It was the best Star Wars film

It was the best Star Wars film

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Other urls found in this thread:

SJW star wars rankings:

TLJ > TFA > ESB > ANH > ROTJ > Solo > R1 > ROTS > TPM > AOTC

Incel star wars rankings:

ANH > ESB > ROTS > ROTJ > TPM > AOTC > R1 > Solo > TFA > TLJ

Normal people star wars rankings:

ESB > ANH > ROTJ > TFA > TLJ > R1 > ROTS > Solo > TPM > AOTC

go back

this, but unironically
it killed the franchise
episode 9 will not fix it and all the new trilogies will be cancelled
screenshot this, it will come true

thank you, Rian, for ending this nonsense franchise

Imagine having taste this poor. You should absolutely end your life and remove yourself from the gene pool.

Hey pleb you have shit taste too if you think most of the star wars movies are good, TLJ is one of the few that is

Pic unrelated

it elevated cinema when they said the films title two times in a row

It was unironically prequel tier staging and kino dialogue

TLJ is so staggeringly badly written that it's impossible to enjoy.

Your brain feels uneasy from the opening scene and that feeling persists throughout. Not even in a 'turn your brain off and enjoy it' summer blockbuster sense, it's a visceral feeling of 'this is fucking retarded' from minute one.

I hate every Star Wars except RoTS... but The Last Jedi is an abhorrent attempt at making a movie. The fact you enjoy it shows everyone just how much of a mouth breathing retard you actually are.

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>I hate every Star Wars except RoTS
RoTS and TLJ are pure kino and the best/only great ones.


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The prequels are so staggeringly badly written that it's impossible to enjoy.

Your brain feels uneasy from the opening scene and that feeling persists throughout. Not even in a 'turn your brain off and enjoy it' summer blockbuster sense, it's a visceral feeling of 'this is fucking retarded' from minute one.

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Yeah, if you hate Star Wars


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>Rian Johnson
>not kino
>upset all the geeks and gamer plebs
Revenge of the Sith and The Last Jedi are peak filmmaking in Star Wars. This is the truth. Of course it's hard to swallow for a game of thrones capeshit board.


>wait what? the lady just said there is an x-wing approaching in attack mode, why wouldn't they just immediately blow it up?
>wait, what? they're actually engaging in dialogue with him and not just immediately killing him?
>what so he is single handedly blowing up every cannon the entire ship has? one single fighter can take out the entire offensive capability of the whole ship?
>sorry but did the droid really just fix the x-wing being shot by head butting the electrical panel?
>Oh ok so now there are literally 1,000 fighters murdering all of the resistance bombers so the whole plan to take out the surface cannons seems really pointless?
>how are the bombs falling do- oh fuck it

I had about 20 different moments of incredulity within the opening scene and it just gets worse and worse from there.

>What, they have no fuel? When has that ever been a problem?
>They're out of range? It looks like 200 feet tops.
>They're not scanning for smaller ships
>why the fuck not? Surely bailing out in escape pods to the nearest planet that is RIGHT FUCKING THERE is incredibly common sense? Why the fuck would they not check for that?

The most egregious thing is that Finn and Rey both manage to leave and enter the area in their respective ships *TWICE*. Why the fuck wouldn't you just load as many people as possible onto Finn's ship and keep hyper space jumping back and forth to take them to safety?

Holy fucking shit this movie is stupid.

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Yes the prequels are shit. The writing is more bad in the sense of 'this is so boring how did they think this would be good' than TLJ's overt failure to make any basic sense whatsoever from minute one.

Same exact shit people said about the prequels. Do you have any self awareness.

You could write a book on how many dumb moments there are. The huge giant giga-ship that is vastly bigger than all of the star destroyers, but we've seen an individual star destroyer fuck up rebel ships before. And this giant thing is utterly useless?

Then there's the dozen star destroyers accompanying it. Aren't they smaller and lighter? Cant they go ahead?

