Alita: Battle Angel General Discussion
#558 Alita Art Edition (art posting welcome)
Previous Thread:

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Other urls found in this thread:

Hello new bread, please be haled by Arita!

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>second post in and already frog posters are shitting up the thread

Alita pepe is thread cannon

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that is some peak floof

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Alita pepe predates the generals even
she deserves to be respected

Not original, but nicely done.

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Paris, France May 29th
Barcelona, Spain May 29th
Neufahrn, Bavaria, Germany: May 30th, June 1st and 2nd
Berlin, Germany (iSense 3D Dolby Atmos etc): May 30th to June 2nd
Stockholm, Sweden: May 31st, June 1st and 2nd
June 1st: IMAX 3D in Oslo, Norway at 15:00 local.
June 5th: Berlin, Germany: Outdoor: Freiluftkino Hasenheide Volkspark, near Tempelhof
June 5th: Berlin, Germany: Indoor: Hackesche Höfe Kino
June 7th: Cologne, Germany: Open air Sommerkino
July 9th: Digital release
July 22nd/23rd: Blu-ray

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Europe bros better take meet pics

Hey Baby!!!! ^_^

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Hey Fren!

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HELLO FREN for me ......pepi

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Me no pepi, me Apu

Rosa's also a good helper helper.

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Have sex sweetie.

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Dance papu

All it needs is to have the alita hair and the skin pink

>I saw you hanging out with that girl again
>She must have tricked you
>I know you’d never choose to spend time away from me
>You trust people too easily
>So I made an example out of her
>Humans have so much blood in them!
>Much more than cyborgs
>Anyway- you’re safe now
>You’ll always be safe with me

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Like dis?

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Depends if we’re /fit/ and /fa/ approved. And there will be no banners. At best a dragon flag.

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Dragon flag as in the Bruce Lee training move?


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When is this shit coming out to the torrentplex lads?


probably around july 9

July 9th~, thats the digital release.

Thanks babe.

cute Alita tiddies

No, more memeish than that, but I think we want to focus on seeing the movie.

Attached: Square_29052019_094822.jpg (720x720, 201K)

thanks dawg
and yeah sure I can give status updates if my blogposting isn’t too obnoxious
about a week off stims and benzos right now and everything’s bleak
the blu-ray on the horizon is unironically my main source of hope for the future
I’ll try to make more shitty dubs when I’m out

didn't watch this kino. Why the hell does she have such big eyes. Was her creator a weeb?

She’s a cyborg fallen from the skies. It’s to make her stand out as different.


Attached: 1559137114477.png (423x512, 282K)

She's a martian cyborg user.

Morning frens.
>our system thinks your post is spam

Attached: 1557803565199.gif (295x222, 3.63M)

your blogposting isn't at all obnoxious. we love to hear stories about people being /healed/ through taking control of their lives. you got this user.

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you can circumvent it by posting a reply to a post usually

Yes, Cameroon is a huge weeb, and thats a good thing

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What do you think Alita's panties smell like after a long night of motorball competition? Oranges and chocolate?

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cursed double dubs

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Well shes an alien from mars bro

Attached: all-anime-girl-are-actually-aliens_o_6607429.jpg (900x554, 88K)

No. Smells like vaseline and engine oil

It's a good /ourgirl/ doesn't have to deal with this sort of thing since she's only got "skin" from her collarbone up

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>special made .gif 4U

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petrol, coolant, and probably some burnt pieces of panties


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Whoa, kinda mesmerizing...

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I seriously doubt that. URM technology is too advanced to use crude petroleum based lubricants. All of her servos would be indestructible grease-less bushings that wouldn't need lubricant. I can't see why she would need vaseline for anything with her nanotech skin as either. Being a sexy woman of refined taste it is highly likely she spritzes herself down there with orange and chocolate body sprays and perfumes.

Attached: orange choc perfume.jpg (2848x1920, 374K)


What a good present for our favourite cyborg!

I doubt it. Here URM tech body can't possibly be so crude as to need petroleum or glycol products. I think this is probably more accurate.

the answer will always be,


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What does a nuclear reactor smell like?

Senator Armstrong for Alita 2

Concrete and water mainly with a hint of metal and cancer if you're on the inside.

oranges and cinnamon


It smells like whatever. If the reactor was sprayed with an orange chocolate body spray like Alita uses it would smell like oranges and chocolate.

