One of the best living directors

One of the best living directors

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redpill me on this guy

He makes kino

I heard Okja was fantastic, but I haven't watched it yet.

gib Parasite

He is kino

I really enjoyed Okja, the characters were tons of fun and their interactions were great. It has a really good chase sequence too

Release date fucking when?

>His movie just won Cannes
>Has a good as fuck filmography
>thread about him dead in favor of the usual terrible shit
Yea Forums is such a joke

Based Bong.

I didn't go to Cannes

It looks like his eyes are fighting to mate with each other and make a big singular eyeball in the center of his head.

I don't know anything about this guy. Post his kinos. Post some scenes.

Snowpiercer is a really cool and memorable movie

Captain America eats a baby in one his movies hahahahahahahahaha

Is he trying to be the chinese Spielberg? Okja is basically E.T. with a PETA twist.

Oh I hated Snowpiercer, that movie was trash.

One of the best Korean film directors
Memories of Murder
The Host
All great and worth watching, a few of them are on Netflix and Amazon rn.
His latest movie Parasite just won Cannes too

>only two good movies

Nice analysis
Goddamn you're such a faggot

The Host is a great movie. I'm amazed he can make than and then make arthouse garbage like Snowpiercer. I guess if you watch it JUST for the visuals it's kino; the plot and acting and general logic is a hot mess.


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Okay fucking sucked and it's incomprehensible to me how people didnt find it immediately gay and poorly acted and bad. I thought it was just a meme at first like "Haha we LOVE Okja" but there are people who seem to genuinely like it which is bizarre

Alright, let's get this started by recommending some good Korean kino

>The Yellow Sea
>The Host
>The Wailing
>I Saw the Devil

Snowpiercer is fucking kino but I seem to be one of the few who thought Okja was really dumb.

Like all gook directors, he has 1-2 good films in the entire filmography.

Very funny that you listed his subpar stuff and missed the best one

>The Yellow Sea
Goes to shit in the middle
>The Host
>The Wailing
Too far up its own ass, Chaser is great though
>I Saw the Devil
Direct-to-video tier shlock