
Best girl asha edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


Maario Naharis

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which got toon has the biggest pee amount


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Season 7 is almost indefensibly bad as a whole, but I stand by it purely because it is an ending for both of them.

They needed way more time together on screen. As for Cersei and the wight hunt? Scrap it. Way too much contrivance. Just have the Night King touch the fucking wall and shatter it or something, fuck all that noise entirely.

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she looks like cersei’s copycat handmaid

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Continuing from previous thread. Which episode we should have stop and consider the real finale?

While we are at it, rate all the finale from the show in terms of how much you enjoy it.

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ate me alf bruva
ate me ount
ate me fameleh
ate dragons
luv da norf
luv steenis
luv feire
luv blud sacrifise
i'z a simpl norfern man

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I never expected this board tu turn on Dany. I guess this is the ryle with no exception. You guys will probably declaree season 8 was amazing when the new shit rolls in.

Claim your house /got/
For me? House Hightower

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>It's a 'Renly mocking Stannis for having the personality of a lobster' episode

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Are you having a stroke nigger


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drogon seeks out dany rhaegal (f)aegon and viserion jon, the dragons eat them and then kill each other in a great ritual over valyria, the blood of the last dragons and dragonlords is powerful enough to break the curse and allows the valyrians in the past to prevent the doom
the whole thing never happens
valyrians discover gunpowder and go to space, have fun killing xenos
the end

1st For the purest and most beautiful queen who ever was or will be!

/ecg/ Lad of my Lad, will you protect her smile?


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Land of Always Winter and leader of the white walkers because I am cold, nihilistic, with a wicked sense of humor.

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This finale was fine, its just the presentation that is slightly lacking at certain points. In terms of plot, i think Daenerys going mad is the best thing that happened to the show.

>completely and utterly dismantles Danyfags

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Asha is a slut
Arianne is a slut
Cersei is a slut
Margaery is a slut
Dany is a slut
Lyanna was a slut
Lysa was a slut

What did GRRM mean by this? Why was Catelyn the only daughter of a great house who didn't spread her legs for anyone who winked at her?

She's too cute for me user, I can't

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What would you do if you bumped into Emilia while walking down the street?

Would you nod at her as your eyes met or try to appear like you didn't notice her walking past you? You know full well she's pleasant to fans so would you try to ask her something or just attempt to tie your shoelaces so you can avoid the situation altogether?

Be honest...

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house closewynd of crowded light

House Highgarden

Has anyone gone through and made a graphic showing which houses / lands / holds are mentioned each season? It'd probably be a good way to show just how hard the worldbuilding fell off in later seasons.

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Eyes forward looking straight ahead like any proper Yea Forums autist here

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Would ask her out

Just let /got die

Reminder that Sansa the Raped could be an avoided plot:

>At the time Martin wrote this script, though, substituting Sansa for Jeyne was not yet the plan. Martin has Roose Bolton tell his bastard son: “We have a much better match in mind for you. A match to help House Bolton hold the north. Arya Stark.” It should be noted, however, that in Martin’s script, Sansa isn’t free from menace either. At his own wedding-day breakfast, Joffrey still threatens to rape the older Stark sister—once he’s “gotten Margaery with child.”)

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>Be hand of the king
>go to the throne room to conduct the daily business of running the kingdom
>see this

What do?

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My only wish is for one more book for more Stannis

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I saw the guy who plays Rob Stark once, he clearly noticed I had seen him and he looked away and tried to cover his face

my King

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Royce if I get to be a noble. Redwyne if I'm a peasant

Manwoody is in the wrong place and House Crabb is missing, how the fuck am I supposed to have Lord Dick of The Whispers without House Crabb?

>fucking on the iron throne, a giant death trap
good way to get yourself killed

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Honestly probably nothing at all. It'd haunt me for a long time afterwards though.

alys karstark
wylla manderly
mina tyrell
allyria dayne
myrcella lannister

if you can cherrypick I can too

He deserves better. Even if he is to be beaten by the Boltons fucking shit, at least make it better. Have Roose devise some sort of clever plan instead of just sending Ramsay and Ser Twenty GoodMen.

