Just be yourself, bro

Just be yourself, bro.

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I'm not good looking and even I can pick up chicks.

The trick isn't "be yourself" or "look good". It's to pretend to be something you're not.

Just have sex, bro

Ignore this person's advice. Looking good is the easiest way to get chicks. You barely have to do anything if you're /fit/.

Fucking obviously it helps. My point is that if you're ugly - looks isn't what you need to worry about.

>thinking you have to be /fit/ to be good looking

Being fit would reduce the impact of your ugly face, money also helps

>You barely have to do anything if you're /fit/.

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>when i'm with my gf and there's a tall guy walking towards up

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The small guy is trying too hard and getting mogged brutally but fucking hell the tall dude looks fucking weird.

I think it's his abs and pecs that are fucking with me. The way he developed his musculature, he had a very clear idea of what he wanted to make himself and neglected a lot in favor of focusing solely on the V.

That girl has no boobs

Literally me on the left

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The guy is short as fuck but that frumpy ho doesn't deserve either of them desu.

They've done these jewtube videos going around showing random girls an assortment of abs to see which type of fit man do women like.
None picked his, claiming it was tryhard and unnatural; then he proceeded to tell them it was him and take his shirt off. Shit was fucking hilarious. Dude's disfigured his body in a very misguided attempt to deal with his self-esteem issues only for women to tell him he's disgusting.

Connor Murphy > Right > Left
Left looks like one of those loser drug addicts that squats in your home

Who is the him? The manlet or Connor?

Women say shit like that because they feel insecure about their own fat asses. They know they can't get with a guy who takes pride in and puts effort into his body, because they don't. It's a cope basically.

If the same guy made it known that he found them attractive and was interested, they'd jump him in a second, and to the exclusion of a less in shape guy.

Women don't have any sort of objective standards. They shift based on their own personal standing and feelings about themselves.

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>literally Superman

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who could defeat him?

>You barely have to do anything if you're /fit/
You clearly never went to /fit/.

>You barely have to do anything if you're /fit/.


>Pro-tip: make sure to dedicate one watch to the girl's reaction. Just watch her facial expression throughout the video and pay no attention to anything else. You can pinpoint the exact moment when...

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the short dude has the weirdest looking pecs

Guy in the right still gets pussy, though. Left is probably gay.


I am 5'10 and have pretty ugly face desu still have a solid 8/10 gf but for me she is 10/10 and she does everything for me. I havent done anything special to get her just was funny and made it clear that I want to fuck her.

I doubt you have an ugly face.

I do look good in a faceapp girl filter

Nipples don’t help here

it's gyno

You are probably not ugly

Just thought I’d leave this here

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