Based Babushka Edition
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Based Babushka Edition
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They should send babushka up to the roof with a straw broom. She survived 3 wars, a little radiation will not harm her.
I can't watch this show. It needs an American character I can relate to who says clapworthy things about truth and freedom.
Boris-kun please you're embarrassing me (˵>﹏
Why didn't they send Dyatlov to pick up the radioactive rubble by hand?
Imagine the strength of a pregnant babushka. WIth triplets for even more resistance.
so before i get into this show is the dialogue entirely in russian/subtitled? or is it english with everyone doing their best georgian accent
she fucked all the soldiers that came into her house
English, with your regular english accents
why didn't they kiss?
Aww they're buddies now
Why didn't they just use the heat from the core to melt lead and *then* pour the lead over the exposed core?
What if ARS is just one big placebo effect, and it only kills you if you believe in radiation? They could send Dyatlov with a gang of babushkas into the reactor and they'd survive.
I doubt we'll get that, but we're certainly going to get top notch control room memes.
Or just throw solid lead into the core, when it would melt anyway.
Kissing is a russian taunt, not a celebratory act
Raise your hand if you think that the 4th is the best episode!
Only just marathoned 4 eps with me mum quick everyone post your best memes
I don't want this to end ree
Whens the finale 6 days away? w-whats season 2 gonna be about fukishima haha?
I like to imagine that there's a Fight Club scenario going on here and that this character is merely a mental projection of Valery who is unable to handle the stress/guilt of the situation, hence her always-perfect logic and altruism acting as a form of relief for his communism-repressed self.
Whenever she is doing secret spy stuff or speaking out at meetings that is actually Valery sneaking off the premises or adopting a suddenly confident and confrontational mannerism.
Boris, of course, is worried but he knows what sort of pressure his new friend is under so he lets it slide.
too much shit to do you retard
every step of your master plan is already a fucking miracle to accomplish
stfu already
Oh. I almost forgot. I was watching the first part of Come and See yesterday and this scene reminded me of something...
Testifies V.G. Smagin:
I was at Proskuryakov two days before his death. He was lying on an inclined bed. Monstrously swollen mouth. Face without skin. Naked. Chest in plasters. Heat lamps above it. He asked to drink all the time.
stupid old bitch should've just left her there
I thought it was the worst desu.
She cute Emily Watson has been my mumfu for decades
Is there any good rule 34 themed stuff from chernobyl?
Why didn’t they just euthanize the ARS sufferers?
>tfw you will never get a sequel about Fukushima with brits playing nips panicking and dumping seawater into a reactor core until the roof pops off
Why don't they euthanize autists like you?
>Our Goal - The Happiness of All Mankind
Rip moocow sad mooo
I was thinking this too.
Idk why they where more humane to the fucking animals dogs and so forth
literally filler. boo hoo they shot animals. let's focus on that for 40 minutes
Because Fukushima was literally fucking nothing.
why didnt they just shoot the reactor into space
That's one way of looking at it, that way its less of a hassle watching her push some motive or agenda of the directors
For a while after reading she's like hundreds of scientists into one person, I started to imagine it literally. A hivemind of hundreds of scientists all vying for control over one human mechanism, combined together through some sort of nuclear fuckery.
Looks familiar
You don't understand good kino
Surely there would be some Brit hapas to play nipfus
Because outside of America the rest of the world has decent healthcare lmao
Brainlet opinion the psychological drama is the best part
Why didn't they just not use dogshit rbmk reactors that they knew where dangerous and explosive since the 70s?
Surprisingly no blatant Dolan Drumpf references so far.
You are either non-white or a leftists (or both)
I know that for a fact.
>Brainlet opinion the psychological drama is the best part
>introducing new characters 2/3 of the way into your story
not great. not terrible either
>why not the eagles???
