Meanwhile on British Yea Forums

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Based and redpilled.

Look at those yellow ass teeth. British people are definitely notBASED

>hollywood celebs forced to date worn out twenty-somethings that have seen miles of cock
>simple as fellas get their pick of fair maidens to pairbond with and raise sprogs together
Perhaps being internationally famous and having more money than you could spend in ten lifetimes isn't really all that great after all.

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>yellow ass teeth
Yea, its almost like teeth aren't supposed to decay and stain by use you fucking inbred mongoloid

Based norf at it again lads

This is wrong.

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this is a hilarious cope
It's called brushing my limey friend

Typically people brush their teeth 1-2 times per day with a toothbrush. Using toothpaste with whitening properties can help improve this.

>normal british teeth

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Based and leopilled

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>already rotten teeth
What's your fucking excuse Brittons?

Why do you think she's dating an old man?

He has all the toothpaste on the island?

absolutely normal and BASED

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>In a scoop of events it turns out that Andy is the biological father of Beth. We are told that these things aren't uncommon among Britons. This was Channel 5 with more stories to come.

Toothbrushes give you cancer.

Dude was fucking his "friends" daughter way before 16. Fucking lol at the innocent music as well.

So trashy people from other countries have good teeth?

How the fuck is it even possible to be THIS based and redpilled?

Teeth aren't supposed to be white like in the commercials. It's literally something companies made up in order to make money on "whitening" tooth paste, strips and shit.

Seems to have a nice enough life, to be quite honest.

Meanwhile near retarded girls in America go into black gangbang and other degenerate porn before they wind up homeless on the street before they're found dead in the gutter.

He was a "friend of her mother" who "knew the kids".

>bushing teeth with flouride is natural
>flouride increases quality of teeth
>toothpaste gets rid of stains on enamel
Good to see the jew propaganda media has you.
I bet you think your body or dishes cant be clean unless you use soap too

you should be dead

yes unironically

>watches adam ruins everything once
yes and tell us about mouthwash next

Look at some faggot like tom cruise, mid 50s, perfect white teeth not a chip or a stain, like he just came out the womb with them. Americans think this is normal. It aint foolimg anyone.

god damn british people look fuckin gross

Yeah, I mean unless he's like her schoolteacher or a policeman there's nothing wrong with this over here.

lol we still call a policeman a policeman like a fucking 10 year old. Even the news calls them policemen lol

>weird pale girl in my class who had no friends and was kind of qt i had a crush on her
>years later i look her up on social media and shes the wrong side of chubby and married to a 60 year old dude with gray hair
i could have saved her bros

still whiter than you, shitskin

>We are told that these things aren't uncommon among Britons

Hey fuck you. That's only true for Norwich, which is a pretty big city over here.

Literal cherry picking though

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literally never watched that, seems like you're projecting your own foul tastes in youtube celebs

nice teeth

>i have yellow crooked teeth because of da jews
bro just stop

British Anglos are all 1/3 nigger. Didn't you know?

No it isn't, rostie.

>I don't even know who that is
OH NON ONo sure

bleaching is an american thing

"16-44... its a big gap"

I'm Andy, and I'm 47

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Don’t be racist. Yellow teeth are part of Central Asian culture.

man the great majority of British/Irish people have pretty good teeth but these TV guys always manage to pick up some fookin quality gems to keep the meme running

place your bets on how many sprogs she will have crawling outta her muff m8s

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>Nobody talking about that time when Doug Hutchison (Percy Wetmore in "The Green Mile) married a 16yo girl when he was 51

holy shit what a bunch of plebs

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textbook grooming

Technically he's right considering white britons are now the minority in that shithole city

Or you were saved from that inevitable outcome...

that's what he was refering too.

trips never lie

There's nothing wrong with grooming.

Kind of the same story, but with no old man and her having 2 or 3 kids before 22

Jesus christ, how can a 16 year old look so old?

Channel 4 is basically the freak show channel. Channel 5 is the poverty porn channel like can’t pay we’ll take it away

This, grooming is literally saving dumb zoomers from becoming BLACKED actresses.

He's my hero. He could have just fucked her and threw her away but he put his career on the line to marry her and show her to love and respect she deserves. I wish them nothing but the best.

They already filed for divorce tho, this is her now

Well that sucks.

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They're not supposed to be pure yellow by age 16, retard.

>white britons are now the minority in that shithole city
Fuck off back to /pol/ with your retardation and taking your "facts" from tabloid news

Damn, I love those crazy bitches that have turned themselves into fuck toys.

Bet he voted for the Brexit Party

What a pathetic man. Shes only 16. I get dating only 18-25 year olds, but 16? Its like he cant get a woman on his intellectual level, so he goes for an easily manipulated 16 year old. And yes, there is a big difference between 16 and 18

Aren't they both adults?

Only jaded roasties and simpering, negative testosterone, virtue-signaling "men" think like this. Is she attractive, pleasant to be around, and not crazy? Those are the things that matter.

Why should I give a shit about some stupid slag?

If she's 16 she's of birthing age. Is this really worse than a white woman dating a pavement ape?

>this is illegal in america

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it also matters if shes a fucking child or not. Would you fuck a 10 year old if she was those qualities then?

Thats obivously not possible. The law says so after all.

the same roasties who whine about older male/younger female age-gaps will say nothing about sugar-daddy culture, where young women take advantage of lonely old men.

You're on Yea Forums. You already know what most answers are going to be.

Reminder that these are the type of people who use your tax money to have as many kids as possible. Reminder that these are the people who will inherit the earth.

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Girls who are into sugar daddies and girls who find older men "creepy" aren't the same women...
however, old feminists are the ones who control the public discourse, so of course they'll shame men for liking younger women.

She looks kind of mongoloidish.

She's 17. In a lot of states, not really.

Plaque is a figment of the liberal media and the dental industry to scare you into buying useless appliances and pastes.
Now, I've heard the arguments on both sides, and there is nothing to convince me of the need to brush your teeth.

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>this is legal in Europe

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based and redpilled. anybody who disagrees need to go back to r*ddit

you're not supposed to eat as much sugar as you do either

>this is illegal in america

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She's 19 in it. They started when it was 16 and 44. They have two kids as well.

oi does she have a license for these rotten teeth?

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Why is british TV and media so degenerate compared to other countries?

Its actually quite interesting seeing the difference from an outside perspective.

No they don’t lol

compared to what countries? Brazil?

This kills the roastie

Brush your teeth

People still bring this up? I love most European candy and food but Kinder eggs are a genuinely stupid concept