Remember the hype for this back when this was first announced? You had Mark Hamill saying that he'd like to play Vesemir and supposed involvement from the "Night to Remember" guy.
Remember the hype for this back when this was first announced...
The hype was quickly killed by the casting
>N E T F L I X
>Remember the hype for this back when this was first announced?
No. I remember everyone with a brain knowing it would be shit because
what sort of fucking retard is hyped for netflix anything
why the fuck are the helmets designed as glans?
>evil nazi penis men attack women and POC in fantasy poland
What is the logic behind this armor?
Is it suppose to be easier for a blacksmith to produce with that design?
ballsack armor strikes fear into your enemy
Blacksmith doesnt produce plastic
It's actually rumpled leather.
But it may as well a garbage bag if anyone truly cares.
>mockery advertising
Remember when you mocked captain marvel and it made a billion dollars, they are trying to do it again. Ignore these shitty threads about a shitty netflix tv series.
probably some left over garbage the production found in a whorehouse somewhere
>comparing disney to netflix
*instantly kills all hype*
Because the Nilfgaardians are supposed to be “dickheads”, it pretty clever actually
this is tragic. when i saw the webm yesterday i thought they were ordinary people larping in the park. they should have asked CDPR permission to use some artistic design from the game.
>*meanwhile, a bunch of drunk polish larpers with a couple of free weekends*
They are clearly trying to make them look like medieval fantasy nazi's
>they should have asked CDPR permission to usec some artistic design from the game.
but CDPR didn't really make any outlandish or memorable designs. their thought process was simple: "it's a fantasy series that is very grounded in realty, so we simpy raid the nearest museums for middle to late middle ages armour, scan that shit and put it into the game with litttle to no changes". Netflix shoould have done the same
no way im gonna watch this shit
>cdpr holds the right to medieval armour
have sex
I was pretty sure the series was doomed when Lauren Hirsch said on her twitter that she understood Polish sooul after taking one week vacation there, but I honestly didn't expect this shit to be that bad.
looks like some kind of porn parody, the attack of black penis men
Daily reminder that women will watch it and that's all that matters because they're the ones paying for retarded subscriptions
It will be later explained that due to some hidden metallurgy marvel, found in Nilfgaard, they are able to turn regular metal armor into this shit, improving its toughness yet granting it flexibility (hence the folds) and ruining look, but Nilfs are famous for practicality, not looks, and the added toughness made their troops actually invulnerable and allowed to conquer all this shit
yeah, I'm sure that's how it will go
Modern women’s abstract symbolism
Fuckin Legolas
This image is literally just a bunch of random LARPers and you idiots think its actually from the set because you want SO BADLY for a tv show made by women more intelligent than you with left wing political opinions to fail, YOU GUYS ARE THE FUCKING SNOWFLAKES. Fucking incels I swear to god, you people need to be shot.
Just realized that they look like dicks.
The dickarmy.
Gamers deserve to have their precious skinner boxes shitted up. I love watching you vidyapolfags just seetheeeeeeeeeee
No. Real LARPers actually put effort in their costumes. See
LARPers respect source material
This could have been kino
>the first thing that comes to mind when he sees that armour is dicks
I think you have something to tell us all
the fuck.
yeah, thats, like, a really deep metaphor about toxic masulinity you know
>women more intelligent than you
>with left wing political opinions
Choose 1.
I need to finish witcher 3, but against who the nilfgaardians fight?
I can only imagine the dickarmy against the cunt army, of course we know who will win, right?
Dick and balls
Yep. Women have no imagination and impossibly low standards
Go check some Giger works you uncultured tranny and come back to tell use that there is nothing there.
Have art.
Nilfgaardians are a mix between Holy Roman and Ottoman Empires. if there is one adjective that was used to constantly describe them in the books, it was "practical" and "industrial". giving them those overly elaborate scrotum armours only show how llittle did they care about source material.
Same production designer of Man Of Steel
Black panther should be white, too much black people in wakanda, where is muh diversity?
It was fucking doomed from the start.
They just HAD to find the niggerest of ni99ers
I know who giger is faggot.
I'm sorry you have a subconscious tendency to see dicks where there aren't any.
Michael J. Fox as the blacksmith
It's not even on a subconscious level, he literally looks exactly like a cock and balls. If you can't see it, you either don't have a dick, you're willfully being an ass or you're a fucking tranny.
Have sex
cmon now
The leaked video was already copyright struck by the Hungarian movie crew and had to be taken down. Yeah, I'm sure it was just larpers trying to troll Yea Forums
Nah, There are still 2 beautiful games:
Witcher 1 and Thronebreaker.