Just came out of the theatre.
It's definetly better than the first one. A few characters are dumb and annoying, there is a bit of that marvel humor in it. But overall the CG, the fights and everything looks good
Not a masterpiece, but definetly not a bad movie
Just came out of the theatre
Other urls found in this thread:
Also: there is a post credit scene
Is this supposed to be a sequel to Garth's Godzilla
spoil it nigger
This. Are the leaks real?
>Marvel humor
Awesome! That’s all I needed to hear.
SPOILER: One of Ghidora's head is found by the terrorist antagonist so they're probably gonna make a mecha out of it
Yeah most of the jokes in it are definetly not funny and out of context tbqh
Is mothra really that cute?
It's a moth
what's cute about it?
garth brooks?
Fuck you moths are qt
How's the Serizawa sacrifice scene? Describe it
Not op but he detonates a nuclear warhead beside Godzilla in an underground city Godzilla is hiding in to heal up after getting hit by the Oxygen Destroyer
SPOILER: He nuked himself in Atlantis to help Godzilla to recover
The scene was good, the only disappointment in it was we didn't discover much about the sunken city before the jap decided to nuke himself
Based mami brie
wtf I love Brie now
on a scale of 11 to 20 how based is ghidorah in this movie
I was wrong about her. inb4 retards
30, 10 points for each head.
sorry guys this will be more of a stream of conciousness thingy
mothra's birth was good, i liked it
the mcguffin here is the orca device which mimic kaiju sound and put them in some trance or shit, the magic sauce is that it combines godzilla sound with humans ones
the ecoterrorist are underdeveloped, but they are sufficient and put some sort of stake in the movie
there's the plot about the millie brown family being wrecked by godzilla killing one of their kids, and the parents split up
ghidorah is heavily hinted to be an alien which can create storm and shit, he's an imbalance to the natural order and him and g-man has been duking it out for a few years now, he can also regrow his head and survived an oxygen destroyer and their head has multiple personality
the argo plane is quite cool and i generally like monarch, as usual they are underdeveloped but still acceptable
there's strong eco message about kaiju being needed to restore balance to earth, humans has been shit to nature and kaiju radiation has been shown to help shit grow
rodan comes out of the volcano, chases the monarch ship while they evacuate mexico town and led rodan straight into king ghidorah
mothra is stated as a queen
there's plenty of atom bomb allegory, ghidorah literally dropped goji going into meltdown like a bomb in boston
ancient civi used to live in peace with godzilla, proving that they can have some sort of balance, they even build sauna room where godzilla was able to heal there
godzilla got a power boost with the nukes serizawa detonated, he was winning against king ghidorah until he absorbed electricity
the scene where the other kaiju bown to godzilla is cool as hell
the asian girl with short hair deserve to have my babies, human characters are flat but doesn't take away from the film at all
>Mothra has less screen time than some random chinses cheek
if anything movie really prove film critics are stupid hacks who are worthless
i really can't imagine them giving free pass to capeshits and circlejerk 2deep film while saying this film plot is convoluted, well it is but it doesn't really take away any merit from the damn movie
im guessing 670 million
>On one hand: Godzilla, Ghidorah, Rodan, Mothra
>On the other: pic related
I don't know what to do
he's a bit annoying but all the human characters are fine
in fact i really like the hank guy
>the scene where the other kaiju bow to godzilla is cool as hell
I mean I'd already bought my tickets so I was sold regardless but I can't wait to see that shit in theaters
Same here the human plot is kind of meh but anyway the most important part is good. Mothra and Rodan could had more screentime.
