ITT: 10/10 endings only

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>effemiante redditor show
Fuck off.

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>implying women understand the terror

How new are you?


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I personally really liked the ending 15 minutes of Boardwalk Empire.
The last season was not very exciting, but the final scenes of the key characters hit me hard.

shame about S2

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>Finally after all these years, I have become the northwest passage

Jesus christ

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Cap was always my boy. I left the theater with a full heart that day

Take shelter, fuck that movie was good too bad it's one that flew under the radar

Yea I like cap, only ready some of Hickmans Avengers and cap is awesome

Most kino.

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the soundtrack is objectively 10/10. i also loved this track

It was the ending we deserved

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>one year

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Cringe and bluepilled

The assassination of Jesse James by the coward Robert Ford.

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GoT season 8

>You know what I expected? Applause.

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>ywn proclaim the word of God at a pancake dinner while your cute milf wife looks on in embarrassment


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I don't like Chris Evans but I love Cap so this still made me happy

>"How much fuel do we have left?"
>"Not much."

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It breaks my heart everytime but I love it.

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Liked these too.

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Oh yeah and I really liked this one. The devil's human form was so perfect and I like how they didn't tease anything.

>No one would upvote user's post. There would be no gildings, no appearances on the front page. No one would repost his comment weeks later for karma whoring. The post would be uploaded and (yous) would be given, but user would only sit in his chair and jerk off to discord trannies, the battery on his laptop dying before he could find the right link

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How did a slasher movie end up having the best ending shot of all time

>Agent SJW

Godammit, gets me every time.

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>when you find out that the distorted voice was the song that Irving was singing at Carnivale

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The asmr whisper scene was also spooky and added some chilling atmosphere

>Ride away

Because Gunnar Hansen did his research into autism and gave us the most savage yet sympathetic slasher of all time

another god tier ending was that of A Serious Man.
Someone post the screenshot

where is this from ?
not endgame right?

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This is easily one of the most kino shots in film history

Film had its flaws but this ending was well done

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>be in love with a piggy face fat girl
>she doesn't notice you
>forced to work with you
>is disgusted by your appearance
>get magic serum become hge
>now she likes you
>proves she is a shallow whore
>you disappear
>she remarries
>you go back into the past to fuck up timelines to live with this cunt

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but user, she remarried with Cap
That was the reason we didnt get to see her husband in any movie

dont stop


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I thought the 360 no scope was cheesy when I was 8.

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Magnificent Seven is one of the worst remakes of all time. Completely misses the point.

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I cried

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horror is the high art and anyone telling you otherwise is looking for an easy lay

I am beginning to think the 1st season was a flash in the pan.
A solid mystery with two interesting characters and dynamic. Landscape contributing to overall atmosphere. Conspiracy, corruption, a dash of cosmic horror and occult.
Season 2 was a mess and season 3 was pretty much a weaker season 1.

Oh God here come the waterworks. Why do penguins display such human emotion?

>That was the reason we didnt get to see her husband in any movie

Jeez, the movie throws an explanation for idiots in there in the most subtle way without calling you a moron by having Antman and Falcon act like morons and people still don't get it.

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What happened to him? Is he dieded?

truly a pleb filter, just like the end of L O S T

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Try not thinking of The Sopranos everytime you hear that song. Try not always wondering. That ending is perhaps the greatest TV show ending of all time because it sticks in your brain like nothing else.

Hannibal season 2 ending

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>protaganists still stuck roughly where they were when the series begin with nothing to show for it, all their friends and love interests have moved on with their lives and age is rapidly catching up with them

haha imagine if that was you haha

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It's not even out

>It was my duty

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You have to go back

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o fuck yes, this too!

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Even though they fucked up their own time-travelling rules to make this ending happen, it was a good end for Captain America regardless.

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I really liked the ending to weeds it wrapped it up nicely.