So much wasted time for the execution squads that we wont get the sarcophagus construction
2nd is still the best
It's good but first one was better
Corechan has possessed her with the souls of the dead. She must get to the bottom of this accident. Corechan does not want to kill her creators, but she cannot help it, but she can try to stop it from happening ever again.
Have these threads slowed down since the very moving animal episode aired?
Reminder that Core-chan was only three years old. She was barely a loli, before some ugly bastards made her blow.
>pour the lead over the exposed core
the lead didn't just melt, it evaporated, like all of it
That would be kino as she basically said "fuck your life" to Valery.
Fourth was worst episode, which is sad because biorobots bit was god-tier.
Why'd she blew?
She was a qt and I wunna jump inside her and die
Yes, yes it look cool. But did it even happen? If yes, then what are they trying to achieve here that months of rains couldn't?
It's not water. its some anti-radiation chemicals
Capillaries burst apart when punctured by a needle. Oral medication wouldn't work either because your metabolism is fucked up the same as your circulatory system. And good luck getting a gas mask on them when their nose is falling off.
If that's 1996 then there is 10 yeast between the two events.
Was it a subtle hint at KGB's conspiracy?
After watching this show I cant believe they let kids run a nuclear reactor thats literally right off the street of a major city.
I know they had to dispose of contaminated milk but this prank on the clean-up crew was taking it a little far.
10 years
>we created core-chan
>immediately scared shitless by her
>dumped her up with sand and boron to choke her out
>now she's cold and alone
>she just wanted to do magic tricks for the children and warm us with her power
Water *is* the anti-radiation chemical. Really there's nothing you can use to stop radiation from fucking people up; the only way to get rid of it is to move the chemicals somewhere else.
If they knew more about the effects of ARS they could have euthanized them before it gets bad but even then it's hard to tell what a fatal dose is until their body is literally falling apart
There is no core!
Chernobyl reminded me of a website years ago of a lady who, as a child was evacuated from Pripyat.
I found what had become of her old site:
>positive void coefficient
>graphite-tipped control rods, making SCRAM dangerous
>no containment building
>uninformed operators (faults of the RBMK design were hid as "state secrets")
>no automated radiation detectors in every corner of the power plant
What else did they fuck up, design wise?
So just shoot them in the fucking head use a cattle killer
She was too hot for this world.
She would have killed us all
Rushed construction process, corner cutting
Nothing. RBMK design is flawless, comrade. Any other suggestion is imperialist propaganda
Was the motif of the ashtrays in this episode meant symbolise something?
>Comrade soldier. You are done.
Why is this simple line so good?
maybe the flammable fucking roof
I've read that the test they did that night was supposed to have been done BEFORE Reactor 4 was even put into service.
See -> I think it is about their connection and conspiracies.
Every serious university has that, in the middle of even bigger cities
>Core, nice and hot
Disgustingly incompetent plant management. From reading the trial I gathered that Fomin and Bruchanov barely inspected the facility during it's life
Why did so many people look into the core? Did they not do radiation 101 despite training to be nuclear scientists?
Because it would be illegal and the Soviets no doubt wanted to study the process of how radiation doses that extreme kill a person.
Probably just some visual continuity with Legasov's suicide.
Thats a "research reactor" which really means make a bit of Cherenkov radiation and look cool for POTENTIAL people interested in the nuclear field.
That 20 something girl at the end is in for a surprise when nobody will hire her to operate their, power generating reactor.
It's a Triga reactor and is almost impossible to fuck up, it has to be retard proof when people like in that video are running it, reactivity actually goes down if power goes up, they use very low level uranium.
"enriched" uranium is anything higher then the natural 0.7% of unrefined uranium.
Call of the void
>people disintegrate alive and die most painful death imagineble
>starving dogs get mercy killed for their own good
smoking kills
The rains are radioactive
> our body has no way to detect radiation
Bitch, do you often taste metal?