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I wonder if Alita lets off any radiation?

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Yeah her heart might.

Honestly I've always thought of Alita as having a fondness for flowery scents but that's purely personal canon there's nothing to really suggest that in the film.

You got to hold onto any little piece of hope you may have. Step by step you'll learn to love other bigger things, it takes time but is achievable. Im sure youll like the bluray

Well she slept in ido's daugther's room and had her toys and used her clothes,

Im sure the girl must have had perfumes that alita used


The other reason is her playing with the roses around the Factory chocolate stand but that's super fleeting. Yours is probably more convincing.

imo, I think that she wouldn't care to much about how she smelt. Unless she stood in some of lil mark's shit, then Im guessing she'd clean that crap off.

But I feel like she wouldn't even really think about in, then again she does gain some mascara halfway through the film, so who know's maybe she does care about her self image.

She commits to the eyeliner for sure- I think it's likely that if her romantic interest (or even friend perhaps) made a comment to about liking a certain smell that she'd probably track towards it. If I can deep dive for a minute, it's one of the personality traits which really shines through with Alita is that she's so confident and comfortable in her physical being that she's able to choose to change the way she acts to please others without losing her core self-identity. It's such an admirable characteristic; how many of us have had a partner or parent or friend make an offhanded comment about disliking something about the way we dress or act which we then internalize as a failure of ourselves as a person? We change things about ourself for fear of failure or judgement. Alita not only avoids that, but is furthermore supported by the people around her to be the most genuinely 'her' person she can be. (Case in point: "Don't ever feel sorry for yourself. You're the only one built for this.) You know any change she takes on as part of a suggestion from someone else has been fully considered by her and is genuine. It is done out of love for herself and the relationships with the people around her rather than out of insecurity. I think that's incredible really.

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Garbage movie, amazing manga.

Oh hey it's you again.

Garbage post, great thread

Yeah I almost only go to /g/, but I recently started watching a new show, and since I visit Yea Forums more often now I thought I shouldn't evade my duty to remind everyone that Alita is a shit movie based on a fantastic manga.

Yeah that sounds about right. Just wish we didn't have to judge everyone all the time, but thats never gonna happen.

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All you can do is be a little kinder and more open every day, both to yourself and to others. One little bit at a time.


daaaamn Pepe looks like THAT??

Could alita make moves like these?

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>as the magistrate of Zalem I sentence you to be burned at the stake
>several people have reported seeing you flying on a broom at night and as you know, building flying machines is a violation of factory law

Attached: zalemwitch.jpg (960x764, 345K)

What about these moves?

Attached: 1559008317334.webm (580x820, 568K)

check’d and based


Thanks mods for not doing your jobs.

Youre welcome sweety

Attached: Flying Ali.jpg (803x677, 70K)

>low effort

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Easiest way to get to Zalem.

why is /ecg/ trying to shut us down?

Anyone got a good Idea, when they might end pre order's for these? Because I wanna pick one up just wondering when they'd stop taking in orders.

Or do they just make a set amount and when they sell out they sell out?

Attached: Figure.jpg (894x1311, 148K)

W H O?

> i showed you my penis, please answer me

Attached: Tr4.png (720x700, 450K)

I don't know, but you only have to pay a down-payment. If you cancel, you of course lose that down-payment.

These threads are dead in the water. Spam and trolling are the only posts keeping them off page 10. Why punish yourselves watching these threads die a painful death? Its not like these threads must be kept up round the clock day after day. If you stop posting them its not like they will be missed anyway.

Attached: asuk.jpg (248x233, 9K)

Hi Asukafren!

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>Just let my show you my comic first!

Attached: 35d5cd4u48z21.png (599x600, 676K)

Yea, think I'll just put a down payment on one for now.

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Come November time.


Attached: Abyss.jpg (1328x563, 54K)

They make a specific amount and when they sell out they sell out, it's hard to say with HT because they don't make the same amount of figures for every license.
In Sideshow some are still up for PO even after the figure is released and in other cases the PO is closed when it releases. In that case you can get in a waitlist and hope that someone cancels their PO

Attached: I'm blue.jpg (511x395, 22K)

Ah okay, only was wondering because I wanted to see some more info's on what Queen Studio's were doing with the 1/5 they're making. But I think Ima just pop a deposit on one, and If I end up liking the QS one before HT's release ill just cancel it. And its only £20-$30 lost.