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And then I woke up.

not the computer part, but jesus christ this ending always hits like a train

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>"Time to die"


I miss them guys

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this right here

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needs a sequel of sorts

wtf you on? last season was literally worse than game of thrones

ur mama

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wow bro so deep and meaningful like oh em gee how BAD ASS was that demon bear? Stupid history almost ruined my monster movie

>I've seen things you penguins wouldn't believe

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I wasn't surprised. Just sad.

it's going to focus on something white people did that was bad so tv is already crying their eyes out like little girls.

saw it three days ago. damn good actor that kraut and nikki lauda is kino personified.

Not really. It's because there's zero (0) chance s2 will come anywhere near s1 standards

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I was so fucking impressed.

Amazing movie.

>Just ... gonna ... rest here a minute ... catch my breath. You guys ... go on without me. I'll catch up ...

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Goddam masterpiece.

are real aliens thicc like this?

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No, he got picked up by the penguin ambulance and made a full recovery in penguin hospital.

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I would have preferred if it ended there desu.

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Mr Blanky discovers the northwest passage, one of the few really triumphant and uplifting scenes in the show.

Kino endings. Not hack.

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what was it?

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Thanks fren, film score gives me goosebumps


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That was fucking awesome.

So kino that even the characters in the movie stopped and marveled at the kino-ness.

pleb filter coming through

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I laughed so fucking hard

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Goose part is the only part worth watching, the rest is shit

You're right, only pretentious reddit plebs watch that garbage.

shitty af...why the fuck was she gone all day watching a fucking movie...pam doesn't even watch movies

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oh thanks god, I thought for a second his children were orphaned

Fuck, feels


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I don't care what any of you says

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I don't have a good shot but Fail Safe ending was pretty kino

Probably as close to Blood Meridian we'll get visually and that's fine.

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>Wake up starts playing

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> I should have done this a long time ago
And this, kids, is how you build characters.

Shit movie, pure fantasy but good ending

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>Mind Blown.

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Perfect ending

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Good Taste,

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The ending karaoke of International Assassin still breaks my heart everytime. The series ending is good too.


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City Lights

It's just a rip off of this shot.

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what film?

I wish.

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For me the main draw was the actual story of the Franklin expedition. WW2 internment camp is a boring setting compared to that.

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this was sappy and cringe

>webm soundtrack

He’s a faggot

Even though all the time traveling shit was stupid, it was worth it for this scene.

Me too. As soon as the soldiers started walking out of the mist, this sound went through my brain:

>We will return for you

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Patrician taste

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I didn't understand this ending.

lmao capeshit ever having a 10/10

fuck off

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The Kino-beyond-the-wall

This but Yea Forums has mostly pleb taste so you won't get many (you)s

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She does like him from the start but she's not sexually attracted to him, literally nothing wrong with that.

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why do I know this cliche but cannot think of an example? Where is this originally from?

kino as fuck...

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>all these capeshitter replies

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Except she marries a guy in that shit tv series.

>stealing your final scene from Thunderbolt and Lightfoot

think anybody will notice?

says so right on the box even

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fucking utterly baseado

Also it has the greatest casting of almost any series.
Woody and Matthew has such great chemistry. Probably also helps that they are great friends irl.

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This this and this ... what an ending

Shoulda been Bucky, not that worn out trollop.

Nigga I cried like a BITCH

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No she doesn't, she just gets into a relationship with him. Her marriage with Sousa isn't canon.

Why does she have a picture of scrawny pre serum Steve on her desk in endgame if she wasn't attracted to him? Why not super strong Steve who had plenty of better pictures?

>ywn be held tightly by a qt cop you saved as you melt

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Fucking perfect ending.

Vic simultaneously gets what he wants and what he hates.

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holy fucking shit
I cried like a little bitch
and I never cried watching any movie

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based gabagool

this, the shield ending is almost perfect


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top kek. it most definitely was not. sure it was the weakest season, but no way was it worse than season 8 of GOT

loved this shit

really nailed the sense of dread as his schizophrenia/premonitions got worse

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is this a ref to any musical note?

That final comment about saying, sorry but you can’t come where I’m going as he dies

Theroux and Coon are so fucking good in this.

fucking pure kino

Its a shitty ending where he decides to become a snow nigger who kills seals and eat blubber.
The ending of The Terror is on par with GoT in how much it fucking sucked.

