Hunting trip with Bacho Edition
/RBMK/ - Chernobyl General
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I serve the /RBMK/
4th episode was the best. Motion supported u-
Fanart of floor-chans when?
this is good
>tfw no big tt reactor gf
Comrade Dyatlov: "Continue with the test! I'm in charge!"
Core-chan: "Do you feel in charge?"
Ahem... FUCK Yeltsin
t. Scherbina
man isnt it crazy to think that all this time we've been using spicy rock in our pencils
Why are movies so realistic now?
>First prognosis were that 1/10th of the core was still operational
>Legasov asked the central committee to evacuate Pripyat and the surrounding areas
>It only happened after 36 hours
>Legasov asked for the 1st of May parade in Kiev to be cancelled
>It wasn't, tens of thousands of people marched, oblivious to what was happening
>Luckily the radiation cloud did not move there
and now
>Legasov and his team had to calculate how much of the 200kg of uranium has actually left the core
>BY SOME MIRACLE it was only 3%, rest of it stayed in the building
Christ, imagine if it was any higher.
>I pressed AZ5!
>And this give you power over me?
Lets say you are a normie, and your country wants to build nuclear power plant with Rosatom providing VVER nuclear reactors. Will you join the protest after watching this series?
Would you, user?
That's clearly concrete in your pencil, comrade.
it was the less good of all, user
Why is Bacho so unbelievably based?
>>Legasov asked for the 1st of May parade in Kiev to be cancelled
>>It wasn't, tens of thousands of people marched, oblivious to what was happening
>>Luckily the radiation cloud did not move
BS, the radiation was all over Europe, even in Bulgaria people are still mad that the 1st May manifestations were held under the radioactive rain, and the veggies in 1986 were a bit bigger in size than regulars ...
no, I will do it for moherland
>BY SOME MIRACLE it was only 3%, rest of it stayed in the building
I guess everyone's initial reaction about millions dead and half the continent wiped out was somewhat reasonable.
Because he hates Armenians
No, but I would do it to serve the Soviet Union
>if only you knew how bad things really are: the show
It's hilarious how many still think that Yeltsin (who also handed over power to the literal KGB) was a democrat.
We're already building two new VVER's, reactors five and six. Doesn't bother me, VVER's are alright.
>don't stumble
>don't stay any longer than 90 seconds
>don't look over the railing
>the guy does all those things
>"You are done"
I fast forwarded through all the puppykiller sceces. I can watch subhumans get executed and their shit blown up, but fug don’t tug on my heartstrings about poor puppers
VVER is overall better than RBMK.
The shit that scares me is that Iran operates a RBMK reactor and if the CIAglownigs blow it up, they can meme "operational incompetence" into the official story.
based but bluepilled
>The ionizing radiation levels in the worst-hit areas of the reactor building have been estimated to be 5.6 roentgens per second (R/s), equivalent to more than 20,000 roentgens per hour.
>don't let them suffer
They are suffering living exposed to radiation and I don't want Bacho to kill me.
Vegan gains, is that you ?
Where's mentalcrash?
Why did the general want to shoot the graphite on the roof when there is no graphite there? Was it some kind of metaphor like the Soviets shooting at god?
In other areas you still breathe in the dust, which is worse than the radiation.
>Yeltsin wakes up at 2PM from his usual benders
>"So what happened in the Union while I was out, comrade?"
>"Mr. President, you dissolved it."
>"I WHAT???"
Hanging from the ceiling hopefully
you hurt the community
Did you hear about the scene they had to cut because too many people got upset and the director said his objective was to tell a story, not upset people?
>Yeltsin wakes up at 2PM from his usual benders
>"So what happened in the Union while I was out, comrade?"
>"Mr. President, you dissolved it."
>"open the bottle, yuri"
How is it worse?
Director is a cock gobbler.
If people get more upset from a dead puppy than from that firefighter being melted then they fucking deserve it.
Am I the only one who didn't care for the puppies at all?
It stays in your body. Iodine in your thyroid, plutonium, cesium all over especially in your muscles, etc etc etc.
What are you talking about? 98% of Hollywood cancer has been cheap recycled capeshit with cancerous, lazy writing, shity overrated actors and terrible CGI. The other fims they've been shitting out are bad cringy remakes of foreign films. Fuck the Hollywood jew.
