Why do they have such shit taste in movies and television?
Why do they have such shit taste in movies and television?
t. Butthurt Spendgamer
Wandering Earth and Kung Fu Yoga are kino
Communism and authoritarian government killed their creativity
Dumbass, that's Hong Kong making the king fu kino
the same reason the US does. The top grossing films of all time would be Avatar, capeshit and Harry Potter with or without China.
They don't have any taste. The government decides what they see.
Cultural Revolution
Their next Everest film will be a success.
Wuxia is great
Wuxia is gay
>t. Rian
They are doing the best desu~
Cuz theyre lagging and theyre still the third world. They know american movies though, but they cant into pop culture as well as the japs
Low IQ.
>chinese Yea Forums
same thing was in russia, yet they still had brilliant kino
Name one.
they heavily persecuted their middle class/ artists/ intellectuals in the 60s and 70s during the cultural revolution, killed many of them, or forced them into exile, and stamped out most forms of free creative expression
If you think about the changes western music and film went through in that time, there was a huge amount of progression of culture. Which largely didn't happen in China.
What China has also managed to do, mostly more recently, is bring an unprecedented number of people out of poverty, and form large and expanding middle and upper classes. This is good economically, but you can't turn around culture so quickly and you can't buy discerning taste. It's like nouveau rich or nouveau not peasants in abject poverty. So they have money but they don't understand art.
The great opportunity China has is for counter-culture, because it is still a fascinating place, and a fucked up repressive society does breed people who make interesting art.
>t. discord trannies.
They're already making kino, it's just no one's bothering to look for it.
Yeah, obviously they aren't completely devoid of contemporary culture.
Ash is the purest white for example is a good festival film, but I didn't think it was amazing.
>Battleship Potemkin
>Roadside Picnic
They were subhuman insectoids as far as time can see. I'm so tired of this boomer meme that le communism somehow destroyed a perfectly normal, civilized and prosperous chinkland. There was no such thing, ever.
One can actually argue that it was even more barbaric and filthy before the commies.
They like anime and capeshit theyre good
They can't do anything kino. The CCP will just ban it if something gets popular. Like how they banned the time travel genre years ago. No fun is allowed.
>contemporary culture
And historical.
Bolshevism had already started with a creative explosion: internationally famous writers, poets, designers, filmmakers, theoreticians. Nothing like that preceded Mao.
Come and See
以热爱祖国为荣 以危害祖国为耻
Honor to those who love the motherland, and shame on those who harm the motherland.
以服务人民为荣 以背离人民为耻
Honor to those who serve the people, and shame on those who betray the people.
以崇尚科学为荣 以愚昧无知为耻
Honor to those who quest for science, and shame on those who refuse to be educated.
以辛勤劳动为荣 以好逸恶劳为耻
Honor to those who are hardworking, and shame on those who indulge in comfort and hate work.
以团结互助为荣 以损人利己为耻
Honor to those who help each other, and shame on those who seek gains at the expense of others.
以诚实守信为荣 以见利忘义为耻
Honor to those who are trustworthy, and shame on those who trade integrity for profits.
以遵纪守法为荣 以违法乱纪为耻
Honor to those who abide by law and discipline, and shame on those who break laws and discipline.
以艰苦奋斗为荣 以骄奢淫逸为耻
Honor to those who uphold plain living and hard struggle, and shame on those who wallow in extravagance and pleasures.
In 1933? When the 11 country alliance had divided up most of the south for 30 years and plundered all the wealth? After the British got them all hooked on opium and then shot them with canons when they asked to stop selling them opium? After the Kuomintang, Qing royalists and warlords had been destroying the country for 20 years?
Of course it was fucked it was a war zone for 20 years.
Sorry, I should've specified no reddit trash.
>They were subhuman insectoids as far as time can see. I'm so tired of this boomer meme that le communism somehow destroyed a perfectly normal, civilized and prosperous chinkland.
This is why we should stop pretending Taiwan matters. It's the same exact race.
Nirvana In Fire is kino
You can endlessly pull excuses for Chink barbarity, like it's all West's fault (yeah, as with niggers, if not for Whitey the whole continent would be Wakanda by now, right?). But some characteristics are inherent to one's race. they don't magically appear out of nowhere. Like being a soulless drone in a giant ant colony with no regard for a value of life, human individuality and creativity. That's China, it always been that way.
And Poland for example was occupied and destroyed by both Germans and Russians for the last couple of centuries. And you know what? Somehow that didn't turn them into emotionless animals. Can you imagine that? Because they're actually human.
Yeah, sure, it's started with da ebil whitey.
Just admit it: chinks are the eternal slave race.
Shut up Chankoro
They were so subhuman that they opted for communism instead of any real form of governance.
they didn't opt for, the commies just won the civil war
They're a hivemind race and therefore lack the wealth of imagination that comes from individuality.
Does anyone have the counter-pasta to this gibberish garbage? Very easy, irrefutable, sourced stuff too?
Anyway, wanna know how I know you are american?
There is no counter argument to that pasta because it's all true.
t. seething Chang
hahahahaahhahhahhahah you mean alternative facts ???
>please someone refute it
>someone, please, help
>it's all lies anyway, just needs someone to come up with counter-pasta, I hope someone will, since I'm such a worthless drone incapable of having an individual will without the party order
Go eat a dog.
>以团结互助为荣 以损人利己为耻
Honor to those who help each other, and shame on those who seek gains at the expense of others.
以诚实守信为荣 以见利忘义为耻
Honor to those who are trustworthy, and shame on those who trade integrity for profits.
以遵纪守法为荣 以违法乱纪为耻
Honor to those who abide by law and discipline, and shame on those who break laws and discipline.
ALL of those are direct opposite of how average chinamen behave LMAO, go get split in half by an elevator while everybody watching, chang
It's prescriptive not descriptive.
They've been making kino since at least the early 90s.
It might be a European actually. They’re so cucked that they defend chinks now because they’re the enemy of their enemy.
Give them a few years then come back
Lol Kill yourself
God, Momo is such a disgusting smelly faggot. Anyone that finds her attractive are probably niggers and spics.
Why do they keep flooding my country
they are right in that part, rey and kylo are ugly
Anywhere big enough to become a world unto itself develops its own music stars, movies, etc., which seem weird and usually shitty to outsiders. But with China the problem is bigger because the people favour western stuff but there are huge restrictions on it, which creates an equally huge industry of western knock-offs. Try listening to Chinese music, contemporary Chinese music, and find anything unique about it. It is 100% derivative of western music, just much shittier and lacking in any artistic integrity. Their movies are the same. The same style, just Hollywood rip-offs, or equally often, knock-offs of Korean or HK films. The same with their TV. Try watching one of their comedy shows. I dare you to not develop some feeling of condescension after witnessing how astonishingly base their comedy is. When it comes to all cultural stuff that isn't passed down from ancestors, they are bottom tier. But it's not the people's fault because of the aforementioned restrictions.