She used to be /our girl/. You should have appreciated what you had

She used to be /our girl/. You should have appreciated what you had.

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Can I get a quick rundown?

the bogs got her

Bogged up her gorgeous face and I literally can't understand why.

She suddenly went from having a fairly natural, non-makeup face, to being caked in the stuff, why?

She was always an ugly nobody
remember her in magic mike
Ugly as fuck meant to be the hot girl.
That was also her biggest role
a joke

the bog??

She was hot as fuck as Psylocke Tbh

she was 10/10 in new girl

She took the Bogpill.

Japanese potatoes

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Shes got more sex appeal than ever
Decently thicc for a hapa

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She was such a qt before. I would have fertilized her eggs. Still would, because her eggs are still attractive.

she's just a loser from Oklahoma that hates uncut dicks

they went for the ultra chad meme


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why'd he do it lads?

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digits don't lie (her hips don't lie either)

dey took er

Cry more anteater dick. Snip it or 99% of us women (and fags) that are civilized are going to find you disgusting. Inb4 Jew, I'm a white Christian woman from a white country that hasn't been infected by you uncivilized rotcocks.

She was a hapa stacy who was always insecure about not just being a white blonde like all her other friends

also she had an actually abusive vietnamese mother

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Hapa women are the most beautiful things on earth. Can someone post more examples to prove my point?

god I love pokies

>tfw her dating history includes:
>Justin Timberlake (self-explanatory...)
>Aaron Rodgers (Packers QB, $70M net worth w/ a $103M guaranteed contract)
>currently: Tucker Roberts (grandson of Comcast' founder, son of it's billionaire CEO)

She's prime goods on the market, can't fault her for only going for top-tier candidates. Even if she's 38 already with no kids.