I'm glad we're at least getting some quality series.
imagine the smell
>Why are movies so realistic now?
What was his catchphrase again?
Your skin and clothes provides some level of protection against radiation (gamma obviously excluded) if you were to breathe in irradiated dust that radioactive material would be bombarding all your unprotected membranes and tissues unopposed
Ok, kid.
What's wrong with his lips?
>one episode left
That's not ok, dude.
Smells like metal.
But the radiation I quoted is gamma radiation. I still don't see how dust is worse than being hit by 20000 roentgen. Nothing is worse than melting while you're still breathing.
my dad was at chernobyl, took a little chunk of graphite home as a souvenir
one day my extremely retarded one armed brother smashed it though
Would it smell like metal?
Jared's face looks like he's dipped it in cancer.
Why do people write hurtful posts?
>I don't even give a shit anymore
The dude form the Telecon documentary channel describes it like the smell of freshly washed and ironed bedsheets
????? Only one more????
Life is cruel
I can't draw for shit, someone draw firemen Apus carrying the graphite blocks by hand.
Why didn't episode 4 have any meme quotes unlike all the others?
Why are slavs allowed to have nukes?
He allowed freedom of speech though? Right?
jaruzelski is that you
It is a no, user.
>And them, I don't know them. Fuck them.
Also requesting firemen apus spraying the core with watering cans
What the fuck do you mean?
>I serve the Soviet Union
>I don't know them, fuck them
>For the happiness of all mankind
You obviously wouldn't stay there for hours getting exposed, the dust on the other hand would stay within your system so there's probably some equation for exposure from both sources that would be equivalent.
Basically high yield low time exposed vs low yield high time exposed
I don't think frogposting is really appropriate for the subject matter.
>mmm tasdes like metal
Are you new?
Why are mutts allowed to have nukes? Everyone knows they're less trustworthy and more trigger-happy than the slavs are.
fetal alcohol syndrome
Are you?
Sounds comfy
>I need a new phone
Are YOU?
Underage shits get the fuck out of my general
Was your brother born before or after your father was at Chernobyl?
I thought he was just some Liberator-Aryan hybrid
Why were engineers wearing these silly lab hats?
They invented them and showed the world they’re willing to use them.
1. AN RBMK, not A RBMK
2. Bushehr is VVER, Darkhovin is PWR, where the fuck are they operating an RBMK ? All operational ones are in Russia, Chernobyl and Ignalina are the only ones there were built in other countries (which was the same country back when they were being built)
>report is redy, comrad
Why did they lift the graphite instead of pushing it?
Never had a pet. I don't like seeing them killed but it definitely doesn't affect me more than a human does.
Soviet head protection
Same reason why cooks wear them. To reduce the risk of contamination.
analyze the pieces with the dosimeter if you still have em
Are you ready for ROOOSE /rbmk/?
This is my new favourite character.
2 > 1 = 4 > 3
>the most important 90 seconds of your life
>whenever legasov speaks
>joker and >only 2000 roentgen
>scherbina's phone and the tent scene
>shooting dogs
>that end where the main 3 discuss what to do
And, weirdly:
>the cleasing the town montage
Aside from getting to see the main promo picture shot, I loved that part because Pripyat went from being a (dangerously radioactive) city to being just a big dangerous thing with no life that had to be avoided, it went further than "lifeless city".
They were given shovels and probably didn't think in the moment.
He's ok, I guess. No bid deal.
>They invented them
>d-don't look at me in too hot haha nooo you died I'm sorry they built me this way I couldn't help it noo don't decommission me
Rbmk did nothing wrong!
>when senpai finally notices you
b-baka comrade Scherbino.. it's not like I was smiling or anything.
Hair is the place on the body most likely to trap contaminated particles for obvious reasons.
>all this to boil fucking water
>tfw they make you dress up like a chef, and then you make the useless decision to manually turn on pumps in radioactive feed water, and you r face melts off. But you did everything right.
comrade prosecutor? i dindu noffin
And the Chinese invented gunpowder
He a cool
Give bromance now
the reactor is like...i dont know
This is the director and his family. What the FUCK is wrong with WHITE PEOPLE?
Please tell me you're trolling.
VVER are pressurized water reactors, they same principle is used in West as well and they are completely safe. In fact you need to actively keep them running otherwise they will just shut down.