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who are these people, where did stannis go and why isn't the court in session

>myrcella lannister
''''''''Baratheon'''''''' legally.

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Would legit try to ask her out after asking for signing something i would came up with


>Your character deserves better and the pretender David Benioff and DB Weiss shall pay their debts.
>Also, you are pretty good in Solo.

he meant that Tully is best house

based SalsaCHAD

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....is Ramsay's waifu

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>Lysa was a slut

user said great house

salsa of house condiment, lords of mexican cuisine


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I genuinely never understood why people rooted for Stannis.

who eats sausages like that? it looks like a turd

Nobody deserves to mock Edmure but Brynden.

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Feel like shit lads just want to please my qween

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I'd say "hey, I loved you and Charles together in 'Me Before You'"
Just so I could not seem like a GOT simp

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> never expected this board tu turn on Dany

How easily these newfags show their colors

Newfag, listen up. /got/ has hated Dany for a long, long time. /got/ shitposters have been dabbing on Daenerys for close to a decade.

Edmure should have fucking replied.

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I kinda like his gruff and no fucks given attitude in the show. He is pragmatic but also somewhat honorable. He is obviously better developed in the books as well and actually more sympathetic.
A savage wearing the sigil of a flayed man eats that sausage.

She'd probably not understand what the hell you're talking about and just say "huhh?" and ruin your entire spiel.

That just means you're not doing enough user

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2/3 is better than most other houses can claim

Google Charlie McDowell


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I looked for you on the Catalog

He cheated on her and they broken up on feb so?

He cute

I congratulate them on their enthusiasm for preventing a succession crisis in the future but ask that they not perform their "marriage duties" on the most dangerous chair in the world.

>Newfag, listen up. /got/ has hated Dany for a long, long time. /got/ shitposters have been dabbing on Daenerys for close to a decade.
Just like alliance change ever so quickly, so does our allegiance to who is the one true waifu of /got/.
While we are at it, pick your champion. No need to roll just pick one and ONLY one.

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GOT's best girl? Well, you can't argue against the author.
When the Martin's self insert chooses a girl to take his virginity and loves him, you can be 100% that said girl is canonically the best girl in said universe.

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Uncle... have sex

How is book Stannis different?

Because show Stannis is the definition of a moralist. His redeeming quality seems to be that he has some sense of justice (he'll write a letter calling you a shitter but he'll call you Lord Shitter after all, since you do own lands).

But the man is deeply flawed and not at all a "good" person.

Fuck his whole goal of owning the throne is predicated on it being his "by right". Would he still believe in the "rights" of someone with an even better claim: Danerys?

just imagine what our queen would do to the 'bankers' of bravos who supported the traitor cerci.

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Post best KWEEns
T*rgshits not allowed for obvious reasons

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a wildling inbred?

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>Literally the only romance that ended well

GRRM pls

>"I'm done with promises and estimates!"
>says this
What the fuck is wrong with that fat bastard?

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For me its mad Dany

Would Joffrey have been GOAT king?

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/pol/ pls go

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Edmure was a geek who couldn't even get an erection. He lost every battle he participated in.

Brynden was based but Hoster was just as bad as Walder Frey

Arya Stark is a literal anime character and would've been much more of a favorite on this board if she was played by an attractive actress. Too bad.

Daenerys doesn't have a better claim by any means. House Targaryen is deposed, and men come before women in succession in Westeros, so unless R+L=J is true or fAegon comes rolling out, Stannis has a better claim than any Targaryen claimant. And even with Jon and Griff in mind, Stannis still beats them because House Baratheon is the ruling dynasty.

>yfw Sophie is going to be in the box office bomb xmen movie

Lmao, get fukt salsa

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she's a gem, blessed by the old gods

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>Arya Stark is a literal anime character and would've been much more of a favorite on this board if the whole show is an anime

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Dany is also an anime character so I guess you're right

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based radmure impregnated his freyfu from only a single night
he, dare I say it, had sex

>and would've been much more of a favorite on this board if she was played by an attractive actress.
Not true at all, people here dislike sansa but think shes hot, people here dislike dany (well except for the ones who do it ironically) even tho shes hot
We would have hated her all the same bud

Drache Kaiser Dany is cool and im not even from /pol/

>Daenerys doing the traditional Targaryen mating dance with Jon Snow as part of their courtship.

