive, just due to the number placed on his body. Probably counting the dead.
I have some bad news about ARS for you
There is nothing inherently dangerous about nuclear power. It'd be like saying flight is inherently dangerous just because of 9/11
Unfortunately for him no, look into the Jap that tried to kill himself by radiation, he was a literal skelington and still wasn't technically dead
>That pic
Here's a yikes from me friendo
I genuinely laughed
You forgot the VVitch
Flight is inherently dangerous, it's just that they're serious about the safety measures.
If you were to hold your breath while on Masha would you be safe from radiation?
Flight IS inherently dangerous though. Flight is a battle with gravity.
Getting out the shower is dangerous, but the measure is so slight it's not worrying about. Same for flight, statistically the safest form of travel and all that. Now cars? Cars are a death machine.
I don't know user, if you were to hold your breath and walk into a furnace, would you be safe from the fire?
But you wouldn't breath in the particles
Flight is actually more radioactively dangerous than nuclear power
>Dr. Patel, the core spiked because the first thing to enter the core wasn’t the control rods, it was poo.
based and underrated ahhposter
Who was Misha?
How did they build the reactor in the first place without getting ARS?
Flight is safe because they're serious about the safety measures, retard. Flight is incredibly dangerous outside a highly controlled environment.
lost me when she started with the muh golodomor fantasy
Very carefully.
Because reactors are not made from nuclear materials, dummy
Off topic, but 100 years from now when automatic cars are the norm people will think it was insane that humans were allowed to drive cars. Cars kill more people than basically anything. Putting a person's judgement and reflexes in control two tons of metal traveling at 100 kph is just totally nuts.
I don't get it, how did the operators and firefighters get messed up so hard? It was only 3.6 roentgen, did they get burned by the fire?
>I went. I didn’t have to go. I volunteered. I was after a medal? I wanted benefits? Bullshit! I didn’t need anything for myself. An apartment, a car—what else? Right, a dacha. I had all those things. But it exerted a sort of masculine charm. Manly men were going off to do this important thing. And everyone else? They can hide under women’s skirts, if they want. There were guys with pregnant wives, others had little babies, a third had burns. They all cursed to themselves and came anyway.
>We came home. I took off all the clothes that I’d worn there and threw them down the trash chute. I gave my cap to my little son. He really wanted it. And he wore it all the time. Two years later they gave him a diagnosis: a tumor in his brain . . . You can write the rest of this yourself. I don’t want to talk anymore.
they should have got brendan fraser in for a cameo
How important is it for a normal person to have a geiger counter capable of measuring dangerous radiation? Mine only goes up to 50 mR/hr (0.05 roentgen.)
nah they shouldn't have.
1. Build it without radioactive fuel
2. Insert fuel using machinery not your hands
3. ???
4. No pizza
The fuel is kept seperate from the reactor until it's fully completed. Then it's transported in heavily shielded containers and inteserted through an automated machine process.
>people will think it was insane that humans were allowed to drive cars
Pretty funny thought, kids just sitting there thinking "These dudes were fucking nuts" but it's just normal really. I guess kind of how we look back at bad sanitation and the like of centuries gone by (or still currently if you live in India).
It was their lack of faith in soviet socialism that did them in, delusional to the end
damn tittyfucking semen demon
lol pussy. This is how a beta male looks, lads.
>How important is it
its not
>What do we have left once we see the cost of the lie? Radiation. A gaping pit waiting to swallow us all.
>Radiation isn't a pit. Radiation is a roof. Many who try to climb there fail and never get to try again. The fall disintegrate them. And some are given a chance to climb, but they refuse. They cling to the rubles or the state or comrades. They see graphite. Delusional. Only the roof is real. The climb is all there is.
fucking hell
He's fine, I've seen worse
The fuel rods themselves are only minorly radio active and can be handled with low level protection. You have to strike them with an elevated number of neutrons to get it started. That's why shutting a reactor all the way down is a bitch to restart.
They did not serve the Soviet Union
oh fuck
>getting driven at 400 km/h while shitposting on Yea Forums until you reach your destination.
I can't fucking wait.
DNA: Subverted
I saw a clip on Youtube where someone was interviewing a liquidator from Chernobyl, and the dude was just a broken mess. He's had health problems ever since, and openly states how he wish he'd just die already. Totally fucking miserable
>That's why shutting a reactor all the way down is a bitch to restart.
What about when the system has to update? Don't you have to restart the machine after updates?
Nah, bad diets and drug abuse are the biggest killers, cars are comparatively negligible.
Particles behave more complexly than you might imagine. Photons, for example, can vary in intensity, reflectivity, and penetrating power. A gamma ray is essentially an incredibly powerful photon; that's what kills you.
Pic-related describes particles.
They just get a Soviet to pull out the fuel rods by hand and put them back after updates. Afterwards I fuck your mother
It's in Voices from Chernobyl. There's a chapter where she interviews a bunch of Liquidators.
>"maybe we should not use Asbestos in walls anymore, it's very dangerous"
>lol pussy. This is how a beta male looks, lads.
