It's not fair they ruined her character. Why did the writers force her to go evil in 1 episode?
It's not fair they ruined her character. Why did the writers force her to go evil in 1 episode?
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>Why did the writers force her to go evil in 1 episode?
Building up that heel turn was too much work.
It's over. Stop talking about it.
Subvert expectations. Ngl the fascism Dany looks cool but she was supposed to be pregnant this season.
>ruined her character
*saved* her character
What happened to "moral ambiguity", GOTfags?
At least we got qt Dany
There's no ambiguity when a character does literally nothing wrong
The correct answer. Because they were writing bullshit for seasons at that point and the show only got more popular, they thought they could do anything they wanted with no backlash. They were wrong.
>can't talk about a show if it's over
fuck off kneeler
>exposes the writing level of the joo
She's been evil since S1 but brainlets like you will claim it's fine to torture and murder innocents if people they are accosiated with have done things you don't agree with.
She killed the entire adult civilian population of Astapor, elder women got burnt alive in their beds or ripped to pieces by Dothraki rape gangs.
Of course all is forgiven in the eyes of normies if it is largely played out off screen and they focus on a 'men btfo' danypose to hero music
>She killed the entire adult civilian population of Astapor, elder women got burnt alive in their beds or ripped to pieces by Dothraki rape gangs.
that never happened though. She didn't even have control over the Dothraki until she burned the khals in Vaes Dothrak
>that never happened though
Everyone hates her and Yea Forums embraced her fall to fascism
exactly, thanks for supporting my point : she only killed slavers
This is correct. She was an evil broad from the get go, and if you can't see that, you were manipulated by the context.
>he thinks Barristan Selmy wouldn't have turned on Dany if she had killed innocent civilians.
>This is correct
except for the part where he supports his argument by making up shit that never happened
>to go evil
But she didn't.
>liberating slaves is evil
curse Abraham Lincoln, I am glad history now considers him as the monster he was
I bet you dumb boomers were whooping USA USA when the Bush administrations were blowing up Iraqi civilians in the name of 'liberation'
Of course you would think that massive power plays with huge collateral is justified as long as it happens to brown people
There's no difference between the slavers and people of King's Landing to her at that point. They're all just people standing in the way of her utopia
>blowing up innocent civilians
>blowing up unrepentant slavers
yes this is exactly the same thing
daenerys got the stannis treatment
books have already laid the groundwork for this massacre
No. She always had a lot of compassion for the small folk. She didn't have any problems with murder, but she always did that to people who wielded some power. There was never any indication she would burn a city full of powerless women and children.
The book bangs on endlessly about how madness runs in the Targaryen line and any of them could randomly turn into murderous sociopaths at any time.
they needed her to be evil for the conclusion but they didn't have enough time or talent so now retards like just make shit up to justify it because they can't handle something they love being bad.
too much for jon snow to handle
If she was an actual actress it'd all be much more believable. She's just very bad.
>make shit up to justify it because they can't handle something they love being bad
The show has been bad since season 4 but Dany's lust for power and seeing what that leads people to do when they think it's slipping away (eg Stannis) has been shown throughout the entire fucking show. You give a character a god complex, an insatiable lust for power, actual power and a mentality that turns to violence at every opportunity you can't act surprised when the crazy bitch actually pulls the trigger when things go wrong for her
One of the few things the show actually manages to follow through with and you brainlets still complain because >muhdany
You understand that Stannis and Daenerys are different characters right? I mean the show even spoonfeeds this information to you by having them played by different actors. Can't believe you missed that.
>when things go wrong for her
you mean when the city has surrendered and she already won? Yes that's a perfectly sound argument you're making, keep it up.
When vikings ruined the show by embracing feminism I just stopped watching, I enjoyed the first few seasons.
Do the same.
>in 1 episode
It had been telegraphed for ages you dolt. Did you miss the part where she barbecued the Tarlys?
Oh nonononono
I shouldn't have to spell the message of the show out for you just because you lack the attention span.
Having dragons in this world is like having an f15 when nobody else does. It's absolute power and as the saying goes Dany was corrupted absolutely which the show tries very hard to frame as reightousness.
All this anger from you is due the realisation that you were tricked by the show into supporting Westerosi Stalin, much easier to blame character assassination or writing to try and save face
Dude you think I lack attention and you're the one that can't differentiate between Stannis and Dany. Watch the show or read the books, these are completely different characters and they aren't played by the same actor. Hell, just google it.
even Emilia Clarke thinks you're dumb for thinking this was well portrayed
Expected. Fucking Jon Snow is paying for doing that to Dany.
I hope Kit get well in all seriousness though. He's a nice guy.
leave the tribe to me
stannis and his wife are so strange in the tv show
she's a woman so whats your point