>Luke, I Am Your Father
How did a dialogue misquote get so popular?
Luke, I Am Your Father
"luke" adds the necessary context
nicely done, user
"Luke, your father is me." doesn't have the same ring.
It was always that, but Nelson Mandela went back in time and spliced out the original
I am he for whom thou seekest
"luke, i banged your mom"
Damn this guy is good.
>I don't have to show you any stinkin' badges!
>Play it, Sam
>You've got to ask yourself one question: 'Do I feel lucky?' Well, do ya, punk?
>Scotty, beam us up
>You're gonna need a bigger boat.
cause boomers are normies to the max.
Meme line, for a brain ded gen
>Luke, I cummed in Padamé.
>No Luke, I am the Empire Strikes Back!
Luke, I am your mom's husband.
I love this movie so much. Will people in the future look back on New Hope/Empire the way we look back on the Iliad and the Odyssey?
This user is a loose cannon, but he gets the job done
I would argue that the context isn't necessary. If you need "Luke" to be added in order to get the reference, it was a poorly placed reference
Thanks freind
Wonder what movies you enjoy.
"Misquotes" aren't supposed to always be the exact quote. When someone says 'greed is good' the point isn't to reference a specific set of words, but a scene and what it represents. Likewise it's a lot easier to just say 'do ya feel lucky punk' while everyone knows what you're meaning, even if it's not 100% right
The reference is so ingrained in culture, because everybody understands who it's about, and the scene it is featured in. Despite its imperfect quotation, it is the perfect reference, the apex of pop culture, I dare say.
Do kids even know what that robot is anymore?
Mad I just took a dump on your ded franchise?
I like only kino, that's all you need to know
>luke, I am obi wan's good friend
Has nothing to do with liking Star Wars. Parroting a quote, a spoiler no less, is low IQ humor and conduct
Think about it logically
>Luke, pay your taxes
Houston we have a problem
>Join me, and together we will tax the universe together as father and son. Taxation with representation is just fine.
It's always been
>no, i am your father
although i believe in the mandela effect this is not one of them
I've been correcting people on this line since i was a kid in the eighties when it came out.
its just people who haven't watched it a thousand times like big sw fans that hear through popular culture the other line and misquote it themselves.
the true underlying subtext. vader gave zero fucks