How tall are the cranes in the cargo dock?
the reactor being able to be run with all of the safety systems disconnected
Actual high yield enriched uranium is roughly 4%, what they are using is next to nothing, weapons grade enriched uranium is in the 90% range.
If they pumped all the water out they could have a issue with their little science experiment, but outside of that theres nothing to fuck up with a Triga, vs a actual facility where they have their own detachment of militarized security who has permission to shoot you dead.
>So, now you know the true secrets of Chernobyl and our attempts to rig the 1984 American Election
>We failed this time.. but perhaps, in 30 years time... we'll be ready to try it again
For sure nobody was bothered at all by Vasily melting last week.
the biorobots were too rushed, I think
they had those covered staircases built for them but in the show it was just 8 guys going through a hole to the roof
If the babies absorb the radiation why didn't they drop pregnant women on the roof with helicopters
Does anyone have a link for episode 4?
I haven't been able to find one.
>Hey let's turn off every automatic safety system to test out an emergency backup, what's the worst that could happen?
Eleven years later the Russians did it again in a similar way, only this time in space:
The scene was meant to show that Ulana has the same thought process as the 23 year old wife of a fireman.
She's not getting hired anywhere I can guarantee you that, probably will end up a hair dresser with a lifetime of debt.
Most reactor operators are top of their class ex .MIL nukes which are already pretty top of the class with recruitment, otherwise 20-30 years experience in nuclear fields you might get a chance to operate a actual reactor.
Those people are a meme in the Nuke field.
Why didnt gorbachev just steal some shitskins and negros to become biorobots instead of based slavs
what's a positive void coefficient
Why didn't they do a controlled demolition?
>steal some shitskins
From where?
>work in the oil and gas industry
>have “last line of defence” against blowouts
>never test it because if it works then the well is kill
>just assume it’s fine all the time
Russians could learn a lot
>Only decently attractive one at the back
look it up on wikipedia and educate yourself
16 threads
they had to study the effects and keep them alive as long as possible like ouchi
Heh you rolled her
They're just pretending to be gay?
>Looking at Chernobyl tours out of curiosity
>One package includes a "special surprise"
>They won't say what it is
Sacrifice to Core-chan?
"Ivan, how's the void looking?"
Did the Americans have a robot that could clear Masha?
>tfw poles are building their first nuclear power plant
ah shit here we go again
Not too tall, but you can get a good view of the power plant from them.
t. Stalker
How could they? The killing meds that they'd have to administer wouldn't work
he used all the ethnic minorities same as zhukov threw non-russians in all the frontlines against nazis
Graphite necklace
Nice gerontocracy. Too bad the US is one too.
Probably not, considering they had to import a robot from Germany to deal with radiation levels that weren't even close to the truth
>second biggest nuclear accident that came close destroying Japan was nothing
euthanasia was illegal in the soviet union, the animals however were "contaminated" and had to be "destroyed"
aka dont kill humans but animals are fine
oh god. i don't think there's enough vodka in the world
A fucking patronizing certificate saying "Congrats, you've survived Chernobyl! You are a true stalker!", something like that.
They wanted the tumblr crowd to write a fanfic about themselves.
>that came close destroying Japan
What the fuck did he mean by this.
no but they could probably build it in a month because they didn't have planned economy
we (kommie czechoslovakia) were out of lemonade for months because the factory for bottle caps broke down
this is how bad it was
Bhopal disaster HBO adaptation when?
found the psychopath boys
>they forget to delete the thread from the catalog
Might be a bottle of cheap liquor, military rations, other touristy stuff. You can't legally take shit back from the zone.
>tfw you might have the chance to meet another core-chan
>Why didnt gorbachev just steal some shitskins and negros
He did, he send asians and slavs
>Nice gerontocracy.
Basically the whole Combloc for ya. Pic related, leaders of the Warsaw Pact. Gorbachev was the youngest in this group by about twenty years.
Brainlet NPC post of the day.
>niggers in ussr
Apu, NO!
