It's not a dumb meme Yea Forums. It happened. I put this movie on with my girlfriend. We watched it the whole way through, though she not super into it. Then when it was over and we were cleaning up the snacks she said she "didn't get it"
It Happened
Max Pirkis was insanely hot.
There's a modern boat next to that ship.
Women don’t understand
>male comradery
>the desire to defend home from hostile entities
It has everything we want and nothing they do
Could you not?
not surprising, a woman In the same situation would probably maroon themselves on the closest piece of land and wait for rescue
But he was hot. Insanely.
Don't forget honor and self-sacrifice.
>the desire to defend home from hostile entities
Touches on that but the root of it is honor and self-sacrifice.
Why do people lie on the internet? Pic or it didn't happen
Post boobs
If I love the film but have no inherent love for boats or a desire to defined my homeland am I low T
Gentlemen, this ship is England.
You need to take a crow bar and split your girlfriend's skull open
if after the this ship is england speech you had no desire to sail the world for king and country youre a fag yeah
in roblox right
kys soicuck
And she won't have to because you still like her and she still wants your dick in her. If we were always 100% honest about everything, nothing would ever get done. Read "My Appearance" by David Foster Wallace.
>My husband laughed without smiling. He looked at the last of the sun-colored water as we approached the Brooklyn Bridge's system of angled shadows.
>"If no one is really the way we see them, that would include me," I said. "And you."
>Rudy admired the sunset. He said it looked explosive, hanging, all round, just over the water. Reflected and doubled in that bit of river. But he was looking only at the water. I saw him.
>And so I did ask my husband, as we were driven in our complimentary limousine to join Dick and Charmian for drinks and dinner at NBC's expense, just what way he thought he and I really were, then. Which turned out to be the mistake.
Band of Brothers awakens something in me that I think only men has. I have seen the show many times over 12 years and every single time this feeling arises. It's difficult to even explain what it is, but it resonates with me.
A woman's idea of adventure is getting fucked in the back of some guy's car
They unironically cannot understand the male sense of romance, optimism and yearning for adventure.
internet tough guy, I bet you really bash heads in real life ;)
my gf loved it, but she generally has pretty good taste in movies. though she was asking questions every ten minutes.
And again, they don't have to. You'll still chase them.
I've cracked open groid ape skulls, thin roastie skulls won't be a problem for any man who doesn't take a daily load of soi
Speak for yourself toastie roastie.
I had a gf once and it was gay as fuck. I don't want another one. One day I am going to get a boat and be the master and commander of my own life.
My penis can only get so Erect
God save the King
women think traveling is an adventure
it's not
no love for boats? fine.
no desire to defend your homeland? probably a cuck, but I have to know where you're from.
Until then, you're here with me, babe.
Posting on Yea Forums is an adventure for sure.
traveling =/= exploring dangerous, unknown territory
very different
A woman spends more time in the fantasy land than your average Yea Forums neckbeard
Just daydreaming nonstop about being "rescued" by some überchad from her mundane life and taking her on "adventures". Live, love, laugh. Paris. Work hard, play harder. Live and let live.
Women were a mistake
As opposed to jerking off one's ideals on Yea Forums, yeah?
>tfw the world is conquered
>no more real unsimulated adventures to be had
>if you join the army you'll either sit at a desk or get sent to a kekistani desert and do nothing of worth
>ywn enlist in the navy, travel the earth, live or die on the edge of a knife in foreign lands that you can't book a flight to or use google translate to find out what they're saying, you will never be in any danger in your life aside from some subhuman wanting to rob you in the street or something
What is the point anymore bros? What adventures can we have nowadays?
Get raped.
>live or die on the edge of a knife in foreign lands that you can't book a flight to or use google translate to find out what they're saying, you will never be in any danger in your life
Move to any forested part of South America, Africa; any bum fuck country. We both know you won't.
What's that supposed to mean?
>>ywn enlist in the navy, travel the earth
you could though
I really don't see how I could make that statement any clearer, or how you're unsure of its meaning.
try and learn advanced skills and get good at doing paperwork so you can work on the final remaining human frontier: developing the advanced technologies required to enable us to minimize existential risk and ultimately colonize space. If you're not smart enough to do research or work in supportive organizations/business, just kill yourself.
No I'm just tired
Dilate btw
This is exactly what I meant by there being no unsimulated adventure.
There is a difference between an actual adventure and just stupidly nerfing yourself to put yourself in unnecessary danger.
Russell Crowe didn't set out to sail the world with a butterknife and a sailboat user. They all worked their hardest, and used the heights of their society's innovation to advance civilisation.
The next thing like that will be space travel but all of us will be long dead before this will be an option.
is 33 too old?
>TFW we will never get peak Russell Crowe back
>and used the heights of their society's innovation to advance civilisation.