There must easily be a few hundred tie fighters between all those ships yet they send THREE to attack the rebels then make them retreat as soon as one is taken out.

did you analyse things at this level when you were 8 and watched your first star wars though

You seem to think you're in a weird argument wherein someone is saying that TLJ being shit means that the prequels weren't shit.

For your own clarification, they're both complete dogshit. But TLJ is worse.

I've seen thousands of movies and TLJ sticks out as one of the most badly written I think I've ever seen.

I had no problem with TFA. It was mediocre because it was such a lazy rehash, but it didn't have the same stupifying level of idiocy to its writing.

>he thinks any scene in it the last Jedi needs to be 'analysed' to not be immediately retarded

Star wars has never been really of quality. TLJ and ROTS are kino. That's what we call kino. the rest are flicks with ESB being the only really "good" one.

Rian Johnson has never once created anything that could be remotely Kino.

I'll fix your list.

>SJW rankings
>Incel rankings
>Normal rankings

His debut film alone was kino. You are a pleb. Stick to shitty flicks. Go watch mad max fury road or some capeshit.

Neither are fucking kino you plebian. ROTS looks like a fucking videogame and TLJ is the worst written major studio franchise film of the last decade.

Imagine making a whole thread out of nothing but insecurity at your own horrible taste in movies.

>ANH=ESB > RotS > RotJ > TCW > R1=Solo=Rebels > TPM > AotC=TFA > TLJ > Ewok Movies > Holiday Special
Haven't seen Resistance but I am assuming it's below TLJ.

Its not like that is a hard thing to accomplish.

Shit Wars is awful, the last jedi was bad for shit wars standards, but at least it killed the franchise.

>ROTS looks like a fucking videogame
No it doesn't you plebshit faglord. I have a big 4K television and digitally ROTS upscales amazingly for the most part 90% of it at least looks great.

>TLJ is the worst written major studio franchise film of the last decade
Im cringing so hard, literally every single other major studio franchise blockbuster besides a couple movies have been trash for 6 years, all the fast movies, the marvel movies, the dc movies, the xmen movies, the pirates movies, the john wick movies, even mad max cuck road are written way worse

you have shit taste in cinema you're a redditor
if you have never been to reddit you should kys because you actually speak so much like a kid who has such baby introspection

Who cares?

The movie made a billion dollars. Disney is profiting from home sales and merchandise. Adam Driver and Daisy Ridley made millions. Randos like Kelly Marie Tran got exposure and free publicity.

No one gives a fuck about the story.

Either a terrible shitpost for (yous) or you're just a genuine idiot with terrible taste.

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Decent bait

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the story makes no fucking sense and the characters are shit, fuck off.


>doesn't look like a videogame

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>absolute state of plebs

I don't care about your shitty screenshot. It looks good upscaled to 4K on a large screen. You have to be smarter than this.

Star Wars is fucking gay and always has been. I tried liking it before when I was younger cause it was suddenly cool to be nerdy and everyone pretended to like star wars cause they wanted to wear their Star Wars shirt and look cute and nerdy chic. I wanted to be cute and nerdy too and fit in for once so I gave it a shot. Anyway it fucking sucked and I've hated it since and I've since resigned myself to not fitting in and instead being a contrarian asshole.



ROTS and AOTC and TPM > power gap > OT > powergap > Rian "incel" Johnson

This is basically realer than real life

now post some screenshots of the PS2 game that is blade runner 2049

I'm not coping you're the one without a large 4K television who is memeing like a retard. Greenscreen and shots look better than the shitscreen blockbusters movies of late

cope more

where can I get a decent ass torrent for rome goddamnit

Any man who needs to say they aren't coping is coping.

same 4k here as well

they upscale great, probably some of the most eye popping visuals ever made. The prequels basically have flawless art direction.

Get fucked niglets

>best sjw film
Source: Your faggot ass

Stealth Adam Driver worship thread?

