Unironically, can she be stopped?

unironically, can she be stopped?

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>that black couple laughing in the background

Why are british slags so powerful compared to American beta women?

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What do you do if that was you?
Reminder that the other guys will kick your ass if you attack her

would all of them after a few beers

>no pictures of winter slags
Shameful, really!

Don't let myself be slapped to the ground. Just take a few steps back.

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why are women so disgusting?
god i swear if it werent for the fact that pussy is the single greatest thing i'd never fucking acknowledge a womans existence

That's the entire reason why alcoholism is such a problem in the UK

>The perfect woman dosen't exis-

>black guy
>living free, laughing uproariously, enjoying the moment
>white guy
>lets out one snort of laughter, then remembers himself and freezes up
We need to be more true to our emotions

What are some Slagkino?

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shes only really benefiting from the fact he wont attack her. he could take her down with her by just grabbing an arm, or even pick an ankle. every man in the webm looks domesticated

Why wear winter clothes when you can be trendy instead?

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laugh at her

also would all of these when drunk

You joking? She drops him flat with that throw. If he was really so physically dominant he wouldn't have been tossed to the flower like a fucking ragdoll in the first place

>Imagine having sex with this woman
>Imagine her throwing you onto the bed like this
>Imagine her riding your cock into oblivion

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>British women in 2019

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>can she be stopped
5 rounds of .380 hp should be more than enough

>when you realize fat is stronger than muscles

/fit/cucka on suicide watch

hella epic post

This is women in general mate

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Fuark lads! In awe at the size of this unit, and these cherished trips!
>.380 hp
Enjoy your lack of penetration

if she has 380 hp how much damage does each bullet do?

>me on the right

Imagine it

Her face isnt riddled in pimples and looks healthy why wear a pound of make up and looks like a clown

no. she dodges them

tfw you will never squeeze her belly while sucking on those tits
i'll gladly take her if this faggot doesn't want her

you have to admit she has a lot of explosive power in that chest. she'd make a good lineman pushing titties around with the fat boys


She cuteee

>when a fat bitch realizes how much power she's gained after carrying around 8 people her entire life
Dear god ... she has inadvertently acquired the skills of sumo wrestlers.

>Enjoy your lack of penetration
Nice meme
I'll enjoy the gurgling sounds she makes as the lack of penetration causes her lungs to fill with blood as she cries in agony.

>autistic Eliot Rodgers LARPer gets quads

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She looks cuddly :)

fucking what

It'll be nice and warm in the closest chav's bed.

Did you not see the clip? Maybe watch again and get your vision checked.

you just know it was a high pitched cackle that filled up the whole room too. white guy is probably still haunted by it to this day

Based and quadpilled
You've got me convinced, my dude. I'll start carrying hollow points in my P238.

Is bottom left supposed to be the aftermath of a festival or something? I've literally never seen a place so filthy, and I'm from slavshitter land where dirty streets are the norm.

There's no way he could win, as soon as he hits her every male in there would attack him

LMFAO at this point wh*toids get wrecked even by fat women AHAHAH how cucked can one race possibly get?

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Just the normal saturday night/sunday morning after every slag and chav has gotten their fast food which they just throw on the streets. This happens every weekend.

>the other guys will kick your ass

you don't hit women you 3rd world retard

Begin grabbing her tits and ass to asset dominance

Ok but are you on about “being true to our emotions”

>you don't hit women dude even if they assault you

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I've unironically never even fired .380, do your own research, ask /k/ for advice and make sure you practice with whatever round you have or whatever you decide to switch to.

Yeah, you behead them instead.

it's part of being a man, it's like attacking a child, just ignore her

I think he’s more haunted by the fact that he got his ass beat by a fat bitch

What's there to doubt? Do you seriously think the crowd will stand there laughing if it's a woman being beat, no way!

I unironically would


White people are awkward, stiff, overly self-conscious, and it's a big problem for the race.

judo is the key here. redirection of momentum. a train can't stop on a dime

One Big Mac please

You're lucky sir that's our last...

It's very risky (at least in first world)

Thanks bud, I appreciate your sage advice.

They’re laughing because for once it isn’t a group of nogs fighting in a fast food restaurant

That only makes sense if the woman isnt physically capable of throwing you across the room.

No, it just means we are not Africa (that's a good thing).

No problemo

Well, if other Anglo countries are anything to go by, yes. Unless you think that English chavs are more gentlemanly than their counter parts from US/Canada or Australia.

White people have always been like this and they still took over the world, it's just a matter of ideology

I'm really curious what it would like if the dude was actually trying to defend himself.

I refuse to believe that a small fat woman can overpower a +6 foot man

any predictions?

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The negro is most definitely a faggot judging by his mannerisms.

I thought these niggas ran the world

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Injuries, hospital, trial.

The world is speaking english, not yiddish.

She knows how to use her weight and she can straight up pin him down to the ground. So if she has the initiative and it was a serious fight she could still win. If the guy knew they were fighting before she attacked he could avoid falling in her grip and instead try to punch her head to punch her out or try to keep his distance and reduce her endurance instead.

So the woman actually has a fair chance of winning the fight since she could basically chokeslam him to the ground and give him a legitimate concussion.

norf genes

So you don’t find an overweight beating up a man humorous

I live in the UK and have been around chavs most of my life, the only thing that would stop them from intervening is the fact that she's fat, if she was attractive they'd jump in before his punch even lands.

>her endurance
In her case : 20 seconds max.

well for one he’s white

Who would win in a fight? Gimli or legolas?

nice deflection

>looks healthy

are they fighting in a mine?

In USA that is.

American women may seem visually meek and stupid, but they are far more sinister. They will use the court to take a man's soul and they will feel no remorse.

Cast it

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Strongfat people have some other-worldly strength when they get pushed to the edge. It's like retard strength but with more pinpoint precision and awareness.

Watch the bingo wings on the wench

they're just using their weight to their advantage


absolutely would

Just grab you a titty and role with it.

>if it werent for the fact that pussy is the single greatest thing
Imagine being such a beta you actually think a wet stinkhole is the "greatest thing ever" and let your life be controlled by it

Fishhook grip in her vag to body slam.

Two fat white bitches fighting with two skinny white guys. WTF? Those two white dudes busted down the fat chicks? Why? Fat titties really are white men's kryptonite. Even the brothers are laughing.


Those bitches are broke. Outerwear is trendy as main wear. They just can't afford shit.

Lol get fucked ill jerk off on a mound of women and children ive sucker punched

damn she comin'

She looks like a right loud cunt, can see it written all over her disgusting heffer face

Who is the brapbeast? Can sniff the sour aroma through the monitor...

wtf I'm going to join the autistic american boomers in SEA and get a trad wife desperate for literally any white meat now