>"maybe we should not use mercury as treatment for syphilis anymore, it's very dangerous and apparently doesn't even work"
>lol pussy. This is how a beta male looks, lads.
>be Argentina
>have 2 nuclear power plants
imagine trusting us with that shit, I'd rather Iran have them
What is the name of that fucking book they keep recommending with he stories from this series?
>It's in Voices from Chernobyl. There's a chapter where she interviews a bunch of Liquidators.
What game are you playing?
There is still no proof the reactor blew up
Will you trust self driving cars if they are powered by RBMK reactors?
Dude, if you don't enjoy cars and the smell of octane, you should kys. That's a clear sign of really low test
>but muh westcuck propaganda
Change 15% to 3.6%
>le evil iran meme
What's it feel like to be asleep?
This one.
It's written by a woman who spent years interviewing people affected by the disaster. First chapter is Lyudmila.
The body is decaying, but that's exactly how it kills you
>afraid to watch it
Literally what's the worst that could happen?
>foreign resources
The what?
Why did they not just put a bullet in their head instead of trying to fix something that could never be fixed?
still waiting for some OC on the guy who tripped on the roof
pepe should be involved in that
Holy shit.
That's inhumane, user.
Voices from Chernobyl, a collection of accounts from people who lived in Pripyat and dealt with the aftermath of the explosion.
>We got to the place. Got our equipment. “Just an accident,” the captain tells us. “Happened a long time ago. Three months. It’s not dangerous anymore.” “It’s fine,” says the sergeant. “Just wash your hands before you eat.”
>I got home, I’d go dancing. I’d meet a girl I like and say, “Let’s get to know one another.”
>“What for? You’re a Chernobylite now. I’d be scared to have your kids.”
medical oath
They were kept alive to document the effects of ARS.
For science.
NASA has successfully tested a 10kW capable reactor that's only 2m tall.
>ywn embrace core chan and turn into a bubbling mess in her arms
Will we hear at least a single blyat!?
>more like sadism
I got you covered, bro. Over 9k hrs in ms paint
>spend billions on a reactor
>don't use it to boil water
Certain doctors are convinced that medicine can overcome terrible situations. Others are more curious about the challenge and the associated glory with the question "how long can I keep this person who should by all account be dead, alive? Their quality of life doesn't matter as long as they continue to live, thereby setting a new standard for medical capability, performed by me, their doctor".
>“Just wash your hands before you eat.”
Got nothin' on this kid...
bretty gud, mild keks
>>“What for? You’re a Chernobylite now. I’d be scared to have your kids.”
Apparently the writer won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 2015
>Dude, if you don't enjoy horses and the smell of stables, you should kys. That's a clear sign of really low test
Using a car instead of horses was seen as feminine and pussy behavior 100 years ago. There are and were always the low IQ retards who are THAT insecure in their manliness.
Little known fact time, there was a second fire at Chernobyl in 1991
>In 1991, a serious incident took place in one of the remaining steam generators.
>The fire started while the steam turbines that generated electricity from Reactor No. 2 were being spun down for routine maintenance. This required the reactor to shut down, but automated mechanisms accidentally restarted it instead.
>A surge of electrical energy started a fire in the turbine room, setting off some accumulated hydrogen and causing the roof of the turbine hall to burst into flames. A small part of the turbine hall roof collapsed, but the fire was put out before it spread to the reactors.
>another thread ended
Slow down you autists
It's really fucking good. Anyone watching the series should read it.
Keeping someone alive when their only possible fate is agony would be considered a harmful act.
I'm all for bullying doctors over their arbitrary sense of morality, but this case is pretty straightforward.
>>“What for? You’re a Chernobylite now. I’d be scared to have your kids.”
so make a new bread sweetie.
>Seething Iran shill
>The Hippocratic Oath is an oath of ethics historically taken by physicians. It is one of the most widely known of Greek medical texts. In its original form, it requires a new physician to swear, by a number of healing gods, to uphold specific ethical standards. The oath is the earliest expression of medical ethics in the Western world, establishing several principles of medical ethics which remain of paramount significance today. These include the principles of medical confidentiality and non-maleficence. As the seminal articulation of certain principles that continue to guide and inform medical practice, the ancient text is of more than historic and symbolic value. Swearing a modified form of the oath remains a rite of passage for medical graduates in many countries.
>no Terror
>oath of ethics
physically hurting someone more
Not fucking bad.
The roof was supposed to be fireproof but they didn't have the materials for it at construction, so they just used what there was at hand, which was flammable.
Communism simply sucks to supply demand when it's needed.
>>“What for? You’re a Chernobylite now. I’d be scared to have your kids.”
I see you don't have a college degree so you don't get how these things work.
the forced stronk wamyn sticks out like a sore thumb.
only criticism i have of the show is her stupid pained face saving the day all the time even though she didnt exist, whilst everyday working men sacrifice themselves to deaths there are no words in the english language of which to describe the agony.
pisses me right off senpai.
I'm going to miss these threads so much after next week.
your reply is completely ridiculous.
Sorry my dad didn't sexually abuse me as a child and have no issue literally harming people more.
No need to reply as your completely stupid. Also Im muting you
Hello Elon
lol pussy
There's only one episode left?