Who will play them in the inevitable biopic?

Who will play them in the inevitable biopic?

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Idris Elba. Both of them

Why angl* women so ugly bros?

>states she's 19
what did they mean by this

Marry an older woman for money.

Where do I find a mommy gf?

He's 47 now

its 3 years after they started dating. theyre married now and have to kids.

they have to what?

my w key doesnt work

Just be handsome they’ll come to you.

i dont get it. isn't this how most traditional marriages have been done throughout history? are people just jealous?

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Imagine if the roles were reversed

its literally part of a show called age gap love. and features m-f, f-m, f-f, m-m.

Malkovich and that dragon lady from got

>Imagine if the roles were reversed
so brave...


which key doesn't work

Imdb link it, not searching for it

I honestly have no problem with anythings above 17 and if it's genuinely voluntarily.
Anything below that is genetic fuckery and destruction of young innocence. I would even guess their three children have mild asberger or something.

>not searching for it
lmao you should be safe if you add channel 5 with the search

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That's only if the woman is too old. The dangers of early pregnancy are more about physical damage to the mother than any problems with the children's health.

Not really no. The man would have been in his late 20's or early 30's.

Not true, an older father greatly increases the likelihood of sperg kids.

Does she have grills on or has she never brushed her teeth?

Is it even legal for 16yo m-m?

I dunno, 16-17 year olds these days are filthy, and have probably fucked more times than the 30 year old boomers here.

her teeth are brown

>these days

pretty sure its braces

>those fucking teeth
I want to throw up.

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He's been preparing for this role

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