Has anyone else ever felt overwhelmed by the amount of content out there and considered taking a sabbatical from...

Has anyone else ever felt overwhelmed by the amount of content out there and considered taking a sabbatical from consumption of pop culture (TV, movies, music)? Or is it just me?

I'm considering taking a one year sabbatical from all entertainment.

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No I don't watch shit unless Yea Forums calls it based

i bet you never watched anything good to begin with

This is what happens when you're not well-rounded. Instead or jumping from one extreme to the other, consider balance.

Stop consuming pop culture and consume some decent culture and you won't feel that way.

I bet you're a homie-sexual

Just write down 5 shows you want to watch, and set aside an hour of screen time a night to get through it.

Or you could just shitpost on Yea Forums and not actually discuss television, whatever.

no because 99% is absolute trash

I don't have the watch series anymore unless it's a mini-series. I have enough movies in my backlog to fill out an entire year and there are new interesting movies coming out nearly every day.

Yes. I used to treat film/television/games as an identity almost, trying to consume and watch everything considered to be good or in my range of taste. It was stressful because it's near impossible unless you're a neet.

Then In unironically had sex and I now care more about sharing the content I love with my wife and future kids, because I have seen and experienced a lot. I continue to watch new and backlogged movies when I have the spare time (I still do) it's just no longer a race to have seen it all, so it's not stressful.

not even once, because so much of the "entertainment" industry is such utter trash I can't even bring myself to watch it.

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I only watched 1 movie in the last year (Arrival, it was pretty shit). The only TV show I've seen in the last few months is the first 6-7 episodes of Band of Brothers.

Not really sure why I keep coming here tbqh. I mostly just lazily shitpost and argue about the box office takes of movies that I'm never going to even watch the trailer for.

It's like deleting your social media. For a while there's a void, but then eventually you start picking up more healthy hobbies, like sneedposting and brieposting.

Based and Redpilled.

See, it's not even about time management for me. My current job pays well and leaves me with about 5-6 hours of free time in the evening, but it's more about being so dependent on entertainment.
Same. Watching TV is a huge commitment and I've straight up bailed on 7-8 shows in the last year. Can't be bothered to keep following seasons. The only TV worth watching that has come out recently is The Young Pope imo.

I don't even really play games anymore. They're a waste of time generally.

The problem that I have is that I don't want to waste my time, so I don't commit to something like watching or playing something. But then I just end wasting my time on something that doesn't require commitment, like what I'm doing right now. Then I end up doing that for 10 hours, and I may as well have just played a video game. But I would never sit down and commit to waste 10 hours of my time

>tfw no hyperbolic time chamber + immortality

And after a year (probably a month at most in reality) you'll come back and say "wow, everything STILL stinks!" Abstaining from eating garbage for a year isn't worth anything if you come back to eat more garbage later and repeat your cycle. If you don't like it then find what you -do- like. I assure you, there is much better stuff out there than what you're watching now.
Stop watching capeshit and watch something from one of the Yea Forums charts if you don't know where to start.
Stop listening to pop music and find a genre or composer/artist who really connects with you.
Stop watching modern television - it's probably the lowest of all entertainment.
If you're still bored then read a book. Not even kidding. You can find yourself fascinated by this most minute of subjects and getting books is easier than ever.

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I'm already halfway there desu, don't have any social media presence whatsoever, except the occasionally visiting Yea Forums, and I never got into gaming, so the only shit I need to give up is TV, movies and music. I still think reading old non-fiction stuff is productive and useful.

i feel nothing except frustration and despair

I've only really drifted away from modern stuff to be honest. I've been enjoying going back to older TV/movies/books/games and even older anime just to get away from the cliches of the decade. Most of those mediums are on and off with their quality depending on the year, but TV really feels like it's nosedived hard. There exists no modern equivalent for shows like Seinfeld, Frasier. Shows that I considered mediocre back in the day like The Practice now seem to be solid gold because somehow we live in an age where old things are edgier than new things.

Everything nowadays on TV is so fucking sanitized it's outrageous. I feel like I've watched Spongebob episodes grittier than today's "dramas".

I also miss people presenting two sides of a point to make you think, instead of attempting to "educate you". I miss having cool black characters that were written like human beings instead of perfect caricatures for the sake of "representation".