1 > 4 > 3 > 2
I loved the scene of installing the flag while general shakes hands with soldiers
I see a man able to house his wife and four kids in style.
4 > 1 >> 2 > 3
Comrad your face is undercooked please return to corechan and look into her again right now or you will be shot
they are having sex
It's because you're emboldened by your white privilege.
Why didn't they just use one of these to look at the core?
What did he mean by this?
>i saw core-chan
she's all over the place
Mirrors bounce the radiation right into your eyes
>4 first
Lol no
Mums gonna find out
They used one to take the first picture of Elefantsfu though.
Isn’t the danger that you still have to cool them a lot after shutdown to avoid meltdown or is that not a problem with VVER?
Lmao tranny CD kids how so 201x
Its all about animals now u silly
I like the Adams family Gothic vibe
>look at core
>core looks back...
No they didn't.
A jew did.
>showed the world they’re willing to use them
Not before they embarrassed the fuck out of their incompetent military like they do every time and have to resort to extreme measures and murder thousands of civilians to win any war.
>more core, your face?
>dyatlov you seem to be doing a lot better
>no, get out.
Interesting. 4th episode was my least favorite yet.
Shit on it!
Let's make a list of people who should go to the roof:
1. Dude who invented the disappearing squares captcha
I enjoy the show but am embarrassed by the threads.
>why dont we just shoot the graphite
>i know what's in vienna
>only 2000 roentgen
>4 kids
>beautiful wife
>directed the best tv show of the century
>man enough to handle his wifes eccentric taste in furniture
there is nothing wrong with him, user.
janny, for free
>not 'His smile and DNA: gone'
4sho muh brotha mmhhmmm
Nothing personnel kid, hehe.
The Armenian
>Chernobyl used a RBMK-1000
>Soviets planned a RBMK-2400
Imagine wasting the 4th episode in a 5 episode mini series with animal propaganda
I serve the soviet union
>More manual pump opening, your grace?
> Literally the only reason the allies won WWII was because Russia is based af
>still not using noscript captcha
Where are the superheroes?
Every episode has dozens.
>still not a pass user
*spits in your eye and mouth*
looks cute but this room is giving me an aneurysm
thank you for your services to this general, comrades
the guy whose face melted right off?
>giving that dumb gook ANY money
/our guys/ are BACK next ep, /rbmk/ !
How does it feel?
So on a rewatch of episode 1 it's pretty clear this woman is a doctor, not a nurse, and the point they're making is that she did her medical degree a lot more recently than the pre-boomer dinosaur overseeing her so she's up to date on protocols for exposure to nuclear power plant byproducts and also isn't a folk remedy fart who uses milk instead of saline. why did everyone think she was a nurse and why did everyone think her gender had anything to do with anything?
Even if I'll buy a 4chanpass I'd still remember that motherfucker. Plus some other websites use it too.
fuck I need to watch the kino of stalin again.
Lmao frustrated dogmom
I love my dog but I'd sure as fuck put those poor dogs and puppies out of their misery especially to stop the spread of literal radioactive carcasses
frinedly reminder that the pet-killer is marryed to nicloe kidman
>my knowledge of WW2 comes exclusively from greentext, the post
Based and thankpilled.
There are 3000 at least
>caring about 10 bucks a year
People don't listen to what characters are saying.
I'm utterly shocked, comrades. Why do you score the second episode so low?
The D E S P A I R went through the roof and that final scene with the three divers was top tier.
Does anybody have the picture of Legasov where he's filtering tripfags?
so how it feels to watch a kino without a single black?
I serve the Soviet Union.
>Nurses shaved the heads of everyone, except for
Scherbina, who declared that such treatment was beneath the dignity of a member of
the Council of Ministers of the USSR and assented only to a short trim
What a guy
Barry Keoghan reprising his role as a killer of household pets - nobody does it better. I wonder does he feel he's being typecast though?
Agent: "Barry, get your sweet Irish butt to LA; I got you a reading for a dynamite new part set in the Soviet Union. It's the hottest role in town."
Barry: "Thanks Shlomo, what's the gig? Brooding cop? Neurotic spy? Sexy cosmonaut?"
Agent: "Better than that kid, you'll be shooting radioactive cats with a rifle!"