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These threads are alive and well. Spam and trolling are the only posts keeping them from becoming too comfy. Why punish yourself responding to shitposters? It's not like those posts must be (You)'d round the clock day after day. If you stop responding to them it's not like they will be missed anyway.

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checked and based

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>FUCK WHY CAN I DRAW WELL L! MQLEklwamdden kN! Knd ajsl

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>Alita is coming soon

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Dub dubs no lie

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Serious question, you guys think that Alita is capable of having an orgasm?

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10/10 reply

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I don't see why not. Her nanotech body is touch sensitive. She got turned on by Hugo touching her face. Her crotch probably has special nanotech touch sensors for pleasure.

Shes got a brain and touch sensors.

Sweet thanks! I was just asking for a friend.

Attached: AlitaCum hard.png (193x261, 79K)

>finally get around to washing my clothes
>shirt still smells like fire pit smoke and pants still have sand trapped in the cuffs

Good memories

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You must have been the dude getting all the smoke, I'm guessing?

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zapan btfo yet again

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>tfw trying a "Market Fresh" walmart pizza for the first time

it's astoundingly mediocre

Attached: 1554503697226.jpg (720x718, 61K)

>Try this

Attached: alita holding a strange wheel.png (716x577, 531K)

Lolololol what drove you to this

Raw morbid curiosity, mostly

Thanks Ali

seriously I bought the supreme and somehow it is utterly flavorless, Gordon Ramsay would kill someone over this pizza, fuck

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The prime 1 figures look good as well

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Who is this qt


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We love you based hatefrog poster

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Yeah, would be down to get one If I didn't already have a bunch of shit to be paying for atm. I know they dont release for a while so who know's I might be able to pick one up before they release.

>Get behind me, Mr. Fregg. I'll protect you!

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Shiftymine on instagram

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Posting some fan art made today (not by me)

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Beaver here. Is there anything in this movie for the beaver bros and I?

Attached: 42B645B2-BCBA-48FD-A546-4D28A00B630B.jpg (225x225, 10K)

and a five minute sketch

Attached: D7v1aIyXYAIFb0K.jpg (1200x1200, 286K)

Thank you kindly

Good lord, she's the total package

probably still not as good as Alita, though

Attached: 47d.jpg (437x431, 21K)

No floating roller skates?

Well she might not be as nice as alita but those giant tits and nice lips make up for it.

Will Alita ever get a human/synthetic body that let her have sex and reproduce or is she cursed to be a machine forever?

>user knows photoshop,
>uses it for pepe OC


Attached: F(you).png (1122x810, 428K)

How know's , there might be tech up on Zalem that might be able to help her achieve that.

***who -_-


Theres a nice lake with plenty of trees for making your home.


Attached: idappreciatethat.png (455x422, 224K)

yes actually.
there's a forest and river that Alita visits. You would love that.

I wonder if Alita would be the type to run off and get an eyebrow/nose ring because Ido made an offhand comment about them one time

I think Mr. Beaver and Mr. Fregg could be frens.

But she already did user? And she loves it!

Attached: NerdyChoker1.png (936x922, 826K)

Thread Song:

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>What is that on your nose young lady?

Attached: 1554744413456.png (250x233, 99K)

>glasses on a cyborg

Attached: Kornheiser_Why.jpg (288x499, 24K)

hipster garbage

>But dad, everyone's got one....

Attached: 1555078095555s.jpg (123x124, 2K)

Alita, if everyone decided to drink poison kool-aid tomorrow, would you?

Attached: 1553283807738.png (248x207, 88K)

>If everyone else was doing it, sure!

Attached: 20190529_200934.jpg (2076x1487, 1.7M)

Feels good not to be Italian right about know...

Attached: 20190529_201126.jpg (1080x2221, 372K)

>But dad! I need to express myself!

Attached: Hotlita.jpg (936x922, 407K)

>Alita I better not see any guys making sleezy smiles at you on the street after this
>somebody could get hurt, you understand?

Attached: 1552972081668.png (285x314, 134K)

They could hang out at the lake and dance all day by the URM ship.

Attached: image.jpg (804x804, 430K)

digits aside you should really pic related

Attached: C26178FF-781E-4C35-9B18-AD10D7AD7993.jpg (339x485, 127K)

wow, Alita really is emo for real...

