This was actually good. Cool sets, kino music, classic story. 8/10

This was actually good. Cool sets, kino music, classic story. 8/10.

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finna nut in this cracker

Yeah, I enjoyed it. It's comfy.

Not as good as beauty and the beast but better than all the others ones disney has done

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I don't get it.

Imagine her putting her hand on your face like that tho ._.

kiera is good in her role in this

What’s with the niggers
This isn’t an African story

What is with all of these movies and looking cheap? Outside of the CGI the sets all look cheap and fake. Is it the digital look? It started with the Hobbit.

Joe Johnson films on film the sets look good, there's no filter added and its extra bright is what it likely is so theres more detail in the costumes and sets.



It's called Disney

Emetic. Like replacing Saka Zulu with a blonde Scandinavian dude. This is just race-mixing propaganda.


I thought this movie looked pretty good.

It genuinely had so much potential. The cinematography and set design was great.
But they fucked up so hard with the story and music that it ruined literally everything. The worst part was her pedo dad that everyone was just cool with. And the "twist" was so predictable it was offensive

How hard would it be to follow the most basic story?
>Clara lives in a poor house with a hard-working, often absent father
>on christmas eve, she sneaks down after dark and wishes by the tree to wish for her dad's happiness or some shit
>notices the nutcracker in the corner of her eye shifts
>inspects it, gets real close
>suddenly the nutcracker honks her nose and she shrinks down to his size
>he grabs her and pulls her into the nutcracker realm where a war is waging between the arbitrary good guys and the evil mice
>yada yada yada
>some ant-man inspired set pieces with scale and miniatures
>turns out the mice were being brainwashed by the rat king
>Clara 'wins' by getting the sceptre of plot-progression
>a celebratory ballet
>during the ballet, she sees that her cool wine aunt was actually working with the rat king
>final showdown as the nutcracker ballet is happening in the background
>she wins, nutcrackers return her to full size
>she wonders if it was just a dream
>on christmas, her dad has the present he most wanted - a childhood toy or something and is brought to tears through happiness
>the end

it's technically fine, but the script is a generic, retarded, nonsensical mess
nigger casting is just the cherry on top

Attached: 437335E5-7AEB-4564-B719-70AB99FCC96B.jpg (738x719, 72K)

I wanna nut in that cracka

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I wanna crack my nut in Foy.

This seems like it went through alot of re-shoot and re-writes. kiera's character suddenly goes full evil and tone gets weirdly dark before full blown happy end.