*Barry hangs up phone*
Thank you, General Shitposter.
It's not about the money I'm missing though. It's about the fact you're supporting some dude that tries to sell your data.
I wouldnt say at all but I understood and came to terms why they had to die
momma's boy huh
I already remember the tag war times with a sad smile.
It was the most consistent in quality since the first - right up until the end, when we get a glimpse of the insufferable, condescending nature of the OC character, which might end up marring the finale.
Second episode was very inconsistent, but all the chemistry talk made me cum, so it's my favorite.
does he think of tom cruise when he performs cunnilingus on her?
I serve the soviet union.
Idk it's the same reason folks are flipping out on both sides about qt mummy nuclear physicistfu
Who cares if she didn't exist she's cute and I want her to warn me about radioactivity
because anonymity and to vent over their disappointing lives. it's harmless, go ahead call me faggot. it's a standard greeting here
Seriously, I hope you're baiting.
A man passed me on the sidewalk with a double chin, mustache, and glasses. I almost followed him. Akimfu, what have you done to me?
baka at this white-ass erasure of my boy Akimov
Pretend this filename is akimov.jpg
>implying the US military isn't retarded
top kek
>Boris was as smug as the bliny cat
I seriously hope you are too.
That's insensitive to gays.
Suprisingly based.
Gives off the terror vibes which is even better than this show imho
Nice to see unpozzed kino from hbo for a change
1 = 2 = 3 = 4
>mutts are so used to their blacked TV shows they actually notice when there aren't any blacks present
rent free
Can you find a video with him? Interview or anything
Correct, all episodes are equal in the great Soviet Socialist System.
based and digitspilled
since we are one episode away from the end, what's some other radiationkino?
Its a completely harmless way to shit on things and people mostly ironically. Go with the flow and enjoy talking the shit you can't do anywhere else.
We are all fags here, and so are you.
All 4 eps so far are goat
I haven't even rewatched them yet but I will once the finale comes out
In not too long, these garbage generals will be on the scrapheap of history, along with any potentially blossoming online friendships that may have come as a result.
You're not using that term correctly and if anything its not rent free
Is this Dagmer Cleftjaw?
Its more of a physical than sexual relationship from what i have gathered
>why did everyone think she was a nurse and why did everyone think her gender had anything to do with anything
Our perception that she was a nurse instead of a doctor is precisely a consequence of gender norms. In other words, the people who haven't come to appreciate the sequence with the "nurse" are speedwatching brainlets.
I'm actually not gay.
embrace the atom
based and rankpilled
if I had to make a ranking, the most I can do is
2 > 1 = 4 > 3
But they are all equally great
>Brings up Americans unsolicited and then claims 'rent free'
Practically speaking, how important is it to have a Geiger counter that can read a high range? Mine only goes to 500 milliroentgens/hr which is fine but it doesn't read into the danger zone.
Well if it was accurate there wouldnt be any white person in the tv show,but as usual you westerners whitewash everything.
Pain or damage don’t end the world, or despair or fucking beatings. The world ends when you’re dead. Until then, you got more punishment in store. Stand it like a man—and give some back.
so many doggos
Was annoyed with the atmosphere making this into something sad. They had a job to do and at the end of the day they are animals like a cow or a deer. It was for the greater good.
I think this is purely western thing. In Russia, people aren't going to care that much about shooting a fucking dog.
Could you check a banana with a timestamp?
Well that's pretty gay.
Oops for my picture.
>2 > 1
SJW and estrogenpilled
Still one episode left.
comrade anonkov there is not graphite in your pencil, that's impossible.
>implying it's not mutts who constantly shit up this board with niggers, trannies and faggotry
I wish the mods would rangeban you tards.
The international atomic agency or whatever it's called will have plenty
>comrade user
>In Russia
Check some online reviews and comments before you say anything else. Russian-speaking people fucking love this show almost as much as they love Stoli.
I’m thinking about watching this series but I’m worried it’s going to be full of anti nuclear energy propaganda, how is it in that department?
There were actually lots more robots involved, including Japanese, Hungarian, East German and indogenois Soviet ones, not just the lunar rover and the German policebot.
The absolute worst was those designed by some Leningrad insutitue that barely worked even in the lower-rad zones.