My biggest hate in this movie is the scientific mom who's ubberly retarded
How's Bradley Whitford? Is the "My God-Zilla" line as cringey as the trailers made it out to be?
well she died at least
and she's kinda right, we need to protect those damn kaiju
human in kaiju movies are really pointless but americans just love to push the human to be on first plane for projection which is dumb that we have to really care their situation when giant monsters are fighting on the background
he's a cuckoo snarky guy here who believe the earth is hollow and is kinda like alex jones
and he was right
Any references about Kong?
it wasn't atlantis, it was the byzantines also
>katakanas in sunken city dated way back than the japanese
yes, it was hinted that kong's race chimped out against goji before, and even though godzilla the definite alpha there is some unrest coming from skull island
Two different scenes spliced together for trailer lulz.
that scene was kino, im waiting for the bluray just to have this as my background
Well the Chinese chick was supposed to be the twin fairies
He's ok, much better than i feared that's for sure. In fact i actually like the human story and character, sure it's not that amazing but at least it manage to keep my attention instesd of boring me to death as in 2014 godzilla. I honestly can't see what these critics are bitching about.
>Alex Jones character is right
I love that in both this and Brightburn (even if it's just in the end creds) the psychotic conspiracy theorist Alex Jones stand-in is 100% correct.
He ruined an archeologist's wet dream to revitalize Godzilla with radiation overdose
Lads does mothra die ;_;
i don't get it
maybe i am a pleb or some shit but i'm sufficiently satisfied with the human side of the thing, they're not annoying, they are actually useful and interact with the monsters
hell even the silly things like the female colonel an the quip happy people wound up to be decent
maybe im saying this too much by now but i want to slap the stupid critics
take a guess
everything that science mom told them was true the only thing that deviated from the plan was ghidorah waking every titan and issuing a destroy everything order
Mothra emerging from her cocoon was kino
Mothra coming down from the clouds was kino
Mothra covering Godzilla with her tattered wings after fighting Rodan was kino
It would be out of character if she lived
noo ;_;
i think the family was very pointless, what difference would it make if it were two scientist who wanted to work on the orca only for one to quit because he realize is too dangerous while his coworker continued in secret because she wanted to force the kaijus to push the reset button for the sake of the ecosystem leading her to ally with eco terrorist only to realize she was being deceived by them and later had to sacrifice herself to repay all her wrongdoings. having them be exes and had a daughter in the middle felt unnecessary, i was hoping she could be involved with mothra but neither she nor the asian woman had anything to do with it
no chance of her coming back?
She probably has an egg somewhere, she always does.
Articles on newspapers tell news about the aftermath of the movie
Then ancient wall paintings depicting monsters and civilizations flash before the screen and one painting showing Kong and Godzilla having a go at each other a long time ago
Mech seems kinda too wierd for hollywood probobly new gene based titan
>one painting showing Kong and Godzilla having a go at each other a long time ago
Must've been some other Kong because the Kong we know was just a juvenile in Skull Island
I figured that would be case after rewatching the trailer. Thank God(zilla ;))
So what? The result will be the same anyway as in there won't be much depth and character development in a movie like this because suprise suprise, balancing the screentime between action-packed kaiju fighting with human interaction will be difficult, especially if the characters arc only consist on one movie.
is this real
is too boring, i rather have all that character development replaced with people investigating about the kaijus instead of "m-muh family"
>An unsightly beast
>A great terror looms
>The destroyer is coming
>Have mercy, have mercy upon us
Love the scene where ghidorah powers up after bit the powerplant so glorious they were both juiced up as fuck.
>having autistic manchildren singing the credit song behind me
this is why im considering pirating movies rather than seeing them in the theater
>1,5 hours of people investigating the kaiju despite the info is already there the whole time in the monarch
>despite in the movie the chinese chick already investigate the origins of ghidorah
Somehow you manage to make it even worse, congratulations.
>wakes up to see the film is now 49 percent.
So guess those reviewers from that early showing weeks ago really were just hand picked WB shills after all
Dying is to Mothra what breathing atomic fire is to Godzilla.
>well she died at least
I think you need to watch it again user.
>caring about what these "critics" are saying despite them praising the shit out of black panther and tlj
Based npc
Too soon. They need to do Gigan, Hedorah and Mechagodzilla first.
Love the scene where Ghidorah grows one of his head back
Avengers changed cinema going audiences forever.
she was at ground zero during the explosion
Love the scene where Godzilla made Gidorah breathe atomic breath
actually that was the only part I think the CG looked bad
But I have no problem with what the reviewer said despite her look.