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I'd watch it

>In the show, the direwolves ended up meaning literally nothing

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Literally impossible to argue against so much evidence. She's the real /got/ queen.

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sophie aged like shit too, don't get me wrong, would smash without hesitation (same with maisie tbqh), but neither turned out that well for the characters they were cast as

The Sansa rape was not planned for as late as season 4. Those hacks threw it together at the last minute for the shock value, and cut Sansa's stay at the Eryie. Look up Dragon Demands on YT if you want an hour long deep dive into this with excerpts from the DVD commentary and interviews. The guy seems kind of autistic, but so are we if we still care so much about this shit.

He is the rightful heir.

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So am I. ASOIAF unironically could work better as an animated series. But I don't know if they could maintain 10 seasons or more of the story.

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>Margaery is a slut
>Dany is a slut
rape victims tend to be fucked up sexually
>Lyanna was a slut
not a slut, just a romantic retard

My masterplan is getting into works and i'm marrying Emilia Clarke 1 year from now. You can screencap this

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Okay, so all Stannis supporters should therefore support Danaerys, or Jon (until he renounces the throne, of course).

IIRC they claimed the beautiful rape arc was planned all the way back to the previous seasons. But looks like it's just bullshit. I guess Arya killing the Night King is a last minute change as well.

>even his self-insert raises his wife's son
how cucked can you get


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Why was Theon such a cunt to Jon? Is it just because of the bastard status?

Of course they would claim that, all they've ever wanted was to "surprise" the audience. Telling a consistent, well thought out and cohesive story was very much secondary to that.

Asha, you say?

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>rightful heirs
they were deposed, so no

I disagree. Sansa is cute but a shitty character, and I think Arya is an interesting character but just ugly. I'm not fans of either

>Daenerys's forces surround Kingslanding
>She already begin to roast Euron's fleet
>Is about to head to the city and kill the rest
>*trumpeting sound in the tone of Rains of Castamere intensifies*
>Cersei leads her twenty good elephants armed with super scorpion ballista to take down Daenerys and kill everyone

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wew who let this absolute savage in here goddamn?

Magnar of course.

I want user to marry Emilia!

But the fact that George's final script includes a reference to a fake Arya means that they had plans to include Jeyne in the story up until the middle of Season 4.

Velaryon, literally Targs but better in every way

and prooh
are you..

technically, it's her little brother so it's not the same thing. plus, there's the kid swap plot

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That's what I am talking about. For some reason they decide to just change the whole plot after adapting A Storm of Swords. I guess to further simplify everything. If they follow George's plan the whole show could go for 12 seasons and I am not sure if they can keep their actors and actresses for that long. HBO's 10 seasons plan seems more reasonable, but the ending will probably still be rushed a bit.

I feel like Sansa's plotline has her heading north to meet Jon in the books too. In her latest chapters she hears about Jon becoming lord commander and thinks about how it would be nice to see him again.

I don't know how she gets there though.

>white dornish
>cool sword
>valyrian dragonrider genes

Get fucked, squidnigger

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Naval Houses are the best

Maybe she will blackmail Littlefinger or kill him before going to the Norf.
>Stannis leads the battle of Winterfell
>Is about to get BTFO by Roose and Ramsay
>Jon leads the cavalry and save the day
>Salsa arrive with Knights of the Vale and swear fealty to Jon or Stannis who become DA KING IN DA NORF

>You are my prisoner now
I just know what you are going to do....

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Alys Karstark is the greatest rack in Westeros.

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>has so many titles
enjoy your tyranny
>myrcella as lady commander of the kingsguard
based, but make her your lover and legitimize the children

someone shoop the shitting scene into the subtitles

I feel like a lot can be assumed about the book plot from how useless a character is in the show. Sansa was practically irrelevant in The North, so in the book I'm inclined to believe whatever Preston theory about the Riverlands and shit as her next destination.