Also they first thought Joker was only stuck and they went out to Masha (first time ever for liquidators) to free it. They succeeded but only then they realited its electronics were ded.
WTF, isn't she like 20 years older than him? Based and mommypilled?
>I’m thinking about watching this series but I’m worried
Live a little, user.
The submarine one with Harrison Ford
Why not go to one of the many different chans that caters to your particular shit-hole?
The creator of the show is pro-nuclear. The only way you can interpret that this show is anti-nuclear is if you're a contrarian smoothbrain who thinks anything that acknowledges that nuclear accidents have happened in the past is propaganda.
It's anti-RMBK propaganda. Also one of the main characters is a pure Mary Sue.
It's the most horrifying depiction of radiation sickness you'll see outside of a snuff video. It's also one of the most horrifying depictions of life under the USSR government. The whole thing ends up being too surreal to serve as propaganda, ultimately. It's a work of art.
Ever heard of the static friction coefficient ? The roof was littered with trash, pushing 40 kg graphite blocks on the ground would be much harder than lifting them, due to the obstacles and the ground resistance.
>t. black gay tranny lover
It's not explicitly anti-nuclear energy but it's hard for anyone to go away watching the show with what is portrayed without negative feelings towards it.
Soviet incompetence spurred by the oppressive and blame culture of the government is more the target for open derision in the show. Surprising given you'd think an HBO show would paint communism in a more positive light than it deserves.
America would have solved that problem in our first try.
A bunch of college kids from Nebraska surely would be able to build a robot able to witstand all that radiation
>In Russia, people aren't going to care that much about shooting a fucking dog.
The engineers cried when they sent Laika on her one-way trip to space.
Burgers were like, "launch that fucking negro chimp".
no, its anti-ignorant-powerplant-staff
Why did 0/3 guy pick up a piece, dump it, and grab another piece? Was the first piece he grabbed not actually graphite?
New for not posting reddit memes? You fucking 2016 shitposters really are obnoxious.
Don't project.
An extra scene when they bring the animals to be buried. One of the liquidators notices that there's a cat, still alive among the pile of dead animals that have been dumped into the pit. It's moving around trying to escape the concrete pouring into the pit. The liquidator wants to shoot it so it dosen't have to drown in concrete while dying, but they've run out of bullets.
>To the town of old Chernobyl
>came a shitposter one day
are you retarded or what? there's a huge dispute about this show. many people fucking hate it and i understand why. it's really lame as a whole. you can't sense that because you don't belong to that culture
he looks like her son
As a black fan of the show why do you guys always poison everything with race? Generals are fairly innocuous. Can't I come in the thread and enjoy the show with you guys without being shit on ?
>tfw when you see humans with guns step out of ZIL truck
it feels like robotics has advanced reeally slowly in relation to other technology, I guess they had limited applications until the motoring industry invested into it.
>Didn't start any discussions
>didn't have too much to say
He said russian, not soviets.
Keep scrolling nigger
That's because dogs are genetically closer to (white) people than chimps.
No propaganda.
The story is told how it actually happened but there's no "hurr atomic energy bad/good" shit. The series is quite unbiased and not trying to force anything on you so you're free to draw your own conclusions.
How did they build the reactor in the first place if you cant go near it?
Lmao okay
Russians influence the audience score, btw
i love this show so much. not only is it a great Yea Forums, but the fucking memes are the best in years.
i think i'll watch plague dogs tonight
Nah, the memes are pretty lackluster but I keep giving you guys second chances, tho.
Did the Soviet Union have incels?
Some graphite in the Smetana can would be great
>In Russia, people aren't going to care that much about shooting a fucking dog.
>t. not Russian
Einstein only pushed Roosevelt to start the Manhattan Project, he didn't actually do anything in the research.
Oppenheimer is the true father of the A bomb
Teller is the true father of the american H bomb
Sakharov is the true father of the soviet H bomb (different design from the americans)
Fermi is the true father of the nuclear reactor
Babies absorb radiation like a sponge.
They launched it into the building via graphite trebuchet
>anti nuclear energy propaganda
they have clearly estabilished that the chernobyl case was full of gross incompetence and it was people's mistakes that led to the explosion
they're waiting for you, Sitnikov...
Sure, why?
