Recommend me the best hood movies
Recommend me the best hood movies
Boyz n the Hood
Do the Right Thing
she cute
he cute
why do all black women to me look like black men wearing a wig (obviously talking about only the face). Sometimes I see a very qt girl but then my brain does a wierd trick and reminds me she looks like as if ray allen would put on a wig and some make-up.
I want to burn the coal but my brain won't let me, help me anons ;__;
that's not a movie
Bed wenches depresses me.
>SEETHING black boi
animals have less distuigishing features between sex. only humans have strong differences between male and female.
I like seen them getting fucked by white guys. I need to neck myself
Oh fuck.....oh fuck completely true
>animals have less distuigishing features between sex. only humans have strong differences between male and female.
same with east asians though? why is that asian males make perfect trannies yet black trannies can never pull it off. testosterone levels.
yeah i realize this isn't always true, especially among birds. tbqh i just wanted to make fun of nigger women.
>the Chad Male vs the virgin female
Ah yes
she cute
You're not supposed to be looking at their faces.
Blacks have low sexual dimorphism and male black skulls are "feminine shaped" and female black skin is appears more "robust/masculine". This lack of obvious differences combined with your brain not being as good at resolving extraracial faces results in the compression you're talking of.
Actually the female SMV mogs the male in that situation
BTW the female is called a Pea Hen!
She cute btw, who the hell is she
I'd look at her feces if you know what I mean ha
Humans actually have as much sexual dimorphism mean percentage mass-wise as a Silverback and a fwmale gorilla when adjusted for the human female's considerable fat stores. Humans also have incredibly pronounced dimorphism is bone density especially in the skull. The dimorphism just happens to more "function" than "form", though strictly that's not dimorphic in the most literal srnse of the term
Paid in full
Menace II Society
Once Were Warriors
What do you do if you're a featherlet peacock? Is your only chance to rape?
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves?
Dude, she's a cat.
Robin Hood: Men in Tights.
she cute
same here. there is not a single black female that doesn't look like a black tranny to me. they all have male faces.
it's crazy, I don't have this with any other race, just black women. I guess it functions as a natural blocker and a warning to stay the fuck away from them.
Based peacock poster
Youre not the only one.