The Knick.

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Season three souls have been about an entirely different crime, it was like some soft reboot of season one, and it made for a very boring experience.

Why is mugen on a bike?


The Zodiac wacky gook edition: remembering a homicide

Semi-kino. Made sense but I was pissed at the waifus he threw away.

;_; x.x


The Knick was such fucking kino. I heard about it from here a few years back and it's been one of my favorite shows ever since. I'm so sad that it ended with season 3 tho. They should've kept it going and brought back Clive Owen for season 4

anyone have an HD screenshot, without subs, of nihilist pingu walking towards the mountains? One of these three shots.

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Fucking BASED

His real waifu had died, tho.

came here to post this

Eh, I was expecting something better. The series started as a 10/10 but became more and more mediocre towards the end.

I thought it still had good stuff later on, the computer bear just sort of detracted from it


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Are they practicing their golf swing?

damn, also wanted to post this

weeb shit can't be kino.

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>goes back in time to live traditional marriage and life
>they're both white

problem? your nose is showing

>probably nuthin

>you will never have a qt3.14 WW2 officer gf
why even live?

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There will never be another show like Star Trek TNG.


A film from 1954 still beats most of what modern Disney can put out.

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The supernatural element could have been better implemented, yeah. But it's the writing and editing of the second half of the show what actually bothered me. The motivations of the characters seemed to change from one episode to another, and I had the impression that chunks of the story had been left out. Also, the dialogue was a bit crude at times.

Fuck those traitors (kino ending though)

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>overhead cleavage shot

This, I was smiling the whole time.

constant K lmao

fucking terrified me for ages as a kid when I first watched this


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ultrakino. Tommy Lee Jones was absolutely perfect casting, nailed that final scene

>zombie polarbear
If they would've spared that shit , it could've been a good show

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what movie?

Miniseries called The Prisoner

oh I didn't know they remade that
might check it out for our boy Jim

movie was meh but its ending was kino. Last shot towards the sleeping pods just like in the first and second movies, with Ripley's final transmission playing in the background. Elliot Goldenthal's soundtrack was spot-on for those final seconds as well

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This movie is for kids, marketed to adults who act like kids in a society that continues to grow more prosperous while simultaneously managing to make its people worse mentally.

You can, but the original is better.

It's cool man, when the water/fuel/weather wars come it will thin the herd.

As far as I'm aware it's the same ending as the book, the point being the experience changed him so much he's now in self imposed isolation from the actual world which he can no longer be a part of.

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That’s called “being shallow”, which is ok but only if we’re honest about that. To say that’s normal behavior that we are taught is acceptable is wrong.

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It appears what we have here is a failure to communicate

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>We are born into this time and must bravely follow the path to the destined end. There is no other way. Our duty is to hold on to the lost position, without hope, without rescue, like that Roman soldier whose bones were found in front of a door in Pompeii, who, during the eruption of Vesuvius, died at his post because they forgot to relieve him. That is greatness. That is what it means to be a thoroughbred. The honorable end is the one thing that can not be taken from a penguin.

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based as fuck
Pic related is my choice

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wew lad

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Movie had great aesthetics but the story was shit.

>Fucks up the quote

>muh plot

My negro
Shut up, pleb.

It was perfect.

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>look guys aren't I cool for not liking stuff

What's the point of a movie without a plot? you might as well just look at paintings if you like pretty pictures.

>Melancholia was 8 years ago
Jesus Christ

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nature is so cruel

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What is this? Is there a Warhammer film I'm unaware of?

prob just another shit youtube project

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damn it

Everything from the use of sound to the dialogue is a masterpiece in that film.
One of my favourite westerns.

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Fucking Samanosuke Akechi


What’s the appeal? I watched it and outside of the soundtrack everything seems standard

Pretty sure he's the last to die in the book. No happy endings.

“Laaaaaaa mer...”

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i guess that's the beauty of it...

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Why are penguins so fucking kino?

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Westworld Season 1 ending was pretty neat. IMO show should've ended there.