Good point, user. That's just shitty writing.
no, you were assigned a standard issue government gf
no one cares about rotten tomatoes in slavlands, retard
have pregnant
>Nigeria : 2 planned
That woman absorbs stupidity like a sponge
Is it possible to build a mini reactor at home?
How do you edit a subfile thats loaded into the mkv already?
Yes and no, you'll be caught questioned and put on a list most likely. Besides you dont have the resources to build anything impressive
Bunch of retards. Just use a kettle
Nuclear energy is not dangerous in and of itself, not necessarily anyway. All nuclear incidents, be they meltdowns or whatever, have been in some form or another due to human error.
In short, don't let retards design this shit. Don't let retards be in charge of keeping it in check. etc
why do they need reactors in fucking africa?
I remember watching a Canadian kids TV show that had some TV repair guy go thought what it takes to make a reactor.
A lot of people who post here are lonely.
8.7 at the Russian most popular kino website. Get fucked.
He built a neutron generator, not a reactor
>South africa
build during appartheid
trade deal with russians , russians will build them for nigeria to help their economic and energy crisis
I post here because I'm lonely
New thread btw:
How jarring would it be if the final episode ended with all the characters dancing to Aquarius like in the 40 year old virgin?
I hope this sparks a Golden decade of historical Soviet Kino
Their population is exploding
slavs should be kept as a slave caste
The problem is that even non-retards and highly trained experts are still human and make human errors because our brains are fundamentally garbage and prone to bad decisions like fixation on a single task, losing track of time, deferring to heirarchy against all common sense. The aviation industry has spent decades trying to engineer all the human error out of the system because of this exact reason.
wouldn't solar energy be much better there?
You know they didn't really kill any dogs right? Also they don't even show any of it. It's mostly all off screen gunshots
>of a physical than sexual relationship
they wrestle instead of fuckin?
It's the noise that gets to you tho
Quality drop
it's 9.7 now
He looks like he's 12, WTF Kidman?
Good for him though, he's living the mommy fetish dream.
Oh you don't get to bring friends
YEP its the latest hollywood craze, sex steals your mojo
3.6 comrade
But their electric grid coverage isn't.
god I wish that were me
lmao he ugly af
this dude is drowning in pussy , nicole is lucking to have him as a boxing partner
get ready for a new disaster
>be germany
>fukushima disaster happens
>shut down all nuclear plants
>end up opening new and old brown-coal mines instead
noooo not the doggo puppers ;____;
omg the floofy woofer got his head blown off by 7.62X54R
heckin sad T.T
RIP chonky borker
(EDIT: thanks for the gold)
>fukushima happens
>65 IQ green voters go apeshit because what if a tsunami hits OUR nuclear plants. You know. The famous German tsunamis
>Merkel the Machiavellian Devil makes a great gesture and says she changed her mind about Nuclear energy
>Angela Merkel has a PhD in Physics and never gave a shit about ending nuclear but if the low IQ mob wants something she's suddenly convinced it's dangerous
>secretly turns brown coal plants back on instead
>greens still clap
Please nuke us. Please!
People who are obsessed about their pets & people who prefer human suffering over domesticated animals suffering are narcissists power tripping about their total control of an another life.
damn that actually makes a lot of sense
It was a grim task, but the animals were likely to become very sick within months from drinking unfiltered rainwater that was practically glowing with radioisotopes. Worse still, if they got out into the general population they could harm healthy animals. IDK, I love my dog and all, but she's a dog, not a person, and if she was shot because she was indeed a threat to the well-being of humanity I would have to go with the program.
>If you don't go with the program, you might end up like Ludmila and her baby.
Well if this show is anything to go by, gommunist PhDs mean fuck all.
>one fucker escaped
Send the mongoloid conscript with his gun!
Then we drink.
They're like a severely retarded giant. It's better to stay out of their way.
I don't get the rage over this character. She's supposed to constitute an amalgamation of many different journalist, investigator, and physicist characters that would have been too much to represent in a 5-epidode show.
Mby a 12 or 24 episode show could have done it, but that would probably have come at a large cost in set quality and so on.
A true comrade can appreciate a compromise like this, and you're a true comrade aren't you, user?
It's still on 9.6, comrade, stop spreading missinformation
Because she has omniscience powers. I would be ok in a capeshit movie but here it's hard to suspend the disbelief.