Why do these movies constantly have fighting at and in the rain? What was so hard about fighting during the day? Is the fighting at least clear and not a clusterfuck like the Bay films?
I thought Godzilla was actually eating him until he did the atomic breath.
how long is fire zilla in it? and does he absolutely fuck up ghidorah?
that was the joke.jpg
>Ghidora head
Fucking Lame...i was expecting that they found Destoroya crab
I'm hoping they can salvage something with the Ghidorah head and make Destroyah the big bad of GvK.
Every scene with Ghidorah was kino. I wish I can see only those parts so I can skip those bloody abysmal family drama part.
should have added more monsters or having those monsters doing something more than just appearing, like maybe fighting?
Based retard.
It's no Bourne Identity fight scene but it also isn't a Jackie Chan fight scene
I just need to know, how do they portray good ol' Baphomet in this film?
I still wonder how they are going to manage to make a fight between Kong and Godzilla, Godzilla is 10 times bigger and stronger than him. Both are "chaotic good" characters and I don't see the point of them fighting each other and I guess they're going to give us a Batman V superman shit where they ally in the end to fight another Kaiju
>durr why do you want to see monsters fighting in a monster movie?
and i'm the retard...
Take off those rose tinted glasses and face the fact the movie will be a shit movie. Fans are so fucking desperate to think this movie is good by saying Brie Larson liked it when she was actually talking about that deleted Captain Marvel scene. Such sad retards you all are
>10 times bigger and stronger than him.
Keep in mind, Skull Island took place in the 70's. This is gonna be a much older and much larger Kong then back then.
Other titans barely show up in the film
Mammoth looking guy (Behemoth), Spider looking guy (Scylla), Another MUTO are the only Titans who actually showed up
Mountain guy (Methuselah) also showed up but he didn't appear again after his awakening.
>Adam Wingard said Kong was only in his teenage years when the events of Kong Skull island happened
I guess he really grows big huh
There's some shit going on in Skull Island that's attracting all the kaijus. I'm guessing Kong will be fighting all of them to protect his home and everything goes to shit when Godzilla shows up.
How does KotM open? Like G14 or Kong with cool conspiracy stuff and videos and pictures? How does it end? Is the godzilla song by Serj playing it the credits? Are they animated or what? How much do I have to wait for post credits scene?
She was right by Ghidorah when Godzilla was burning.
If the two atomic pulses disintegrated Ghidorah, she's ash as well.
How many of the classic Godzilla movies would you all legit give higher than an 8/10 now that you're older and not a kid? Just out of curiosity,
>hurr there is no fight scene in the movie,they only appear durr
Either you're a complete retard or a weak attempt at trolling. Either way kill yourself
im not the one who favors my family subplot over the entire point of a kaiju movie, have sex
>Fans are so fucking desperate to think this movie is good by saying Brie Larson liked it when she was actually talking about that deleted Captain Marvel scene. Such sad retards you all are
I know this shithole is full of autistic sperg but holy shit, you faggots never faild to suprise me. It's like you faggots cannot fathom the concept of jokes.
>It's definetly better than the first one
That's not much of an accomplishment.
Aw, so no Abbadon, Bunyip, or Typhon actually showing up?
She has an egg at the end of the movie, don’t worry
more fighting
family issues subplot, again
It starts with previous film's ending featuring main characters, like Batman V Superman featured Metropolis. What you are saying is shown in the end credits.
It ends with Godzilla becoming literally the King of the Monsters. No kidding
About original godzilla theme, it was used better than you imagined.
You have to wait until the whole credits end to watch the post credits scene
Disney shill having an autistic meltdown lol
have sex
It's going to be a "punished" Kong version (scars and all) and fully grown.
He gets tossed around initially by Godzilla but adapts and learns how to fight him gradually, concluding in a final battle where he gets resuscitated from a previous encounter that was near-fatal to him.
Still hoping they keep in Kong actually picking up and giving Godzilla a suplex.
>implying i ever said that
>calling other retard despite making retarded bullshit claim and having zero reading comprehension
Based retard.
