Should women be imprisoned in breeding farms?

should women be imprisoned in breeding farms?

Attached: 1557743738389.webm (720x1280, 1.87M)

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oh look a pair of breasts wooooow

Yes if you're imprisoned in an incel farm.

That womans looks like a non-white subhuman.
Just saying.

have children

I would put her in my BRAP Barn


>no bimbo gf

Attached: bimbo.webm (640x1136, 2.93M)


Attached: 1517102770898.png (1910x1056, 1.73M)

should incels be imprisoned on incel islands?

Attached: 1558006483439m.jpg (498x1024, 61K)

Her face is a bit much i feel like

gunna need a name lad

>incel farm
what exactly would a farm like this produce

No they should be free to choose whatever breeding farm they please

Her face looks like a disaster
Imagine the mess in 10 years


it's not like anyone would let you in, stupid incel


Attached: your future wife.webm (368x640, 387K)

calm down incel

Literal me if I push my stomach out. Just a get a "good" job and you can fuck girls despite looking like this.


No, men should

To add on to my own post. Learn how to groom and dress aswell as pick out a good perfume, light scents such as citrus during spring/summer and more towards oak and tobacco scents during winter. Get a nice watch too, no other jewelry. Tatoos and rings and necklaces can get you mad puss if you are also handsome, but in this case (and mine) its better to be discrete about that kind of stuff, rather have one expensive watch than 10 cheap ones if you are not a chad.

throwaway assassins for political purposes

granted they'd only really be effective against cute female political opponents but I think there's a market there

her face looks like 10 lbs of make up on a puckered asshole

>incel island
>they invent artifical wombs within a decade
>flying cars within 2 decades
>cure cancer in under 3 decades
>brain/machine interface after that
>literal utopia arises in less than a hundred years

Lets be honest user

Attached: cnHuftb.jpg (1280x720, 60K)

what's wrong with w*hites?

>he thinks inecels are above 60 iq on average

Nah man, I'm gonna post more bimbo webms instead.


you wear cologne to work, fren?

I don't think you're even capable of posting more bimbo webms faggot, prove me wrong I dare you

You know this woman makes about $2000 an hour and will retire as a millionaire within 5-10 years time right?



Attached: women.jpg (857x1202, 364K)

have sex

>They finally decide to let women share in their Utopia an let them in
>It goes to total shit within 20 years
Every time...

she'll also be a used up roastie who will never bag a man with an ounce of self respect and have to settle for some beta cuck if she ever wants to breed

Ok thats a new one.

She'll still be completely worthless.

Go dilate you stinky pussy wound

and a drug addict with no money

Have sex.

They shouldn't be given any political power, thats for sure.

Of course, why wouldn't I? Just dont overspray it, it should be noticable if they get close to you, but not so overdone people can smell it unless they actively engage in a conversation with you.

Girls like this are so fucking ugly

I know you're playing me, but I'm gonna go ahead anyway

Attached: 1547350452248.webm (360x640, 572K)

Damn, she fucked up her face even more.
>only 23
Bogged for life

Hills of eyes 2?

Sex>Galactic conquest
Have sex

she will be morbidly obese in 5 years

hot desu

>meanwhile, on the breeding farms, a bi-weekly issue of cosmo is "invented"