>kaiser dany
>kaiser means emperor
emperor dany
it's kaiserin

>>has so many titles
I need to own everything in the Crownlands and Stormlands for my royal army to be a reality.

just set the crown authority to max, then the kingdoms will automatically give their levies to you in war instead of going independent

just build castles and don't give them out, max the barracks and there you go
also this

We back



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we're alive lads!
maario naharis

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Explain the theology of GoT to me. Based on the magic powers of his followers it would seem that the Lord of Light is the only true god...but then that gypsie priestess did that spell on Drogo, and she worshipped someone else? The Seven seem like false idols clearly invented for political purposes, given that their most ardent followers are invariably hypocrites who end up meeting horrible fates

Why are there no memorable lines in the later seasons of game of thrones?

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projecting his insecurities and frustration

The only Andals alpha enough to actually conquer something and not give their daughters to first men

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Reminder that Theon gets his cock back in the next episode

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>playing as Stannis, win the throne, kill wife
>impregnate Myrcella, Cersei, Margaery while they're in my dungeons
>seduce Melisandre, impregnate her
>seduce Sansa, impregnate her too
>Arya reappears, marry her instantly, impregnate her within the year
>Daenerys somehow ends up in my court with no dragons for some reason, imprison her and impregnate her too
A burning stag indeed


Are you gonna legitimize all your bastards when you die?

i want fat walda to be my cute chunky slampig

>implying they're not all already legitimized
Arya hates me now

Mormont for max comfy

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Blood magic seems to be a thing that is practised in most religions and seems to be the driving force behind magic and miracles.

Mallister. Send all Ironshits to their god.

This is good too.

arya rape

Dany's soul will rise again infused with a dragon's.

is it actually confirmed the daynes have targ blood?

Based and valyrianpilled

why are we still posting
are our lives so empty

>are our lives so empty
Why do you think I came all this way?

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will I ever find a gf who looks at me like Nikolaj looks at Gwendoline?

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He's by the book, so you always know where he stands. He's the least likely of anyone to go mad with power.

>If I stay on schedule, I ought to finsish A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE by the end of 1998, but don't hold your breath.


>are our lives so empty
mine is

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Because I want that user to finish the Ashara and Ned story

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Name a more perfect Duo, ill wait

(You cant)

Cutest psycho!

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gods he's so cute

*AHEM* my lords and ladies, I have something to announce

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>You're lucky I'm not your King. I wouldn't let you wave your blunders around like a victory flag.
>Now fooking sit down already!

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Nobody said he wasn't flawed, even Stannis himself is aware of it, which is exactly why he keeps Davos around. He has a very clear-cut sense of right and wrong and adheres to the law but in the same breadth he worships a foreign god and uses blood magic. He's a stubborn idealist coming to terms with the fact that he won't win by playing fair. He starts out entitled but it's Davos that shows him the error of his ways.

>Lord Seaworth is a man of humble birth, but he reminded me of my duty, when all I could think of was my rights. I had the cart before the horse, Davos said. I was trying to win the throne to save the kingdom, when I should have been trying to save the kingdom to win the throne.

It's also worth noting Stannis was the only guy who gave enough of a shit to help out the Night's Watch with the wildlings.

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>Bringing up Euron
Fine then

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We could have had this, lads.

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any excuse to post pilou

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Reminder that they chaged her name in the show to Yara so retards didn't mistake her with Osha.

Which is funny because Yara sounds exactly like Arya

For what it's worth the first three or four seasons are decently adapted. Maybe a couple of decades from now we'll get another one (assuming we are still around lol)

Did they ever explain the logic behind changing the name of the character with 10x more screentime instead of the random wildling who appears in like 4 episodes?


Is there a worse finale?
And what Emilia Clarke role she wants everyone to forget?

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From A Game of Thrones #Issue 3

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Carl Drago is about to fuck Kelly C

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What did Kelly C mean by this?

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It wasn't rape. Based GRRM.

the mad lad is back

I want to breed her a dozen kids

who's that kid?

Based /ecg/ ambassadors

Hey boyfriend's girlfriend's son.

Does Widow's Wail belong to Gendry?