Barely mentioned. Hell, even Rodan and Mothra have less fucking screen time than some bald captain and typical joker characters who are not funny.
Least our movies will always sell well. Godzilla will die here by next week. Also just had sex with your mother, and she personally told me you had shit taste for movies by defending a kids franchise. Grow the fuck up man baby and get a life
torrent when?
We could have had more screen time for the monsters. The family drama isn't tied to Godzilla in any way so it's useless filler. It's only the orca that's tying the humans to the conflict. That and the cities being destroyed.
have sex sweetie just have sex
>our movies
>don't have anything to say
>pretending to be someone else
>im gonna repeat it
Seeth more keklizards as your franchise crashes and burn financially from fucking Aladdin and Dark Phoenix of all films.
Underdog is obviously King Kong, but how much you wanna bet he comes out barely on top in the end?
I'm guessing english is not your first or second language? Why don't you take more english lesson so that you at least can read and understand what other people are saying? Or maybe you're an inbred imbecile, either way neck yourself.
I'll never understand why godzillafags, and in general any fan of movies about giant monsters and bullshit of the sort, act like they enjoy something better or more complex than capeshit.
It falls into the same box of products made for manchildren, with the addition that a story about oversized, power ranger-tier creatures breaking shit sounds even more childish.
It genuinely baffles me.
American made movie of course Kong will win
>American made
It's made by the Chinese.
What's the name of this mental disorder that makes you fly into fits of rage at the thought of a franchise rivalry that doesn't even exists outside your head?
>our movies
It'll go to a draw as the two team up to take on a mutual threat. After they vanquish it, the two will respect each other as worthy adversaries and go their separate ways.
Don't be such a fence sitter, who are you rooting for?
kek moving the goalpost now, eh? careful, you're choking right now
I'm rooting for Godzilla. I just know it's gonna be a draw ultimately.
same, is just a movie about giant monsters fighting for each other, is not complex or require high iq to understand it, is just to enjoy it
I HATE this fucking shit... LET THEM FIGHT! I don't wanna see them be fucking FRIENDS..
Liking these type of movies is just as a mental disorder as being addicted to video games.
I'm rooting for Kong, I hope it doesn't come to a draw.
>addicted to video games
And just as i was thinking that you manage to reach peak retardness, you fag somehow manage to surpass it. Based esl, saying words that he doesn't even understand.
>godzilla can stay underwater for long period of times
>resist radiation
>shoots beams
>kong is big and strong
>probably can jump?
giving king kong superpowers will be out of character unless they made up some reason behind it and retcon his size
okay user, you just giving kicks at the air now that you have nothing else to nitpick but at my typing. i'll leave you alone and let you cry in peace, and once you are done crying you can come back and play with the rest of the kids.
RIP both
Barring it wasn't actually "superpowers" the first time around but a second wind through lightning defibrillation, Kong is the superior and more well-rounded fighter is my argument.
It shouldn't be a stomp but a close fight with Gojira taking the lead initially as it should be, with Kong barely closing it out by a small margin.
>not using shape of water woman to seduce godzilla
wasted oppourtnity
>they actually referenced "What is a King to a God" in the credits scene
Whoever made that meme should be glad
when is the main theme used (not the serj song)
And does morthra's theme play during the end credits?
Yeah it’s now a mental disorder while transgender was removed. Have sex kaiju incel
gojira can kick kong's ass before kong jumps at it
Kong won in the original too though.
What is a god when said god was a failure at the box office?
Kong has opposable thumbs and can use chopsticks
The key note here is barely.
Goji dominated the near entirety of their fight but Kong learned to close the gap fast and keep the atomic breath at bay.
the Godzilla march played when Goji got revived and emerged from the water, basically this scene
the score was great overall, Mothra's song was used when she literally descended from the heavens like an angel
Blame mecha 'VS' movies
They all like this Dude le bigger threat lmao teamwork time!
>last shot of the movie is literally the other kaijus bowing to Godzilla, including that fucker Rodan
>Kong Island gets turned into some illegal martial arts retreat a la Enter the Dragon
>They have tournaments for Kong to appease him
>He picks up the techniques and goes full MMA against Godzilla
Ah I remember reading this in a leak last year.
