I can't believe Alabama banned this.
I can't believe Alabama banned this
Gayest state by far.
I can't believe you're still trying to force this shitty maymay
>implying Mr Ratburn would be the wife
It's called being "the bottom", gramps.
>marriage roles for LGBTQ+ people have devolved into trivial sex positions
Really says a lot about the movement tbqh
For as much as you zoomers complain about the mainstream media, you sure play right into whatever agenda they push.
What’s the white stuff
>thread up for 3 hours
Just what the FUCK are the mods thinking...?
I just figured they'd switch it up
>I am a huge faggot and I love getting my neghole pozzed!
>*winks at the camera*
What the FUCK were the writers thinking!?
Whamalamabama? They'd have played it if he was marrying his sister.
I can't believe they'd show an aardvark marrying a rat.
What is there to do in Alabama?
Kill alligators
be killed by alligators
>5 hours
Based sleeping mods
People are really friendly there. Random strangers passing you will say hello
What is there to do in [insert state here]?
Fuck your cousins and/or your sister
That sounds obnoxious, I don't wanna greet random people
Are you autistic?
Delete this picture, it is terribly wrong.
Ratburn blatantly married a powerbottom.
concentrated aids