is futurama well regarded around here?
Is futurama well regarded around here?
I did until those new seasons
>That episode where Leela's mom cucks her husband with Zapp
Yikes - nuSimpsons character destruction tier
I don't get it.
So let me get this straight, 3 guys are sentenced to be raped to death by over grown women. Not for any other crime than being men?
Imagine if this was reversed. 3 women sentenced to be raped to death for being nothing more than women.
How the hell did this get past the fcc?
And before somebody says "they wanted it" fry screems "noooo" before being dragged away and raped again.
Yeah, they should have just let it die. The final episode was good though
and feed
the store used to be called chucks fuck and suck
Formerly Cvalbard
god I wish that were me
Okay I’m not memeing I genuinely don’t get this?? Is it meant to spell something??
Women can't rape men unless pegging is involved, simple as that.
People here are too young to have ever seen it.
Seems to be a commentary on the difference between the sexes more than anything.
>managed to watch it and not think they wanted it
Dude, look at the date.
first 4 season were great. something didnt seem right about it when they rebooted it
Formerly unliked
all men deserve rape
yes women and men differ sexually
Fry, Zap and Kip were being punished for being incels.
They were curing them.
Also pic related
Feed Post Sneed Post
Imagine thinking men and women are fundamentally the same and there are no behavioural differences between sexes.
Pre-revival episodes yeah
I like it a lot
Feedorama (Formerly Fuckorama)
Considering all the threads I've seen, yes it is. Why are you such a fucking tourist bitch?
Original cancellation run, reboot series finale and the movies are top tier.
All other reboot material was garbage.
Futurama is corny grandpa-tier humor just like the simpsons
he's hanging off a digital clock my dude