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I thought it's last being held by Jaime. Not sure if Tyrion recovers the sword or Jaime left it for Brienne as well.

what the fuck was his problem?

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>stag hilt
Belongs to a Baratheon my guy. Literally made for them, by Tywin. Oathkeeper's for Lannisters.

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Maybe the lasting legacy of this show will be that the last 3 seasons were so ever increasingly shit that it inspired so many fans to become amateur writers (for better or worse)

>the real father was the Ned Stark we made along the way

I’d assume bc osha comes in season 1, and season 1 is a pretty faithful adaptation from the book

danebros are kino

>it inspired so many fans to become amateur writers (for better or worse)
>Ended up making worse shits than D&D

Are Kit and Leslie separating bros???

FROM ICE. He made it by stealing Ice, both blades are Stark property made from their Valyrian steel heirloom

the show was fine all the way through

I enjoyed the stupidity of the show. I LOVED listening to readers talk about its failings.

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I don’t think so. He’s in rehab for his drugs but I thought she was standing by her man

>Stannis the Unworthy starting a Barafyre Rebellion
Can this be the worst timeline

It's funny how this guy end up being more or less the final villain. Not Cersei, not The Night King, but fucking Greyworm lmao


I forgot all about this character and that never happens
Holy shit this thread is still alive, I’m getting sad now

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what was intended by this name?

>this thread is still alive
most boards were down for a few hours tbf

Was Ned’s seed weak?
>only Jon and Arya look like him

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>kills lf
>/ss/ sweetrobin to win support of the vale
>vale marches west to retake control of the riverlands
>crown is distracted by faegon, now facing a war on two fronts without the support of the dornish
>cersei dies
>aegon ascends
>dany probably shows up at this point to duke it out with yung griff while salsa and co march north to fight the others
this was my assumption for how it would go down

More like the trout taint is nearly impossible to eradicate. Fuck trouts

>And what Emilia Clarke role she wants everyone to forget
Triassic assault

>hey Theon, just stand behind me if you want to see something cool

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His religious fundamentalism appeals to Murcan godtards.

>This could be the real season 8
>We get complete shit show instead
Disappointing, I'll take a cheesy feels good one over a complete non-sense we got.

ned was a small guy

Turns out bran was actually mad at the whole winterfell thing kek

Would ask for a photo so I'll have something to brag with at work

D&D removed this kino


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Oh ok

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God the characters in this look like shit

>Uhhh Theon it's cool my dude, just walk back a bit and wait a few seconds, no need to throw away your life for nothing.

What's exactly the point of having Euron Greyjoy if they don't adapt him properly?

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This scene should have been for Jaime.
Imagine him sacrificing himself fighting & killing the Night King, or at least hold The NK long enough for Jon to catch up and kill him.

I like Theon, but no point in killing him there. He should have live or if he die, have him fight against Euron at least.

He's cute

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Why not name him Victarion?

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He reminds me of Rhaenyra and Rhaenyra is cute and a ruler denied her throne by right just like Stannis

I know it's as cheesy as but I legit would love to see this happen.
>Bran: Another king for the kingslayer
So many potentials, so many alternatives, they go with the worse route possible as if to spite us.

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Clearly we need a series of Gwendoline and Nikolaj fucking about

Because they get along so well

Just make a comedy spin-off about daily lives of the Royal Court/Small Council.
Have Jaime as lord commander as the kingsguard trying to keep the now shitty order intact while training Brienne, a promising new knight and potential recruit to the order. Have Joffrey back again as the king they are trying to protect.

for Pilou to grace us with his handsomeness

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Serious question:
Why did the writers ignore a lot of the established plot points from the previous seasons (hell even the previous episodes):
>The bells being sign of surrender despite the fact it is not in season 2
>Jaime claiming that he strangles his own cousin to death when he actually beat him to death in S2.
>Kingslanding being completely different
>Jaime suddenly doesn't give a shit about innocent peoples despite the fact that he kills the mad king because of that and he risk his life fighting the army of the dead.
>Euron challenging Jaime for a duel to the death despite the fact that he himself claim he is going to run away if Cersei is BTFO
>Yara forgetting her true reason of joining Dany
>The Reach somehow not having any other houses aside from House Tyrell and Tarly.
>Bronn not experienced with finance and yet ended up being master of coin
>The Red Keep having a secret access and Arya being a faceless assassin completely useless.
>Everything about the Prince That was Promised prophecy
>Jaime not covering his golden hand despite he remember doing it in season 7 finale
>KL is still mid-summer despite the fact that it starts snowing in season 7 finale