>couldn't smoke weed at the beach so user smoked a campfire

Order online.

furry shit, kill yourself

Are there any plans for Alita games?
Like playing as her with her sword killing shit

There's a shitty mobile game where you make an OC to play as, and there's the Gunnm PS1 game. Hopefully we'll get a PC game eventually.

do doo doo do.

Attached: 1559008383825.webm (1478x708, 1.53M)

Metal Gear Rising style Alita game would be boss hog. But we can’t have anything like that now because it wouldn’t be AAA battle royale with loot boxes and shit.

Theres a chinese 8 bit phone game where you play as alita in a castlevalia type game. But no one in america has it

Attached: Hey.png (255x354, 122K)

Sounds /comfy/. Wish someone make it happen.

>There's a shitty mobile game
You mean an advertisement? Lol.
Mobile games don't exist, user.

>there's the Gunnm PS1 game. Hopefully we'll get a PC game eventually.
Yeah that's what I'm hoping for.

> it wouldn’t be AAA battle royale with loot boxes
Thanks for reminding me of the absolute state of gaming in 2019.

It's sad to think that not even Virtual Reality is going to be an escape once it's matured. It's going to be plastered with dlc shit despite it being an immersion breaker.

Was that an actual game or just an art project? I was under the impression it was not an actual game just moving pixel art.

We need to convince Jim to make a good game that doesn't care about profits.

at least post teh cute beatnik girl

Someone said you could play it in China

I forgot to save it.... if you have it i would be very thankful

Bruh why hugo suck a C uck?

He sent Alita knowingly into vectors motorball "try outs". Even tho he knew Vector was involved with that shady shit, because he saw that grewishka had Kinuba's hand talon thingy at the bar...

baka hugo.

Attached: 1554986684733.png (939x794, 895K)

Attached: 21221.png (525x720, 619K)

That's creepy.

I always found it that he went to meet with vector so easily and in a friendly manner when Alita just got dismembered to high hell by vector and chiren.

Yeah, idk what was going trough his head.

Maybe the rape got to him

or maybe he got so drunk he forgot...

gif version

Attached: A2dd.gif (160x230, 496K)


Ah, I see Jerome has finally switched to a new tactic. It seems to be working, he's collecting many (You)s today.

Attached: 1556568549780.png (548x295, 162K)

Thank you.

The one this and the other pixel art came from, right? Because someone was posting shots from some strange looking unlicensed fighting game for phones as well.

Attached: 557D6BBD-43A9-4BA7-80E2-C27D6783492C.png (334x526, 34K)

Someone needs to shop the blushing K with the bouquet of roses and the chocolates to be holding an orange-scented perfume as well. Please? Thank you.

why my pp hard?

Attached: alita.jpg (1920x1080, 299K)

using troll posts against the trolls always makes me kek. Nice work.

Attached: 1556770059887.jpg (642x640, 127K)

It really is sad. Even disregarding politics the well is poisoned for the games industry. Now every game needs to include gimmick X because another game made tons of money off of it. Too big to take any risks. In better times Alita would’ve released with a game, a cereal, some collectable cards... Just about every movie had those things no matter how shitty.

Wow, i never noticed how her vagina has a grey metal plate screwed on.
Which means it comes off and underneath is that purple nanorobot stuff.
Which could be molded into a fleshlight

As far as I know, everything aside from the mobile game and Martian Memory is just art and mockups.

Attached: alita game.webm (758x708, 1.34M)

Whoever made this, and I'm sure has made several fresh OC over the past few threads, I love you.

Attached: LovelyPeople-Alita.jpg (725x291, 164K)

Even the movie Ecks vs Server had a play station game and it has a zero on rotten tomatoes.

Even little nicky had a gameboy color game.....


Attached: 1550424179227.jpg (768x432, 42K)

Attached: 1555518306241.jpg (317x347, 23K)

>quad eights
That’s a hard pp.

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The website was also pretty sad, because it listed several screenings this week for Alita, which were all actually Aladdin.

Attached: aladdin_doll.png (800x455, 382K)

Attached: 1550764745151.png (1500x1630, 3.65M)

The recent cult and propaganda OC has been excellent work and the creator(s) deserves this one-of-a-kind coin, said to be unyoinkable.

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Attached: 1550866856939.jpg (850x822, 173K)

Recent desktops uploaded:
and onwards

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Attached: 1550903772704.jpg (1024x1366, 121K)

based froglita poster
frog user was making x days until alita threads long before you even read the manga retard

Attached: 1550905752862.jpg (2439x3508, 3.32M)

Does anyone have that fan art with Alita and the butterfly? I lost it. It's one of my favorites :/

I think there's a couple with butterflies but I assume this is the one you mean

Attached: 1554524873062.jpg (1240x1574, 107K)

YES! My love...