Don't you have better use for your time than bothering with a movie you clearly don't like?
Not saying Kong will win, because he won't but Godzilla will have trouble beating him. It won't be easy and quick. Kong has speed, agility and intelligence(uses his environment for weapons)
The creatures resurfacing from Skull Island are getting stronger as time goes by and Kong is the only one keeping them from emerging into the world.
It's fucking retarded. I don't wanna see a god damn buddy-cop movie with Kong and Godzilla.... well... actually maybe I do.. BUT NOT YET
kong has something godzilla doesn't: opposable thumbs
Remember the part where godzilla simply walked and everything simply starts melting and a fucking dragon from OUTER fucking space whos skin can withstand in outerspace melts like butter. Dont tell me kongs fur grew so strong that heat couldnt penetrate it.
You're forgetting that Batman actually won their fight?
>Rodan and Mothra are alive
Spin offs when?
Underdog story, baby!
Sounds pretty fucking dumb if you ask me.
Kong just walks away.
kong will win because americans care about their black audience more than anyone unless they can make two versions, in which gojira wins but the american release kong wins
I assume It was just a one-off power up not something he can just do whenever he wants
>and even though godzilla the definite alpha there is some unrest coming from skull island
what you mean?
Kong will win because that way the franchise can both be legally killed the in the same movie cuz KOTM bombed
O shit qouted the wrong person but still kong better stay in his island playing with lowtier monsters to so he can play "king"
>fuck you Rodan
Bunch of monsters started to escape
Do the twins show up?
this movie changed my mind about mothra, i like her more. i really wish they added more lore to her than just being the queen and having the pointless joke about her and gojira fucking
What Jamiroquai song do they use in this one
Sadly the queen gets wrecked by a mindcontrolled flaming faggot.
Yeah when does /ourguy/ show up
Yeah, Zhang Ziyi's character was revealed to have a twin who also works at Monarch.
They were aborted
did you miss the hole on Rodan's chest
>incapacitates himself and gets taken out by a few trucks filled with Crest Advanced Whitening toothpaste
/yourguy/ sucks.
Didnt rodan survive and bow to goji at at the end?
Her "lore" is good enough as the protector of Infant island that mediates Goji and Rodan's fighting to focus on a larger threat.
Goji shouldn't really care for humans to begin with as much as Mothra should.
yeah but Rodan lost against Mothra, he didn't wreck her
Well nearly burnt her crisp then.
things like that would've been nice to mentioned, or have a scene where mothra protected the girl
I haven't seen the film yet but does Mothra have children in the film that silk the shit out of everyone?
It's how she "beat" Goji into submission.
she doesn't give birth, she never confronts gojira, just helps him
Her larval form silked a bunch of dudes, and even as an adult she used the attack
Wait, how is Goji convinced to save humanity in the film?
Kong looked like a fucking hobo in this movie kek
Whatever you say, eslfags.
He's just maintaining the balance, Ghidorah is the other alpha, but ghidorah wants to destroy the world and was ordering the other kaiju to wreck shit
He wasn't
He went after Gidorah on instinct and barely took notice on humans since Gidorah was a much bigger threat. But in the movie it appears he acknowledges the presence of humans
Do they mention Venus?
They mentioned he came from the stars
they sacrificed the nip by blowing a nuke bomb with him to speed the recpvery of gojira since no machine was able to get near due to radiation and apparently gojira saw that as humanity willing to help him
Nope. They only speculated that Gidorah wasn't from earth since the bomb they used affected everything else but not him.
Wasnt the original plan to have Kong vs Zilla vs Jagers from Pacific Rim?
ASSUMING GENDER!?!?!!/1!?1?11/
Here's all the new kaiju that appeared in the leaked pages of the novelization:
>Mokele-Mbembe (Sudan): A giant reptile with a massive snake-like tail and a glowing green horn.
>Margygr (Arctic): A vaguely human-like sea serpent. Killed by something before Monarch found it.