So you're in it for the accolades, the fame. Not the actual adventure.
reading comprehension
Nah, you've shown your hand. You want to do something important instead of doing something you enjoy.
i dont think so
My girlfriend likes this movie and can rewatch it with me as many times as I want. She is however an utter pleb in all respects. What does that tell you about this flick?
is this the opposite of norf
>implying going to foreign countries after studying the language maybe a few months beforehand and doing entrepreneurial shit after finding a niche isn't adventure
you're literally asking for adventure to be handed to you just for signing up to get ordered around like a fucking retard. you have to make your own adventure in this world, follower faggot. i'm so glad there's almost nobody actually willing to do things for themselves because it makes the market better for the people willing to actually try
That you need to rape, strangle and dismember her
That isn't an answer to my question.
I can tell you she doesn’t like it but she likes you so she’s try’s to take an interest in things you like. So you should stay with her because this is the real basis for companionship
>Not joining the Navy
I enjoyed traveling the world desu
It means that the flick is only for men who rape, strangle and dismember sluts.
Patrick Bateman pls go
>implying this type of adventure isn't inherently important and that's what makes it so exciting
If it isn't you may as well just call going on holiday an adventure. You are a fool and a knave. You twist words and talk of accolades and fame. I said nothing of the sort. You VILE, WRETCHED WENCH, you remind me of my ex girlfriend. If you cannot understand the desire to take part in the cameraderie of a thrilling discovery and unpredictable journet then you truly have no sense of romance in your black, frigid heart! Hark! A foul, contemptuous spinster who cannot understand the difference between an ADVENTURE and a lads holiday to Ibiza!
Begone from me, HARLOT, begone from me! Do not blight mine ears with such slatternous whisperings!
For shame!
For shame!
For shame!
Hole pls get murdered
I wanted to sign up but I heard many stories of just sitting around doing nothing (same with the army)
What is it like user?
it's like that for every peace time military
she likes things just because you like them, retard.
>I said nothing of the sort
>and used the heights of their society's innovation to advance civilisation.
>A foul, contemptuous spinster who cannot understand the difference between an ADVENTURE and a lads holiday to Ibiza!
A trip to South America with few clothes, no cash, and living off the land is not a holiday.
m8 you're posting anonymously on an imageboard. Pony up and do something with your life, or continue to pine and wallow in self-pity like a woman.
Just join a rate (job )that goes out to sea
Just ask your detailer “I want to go to ANY job that goes to a ship”. Done
I have been in for 10 years and have been outside of the states that long. I have been AND lived in Japan, Italy, Malaysia, Indonesia, phillipines, India, Spain, Thailand, Singapore, Maldives. I am in Okinawa right now. Best descicion I have ever made.
Dont be scared to go out there
Don't get sucked into an anti rogue wave, user
Tell me the two weevils on the plate. Which one would you choose?
Literally boats are the best thing this cruel dark world has to offer and these heartless thots could care less
Hence the saying: Born to late to explore the earth, born too early to explore the stars.
based and red pilled
cringed and blue pilled
Everytime a post misses the point this hard about topics like this I just assume it's a woman at this point. Otherwise you wouldn't be so goddamn thickheaded regarding a simple concept like this. You can say "hurr just go and make your own adventure", but it's missing the fucking key component that resonates in men's hearts when it comes to adventure. The unknown and being the first to discover it. What you are telling people to do is just sterile playing pretend. Yeah sure, you can go to a different country, you can leave everything behind, you can sell everything you own and try to survive, but at the end of the day you still more or less KNOW what's in store for you, only the details will differ.
The kind of adventure that moves a man's heart is the pursue of the unknown, the desire to uncover the great mysteries and come back to tell the tale. Sleeping under a bush and hoping that a hobo won't rape you this time is not what an adventure is, you soulless goddamn automaton.
The next and final great frontier will be space, but none of us will be there when it happens.
Bravo user
They will never understand
You have movies she likes that you don't get, either
Don't see the big deal
Had the same experience with Das Boot. Also Lord of the Rings, kinda of. Women latch to the fantasy elements and fandom but all the theological aspects and themes that are at the heart of Tolkien's work go over their heads.
i get what you're saying, i don't think you get what i'm saying. you're complaining about not having a fantasy life like a fucking woman
>why won't chad come and rescue me from my dull life and take me to paris?
>why won't captain boatman come and rescue me from my dull life and take me to the ends of the earth?
both of these fantasies are just that - if either of you faggots were alive in the actual ages of discovery, you would be complaining about how there's no adventure left because all the land has been mapped you fucking defeatist faggots
Except it's perfectly possible for the woman to find someone to fuck her, however, it's literally impossible to find a true adventure anymore. That's the entire point and you're still missing it.
I get what you're saying, but I don't respect it.
You really do need to be a man to know this particular type of feeling.
I know a couple women that like B.o.B. Maybe because it had a lot of hunks.
