Your good with computers right bro? come download john wick for us

>your good with computers right bro? come download john wick for us

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Yea sure dude, your sisters friend Kate is pretty cute you know if she’s seeing anyone?

only if you help me hook up with Stacey

I can download the first two for you, but the blurays haven't been released for the third one so I suggest you watch it at the theater.

>firstly, downloading films is illegal and secondly, you'd enjoy films much more in cinemas. Glad to be of help good sirs!

Motherfucker my phone is a T9. Just google it, Christ every normalfsg I know is better at pirating shit by way of streams than I've ever been. The expectations of you hunks, ridiculous.

>implying he isn't already trying to do that for you

>a literal nigger lips

The one on the left is the most chad. He's good looking without having the gayface like the guy on the right and he doesn't have a double chin like the guy in the middle.

Verdict: I'm more Chad than all of them.

Only if you show me what those lips do bro ya feel me

fucking noobs havent you heard of streaming

They just wanted to include you

w-w-which one

>Hey user, stop watching that movie with Natalie Portman on your laptop and take your shirt off

Attached: chad, chadd n' chaddy.jpg (450x290, 47K)

Chad would probably try

>they just wanted to include you
I hate when people make up bullshit to do just to "include" you. Like if they wanted to hang out because we don't talk much or they think I'm too much of a shut in they can just say that and get it out of the way.


sucks to suck bro lmao

Stop playing bro you know I fucking hate computers. Hey you still got that 8 ball we split last time?

sure bros, we can watch it at my place in my home theater setup

Suck my dick, faggot

>I'd be happy to help another time friends, but I'm needed on the Television & Film board. Those Prisoner of Azkaban threads won't post themselves!

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Lmao look at Johnny McSadly over here

Wella where is it? I'd love to discuss the HP movie with the biggest plotholes in cinema history
>B-but at least the writing was good

Take it easy bro

didn't an actual chad steal your gf, zach?


Attached: gM3rdqM_d.jpg (640x836, 27K)

Have sex

>tfw chads and stacies unironically used to do this to me and would demand i use my own dvds to burn movies i downloaded

why os the guy on the right hugging the middle guy's legs?

Calm down Billy Nomates