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What are the incels mad about now?


kill yourself

I'm mad they made her a dike instead of a shorthaired femdomfu

White supremacists are at it again

Dilate Tripfag.

disgusting tripfaggot. back to discord you go cock sucker

why does anyone still give a shit about capeshit at all

Hey, have sex :-(

Looks like the incels are back out comment bombing a show with a female lead. I wish I was surprised

i bet the russians did this

>nobody even cares
I bet the retards even think it's gonna be a film

It genuinely does look fucking abysmal.
I admittedly watch all the CW superhero shows including Supergirl... but this looks beyond dogshit.

бeйзд энд pэдпиллэд

So how much longer is Hollywood going to ignore the interests of the common person? They can only keep this charade up for so long.

I thought hating on women representation in the media was a fringe belief associated with Yea Forums and alt-right groups and the liberals were just fishing for some cheap sympathy points.
Truly, we live in the dark times, gonna watch it for sure now, to support the feminist cause.

Why don't they make a live action Nightwing or Red Robin or Red Hood show? Literally anything else could be kino if done right. I know Titans exists but It was pretty bad imo

in every single fucking thread it's you being a contrarian shitlord

Looks like the whiteknights are back defending anything with a woman in it, no matter how obviously shitty it is. Wish I was surprised.

Another straight white male superhero?

you cannot reply. even if you are right, even if they are wrong, no matter what you can't reply. once they stop getting (you)s they take off the trip and post like everyone else
it's a group effort, they feed on attention which is why they have a name in the first place

So go make your own?

Honestly, I don't care about this at all, just looked like bad marketing.
The terminator 6 trailer made me cringe tho.

They will finance is for 4 seasons despite terrible results.

You will have sex... oh wait.

>DC fucking sucks
did you guys know that bears shit in the woods

capeshit is shit. What a surprise.

I know your memeing but people actually read your comment and agree with you.

because the women are dykes and ugly unlike in the 00's they were attractive and geek friendly


>It will be when it fits a woman
what did they mean by this

Batwoman has been comfirmed lesbian for years, and has been implied lesbian for far longer.


Attached: Screenshot from 2019-05-29 03-48-00.png (1366x768, 244K)


He said dyke and ugly. Batwoman in the comic is a dyke and beautiful