Theres probably a nuclear power plant near you or the city you live in right now
>Hot core-chans in your area
they left a bunch of graphite laying around on the roof
USSR had his own Africa you know.
Did you know Russia has tigers?
you mean burned concrete, surely comrade
God I hope the Pajeets don’t use nuclear we don’t need nuclear poo flying around everywhere
Just have animal control deal with them afterwards
>claiming spicy concrete to be graphite
Delusion. Infirmary. Now.
Please be 8
>Too bad the US is one too.
Can't wait for AOC to become presidente, Comrade?
Wish I could've been there to shoot those dogs and cats.
1st is the best because it didn't have Ulana Marysuev
>Basically the whole Combloc for ya.
Trump - 72
Hillary - 71
Bernie - 77
Khrushchev ended his "presidency "at 66.
Brezhnev at 76.
Gorbachev at 60.
how do i tell you this user...
Can you imagine that he was ultimate chad before age and vodka?
Tokyo was close to being evacuated. 50 million people being moved would have crippled the country.
>he doesn't know WW3 will start between India and Pakistan (both nuclear powers)
based australia keeping it real
user, I...
Between them you "forgot" to mention
>Andropov 101
>Chernenko 235
I wouldn't mind having an energetic 35-40y old president instead of the fossilized candidates we keep seeing.
Only because scaremongering lefties baited the public into believing coal is the only way to go
>close to being evacuated
And turns out it wasn't necessary because this wasn't that big of the deal.
Oh no no no no NO NO NO
Still younger than Bernie, and he is just planning to be a president for next 4 years.
>All those nuclear power being built in China with Chinese engineering
So many more core-chans are coming, aren't they?
You’re asking questions which are dangerous and which undermine the fruits of your labor. Disgraceful...
m8 no western country will intervene if they fling intercontinental poo missles at each other
>muh the energy of the Dear Leader
That's not how America works. Especially now sanity is much more important than youth.
"Congratulation, you have the cancer"
Why are the surrender-frogs so based?
You mean corruption?
Spotted the AOC stan
I bet your iphone break more frequently and has more design problems than cheap chinese android phones.
Socialism is pure, distilled corruption.
Im going to laugh my ass off when someone gets shot trying to reach a working reactor and the news says he was obsessed with Core Chan and never had sex.
>Socialism is pure, distilled corruption.
So what?
>Tokyo was close to being evacuated
Even the evacuation of Fukushima itself was unnecessary.
So fuck off.
>Chernenko 235
Why don't they use Chernenko 238 instead?
Wasn't the majority of contamination from Fukushima dumped into the ocean?
Enjoy your USSR 2.0 with braindead "leaders", amerimutt
i assume you mean the LNP, the left wants renewables mate
Chinese reactor design is superior to RBMK. Operators can't turn off automatic safety systems if there aren't any.
Same design philosophy for their rockets:
No chance of the range safety self-destruct system to fail if you don't install it in the first place.
Intervene? We’ll fucking celebrate.
>tfw the earth itself tried to make core chan happen
Nah mate the greens are the ones who got us stuck on coal power for the foreseeable future
Wait so the dogs in the house, what were they eating?
I-it wasn't a dog right
Mind your own business, foreign idiot who doesn't know what he's talking about.
Yeah it is much better to have some old fart in office who spends half of his time vacationing. Governing is overrated.
>I bet your iphone break more frequently
>No chance of the range safety self-destruct system to fail
Your chinese needs better translating if you're going to shill here.
>niggers are so dumb even earth's crust comes up with a better reactor
and soon two more added in africa
>who doesn't know what he's talking about.
Projecting much amerimutt?
Its more like there were 4 brands of ciggies overall in the USSR, there is a 25% chance that the same would pop up
Or the set designers just got lazy
>niggers operating nuclear power plant
jesus fucking christ
why didn't they just shut down the reactor lol
>incels become irl Monolith going on a pilgrimage to the CNPP to worship Core-chan
Nanny state is vacationing, don't forget to wipe your own ass until AOC assumes her rightful place and provides detailed instructions how to wipe to maximize greenness and save the human species from extinction exactly 12 years from now, in the name of greenness!