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The pod racing and final lightsaber fight in TPM is better than anything in the original trilogy

Ep 9 isnt trying to fix anything, it's just a bait to milk Star Wars one last time

Ep I has some moments that aren't as sharp, but some great parts like the planet core, Naboo, final battle. Coruscant looks better in II and then even better in III. Most of II and III being digital upscale surprisingly well. Lots of the shots in AOTC look perfect. For instance when the camera does a long pan down on a hive structure on Geonosis with obi wan standing infront of it the effects look really nice color wise and quality wise.

III has some moments which aren't all there but overall it looks great.
In terms of upscaling
Ep. I - 7/10 I think a 4K remaster of this would look much better
Ep. II 9/10 I don't know if 4K remaster would make it look better, can only really look about 10-15% better.
Ep. III 10/10 I don't know if 4K remaster would make it look better, but it doesn't need to look any better

>the prequels are shit
>now tlj is good

Great argument kiddo.

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The fuel shit really killed it for me as reactors are mentioned in star wars and it always seemed clear that the big ships have a reactor while the smaller fighters needed some kind of fuel.

The prequels and tlj are the most artistic entries in star wars and III and VIII are the best executed.
specifically attack of the clones, revenge of the sith and the last jedi are the most ambitious star wars films

You brainlet you missed the entire point of that post, the people say the same shit interchangable about the prequels and tlj writing or this or that being shit

20 fucking posts in, and you still haven’t said a fucking word as to why tlj is “kino”. Go back


Did you go get popcorn during the canto butt sequence? What part of tlj looked amazing ?

Why do people even like TLJ except for the sake of being contrarians?

>implying words can accurately explain why
Because it was pottery in audiovisual form and injected new style and pathos and logos in the franchise and made rogue one and tfa look like the uninspired shit they are compared to it

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>oh god a casino scene how cringe
TLJ has a great DP, brick, looper and TLJ look nice. Especially TLJ's 4K. I can almost smell the island and feel the breeze and the wind and the sunlight because it's shot so nicely.

Wtf? Bump the top 3 movies up a tier each. Why is 6 is pretty silly but it makes 3 and R1 look like dog doo

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they only like it because of daisy ridley basically. Never underestimate the power of waifu-delusion.

>I can almost smell the island and feel the breeze and the wind and the sunlight because it's shot so nicely.

It's true you're mad and don't have a huge UHD screen

Damn nigga. Nice job avoiding the question. I asked for what was good in TLJ. And you gave me: more shitting on the prequels and the island sequence? You thought that looked good? Someone get the clip of rey swinging at the rock. Someone get the clip of luke and rey in that obvious sound stage with the water mural. Or the bad cgi shot of luke walking up the mountain. Or that embarrassing deleted scene. Or the porgs. Fuck that was terrible.

cringe and bluepilled

so is number nine gonna flop or not?
on one hand, I'd imagine that people wizened up to der ewige maus and his dirty tricks

but on the other hand, the general public is notorious for their utter retardation so who knows

Nope. Nobody likes Daisy Ridley. Thats why she got chased off of social media. Women love TLJ because of Kylo. Because they want to fuck Adam Driver. His popularity skyrocketed after TLJ. Men love it to appear woke.

It's actually hilarious. Because in the OT men actually wanted to fuck Leia/Carrie Fisher. But in ST, men only want Rey to be Luke's baby gurl and no one wants to fuck Daisy Ridley. Cant blame anyone. Her career is dead and she hit the wall early.

upsetting people by pissing on someone else's hard work is trivial and doing it doesn't deserve any respect or admiration. You can't even credit Rian for having balls he literally thought he was making something deep and intellectual instead of was just a retarded movie that only retards like.

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visually TLJ was good it also had a pretty nice musical score

its just that it was utter shit in every other respect ESPECIALLY continuity, casting and writing

prequels are really dumb movies especially 2 and 3. But TLJ is worse. The prequels at least have a lot of creative stuff in them. TLJ doesn't have jack shit except some OK visuals.

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It was a play by play of the second best Star Wars film.

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Is that Dark Vader's prodigy?

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fucking lol TLJ has the least logic of any Star Wars movie and that's saying something.