>MUTO (Nevada): A male MUTO, possibly the last of its kind. Resembles the one from the previous movie.
>Behemoth (Brazil): A giant mammoth.
>Methuselah (Germany): An ancient gigantic ankylosaur -- appears to be Legendary's version of Anguirus.
>Scylla (Arizona): A giant spider. She seems to be Legendary's version of Kumonga.
>Leviathan (Scotland): The Loch Ness Monster.
>Kraken (Ocean): Seems to be a giant mimic octopus.
>Typhon (Unknown): No description given.
>Baphomet, Tiamat, Abaddon, Sargon, and Bunyip are not mentioned. They might be in the full novel.
>Rodan is reduced to being everyone's bitch
He better get something in GvsK
Yeah, I'll never understand that.
He is supposed to stand ( fly) on his own against Goji.
And where is Kong?
Also there's hints at the Hollow Earth theory and that humanity used to live underground before being driven out by the Titans, which lines up with the leaked plot of Kong vs Godzilla.
Yeah came out to. say it's a 6/10
There is ONE kino scene though, which is when Serizawa re-ignites Godzilla with the nuke.
There's like, 3 or 4 other scenes worth your money
>Godzilla underwater with his display of aggresion with his dorsal fins
>Rodans entrance and chase scene
He's briefly mentioned along with a Leafwing.
There's also references to the MUTOs and the comic kaiju (Dagon, MUTO Prime, and Shinomura).
How does it compare to the 2014 Godzilla?
2014: not enough godzilla
2019: too much godzilla
Godzilla (2014) Has a more realistic and darker tone to it. If you like the Kaiju battles of the old Godzilla series however you'll probably find more you enjoy in the sequel.
I'm being honest when i say there's ONE stand out kino moment involving this song in the OST.
Are the fight scenes good? What are the flaws in the film outside the characters?
How in depth do you want me to go ? It's fresh in my memory
Have you ever watched a fucking Mothra movie?
I don't think he is, he and Ghidora are just ancient enemies and it's implied Goji is the one who put him on ice. That's why they don't roar at each other in the IMAX trailer. They just arc up and give each other the look of "looks like we're doing this again"/"oh shit this fucker again"
Them being ancient enemies breaks most of the lore.
Don't do this.
who else could've put him on ice
Just if the fights are decent and a fun spectacle and if the plot drags the movie down as much as some of these reviewers think. You can just say yes it does, no it doesn't, etc.
Are you stupid? It's been confirmed since Skull Island
The fight scenes are good, and they all offer something 'different'. Considering they had to adapt the crazyness of the old men in suit brawls into a new era they did decently well. There's a lot of close ups, and weather obscuring the view - but there's also some really nice wide-shots and shots from the human perspective of a battle taking place between the titans. There's enough variety so that it doesn't feel 'samey'.. ie. The tundra battle, the arial fights -an ocean scuffle the 2V2 and the final show down.
I'd say the flaws are, yes - the characters and their decision making is awful. Another flaw would be the first half is quite a drag in comparison to the second half. There's honestly maybe 4 scenes i though were directed well outside of going to see it simply for big kaijuu punching each other, which is what i went for.
Watching this movie was like watching Pacific Rim
what kaijus survive
Not him, but you're impression sounds really honest user. I'm glad the fight scenes and overall monster appearances are widely agreed upon to be pure visual ecstasy, and I can live with the mediocre characters.
Considering I liked Pacific Rim, that sounds like a good thing.
Those that weren't killed by Gidorah
Which is annoying, because the Serizawa scene showed they have the capacity to pull of some KINO shit. And the Kaiju battles were thrilling enough - Had we had some competent characters and story (outside of the one mentioned) and less hamfisted QUIPS (BRUH ARE MOTHRA AND GODZILLA LIKE, Y'KNOW!) We could actually have a perfect Zilla film, but as usual an utter hack is in charge, or the studios want the avengers market
which pacrim
The one that doesn't have Uprising in its title
Just like how I typed it
Thanks, I grew up with these films.