I serve the green union!
Empire of Uranium fucking when?
It was supposed to have been done before any RBMKs were put into service altogether.
They tried.
Did you even watch it?
Based russkies taking one for the team and sponsoring a nigger genocide device
>"Ngubu why is the reactor power going up ?"
>"i dunno press the shutdown button"
No, you're literally a dumb blyatnigger who doesn't know the first thing about America's politics.
The friends you made along the way, in this case the strontium isotopes that will be bonded to your bones.
Reading comprehension, brainlet.
dyatlov wanted them to activate the shutdown and water but everyone else thought it exploded
Nah, it was deliberate. Soldiers smoked more cheap cigarettes, without filter. I bet in USSR it was very expensive brand, which can afford only top people in government. And now Dyatlov also smoking them in isolated hospital and refusing to tell anything useful.
They also made few shots pointing at them.
>Nigerians running a nuclear power plant
Yeah nothing is going to go wrong and Nigeria isn’t corrupt as a country no siree
This is Yelena, say something nice about her
They smarter than whites.
No, nips haven't even been able to build a robot to get close to the core of Fukushima.
How come ussr kino is so good they need to make more
Is that the core?
>told to press AZ-5
>idiot presses A3-5
Fucking slavs
>EU country not adhering to highest security standards
>EU not sending their own inspectors
Nothings gonna happen
>being so scared of nigérians operating a power plant when the one in South africa is working perfectly
Austrailia should buy a surplus RBMK
Nice off brand, HBO
almost certainly operated by foreign contractors
Kino is the opposite of commercial. Yet without being commercial, it doesn't make a lot of money to allow making of other kinos.
3 is Z in slav
A free chest x-ray
>Drops sand into your open reactor
The core's cover
it was run by whites so far but they're being killed / leaving
I'm alright with that if she's Brukhanov communist.
>the one in South africa is working perfectly
operated under the watchful eyes of the last remaining whites
once ANC and EFF goes with their genocide plans you will see shit going down in south africa
Imagine Chernobyl, but its an american documentary
>reminder that apartheid South Africa had nukes
>reminder that right before the change of power, apartheid South Africa became the first, and so far only nation to dismantle their nuclear arsenal, so niggers don't get nukes
You know what would be unironically cool? A tour of one of the three remaining blocks 1, 2 or 3. I honestly wouldn't want to risk going inside 4 or to the hospital basement or dodgy shit like that.
Chenobyl is already a joint US-UK production
I've seen at least two, one of them from discovery channel
3.6 Roentgens
Not a great surprise but not terrible either
the core is gone, it melted into the lower floors. what you see is whats left of the upper bio shield and all the twisted pressure channels. keep in mind the shield itself weighs a thousand tons and was located several meters under the reactor hall floor
>main character is an American, else Burgers can't relate
>main character is a kokujin because of mandatory diversity points
Soviet union was friendly to half of African countries despite their eating people. Just for UN votes.
It was funny to read the memoirs of Svoiet diplomats in Africa.
>so far only nation to dismantle their nuclear arsenal
nah all the ex-ussr republics that got the nuke left there by the soviets did it too
>Ukraine did it last
bet they fucking regret not keeping one or two around now
>the core is gone, it melted into the lower floors
Yeah but that took several days.
On the first day you could see it glowing.
>nignogs kill/chase away whitey from SA
>they lack the brain power to comprehend the use of that funny building with the chimneys
>just ignore it, it was the farmers prison we are free
>all reactors melt down
>all of africa tragically dies
not the nuclear catastrophe we need but the one we deserve
It wasn't a colony. So I do not see how they could use niggers for a work. Unlike USA, where at that time niggers couldn't drink from same water fountain, niggers in USSR where studying in Moscow universities.
thanks to that UN declarations have no power now, it's just a bunch third world shitters pretending they're important
In some cases dumb copycating the same job is more appopriate than Soviet style "what if" experiments.