Thank you!

Attached: 1557219057670.jpg (1080x934, 105K)

Attached: 1550905992909.jpg (1100x1300, 267K)

Fuck that nice....

Have a bonus one

Attached: alita_by_grobi_grafik_dcigzt7.jpg (454x550, 352K)

Better watch out artbro, you’ll summon the Great Fanart Sperg who wont stop seething for another thread and a half. Unless he turned to sperging about frogs that is.

We're going to run out of images, user.
Oslo IMAX screening is becoming international. I think it'll be just a small group, but we're getting some guests from abroad.

I actually already had this one. Thanks, though. Have an Alita with Hugone. Bonus Koyomi and Tanji in the background.

Attached: 1558517498885.jpg (1080x1080, 137K)

Keean Johnson is extremely handsome.

Fuck his negativity. This is a special themed thread whose edition is all about fan art. This is the one time and place better than any other to post this stuff.

Also, I'm a creativefag, so any kind of art, especially good art like this, has a special place in my heart.

Attached: 1550906136733.jpg (1333x1833, 1.08M)

Kind of bothers me the instagram page is posting actual good looking teasers NOW and not five months ago. Missed our girl in 3D because a I’d seen was the super bowl spot that was not very interesting. They just posted a good one on instagram minutes ago.

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Guess what now is the best selling BD or DVD on

Attached: bestselling_may29.png (1000x431, 420K)

One of my favorites.

Attached: 1550908865201.jpg (800x1132, 261K)

Also had dialogue that wasn’t it the movie. Alita talking about the war with Ido. Hmm. Pretty much the same lines that Hugo and company had on the way to the ship.

I told him to stick to his "comfy" posting during the night. The day time is for the cool stuff. Night threads are super dead anyway so he can sperg out then.
Its sad because sometimes i find cool stuff but now i wait till morning to share it. I used to post at night but now i just save it because it gets more appreciation.
Not only did he sperg out over art but he shit on me for posting all the rare rosa pics. Most of the rare rosas people saved were posted by me.

I made this thread too and posted all the black and white pictures at the beginning so he cant complain on a thread I made....
I do think he is the retard complaining about the pepe posting since he likes to post in all caps when he has his autistic tantrums.
But day time is fun time. Night time is quiet comfy time. He knows the deal.

Attached: yzEm0KKm_2011181802111gpadd.jpg (848x1200, 741K)


I posted this one a while ago kek. Im artfag/rare rosa fag.

Imagine actually feeling the need to buy physical copies of the latest capeshit/star wars crap. It’s all so forgettable, focus grouped hogwash. I’ll never understand.

Oh my God, no way!!!! I thought this was a Brie-fag rubbing Captain Fungus's sales in our face.

>3.5 star rating




Attached: 1558613935885.png (594x538, 284K)

Specially something as shitty as captain fungus

I don't think you're the only artfag or rare Rosa fag

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Anyone got the "I Do Not Stand By In The Presence Of Evil"/Rotten Tomatoes Delacroix 'Liberty Leading the People' shop?

Without the text?

V I C T O R Y S C R E E C H!

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Nah, the regular one we normally see with everything.

>sees promo
>doesn't see it in 3D

You fucked up

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Not the only one yes. Definitely not.
But i did find rosa pics no one had posted for 300 threads. Im sure of that because they were hard to findnon twitter. And after i posted them they started to get reposted.
Art fags theres a lot but ive found some pretty rare ones. Pics that were recently made

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It's almost a miracle that the full price 4K BD actually passed Game of Thrones in the first day, when the Best Buy steelbook was actually being sold for less. But it seems now that the price has been dropped to a reasonable level, it's selling like chocolate orange in Iron City. Especially because wrote an article shilling the 40% discount and saying "BUY IT NOW!!!!1"

Key to saving the world from Capeshit, that is....

very based
get fucked CM

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>rosa shooting gun
STOP! I can only get so erect!

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I have a couple webms of Rosa shooting guns, but I'll save them for the next thread due to image limit.

Rare Golf Alita Fan Art

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>mfw we broke the sneed posters and are now spamming alita fanart

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*kills your chad henchman*
nothing personal kid.

