>He pronounces kino "kee-no"
He pronounces kino "kee-no"
Other urls found in this thread:
Homer Simpson
>he doesn’t
Sneed feed and seed
that's how it's pronounced in german user
how tf do you pronounce it
>he uses the word kino outside of Yea Forums
>saying anything related to Internet memes out loud
Oh no no no nk
but it's just the german word for a cinema
>tfw german and it's perfectly normal to watch capekino at das local kino
Are you German?
Of course I do.
It's literally our word for "cinema".
>Having friends
Oh no no no no
I do, I do.
Well la-di-da, mr salad fork.
>renting dvd at local redbox
>girl in line behind me
>grab drive
>"ah yes this is some fine kino"
she even smiled
What a geil pepe picture
It's japanese word. キノ
>he calls random things that aren’t related to film, ‘kino’
Mumkey Jones ruined the word for me. I'm glad he's finally got his JUST deserts and has been exposed as being a complete piece of shit. Both to his girlfriend and to the people he's worked with.
no you dumb fuck, it's from Greek kinein "to move", you know, as in moving pictures
He pronounces Sneed "See Doh"
Faggot normie has been stealing Yea Forums content for years. I used to like him but he exposed himself when his channel got killed. This vid just confirmed the worst. I hope emperorlemon stops doing shit with him now.
To lazy to watch the Video,can you please tell me what he did in a short sentence?
I actually used to learn German both in school and uni but never succeeded :( I like this language tho
The k is silent.
He cheated on his gf of 2 years with an ugly furry pedo who ended up dumping him because he was a controlling weirdo. The guy who made this vid used to edit mumkey vids but was blocked by him, the whole thing is literally karma and now his image is irreversibley ruined.
Thanks,kinda sad i liked his elliot rodger videos
so are the other letters
I don't believe u
as a German I actually feel sorry for people who have/try to learn it because of how needlessly complicated the grammar is
Möchte jemand mit mir ins Kino gehen und den neuen Avengers Film gucken?
I pronounce it as Sneed
This. Everyone knows it's pronounces k-eye-no
Nee, das ist doch Umhangscheiße.
I pronounce it kay-now. I'm from Yugoslavia.
S-N-E-E-(Annoyed Grunt)
>Key No
My first day of German in high school we learned "Das ist ein dicker Hund"
>from Greek kinēsis "movement, motion"
user I....
>he doesn’t unironically use based and redpilled as well as kino in real life
Kino key-no
Yea Forums tuh-vuh
Yea Forums spuh
/fit/ ef-ih-tee
Don't mind us russkies borrowing your word germanbro. We also say kino, albeit the stress is on the "o"
>he pronounces it at all whatsoever in any form
>he even types it
kill yourself, i'm serious. kill your fucking self
His gf was cute wtf
It’s actually pronounced “chai-know” like the word China but with an O at the end.
I did a unit called the Kino project at university
mfw realised the tutor was a fa/tv/irgin too and in all lecturers plus every interview I listened to where the word was mentioned pronounced it that way
I hope Mumkey just leaves Sheepover alone now. I mean two years with that asshole whispering in her ear that he'd kill himself that must have been brutal. Especially now with everything he's been saying behind her back has come out.
Hey I actually understand this
Don't worry, he said on Twitter today he's moving out of her house.
She's so precious I feel bad. :(
>formerly from Greek Sneed "Feed, Seed"
Well well, looks at these city-slickers and their fancy german words.
It's okay if you're young and have friends that enjoy normie memes
I pronounce it Snee-Do
>Its literally kino, my dude.
>tfw french
>doesn't sound pretentious at all when I tell people about the "film" I saw last night
>Especially now with everything he's been saying behind her back has come out.
I need details on this anons.
Fanks, that'll teach me.
Is it ciné?
It's "Kjino"
14/88 brother
Pure cinematheque
>tfw bong and more and more upscale cinemas calling themselves kino theatres are opening
>renting dvd
Grandpa is that you?
He's most likely a turk my dude.
Have sex.
>he didn't rent get a pizza and a rent a vhs every friday with the senpai
zoomer childhoods must be the worst