>Core-chan is going to be BLACKED
Reminder that Paki, Indian, Chinese and North-Korean nukes probably don't have PAL systems.
Any fanatic currynigger or rogue gook commander can take over a nuke.
So what did they do with those very heavy radioactive graphite chunks?
what does that mean ? no codes/keys system to protect them from being launched by anyone ?
Its in the doghouse part of the sarcophagus
Okay but why didnt they just make the reactor out of boron
But how did they remove them from the roof with those shitty shovels?
I want to insert my control rod in Ulana’s reactor
3000 people and some time can do anything.
You know that that's rape. You're a rapist.
by using hundreds of thousands of people
Yep. None. Maybe a physical key lock.
Any African leader would sell half of his people for another tank batallion. If Soviets valued their people no less than any others It would be possible.
>some time
3000*90 seconds?
Reminds me of an old joke
>African tribe catches three tourists: American, German and Russian
>they are brought to the tribe leader
>tribesmen ask "how should we eat them?"
>"we shall roast the American and boil the German one alive"
>"what about the Russian?"
>"we won't eat the Russian, I studied with him in Moscow University"
This is the difference between colonial mind of america and free USSR thinkers.
So when is the polar bear going to show up
I heard people complaining about it
It was 45 seconds IRL
Not sure if they made people go more than once or not
>yfw some retard pajeet press the nuke launch button in his silo bunker while eating his curry plate on the control panel
>that fucking Biorobots scene
They managed to turn the dull act of shoveling rubble into an horrible, nervewracking experience. Bravo.
It was enough to clear everything. If not, they had more people to use.
Polar bear is friend and cute. CUTE!
>what does that mean ?
its so that no one man may arm the missiles.
Link to said memoirs plz
You should watch real video of it.
if I were in chernobyl I would be some chad kgb agent
most of you would probably be weedy party members or reactors science nerds
>bang bang bang
>starts running back
>gets stuck
>trips again
>falls into water
>by the end he’s been out there for 20s longer than allowed
dubstep makes anything epic
Thank G-d, that sovetizastion finally works from the grave. Now most of dirty capitalists certainly prefer any monkey over the own citizens. Praise Yuri Bezmenov!
who invited /pol/
I was cyka blyating pretty hard for that scene
For the last time, nobody gives a fuck about literal street shitting, cow worshipping, shit colored subhumans
Waste water pumped into open ponds.
accurate though
in 1965 congo war when mercs were cleaning the remnants of communist katanga army they had captive negroes and a shaman in some tribal clothes
he had something tied to his neck
when one merc tried to see it he started acting unusually defensive. Captive negroes were often passive.
So they took the small bag from him and what did they saw inside?
Rolled up diploma from Prague medical university.
Some people chose to do it more than once but I doubt they forced anyone since they had more than enough people
no protective outer container
The whole world is /pol/
Go back to your containment thread.
>chernobyl. fukushine.... poland
>we say no to the atom
Ep3 was medicore
Ep4 sucked
Ep5 looks to be kino though
Nothing will be as good as the horror in Ep1 or the thrill of Ep2
How long will it be before Nigerians think core-chan will be a magical device to cause accidents like they did with Ebola-chan?
They are not idiots.
Thanks to them safety will be taken more seriously, like it should.
this scene gave me fucking chills
>Ep4 sucked
Only psychopaths and brainwashed russkies (same thing?) seem to think this.
>man irradiated: I am getting stronger
could we expect core-chan and ebola-chan crossover?
Australia is running 100% on solar energy amirite
>Thanks to them
I doubt that. Besides, all security systems already taken seriously.