I watched Blade the other day and marveled (heh) at how much more entertaining it was as a movie than the capeshit we get nowadays.

I also dislike the constant need for people to make quips. This isn't even just a Marvel thing anymore it's spread to basically all of fantasy/sci-fi TV. I fully expect the Netflix Witcher series to be full of this bullshit.

There's nowhere to escape to for more "high brow" TV either. Movies at least get decent indie or smaller films, even HBO is a fucking wasteland of GoT and shows trying to replace GoT when it's done. Westworld is fucking hack trash.

I don't know how it all went to shit so fast, but I'm discovering old stuff I like more every day so it's not all bad.

I had a weird moment on acid where I went to put a movie on to sort of bring me and my girlfriend back down to earth and the whole act of sitting in front of a screen just seemed so unnatural. Since then watching, or even just the thought of, all that useless content and wasting my time makes me feel uneasy and kind of dirty. Go for it OP. Also seconding Thoreuax, it's beautiful.

>hurr durr i'm smart because i force myself to pretend to enjoy unwatchable boring hipster nerd shit

You're not better than us. At least we can be honest and say all media is dull, instead of lying to ourselves to look cool on the internet.

> The Young Pope
Funny you should say that because that's something I've been genuinely excited to see as well, but again the 9 hour run time keeps putting me off it every time.

OP here. I've seen about half of these user. I'm not a capeshitting zoomer I swear. Thank you for the list though.

Movies are no longer the "high brow" entertainment medium desu. If I cared more about quality, I'd switch to watching theater or musicals or etc.

It's very good, no matter what your religious views. They're doing a follow up called "The New Pope" this year. Definitely watch it.

You're an imbecile if you say "all media is dull" when I bet your experience with it extends mostly to Hollywood movies from the past 20-30 years. There are plenty of "nerd shit" movies I watch and don't like but it's better to attempt to discover something new than sit in a pile of shit and complain about how it all stinks.

>Has anyone else ever felt overwhelmed by the amount of content out there
lol. I yearn everyday for more content that fits my interests. There's hardly anything.
Fuck. I tried to post a webm here and it's just so fucking wierd and hard. File size is too big then i use a web resizer and now it says stream isn't supported. whatever.

I have pretty much minimized my Yea Forums consumption. I watch like one movie every week or two. I've basically stop watching most shows, last episode I watched was GoT finale. Feels good desu, but I still need to minimize my YouTube consumption. It's harder because you keep lying yourself it's more of education than entertainment, but that's not really the case.

Maybe slightly irrelevant to what you said, but I had the same problem with youtube and social media.
I deleted all my social media - facebook, twitter, instagram, snapchat and unsubsribed from all youtube channels a couple years ago. It feels really good. No internet content is worth consuming. It's just garbage for the masses. The only app I use on my phone now is spotify.

stop engaging with the culture aspect of it

No because almost 100% of it is garbage. You must be an actual NPC to think that there is this much content available.

>I'm considering taking a one year sabbatical from all entertainment.
Can heartily recommend you set yourself to do that.
You really can't imagine the change you're capable of experiencing. It might be hard and at times you REALLY want to watch something, but if you stay true to your conviction you will change for the better.I
did that a few years ago for roughly 8 months and it was the best time of my life.
Then I started watching shit again and.. here I am.

Turn it all off.
See what happens.
Be strong.

No. You have to be more picky.
Also, this is your mood, one day you'll be feeling like there's nothing out there, or feeling like you have a hunger to devour any and every series that's out and now.
Healthy approach is being more selective, choosing and watching things to your liking, and being delighted by discovery. Following a path of your taste is magical.

Thanks dude.
>did that a few years ago for roughly 8 months and it was the best time of my life.
Fascinating. Do you wish you'd never started watching again

Based. Teach me your ways.

Yes, I certainly do.
A lot of memories came back to me now. The energy and freed up time I had, the way my life was a lot more interactive, how much easier it became to connect with others. Things just sort of blossomed.
It really has no downsides other than sometimes feeling that itch to watch something, but if you put in the effort to abstain then.. all I can say, you will enjoy life on another level.

Go for it.

Thank you mate.