Not just the fights, Rodan's entrance is marvelous.
It just hurts because it could be SO GOOD. instead of something i'll watch clips of here and there in the future for certain scenes.. How hard is it to get a competant story teller alongside of these visuals?
Serizawa is the only character who moved me in a certain scene.
and rodan?
laughed at this composition shot, especially when it was on one of the terminal screens later too
How many Godzilla films would you say had good characters or compelling narratives? Because there's barely a character from the Showa/Heisei/Millenium films that I can remember other than Miki from the Heisei era.
I guess because KotM is longer than those so the flaws of writing are more notable?
It's not a case of comparison. Those films were going for something completely different, However to answer your question if you want a comparison, the closest thing would be the original Gojira.
This is 2019, with a larger budget and a slew of actors to choose from, and a large screen writing process and time to put into it. Sure, the fights are spectacular, and i am happy to have gone to see that, what hurts is that we could have had so much more, and Serizawas acting and the cinematography show that, had that kind of effort been put into the other scenes that DIDN'T feature a monster bitch slapping another we'd have a 7or 8/10 instead of a mediocre 5 or 6 (which is soley for the visuals)
He actually gets a pretty kickass PoV scene where he hears Ghidorah's call, rejects it, and then prepares to fight the legions of skullcrawlers who also heard the call and are waking up to hunt and kill
I love that Hollow Earth and Ancient civilization concept. Godzilla vs Aquaman is actually possible.
Is he visibly bigger?
Wait, really? That’s cameo kino.
Give it to me straight
Is it worth watching on a big screen?
Considering Kong’s movie took place in 1944 (flashbacks) and 1973, then I’m sure he’ll be bigger. He’s had plenty of time to grow.
That is a stupid stupid question.
Mothra has always been kawaii enough for girls to like her. Legendary's redesign is too realistic and ugly.
Megalon confirmed?
Is it good or bad?
Reviews are saying it's bad, but people here are saying it's good
You are doing the movie a disservice by watching it on a small laptop or on a phone.
How will kang ever recover?
You think this is the new Final Wars? I know most negative reviews are nothing but normies who don't care and would never care but I know a few fans who think it's a stupid movie. Perhaps it won't be as divisive as Final Wars but it's an example of a movie that was initially at the bottom on everybody's list and now it's a classic. Can't wait for 31st and the general release. I know it won't change the movie but a fresh score will help to sell it I think.
>the human plot is kind of meh but anyway the most important part is good
As long as it's engaging enough to keep people interested between the monster scenes and set up the battle properly. Some of the best Godzilla movies have really simplistic human plots, because they're easy to follow.
wait so he didnt die in 1973?
The point of Mothra is that she can die and be reborn again like a phoenix.
Does Ghidorah's theme get used in any scene? That theme is godly.
look down
Reminder Goji got dunked by Charles Barkley, has terrible record against black people
Only one way to find out, faggot
So it's a good Godzilla movie, but a bad movie movie?
Kong's role in King Kong movies is to die as a tragic character. Here comes Godzilla.
the fuck is this gay porno statue
Capeshit is literally the same movie every time though.
No idea, but it illustrates the point.
Maybe mediocre because the writing could use some polish but not bad. Critics just overlooked that the cast can't be compared to Jurassic Park because unlike there in Godzilla movies and definitely this movie monsters are full characters with agenda, thoughts, feelings and so on. Even Pacific Rim such mixed reviews initially before they stabilized and it was purely human-driven.
Why is this Godzilla such a fat fuck
Jagers are not in this universe, nigger
Me on the bottom left
He's been vacationing in America ever since 2014
To heavily contrast another film's adaption of the slimmer female one.
Did Serizawa speak Japanese to Goji before he nuked him?
Spoil more of the movie ffs, does Kong appear?
Can we actually see the fights this time? Trailers are dark and blurry. Are there any fights during the day?
>2014 Godzilla is a NTR story between the mutos and him
I realize the human characters aren't the focus but I feel like there still needs to be somewhat interesting characters so we have something to care about and something to carry between the monster fights, so while I wouldn't totally knock it if it's missing that it's definitely not something I could overlook just because the battles are awesome.
