What's this guy's fucking problem?
What's this guy's fucking problem?
We already have a Warwick Davis thread
He's an idiot that debates dumber idiots and beats them dishonest debate tactics.
Literally a repressed pedophile manlet
He's got a girl's name
smal weiner
>has destroyed JonTron, Sargon, Dick Masterson, NakedApe, NoBS, Lauren Southern, Blaire White, Nicholas J. Fuentes, Mr. Metokur, Roaming Milenial, Baked Alaska, in debates
>on one occasion destroyed those last five ALL AT THE SAME TIME
>BTFO TheAltHype so hard it turned him from a white nationalist to a neoliberal
>Styx pussied out of a debate
>Richard Spencer fears his name
>Ben Shapiro can't handle his facts and logic
>can and has destroyed every single alt-right debater by simply using the socratic method, the most basic logic people have had 2400 years to adapt to
>can and has destroyed every single alt-right debater by simply asking if they really believe what they post online and watches them pussy out and start minimizing
>can and has destroyed every single alt-right debater by simply asking them what it would take for them to stop believing their points of view and watch them flounder around
>can and has destroyed every single alt-right debater by simply looking up where they get their "facts" from and finding they're bullshit taken out of context or made up on some kids blog
>only recourse the alt-right has is ad hominems and strawmen
It's fucking over lads. He's too strong.
wow he destroyed a bunch of literal who pseuds on the internet who cares.
Contrarian who would get destroyed in a real debate outside of his one way argument platforms AKA Twitch/Youtube.
How do destiny introduce himself in Japan?
Tiny des
*pulls at shirt*
*pulls up wikipedia article*
what the fuck
Destiny loses a lot of these debates and then his fanboys suck him off pretending he won
And so on and so on and so on
I knew a fast talking retard like this in high school. He calls himself 'manifest' now and does debate podcasts for 5 listeners.
>hated by commies
>hated by chapo
>hated by right wing conservacucks
The Dark Knight
/ourguy/ when he's not sperging
what? hes right
desu his 'debate' against Ryan Dawson just ended-up with Dawson informing him about the Middle East. It was more of an educational seminar than anything else. I don't even know what positions Destiny had, if any
>jerking off to manufactured Twitch drama
It's like high school politics but for homeschooled spergs
care to extrapolate, goy?
He is both BASED and CRINGED
>Destiny BTFO TheAltHype
That is literally the opposite of what happened and I don't even like TheAltHype
Remember when Martin Shkreli absolutely assblasted him?
Shkreli really pointed out Destinys entire persona; he’s a man with strong opinions on subjects that he only has surface-knowledge of. The moment anyone with deep knowledge of the subject faces Destiny, he’s forced to either admit defeat or perform olympics-grade mental gymnastics before switching the subject.
> Chapos are being such fucking faggots in his chat that he unironically hates lefties now
I used to enjoy him when he was dunking on alt-right retards like that ethno-state lisp autist and Nick "the spic" Fuentes, but then unironic tranny chapo fans inflitrated his chat and ruined the experience.
I think that whole debacle with that streamer who hit his wife on stream made him realise what a bunch of faggots his chat are
he looks like a fucking goblin. clean shave and get a new haircut
People who want to debate politics on the internet and attach their entire persona to some political philosophy are the biggest goddamn losers.
Also he's a 4'3" midget, with a child he hates and an enflated ego because he can misconstrue facts a little better than the fags he debates. Anytime someone who is actually educated debates him the stream turns into a goddamn lecture, and anytime he loses he ragequits and then shit talks his opponent to his dickriding hoard of a fanbase.