Did your sleep schedule change in accordance with your deprivation of media, or were you stuck awake all night with your thoughts?

Let me ask then, what are you still doing on Yea Forums? And how long ago did you pull the cord on all those platforms?

>I'm considering taking a one year sabbatical from all entertainment.
Would be cool experiment.

I've never felt overwhelmed by any of it, mostly because I think that 99% of movie and tv shows are complete dogshit.

Couple of years ago. To me it wasn't a time/attention problem, it was more about how I interacted with people and how everybody uses social media to attentionwhore and show everyone how cool they are. The only way any friend can reach me now is by texting or calling me, if they genuinely want to keep in touch. I'm ok with anonymous forums, but Yea Forums is not that much of a time sink or as narcissistic as "social" media platforms were.

>Salo is an essential film

My sleep definitely improved.
Instead of being kept awake long into the night by the light of a screen I could fall asleep without effort and those kind of thoughts you mentioned eased off significantly. I also dreamt a LOT more, much more lucid.

I only watch Game of Thrones, Star Wars and Marvel movies. I watch stranger things with my girlfriend, but I don't count that since I spend most of the time looking at my phone.

wow. can you elaborate? has anyone else had a similar experience?

>Everything nowadays on TV is so fucking sanitized it's outrageous. I feel like I've watched Spongebob episodes grittier than today's "dramas".
HBO shows aren't gritty enough for you?

I went through a similar experience to yours in 2009-2010, back when facebook was the only online narccisist's game in town. Logged out for about 7 months and barely communicated with anybody remotely except by text message to announce my immanent arrival or proximity to them. Its a liberating feeling, but when everybody else you know is still plugged in to the botnet people can begin to appear to treat you like they have only a proximal relationship in your life. In my experience it wasn't actually that they were shunning me for going against the grain, but that social media encompassed such a large aspect of their personal lives that any other kind of socialization diminished in priority. That's why I was curious how long you've been without social media.

I do love my homies, you included

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Not him but I'm a 30+ year old boomer and have never used any social media, ever.

recently cancelled all my streaming services, netflix and spotiy, I also deleted my podcast player. I only subscribe to an audio-book service, i'm considering deleting that as well and only read physical books, but it's just so nice to have when you're on the run etc.

anyway you should read walden by henry david theroux if you're in that mindspace. Whole book is basically about building a cabin the wood and only taking long walks in woods, gathering berries, fishing etc for recreation. The only form of culture / media he has is Homer's epics the iliad and odyssey (which is all you need, really...it's the staple/foundation of all literature, tv shows that we have today. ) You don't need to take it that far obviously, but it sounds look a good idea.

Smart man. It's all useless.
I haven't read Walden yet, but I definitely will.
If you're into good original scifi movies, watch Upstream Color. It references Walden many times. Top 5 movies of the last decade,

Thank you for the suggestion, and yes, I deleted Netflix, Spotify etc. as well. Gave up 3-4 podcasts I followed, but I'm getting more and more disillusioned by pop culture media over the years and think it's time for me to test out if I can be happy without constant consumption of it for a considerable period of time. Never could follow audio books, so I prefer reading too.

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I quit it 7 years ago, and used it for less than 6. I think we're in mostly the same boat. The reason i'm curious when he considers himself to have 'tuned out' is because I personally associate considering myself to have taken that action with a very recent and long-standing relationship to those kind of websites. The real eye-opener for people who have depended on social media for a long time is realizing that the vast majority of relevant interactions they will have through a network connection with friends and family are just boomer-tier texts to plan meeting up together.

Yeah same. I'm almost 22 and I quit every social media platform 4 years ago. It's really nice. Tried getting back on instagram again couple years ago but deleted it within a couple of hours of browsing. I don't know why people put themselves through this stress everyday

Binge watching has killed my love of tv series. I used to watch shows an episode a week. I still remember all about thtese shows and think about them often.
I binge watched lots of shows in the last few years. I don,t even remember if I watched them or not anymore. I have no memory of anything about these shows. I never think about them.

it only took me about five years to watch everything of objective value, then another five to watch everything of debatable value, and that was over 15 years ago. Since then I have watched literally everything, hoping for, searching for value. Its to the point where I can see value in everything, most of the time.

Impossible. I've yet to release my magnum opus.