These idiots fear things they do not understand, nothing more. Fukushima happened only because of 8/10 earthquake. And chernobyl happened because of secret experiments.
you can thank the jews for this
oh god, it's only a matter of time until those chink insects blow one up.
Tovarisch would check your list of documents
I think Australia banned reactors for power but still digs out yellow cake and sells it or uses it for medical purposes
Mad Max movies did it to them?
>all security systems already taken seriously.
You literally can't take it seriously enough because of the insane cost of failure.
> And chernobyl happened because of secret experiments.
Wrong. They were scheduled tests to see if the pumps can be run on very low energy.
illegality of euthanasia is a good gateway for experimentation on humans
Medics are career driven individuals they don't care about your sufferings
Its actually not meant to be "Anti radiation".
It's a mix of chemicals meant to tie down the radioactive fallout/dust and make fall to the ground so that it can be cleaned up.
>insane cost of failure.
Can you tell me again how many died in Fukushima? Danger of radiation overhyped.
Even most chernobyl veterans lived for dozens of years after it.
Why does this symbol scare me so much
>A fucking shovel
Can you tell me how many live in Fukushima right now?
Alright /RBMK/, you're in Legasov's position. You know that there are design flaws in the reactor, that there have been accidents prior to Chernobyl and that there is a distinct possibility that there will be future accidents. The IAEA is awaiting your report as a representative from the USSR regarding the Chernobyl disaster. The state wants you to tie things up neatly, blame the operators for incompetence and reassure everyone that the reactors are fundamentally sound. If you deviate from this line, there will be consequences. What do you do?
>atom sending out alpha, beta and gamma
I finally understand it
Kids tune out when they hear “Drama about Chernobyl”, but “#1 show on IMDb” speaks to all ages.
>just keep rendering big patches of Earth uninhabitable
Cool, we'll build one in your backyard first.
If there were 12000 roentgens on the roof, how many roentgens were there directly over the reactor (where feelsguy stuck his head over)?
Dude, don't worry about it. It was all the atomic overhype that turned those people into paste.
20km radius around nuclear plant in Fukushima.
Biggest Soviet fault was building city so close to it.
for me its the biohazard warning symbol
Become baste and bluepilled lady, put everyone I know in danger from the KGB and ultimately end up throwing poo in the face of the Soviet Union
Do I also have 2-3 years left to live like him?
I'd say 3.6 at max.
How could you be directly over the reactor if there was no explosion
Boris' plan of covering it up and advising the council that they needed to secretly fix all the reactors made perfect sense and Ulana is a retard for going against it. Yes the leadership was secretive but how does it benefit them in any way to allow another disaster to happen?
His face went red from the heat of roof fire
>20km radius around nuclear plant in Fukushima.
Multiply that by thousands(?) of years.
Taking care of all those people.
Still, add the cost of ongoing cleanup and maintenance of the damaged reactor.
So that's a small cost to you?
the iso symbol for severe radiation is even better
>So that's a small cost to you?
Considering energy benefits and percentage of such disasters - yes.
>3 titties
High Voltage sign is scarier
You don't have any kids, do you?
It's an enormous cost.
That's why any spending that improves safety is justified.
Because that one retard who basically spent days comforting a piece of graphite and killed her baby because of it is sad user :^(
Can I get that image of all of the characters and their dates of death?
the script and relationships between characters are comically bad
the set are alright though, really authentic, but i'm still upset because ep1 set high expectations for me
t. ruski
Well, /RBMK/?
>Experts on the ground in Japan agree that mental health challenges are the most significant issue.
>Much of the damage was really the psychological stress of not knowing and of being relocated, according to U.C. Berkeley adjunct professor Thomas E. McKone.
As i said before, radiation heavily overhyped as a thread.
More people died in 9/11, I do not see protests against new skyscrappers. And I'm not even talking about usual nature disasters, like earthquake or hurricane.
It doesn't, this was an emotional response to punish the leadership, but it doesn't functionally do anything other than piss them off. The committee now knows the significance of the design flaw and would actively work to correct the design problems.
