Can we get a Community thread going?

Can we get a Community thread going?

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Reddit is that way, friendo.

You have to go back, chief.

Good show but Yea Forums is too tough to admit it

>killing the only funny character

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what about abed


>dude autism xD

Abed was a god tier autist

Britta > Annie
Alison > Gillian

Imagine staying in a thread to tell someone to go to reddit. Okay retard it's time you have some sex.

le quirky op culture references! totes relatable!!!

Britta > Annie
Gillian > Alison

I agree. What good is your edginess Yea Forums if you refuse to acknowledge quality

Alison hit the wall. Gillian is on top now

>chevy used to call me mean names
>heres a drunk voice mail he sent me once
>he's also probably racist (donald glover)

Annie was way better tbf

the downside to annie was her being a retard

Obviously prime Alison.
No, her hatred for the state violating your liberties in the bottle episode (Annie's missing pen episode) made my dick so fucking hard.

>that model UN episode
top-tier cringekino

I think it was mainly just that Chevy had creative differences with Harmon and they both got petty about it

Community is Yea Forumscore newfags.
idk what to talk about tho... Remember the subway episode?

Annie (and Alison brie) always gave me an erection. Especially her slutty Santa dance

name a better episode, like the first paintball one

That was back when I actually liked britta

I just finished the show but I only watched the first, second to last and last episode of season 6 because all the changes were making it hard to watch. What does everyone think of season 6?

What was this shows best joke?

"If the culprit is among us, statistically speaking it's Troy"

It's much better than 4 & 5 and you should watch all of it. I wish Elroy had been in the show from the start though.

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gross untermensch

The d&d episode was good and the dark timeline one.

Abed was one half of a duo with god-tier chemistry. He stopped being funny when Troy left, and I suspect it would have been the same if it was the other way around. You can't take the lightning out of the bottle

Trust me no one hates Jews more than myself but Alison brie is just delicious

ty for the (You)'s everyone
just wanted to say ty

"it's a good day for hair products."

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I am on season 2 and I swear there are episodes that have DAN HARMON written all over them thus resulting in tonal inconsistencies

They're worth the frustration

it is relatable. to me.
t. white abed

Gilly is great

Attached: gilly blackbird.webm (1920x1008, 1.68M)

>I cast shapechange on Ducain
>What shape do you choose?
Always gets me

The theme song is a literal orgasm to listen to

first two seasons are peak sitcom kino. shame it goes downhill after that

Pierces jetski joke. His delivery is just phenomenal

kek this

I liked season 3 too but hated that they ruined Pierce

Pierce's funeral is the last good episode

The Dean is my favourite character, loved the episode when he tries to direct the tv commercial and goes insane.

S1 is almost flawless
S2 is almost as good as S1, but there are more mediocre episodes.
S3 is also good with some of the series high points, but at the same I feel like the meta/concept stuff hit the point of diminishing returns and wasn't really fun anymore. The series should've ended after that season.
S4 is so forgettable I don't even count it as canon.
S5 is good until Troy leaves (the Pierce's will episode to be exact). After that it's forgettable.
S6 is the same as S4.

jim rash is an incredible actor. i always fucking crack up when jeff is wearing the aviators and when he turns around the dean just collapses.

What said. Both Elroy and Frankie added in new fun dynamics and every episode in it drifted towards most satisfying wrap-up that anyone could ask for.

It was popular on Yea Forums when it was airing bro


Same as GOT, so your argument is invalid.

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you don't know me

season 6 is badly shot trash, don't even consider it canon.

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Go be a pleb somewhere else.