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>Kingslanding being completely different
nah bro Qyburn just invented some really advanced landscaping technology

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The writers hated Stannis

>The bells being sign of surrender despite the fact it is not in season 2

Davos kinda forgot they mean the universal signal of surrender apparently.

>Jaime claiming that he strangles his own cousin to death when he actually beat him to death in S2.

Jaime kinda forgot the details of that.

>Kingslanding being completely different

King's Landing teleports into an alternate universe every season or so.

>Jaime suddenly doesn't give a shit about innocent peoples despite the fact that he kills the mad king because of that and he risk his life fighting the army of the dead.

Jaime kinda forgot he did that a few seconds ago.

>Euron challenging Jaime for a duel to the death despite the fact that he himself claim he is going to run away if Cersei is BTFO

This battle existed for the actors to be given something to do.

>Yara forgetting her true reason of joining Dany

Yara kinda forgot she wanted an independent Iron Islands.

>The Reach somehow not having any other houses aside from House Tyrell and Tarly.

The Reach, despite being the most populous region and in fact their food supplies were cut off in season 7, so pretty much everyone in King's Landing should be dead right now from starvation.

>Bronn not experienced with finance and yet ended up being master of coin

Bronn will simply declare all currency worthless.

>The Red Keep having a secret access and Arya being a faceless assassin completely useless.

Tyrion kinda forgot about telling anyone about using this to kill his sister.

>Everything about the Prince That was Promised prophecy

D&D kinda forgot about prophecies.

>Jaime not covering his golden hand despite he remember doing it in season 7 finale


>KL is still mid-summer despite the fact that it starts snowing in season 7 finale

Remember when Stannis couldn't even march to Winterfell in late fall?

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>The writers hated Stannis

I wish for one day for a series where the writers would not put their personal biases in ASOIAF and just tell the story as it is.

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>King's Landing teleports into an alternate universe every season or so.
This season is particularly jarring since the front gate is a fucking desert and the city doesn't even resemble what it was in season 1-6.
>This battle existed for the actors to be given something to do.
Just have Euron die by the dragonfire
>The Reach, despite being the most populous region and in fact their food supplies were cut off in season 7, so pretty much everyone in King's Landing should be dead right now from starvation.
I guess Jaime, Bronn and Lord Tarly commit all out genocide on season 7
>Bronn will simply declare all currency worthless.
>Remember when Stannis couldn't even march to Winterfell in late fall?
Lmao he has to burn his own child for nothing. But seriously I was waiting so much for snowy Kingslanding. At least made it clear that winter is no joke for Westeros.


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>direct descendants of Valyrians
>literally called House Velaryon
bravo gurm

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Save this one

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>religious fundamentalism
But he’s an atheist

House Glover

animated series when


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Also why is everyone so stupid since season 5 lol:
>Why did Littlefinger give Shansa to Roose and Ramsay?
>Why did Barristan forget to wear an armor when the city is surrounded by vicious assassins?
>Why did the Night's Watch man betray Jon Snow even though he is completely in the right?
>Why did Salsa doesn't just tell Jon about the Knight of the Vale?
>Why did Littlefinger even bother to sent the Knight of the Vale if he doesn't care about Sanza?
>Why did Yara & Theon manages to steal most of the Greyjoy ships so easily?
>Why didn't Euron just chase them?
>Why did Roose/Maester Wolkan tell Ramsay about his new son?
>Why did the Boltons still bother to risk their life fighting for Ramsay?
>Why did the plebs never try to rebel and overthrow Cersei?
>Why did the other kingdoms still loyal for Cersei?
>Why did the Lannisters still risk their life for Cersei?
>Why didn't they just fly to KL and force Cersei to surrender using a show of power?
>Why did the Dany forget about the iron fleet?
>Why Euron is a master sniper in one episode and a complete loser the next episode?
>Why can't I get a girlfriend?

