For me, it's the Donald

For me, it's the Donald

Attached: trump.png (782x599, 490K)

If Hillary had been elected we would all be fighting in ww3 right now

Shut up boomer

Based Israel defender.

Post uncropped version faggot.



Attached: 1201025.jpg (269x239, 26K)

seethe more, liberal

Attached: 4761797480001_5840063236001_5840063315001-vs.jpg (1280x720, 86K)

i love israel



Hilary won the popular vote. It's literally a minority ruling over a majority at this point.

Only the white vote count


I thought you libs were ok with minorities getting what they want?

Hell yeah brother Trump is a cool f*cker tell alice I said hello

-Rick "hells bells" Taylor


Bush also lost the popular vote. It really makes you think.

Not an argument.

>Implying city's count
If you live in a city you should unironically not get a vote desu

Trigger the libs, own the libs...

Where is your argument? Or do you agree with me?

any second now

why are american do this?

as if you shitheads make any arguments lol

Only a retarded election system is holding conservatism afloat. It's a dead ideology.


Attached: lildonie.jpg (220x298, 21K)

The entire nation is turning on leftist ideology. No one wants communism, lgbt crap or trans gender kids

If fair wages and wealth tax is communism, then the majority wants communism and there is nothing cucks can do about it kek

You just said 3 minutes ago that the majority doesn't rule.

everyone wants "fair wealth tax". that's not the point of contention with taxes

America is a dead country, when it becomes leftist it'll instantly lose world power status.

Apparently not because orang-utan lowered taxes for the wealthy.

>daddy Bernie’s gonna give me free stuff

People have always wanted those things you laughable millennial idiot

What we don’t want is open borders, a nation flooded with inferior browns, cities full of gangs, lgbt shit pushed on our children, draconian hate speech laws, socialist level 30% tax rates, and all the other bullshit our nation is rejecting. Leftism is literally dying out and there’s nothing you can do. You are a hated minority


Good thing that will never happen

By the end of this year abortion will be banned or extremely restricted in over half the nation