Left is immediately excluded if we're talking about who's best. Continue.
One of these things is not like the others
Kubrick vs Lynch is a decent comparison, but I'd have to say _Lynch_ wins by a landslide and it's not even fucking close
he's filming us
Lynch is reddit and his fans should be killed.
Dune is easily the worst movie made by any of them.
Who's the biggest hack in cinema?
You forgot to include Spielberg.
>Death Proof
>Hateful Eight
>the films Kubrick made in the early 50s before The Killing
None of them are good.
I made it through the Kubricks'
Somehow I made it through
Don't even ask me how lost I was when I sat through
They were shit, all of it, I'd been HAD!
If only that dude saw Muholland Drive
If he ONLY SAW Mulholland Drive, it would have GOOD...
Like a Lynch film
He films are so damn FINE!
Like a Lyyyyynch film
They're my favorites, YES THEY'RE MINE
Gonna give him all my love, boy.
Lynch is simply the best.
He made nothing but masterpieces, now he can rest.
Plebeians WHINE. Oh they whine!
He's too LONG!, Yeah, he makes them bored.
Now they're sperging out
If ONLY they had the brains, to be able to... a Lynch film
He films are so damn FINE!
Like a Lynch film
There my favorites, YES THEY'RE MINE
They don't cost, me a dime
They'll hold up, 'til the end of time
'Cause they me feel
Yeah, they make me feel I've nothing to hide!
Like a Lynch film
He films are so damn FINE!
Like a Lynch film
There my favorites, YES THEY'RE MINE
Like a Lynch film
Like a Lynch film
He makes me feel so good inside
When he spooks me, and a drum BEATS, and he loves me
Ooh, baby YEAH!
Can't you hear that drum beat, for the twentieth time?
What's your fuck , marry , kill for these 3 gentlemen ?
Kubrick was a hack outside of a few films. Lynch is the most consistently good. Tarantino is so be he has exerted a negative influence on film as a whole.
Blaming Lynch for Dune is like blaming Ayer for Suicide Squad. It was ruined by the studio and the director's original vision was absolutely nothing like the finished product.
I'd kill Tarantino, marry Lynch, and fuck Kubrick's corpse
>Blaming Lynch for Dune is like bloo bloo bloo
Lynchfags love to make excuses for their TM king
>eraserhead was bad because he had no budget
>elephant man was bad because he's le arthouse director
>dune was bad because muh studio interference
>blue velvet was bad because you have to be in the mindset dude
>wild at heart was bad because nic cage is overacting haha
>twin peaks was bad because da ebil network executives
>on the air was bad because he was salty after twin peak
>hotel room was bad because muh restrictions
>lost highway was bad because main actors are shit
>straight story was bad because he did it as a favor
>mulholland drive was bad because it was a butchered pilot what do you want
>rabbits was bad because dude you have to be in the mindset dude
>dumbland was based
>inland empire was bad because dude you have to be in the mindset dude
>twin peaks season 3 was bad on purpose dude its post modernism bro
Dune is leagues ahead of Pulp Fiction.
I don't hate Tarantino but he doesn't belong there desu
straight story was good though
Tarantino has the most raw talent out of the three. One day Yea Forums will accept the fact
>Tarantino has the most raw talent out of the three
>all his films are the same
>>eraserhead was bad
Not off to a great start there, bud
>>elephant man was bad
Jesus Christ
>>dune was bad because muh studio interference
This is factually correct and well-documented
>>blue velvet was bad
>>wild at heart was bad
>>twin peaks was bad
>>on the air was bad
>>hotel room was bad
>>lost highway was bad
>>straight story was bad
>>mulholland drive was bad
>>rabbits was bad
>>inland empire was bad
>>twin peaks season 3 was bad
All incorrect.
Just absolutely fucking embarrassing.
Soul vs Soleless
Tarantino does nothing but rip off a bunch of films and packs it into one and calls it original.
It is 100% Lynch. I don't even know why you braindead faggots try to do this shit. You post uninspired hacks who merely execute well-understood elements of film and compare them to one of the most magnificent and unique directors of our time. Fuck all of you dumb motherfuckers. Tell me your name so I can set up a Google alert so when your obituary is posted I can know where and fly out and piss on your grave, faggot.
For now though, get LYNCHED, clown.
>Oh hey, it's a butterfly
so fucking BASED
Not a huge fan of either. Kubrick if I had to pick. Dr. Strangelove and The Shining were good, and 2001 Space Oddesey. Don't care for the rest of his films.
> L Y N C H E D
Based Terry. True transcendental filmmaker.