The casino planet was really weak, but I really liked the rest of the movie

The writing was ultimate pottery and literally follows campbells hero journey

Cringe and plebpilled

Wouldn't being best Star Wars movie literally go against Rian's claimed intention?

using the same insult is pretty cringe and yikespilled user

>follows campbells hero journey

For who? Rey or Kylo?

Well, not Kylo Ren for sure, his character arc was
>I am evil
>I will prove I am evil
>I will continue to be evil

And not Rey either, her character arc was
>I am good
>I will learn to use Force for good
>I will continue learning Force to do good

Really, nothing happens in the movie.

For fucking luke the heroes journey doesn't end in the middle of his life

I thought fanboys loved SW because it was so bad

There's nothing more yikes than siding with the geeks and gamers youtube channel that hated The Last Jedi by Rian Johnson

>Freedom to live

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ITT : All these seething plebs
Daily Reminder TLJ was kino

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>he's too brainlet to understand star wars
>too brainlet to understand Rian Johnson

Campbell: "Freedom to pass back and forth across the world division, from the perspective of the apparitions of time to that of the causal deep and back—not contaminating the principles of the one with those of the other, yet permitting the mind to know the one by virtue of the other—is the talent of the master. The Cosmic Dancer, declares Nietzsche, does not rest heavily in a single spot, but gaily, lightly, turns and leaps from one position to another.

Freedom to Live (for an eternity) Mastery leads to freedom from the fear of death, which in turn is the freedom to live (for an eternity)

This is classical storytelling within myth for a character as powerful and developed as Luke Skywalker in a modern myth.

Rian Johnson went back to the source of Lucas original inspirations in many ways when writing TLJ. Kurosawa. WWII films. Campbell. There seems to be a misnomer that Luke Skywalker's hero's journey had ended in the OT because it's unusual for most characters to have the time to make it to the true end of the hero's journey. There's usually just not enough time to do so. Consider the last stages of the Hero's Journey with Luke:

Rescue from Without

Just as the hero may need guides and assistants to set out on the quest, often he or she must have powerful guides and rescuers to bring them back to everyday life, especially if the person has been wounded or weakened by the experience.

The hero may have to be brought back from his supernatural adventure by assistance from without. That is to say, the world may have to come and get him. And yet, in so far as one is alive, life will call. Society is jealous of those who remain away from it, and will come knocking at the door. If the hero. . . is unwilling, the disturber suffers an ugly shock.

The Crossing of the Return Threshold

The trick in returning is to retain the wisdom gained on the quest, to integrate that wisdom and share it with the world.

The easy thing is to commit the whole community to the devil and retire again into the heavenly rock dwelling, close the door, and make it fast. But if some spiritual obstetrician has drawn the shimenawa across the retreat, then the work of representing eternity in time, and perceiving in time eternity, cannot be avoided" The hero returns to the world of common day and accepts it as real and worthy of salvation.

Master of Two Worlds (via Astral projection because luminous beings are we)

This step is usually represented by a transcendental hero like Jesus or Gautama Buddha. For a human hero, it may mean achieving a balance between the material and spiritual. The person has become comfortable and competent in both the inner and outer worlds.

Campbell: "Freedom to pass back and forth across the world division, from the perspective of the apparitions of time to that of the causal deep and back—not contaminating the principles of the one with those of the other, yet permitting the mind to know the one by virtue of the other—is the talent of the master. The Cosmic Dancer, declares Nietzsche, does not rest heavily in a single spot, but gaily, lightly, turns and leaps from one position to another.

Freedom to Live (for an eternity) Mastery leads to freedom from the fear of death, which in turn is the freedom to live (for an eternity)

This is classical storytelling within myth for a character as powerful and developed as Luke Skywalker in a modern myth.

You didn't even include a shot of Temuera Morrison's head pasted on top of the cgi body.