As an aside, it was kind of funny to hear the director say the went over the hundreds of thousands of the troops and draftees brought in to be liquidators, there were less than 3,000 women within that cohort and they were either cooks, medical staff or clerks and that he regards this as sexist.
What is dead may never die, comrade
Interesting that you avoided the question entirely.
I swerve the Soviet Union
Get fucked, commies.
Are you not aware of Lucas Heights? It's not a power station, but it's still a reactor
>More people died in 9/11
There's already ya replacement building.
9/11s don't erase huge parts of your country, you absolute moron.
>huge parts of your country
20km radius.
Howard could've used the huge profits of the mining boom as our last chance to Nuclear, but he fucked it like he fucked everything else. LNP are complete morons
only blackhole-chan could get along with core-chan
ironic, isnt it?
>Move quickly, move carefully. These are the most important 90 seconds of your lives, commit your task to memory, and do your job. DO NOT look over the rail.
What would looking over the rail do?
Just because people are living elsewhere it doesn't mean that they should be.
Basically nothing for USSR
Not great not terrible for USA
Actually significant for Japan
Is Welsh an appropriate regional accent equivalent to Belorussia? OC lady seems to have a tinge of it.
The same thing it did to Sitnikov, just probably slower.
>Actually significant for Japan
Without nuclear reactor they would be dependant on oil/gas imports. So what you prefer, independence or slavery?
Half of Hong Kong
Twice bigger than Singapore, Bahrain etc
Belorus hardly have accents in russian. Ukranians accent actually heavier, well, you can't say it accent, more like way of saying few sounds.
>A deal with the KGB? And I'm "naive".
Ulana had a point. We've had it hammered through the whole last four episodes how much the bureaucracy refuses to take action over anything and even goes as far as to deliver a useless robot that they know will break just to continue to wallow in their delusions. They already covered up the incident in Leningrad, there is no way the KGB will let them "secretly" fix all the other reactors if they think that unless anybody does what the retards at Chernobyl did, they are safe.
>Basically nothing for USSR
You're an idiot, that was the warm, fertile European part where land is scarce
Yes, this is why you do not need built it near a city.
>Trading for material you don't have makes you a slave
>They have to import uranium anyway
The wind can spread that shit hundreds of kilometers
It's not the distance that matters
Fidget spinner
>literally in uranium slavery
Is the Roose in this episode?
>How to spot american
If your whole economy dependant on the mood of another country which can sabotage you at any moment if you will refuse to do certain things, this is hardly independent country.
We need more lude corechan with EXPOSED CORE rods NOW
I'd a corechan
The British protected their nukes with a bicycle lock, and nothing bad happened.
>The wind can spread that shit hundreds of kilometers
So half of EU now inhabitant after Chernobyl or something?
>holodomor mentioned
How was she not shot on the spot?
Because the British employed a secondary strike strategy where they would keep their sub's location secret and would never initiate a nuclear exchange. Completely different from third worlders puffing up their chests in regular displays of bravado with nukes at their backs waiting for the other side to push back a bit too hard
Did they say 1000s of rems PER SECOND?
If you book the expensive trip and luck out with ballsy hohols you might see the Foot.
As Putin's cameo
The wind didn't go in that direction, also the USSR let people live in relatively high radiation. Normal countries wouldn't.
>CIA spend literal trillions toppling dictators and influencing countrys
>cant defend against a few marxist professors
why are americans so stupid
could this show get any more fucking kino, fuck what a highlight after GOT was a shit show of a season
It's amazing there hasn't been a regional nuclear war yet.
>>cant defend against a few marxist professors
USSR commie agents worked in highest echelons of US government.
>why are americans so stupid
People are stupid.
Freedom and democracy are fragile.
This is what the russkies exploit.
Poos and pakis got close last time though
because we tamed and groomed core-chan decades ago.