why are women like this?
Why are women like this?
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I see nothing wrong with this particular webm.
>white men let women belittle them in public
lmaooo no wonder why women don't take your seriously
A: Cuz they are weak and dumb but hold moist hole we like to drill.
I hate womans so much
shut the fuck up
That guy isnt white
>just let her scream for a few more minutes then go home and have great sex
Why isnt he dabbing repeatedly?
truth hurts dont it whiteboi
>im ready for my close up bro
But those peoples are not white,they are americans.
based and utopiapilled
>his smirk at the end.
Adults don't dab or even know what that is. Idk what the fuck it even is besides kids looking retarded
you're going to be put in prison soon
They're taught from birth that their actions have no consequences.
looks like 400 blows ending shot
Is that an argument, god they have nothing on latinas
Why are they always like that?
high energy from beans-rich diet
If he touched her, he's going to jail even though he's defending himself. He's doing the right thing within this society.
This man gets it. But have sex with another chick.
Very Derek Jeter.
>touching a whore over a usual argument
Do you also beat dogs for barking at you?
>could be at home playing CoD
This thread is filled with incels what a surprise
This is big wetness energy. Girls get like this when they need to get plowed. They start rattling off bullshit and before you know it you're bobbing eir heads in the car. It's just the ultimate hypocrisy and paradox that is women. Stop trying to reason with it and smash
Blame's on him for putting up with her shit.
Fake and gay
Yeah, argue all you want but destroy my property and you're getting your shit slapped. What a cuck.
Prison escapes are fun bonding activities
you know how i can tell your a virgin thats likely never left his room for a drink and never had sex? shes not angry at all. Likely drunk, likely speaking loud and so close due to music being played.
have sex, incels.
haha sucks for you gramps
*dabs on u*
Ok sweaty, remember to brush your teeth before bed.
>*replies to tripfag anyway *
At least the guy doesn't need foodstamps to survive.
Get dabbed on nigger.