The application of campbell doesn't make any sense, given that the OT was complete and used the traditional three act structure well. While the the new trilogy might use the three act structure well on its own, it doesn't translate well when considering the new trilogy is a continuation of an already existing story, rather than its own set of movies. Applying Campbell in a broad way across multiple trilogies is amateur at best. Especially when the existing medium the new trilogy is based off of (the OT) was a complete story that didn't need any continuation. Also, just saying something adds new pathos and logos, doesn't mean either make sense. Thematically, TLJ may be interesting, but it fundamentally lacks any substance or coherence within the universe it exists in. Rian Johnson isn't a bad director per say, but his emphasis on audiovisual brilliance constantly works against, rather than for the narrative he's trying to present. It's a shame this movie is what it is, because it had potential, but certainly didn't live up to it.

Luke fans are literally the worst. Because they think this is still Luke's story.

You have to just watch TLJ without caring about the universe's end result, it's a middle star wars film and thus it's job is to be a "low point" for the protagonist and to throw a curveball, which it not only managed to do plot wise but directing wise and with it's atmosphere.
It's ends up channeling the mysterious kotor star wars force noir feeling with kylo and rey.

Podracing is overrated. The Darth Maul duel is god tier

Everybody praised it, but I had the same feeling when watching Rogue One. It started promising, but it kept getting stupider as it went along, culminating with that ramming scene.

tlj makes rogue one look like a reshot mess with a different director which it is

Again, these answers don't fundamentally address anything. Campell's traditional three act structure's a powerful story telling device, which is adhered to because it makes sense. The problem your usage of it becomes its broad application in a way that doesn't make sense. Luke had completed the traditional hero's journey, this is to say he had already fulfilled the last parts of that journey. Having a character repeat the final parts of the hero's journey isn't particularly satisfying. That isn't to say it can't be done well, nor is it to say one's journey can't be continued, the larger issue is with execution, rather than the continuation itself. Freedom to Live and Rescue from Without need to make sense within the broader context of the story you're telling, and TLJ doesn't do either of these particularly well. One reason for this lies in TFA and TLJ continuing already existing character arcs thirty years after these characters were last seen without nearly enough information provided to the audience to address legitimate question of how characters and in a larger sense the universe itself got from RoTJ to TFA and TLJ. This isn't to say all question are left unanswered, but enough are to leave the audience baffled and unsatisfied.

Wrong. Pure cope. Fuck off, loser.

Yes, but only because of Kylo/Reylo.


Kylo is the only worth watching thing in nuwars. Everything else is complete and utter crap.

>Chad rankings

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>I had no problem with TFA. It was mediocre because it was such a lazy rehash, but it didn't have the same stupifying level of idiocy to its writing.
I agree that TLJ is worse but TFA is still very very bad. The fact that it's a rehash is not only lazy but it makes the whole thing precariously balance on huge contrivances and Rey being little miss perfect, because the iconic scenes that happened naturally following the plot in the OT need to be copied at all cost. The plot is now forced to make the scenes happen rather than the other way around.

When you deconstruct it with that perspective, it becomes very very stupid very very quickly, right from the opening scene that aims to recreate the iconic introduction of Vader.

>why would Kylo kill Tekka when he is obsessed with finding Luke and, as far as he knows, Tekka is the only one who knows where the map is.
because Vader killed the rebel officer in the OT, establishing him as an intimidating and powerful character, but he only had a small ship to search, not a planet.
>why wouldn't Poe flee immediately with the galaxy-saving info instead of trying to fight 1v100?
because Kylo needs a lead to make the plot move forward.
>why wouldn't Kyle torture Poe immediately instead of going all the way back to his ship since he knows the map has to be around and he's obsessed with it
there's no answer to that, that's just dumb.

And don't get me started on the Falcon Millenium just sitting there and Han finding it 5 minutes after it's left.

Only fags who use the term "roastie" put RotS high on the list.

intelligent discerning ranking:

I feel a weather pattern forming with the prequelfagging going on ITT


litarally kys

Not the best, but definitely not the worst. I'd say it's my 4th favorite one.

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also based and true

Roman YT kino.