Are Holocaust movies still an easy way to win awards?

Are Holocaust movies still an easy way to win awards?

Nearly 85 percent of all Holocaust-themed Oscar nominees—going back to the first, ‘The Diary of Anne Frank’ (1959)—have received at least one Academy Award.

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Other urls found in this thread:öhmçois_Gariépy

No one gives a shit about the holocaust or has pity left for Jews anymore except other Jews.

make a triple A movie about the plight of Palestine and see what happens

>except other Jews

who do you think decides the awards?

I want to holohoax maisies tushy

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when i was a kid i was taught 6 million people died in the holocaust

then i was taught it was 6 million jews and 6 million other undesirables

now nobody mentions the other 6 million dead innocent people and it's all about the dead jews again. what's going on here? how many fucking people actually died and was it really 6 million jews?

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>Many older, Jewish Academy members, who remember World War II, lean in to the subject. “They can’t get enough,” one Oscar campaigner told me. “The Jews built the industry. Since World War II, it’s one horror story they’ve told over and over again.”

oy vey goy, nevar foget the 6 gorillion

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I want to holocaust all pedoposters

Even David Irving admits that there were gas chambers

people understand the difference between soldiers killing soldiers and rounding up random civilians because they were jewish and then gassing them, and yes, they did get gassed. Even david irving admits this now

who hurt you?

>even david irving

>left for Jews anymore except other Jews.
So... everyone that holds any power?

some jewish chaps i would guess

This. I don't understand the fuss about holocaust. They keep spending millions of dollars marketing that shit and people are tired of it

Because it always has lots of tranny characters and it thus inclusive

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Why does /pol/ always spam pedo shit everywhere? Fucking degenerates

citizens and non-combatants dying in a war is bad
>vietnam "war" is okay though because they're yellow

Even their idol was a degenerate

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>Holocaust movies always win Oscars
>Movies about the plight of Palestinians never win Oscars
What could be the meaning behind this? Are you suggesting that a certain ethnicity has a lot of power in Hollywood and rigs awards to push their own agenda? Even thinking such a thought could lead to a thought crime.

fuck off /pol/ pedo

The pedo poster is a /pol/ poster

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No, he didn't. He just backtracked a little because they literally put him in jail and told him bad things will happen to him if he continued to "question" the event.

nobody likes fattys

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by allah it's like another nakba!

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oy vey shut dis thread down

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kys pedo. Why are you trying to spread your sick degeneracy on this board?

i feel bad for the men of qatar

die pedo scum

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this board is their home base


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>/pol/ = pedos
very enlightening thread

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What's the problem? Do you know Qatari are big fan of Pierce Brosnan?

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We've known it for a while now

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Sure kid. Anti holohoax movie thread.. pedo poster shows up.. I wonder who it could be!

>OP is a pedo
>Hitler was a pedo

so how many Polish civies were killed? How bout Russian civies?
Do you think these countries jerk off over the holocaust?

Why does the white nationalist community have a problem with homosexuality and general sexual degeneracy? I've noticed a lot of white nationalists end up being exposed as homosexuals and vice-versa. For instance a gay porn actor recently revealed he was a white nationalist and got arrested for selling drugs (Cameron Diggs). Another prominent white nationalists (Kevin Alfred Strom) was convicted for molesting young boys.

Some food for thought:öhmçois_Gariépy (Has sex with the disabled) (Mike Cernovich discusses having sex with a man)

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6 million Poles and 20 million Russians died in WW2 and both never stop talking about it.

Poland is demanding more $$$ from Germany atm

OP's post has pedo shit in it you degenerate rat. Die in a fire with all the other pedos

The soi in this thread is palpable. I wonder why that is?

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>Jews rule the west
>pedophilia is illegal in the west
Is this why pedos are always whining about Jews?

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>6 million Poles
Poland is demanding more $$$ from Germany atm
Poles taking notes from jews now?

do you spam this stuff on pol too or just tv

How do we solve the pedo problem?

yup. The pedo spammer is a well-known /pol/ poster

based, so how bout we learn about the polish holocaust? Where are all the pole skin lamp shades and soap?

/pol/ Yea Forums /k/ /his/

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Im well aware of who the pedobot is, and pol dont respond very well to his threads. The only board on this site that does respond well to his threads is tv

t. mad pedo

Well maybe because you're a moron for bumping those pedoshit threads in the first place.

Those are some good points desu. Thanks for showing his copypasta, friend

bs /pol/ is primarily pedos but the mods there are better and delete them faster. The stated goal of /pol/ by spreading pedophilia is to "keep away reddit"

The reddit/shareblue in this thread is astounding.
I guess we have this to look forward to until the election is over

>bs /pol/ is primarily pedos but the mods there are better and delete them faster
you're a shill faggot.
go to pol and proclaim your love of kids and see what happens

Ignore him, it is literally one person with a vpn that posts every time during this hour(s).

Hitler was a pedo so they probably are p chill with it

nobody likes pedos, kys

What's a VPN?

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>muh mean trolls
kek get fucked pedo shit

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Hitler was everything from a one balled virgin incel to a degenerate faggot womanizer according to the media.

Ive seen this particular guy before quite a few times, he pops up whenever jews are mentioned and makes posts about Hitler and the nazis, as though the only people who've ever criticized Jews were some German retards from the 30s

Someone is mad that he was a faggot. It's not the media's fault he was gay

I've seen you in a few threads too, spamming pedo shit everywhere to "keep away reddit"

Imagine being such a degenerate

lets not forget he had 1 ball, a micro penis, slammed meth 10x a day, was impotent, and killed 0ver 6 gorrilion Jews by turning them into lampshades and soap

>"It's a lie that Hitler's niece shat in his mouth"
>Had e. coli in his system, which you get from eating feces

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Hey jidf i just want to fug amit :3

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>getting this butthurt over Hitler being a fag

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Why are the /pol/ posters ALWAYS pedophiles? it's all so tiresome


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Yeah, yeah, we get it, he was everything and everyone bad

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it isnt pedo if the kikes approve

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proofs none of that is true?

kys faggot


It's not one guy. It's a bunch of them and they are paid. They're spreading out from /pol/ since /pol/ popularity is waning

Why does every far/alt-right site have such a problem with pedophiles?

>/pol/ (see: this thread)

All pedo havens. It's almost as if....

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Fuck pedos

>tfw you post some nazi tranny memes and all the pedos & incels come up with crazy conspiracy theories

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They're just butthurt nobody is buying their pedoshit

Wasn't he also jewish?

Lets post qt kikes

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Might just be some site doing le ebig raid. Idk what they think it accomplishes in any case