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How is this even a question?

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Oh yeah also:
>Why did Stannis risk his daughter and wife for a dangerous journey when they have Jon Snow and could leave a couple of good men to protect them?
>Why did the NORF still follow the Bolton and doesn't give a fuck about the Starks?
>Why did the sand snakes is so murderous towards Myrcella when they have been living just fine with her for at least two or three years?
>Why did Dorne just follow the sneks after they kill Doran?
>Why did Bronn still want to be Jaime's henchmen after Jaime delivers nothing in return?
>Why did everyone just believe everything Bran said?
>Why didn't the Night King just flew to KL and kill everyone there first?
>Why did they vote for Bran?

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Look at how they massacred my boy.

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Is this a female or female (male)?

Our Doors are Black



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>that hairline

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>implying Young Griff isn't just Illyrio's kid with a whore from Lys

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>Be Jon Snow chilling in some hovel beyond the wall
>Get a knock on your door
>See this
>Hey Jon guess what Kinvara revived me!

What do?

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kill her again of course

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At least we got some quality pop entertainment.

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both daenerys and /pol/ did nothing wrong

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Serious question- if Mance Rayder thought Stannis would be a better king than Bobby or any Targaryen fucking shit in the last hundred years what do you think he would make of King Bran?

I can’t make any of that shit out

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>breaks down the gate
>battle is officially over in seconds with next to no civilian casualties
>the war is won
>proceeds to burns thousands for no reason
>"Ummm sweetie she was actually just winning a war with brute force, if it was a MAN everyone would be praising him"
lol, women

thank you for digging through the entire episode to find its 18 visible frames

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my old copy of affc says a year, two tops for dance

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Mine was some Tarly boy at the battle of Summerhall. My horse took an arrow, so I was on foot, slogging through the mud. He came running at me, this dumb highborn lad, thinking he could end the rebellion with a single swing of his sword. I knocked him down with the hammer. Gods, I was strong then. Caved in his breastplate, probably shattered every rib he had. I stood over him, hammer in the air, right before I brought it down, he shouted: wait! wait! They never tell you how they all shit themselves. They don't put that part in the songs. Stupid boy...Now the Tarlys bend the knee, like everyone else. He could have lingered on the edge of the battle with the smart boys, and today his wife would be making him miserable, his sons would be ingrates, and he would be waking three times in the night to piss into a bowl

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How the fuck was he planning to write six books in 2-3 years?

It was originally 3 books I think


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right before i brought the dagger down he shouted
they don't write that part in the scripts, about how they all shit themselves. he could've lingered on the edge of the battle with all the other smart white walkers. and today, his ice queen would be making him miserable, his wights would be ingrates, and he'd be waking up three times in the middle of winter to steal a baby

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>watching season 4
>"The White Walker was going to kill Gilly and take her baby"
So much potential wasted for villains with as much depth as zombies

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Literally any house in the Reach is comfy. Assuming Hightower and Tyrell are taken I'd go for either Tarly (for the sword), Rowan (size&power) or Florent for the comfy sigil and lands, assuming I don't get the trademark ears

Fossoway or Redwyne

>It's been a long time.
>A lot has happened since we last met.
>Yes... and here we are.

Guess which reunion this is

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>we used to fight against the starks
>but now we fight with them xD

My queen.

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>Let me tell you a secret, Ned. More than once, I have dreamed of giving up the crown. Take ship for the Free Cities with my horse and my hammer, spend my time warring and whoring, that's what I was made for. The sellsword king, how the singers would love me. You know what stops me? The thought of Joffrey on the throne, with Cersei standing behind him whispering in his ear. My son. How could I have made a son like that, Ned?
More of S1 should have been dedicated to the bob tbqh

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>same dragon that broke down the enormous ice wall can't break down a small pile of rubble
bravo dabid, bravo

I wish they had showed Viserion more

have sex

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too pure for this world

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unbelievably based and wahoopilled

>Guess which reunion this is
All of them

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