Maybe I'm looking at it the wrong way though, and maybe critics are just being retards and the characters are actually serviceable enough and they are just being whiny. I'm sure I will be seeing it regardless
That scene with the atomic breath is a metaphor for rape
he's big boned you dipshit
>there is a woman who tries to take down humanity because of climate change who ends up being a villain
>there is an alex jones like character who is used for comedic relief but ends up being right about everything.
Hmmmmmmmmmm I wonder why critics hate the human characters
>Ghidorah isn't themselves
KOTM is the vanilla to 2014's NTR
pronouns: they/their
There can be only one king
Critics are expecting this to be like capeshit, i.e. a glorified soap opera with CGI fighting. The human storylines in Godzilla movies have always been really simplistic or involving outlandish anime-tier plots like space aliens, magical fairies, mad scientists, etc.
And oxygen destroyers.
Yes, he says 'Goodbye old friend' or something like that.
Even the god of all movie critics, Roger Ebert, was a brainlet who hated Godzilla 1954 because he thought the special effects sucked, he didn't like the dialog, and he didn't even know that it was made in the context of American H-bomb tests irradiating Japanese fishing boats less than a decade after the U.S. dropped two atomic bombs on Japanese cities. Film critics are literally too stupid to understand Godzilla of all things.
Shouldn't the Japanese out of literally anybody on earth hate him?
Godzilla 1954 didn't happen in this timeline.
No Kong.
There's more clear shots for the fights.
There's a battle in the air during the day time, that becomes obscured. Ghidorah essentually creates storm clouds around itself. The other fights take place in an artic blizzard, the ocean and in the city.
There's the close up blurry scrambling shots, but there's also some nice wide angles and even shots from the ground perspective from the people as the creatues fight. You see more purely due to the fact that there's WAY more conflict than Godzilla 2014.
Gidorah was kino behind the swirling clouds
What about this then?
Is there any cringey feminist/progressive shit?
answer this please
Ebert was a WHITE MALE and can be disregarded on that fact alone!
I mean if you compare it to another monster film, 33' King Kong, its cinematography is definitely lacking.
it's a troll.
There's a post credits with the bad guy buying a severed ghidorah head, and some other news reel stuff from newspapers, that mention other kaiju, but don't show Kong
Does Millie gets raped by Goji? I want to see her explode on a Kaiju cock
The movie is a metaphor for the consequences of Trump building the wall
No, The female is actually shown to be retarded and fucks up for once and the Father is the 'good' parent. Refreshing now that i think about it actually.
So the movie presents a perfect society with almost zero crime and happy, patriotic people? Sweet.
Madison was a cute tomboy character in the movie
Why would Godzilla even posses sexual organs?
nice, thank you
To rape.
Fuck, I wanted to see something new related to the macaco besides a mention or the paintings
There's a LOT of hidden stuff.. News reel footage. Computer maps with names and newspaper entries which aren't on screen long enough to fully take in - once you have a copy available to pause there's probably some gems in there to find.
when was he mentioned?
Also, while Kong isn't SHOWN like you asked, he does have a presence in the film. through mentions and map symbols.
Take that back
Will our based chinks save the box office? Amerishits don't care about kaiju. Only quips, capeshit, and nostalgia.
So do we get a glimpse of all awaken monsters at the end or just a few?
Yup, when I was doing a Godzilla marathon, my sister instantly liked Mothra and was rooting for her and her children to kick Goji's ugly ass.
A shit. From what i remember you see Rodan, The ape mammoth, the spider and some big ass other thing bowwing
Oh and the MUTO
>Goji gets a tease on Skull Island after credits
>Kong does not in KOTM
That's unfair.
So much for seventeen. At least until 2020.
Novelization only, lol. I had thought that was understood since the guy I quoted to was talking about it
It attracts the barafags who are predominantly gay men.
Mothra literally has a 'hands off mah man!' moment in the film where she lands on Goji and uses her wings to cover him up from being hurt more.
Is it possible to feel things for a Moth