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Wew lad

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Last image post for rich white genius.

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This is very beautiful

Not only that, but I think that's genuine watercolor on paper.

Shill media at least shilling something good:

Looks like some sort of magical girl Alita

Is that one also a steelbook? Doesn’t seem to say anywhere.

Name some features you'd like to see with the Blu-Ray.

HARD MODE: can't mention commentary track

-some sort of menu game that DVDs used to have
-some sort of Easter eggs to click on
-scenes where they show it regular with green screens and and the mocap suits vs. finished film
-cooking lessons with RobRod, specifically how he made the Iron City Factory Farm chocolate
-commentary track with Jimbo, RobRod, Landau, and Rosa. Any other actors or writers or animators or whomever are also welcome

No, see for explanation. Amazon US never had a steelbook, and the Best Buy steelbook was actually cheaper - but not anymore.

Some kind of Motorball feature would be a rad. Like screaming down the track in first person passing by the players, you could pause and check em out. Also the OVA without the god awful dub.

>cooking lessons with RobRod, specifically how he made the Iron City Factory Farm chocolate
That's already on there. The good thing about the digital version is that there is no real size limitation, so we get the Junkie XL videos from YouTube on there too, it seems.

Really all I want is the movie and a good commentary track, everything else is gravy. I mean I'd always want a LotR style making of documentary but that's unrealistic.

Does Jim own the rights to the OVA?


Complete season of a Cheers style sitcom set in Bar Kansas featuring the cast of hunter warriors, with cameos by Alita and Ido.

>scenes where they show it regular with green screens and and the mocap suits vs. finished film
I want the whole god damn movie with this, I just want to see Rosa's expressions and how they translate to Alita's.

This is too fucking based. AND McTeague!!

80% sure he just has rights to making any movie Alita related. So i guess that wouldn't count OVA.

And you could click a button and switch back and forth between them in real time, or have it be a 50/50 split screen where half is finished film and half is how it looked on set.

>HD restoration and blu-ray transfer
>Voiced by Rosa, Jennifer Connolly, Christoph Waltz, ect
I'd love that.

>>have it be a 50/50 split screen where half is finished film and half is how it looked on set.
One in each eye
>Look at you
>Quiet! Now I have to sync.

>over 300 posts
>not even 50 posters

Too many posters
>Shillls! Make a subreddit.
Too few posters
>Sad incels! Make a discord.
Based retards.

Ah sheeeit, thats sounds so fucking cool.

but probably never going to happen :(((

Faggots who like ugly horse teeth chinese haircut shit CGI oversized eye girl general. Death to every single one of you.


There's almost never more than 40-50 posters here alitakike. Never. Almost always the same poster count. Now make sure to dilate to today or else I'm gonna shove this razor into your mouth and scrape off your ubula and SRD ridden mouthcheek skin

>63 hours till IMAX


>Alita will be playing in IMAX 3D somewhere in the world and I won't be there
Hurts just a little.

- Behind the scenes of choreographing the bar fight
- Behind the scenes of the costume designs and choosing what different outfits for Alita to wear
- Ten minutes of Rosa eating different foods in character as Alita
- Commentary track for the movie by the motorball announcer as if it's a motorball game
- Scene of Christoph and Jennifer arguing like a married couple about
- Clips of James Cameron explaining technical things in extreme detail that have nothing to do with the movie
- Extended list of R names for Robert's future children
- Clips of Romo's actor reading other peoples' lines in character
- Dance lessons with Alita Ido
- Keean sitting around looking pretty or something I dunno

* lol forgot to come up with something for them to argue about

Oh, hi Peaches. Jk, I know it's you, VA

it doesn't exist

cut of the movie with no cgi on rosa

Golden. Also RIP Kinuba.

Is this good dough?

>Commentary track for the movie by the motorball announcer as if it's a motorball game
oh I need this


Nope I'm a different namefag but I do get called Peaches all the time
I just added the Keean part for VA

imagine being this autistic

I have been called Jerome and Peaches, but this is the first time I've been called a tranny - so I have achieved the trifecta.

Appreciate the thought buddy

Yet he immediately calls you a tranny:

? I didn't call anyone a tranny

Whoever said this
Which I'm pretty sure is the same as this:
Insinuated that VA is a tranny when I accused him of being VA.

I said this:
but not this:
and I'm not sure how how that implies that VA is a tranny