>find someone to fuck her
i was referring to the way women have retarded fantasies about men sweeping them off their feet and taking them into an exotic, exciting life in a foreign land (eat pray love etc) and even 99% of model-tier women don't get this
which is a mirror image of your fantasy of a brave leader inspiring courage in you as you face the dangerous unknown with your comrades, which was also incredibly rare even at the peak of the discovery age
both of these are F A N T A S Y
>unironically believes some retarded roastie is arguing with him on a Yea Forums thread about master and commander at 1am
whiner mental gymnastics are a sight to behold
at the end of the day, you can A) complain to peers about not having the amazing dream life you want (female) or B) try to make the best of it because life's a bitch and then you die (male)
Yeah boats are amazing until a rogue 150 foot wave flips your dingy or you fall into a 100 foot trough as the ocean closes above you.
post made by a woman
Boats are fucking based
>people die waiting in lines
>on Mount Everest
How fucking miserable is it possible to get, pretty sure this is peak level
making movies, making music and fightin' round the world!
if he likes two things, it's fightin', and fightin' round the world!
>meanwhile K2 still kills people every year with plenty of years where literally nobody summits
>faggots still complain LE NO ADVENTURE LEFT
just end your life
"To wives & sweethearts!....May they never meet!"
My serious mountaineer friend says it's all about Kangchenjunga now. It's every bit as difficult and deadly as Everest and practically no one ever fucking climbs it. Much "purer" experience than joining the Disney World-style crowd going up Everest.
Just climb a mountain that isn't a complete tourist trap then, places like Baintha Brakk should offer plenty of challenge and adventure for those that desire it.
It really is no joke. More than 10 years ago in high school, I had to write a review for a movie as an assignment, so I picked Master and Commander. The teacher liked my review and mentioned something about it in class, and one of the girls immediately went ''ew, isn't that that super boring movie?".
When I started seeing M&C being brought up on Yea Forums as the prime example of a movie women can't understand, it really made me chuckle.
>born too late to explore the world
>born too early to explore space
fuck this time period
boats lel
feminine self sacrifice is motherhood. feminine honor is keeping a clean house (figuratively too)
well, you might just mixed race and therefore homeless.
Its load of bullshit, they fight for people who consider them less than animals. Wellington and Kissinger didnt even see them as humans.
Mankind is a 100,000 year old animal. For most of that time women pick berries and keep the mud hut in order. Sailing is completely alien to their evolution.
Unbelievably based
lol, i like the idea of the traveling 1st worlder being a glorified version the dog going for a walk.
let's be real, that's a normie thing. and it's not that widespread. if adventure is being "without"+ being abroad, then plenty of stinky dreadlocked broads get it.
girls get beheaded for this stuff literally every day, and you shrug it off as stupidity. you've got a lot of nerve.
a lot of women end up with masculine traits because evolution isn't perfect.
these ladies come out as either lesbian dykes, or caged animals.
>he thinks lesbians exist
Sad but true
Because it is stupid. They travel to places which governments have told them are unsafe then suffer for it.
Would be different if someone died exploring some lost African jungle for the benefit of science. Getting killed for travelling on daddy's dime is stupid, however.
Of course people want to advance civilization and it's an important part of the feeling. Strife for greatness is very different from holiday larping while camping. The people on these ships certainly didn't 'enjoy' themselves a lot of the time and still desired more. Enjoyment in the restricted sense is only part of the attraction.
Going on safe hotel holidays isn't an adventure, but backpacking around and going to smaller towns in a country where no one really speaks English could be. Also a good way to get killed
Explorers, conquerors and astronomers were among the most exemplary, intelligent, talented and courageous men in human history. There are world leading researchers, astronauts and space/aeronautical engineers, deep sea and arctic explorers/academics. Why aren't you among them?
I too read that thread yesterday.
>exploring the deep sea
Bruh, I'm not fucking trying to piss off the keepers of the deep
yeah but what about the part where OP said everything that he said which you didn't address at all
>The next and final great frontier will be space, but none of us will be there when it happens.
except that we will never send actual humans 'where no man has gone before'. any celestial body that humans land on will have already been photographed and scanned by a hundred machines - because sending fragile meat sacks into space is expensive and stupid.
The age of people wandering into the unknown is gone forever.
They're also just ignorant of history.
Play the "Ask Your Mom, Wife, or Girlfriend when the Following Five Wars Happened: The Revolutionary War, The Civil War, World War 1, World War 2, and Vietnam” game.
well-put dude.
but i still think you would have a blast in rural colombia - eating weird food, learning a new language, getting involved in politics.
lmao bless you man, i wish i knew fun people who talked like this
danger is fun idiot
adventure for "adventure"'s sake isn't adventure
there has to be real implications
I got it but I'm ugly
how did they even get this fucking shot? Green screen?
>the world is conquered
actually, it is not.
as long as there is not an NWO running shit you are free to join any freedom cause you want
just don't blow up my airport or some shit
go to an underdeveloped town in siberia and deliver medical supplies
actually, even IF there was an NWO running shit, your adventure would be to break it up
adventure is born of competition and ideals, lad
only nihilists have to worry
I don't understand how men love this movie and I'm not even joking.
Every boyfriend I had loves this movie
I only like how the commander and the doctor loves each other.
i mean this movie was alright but i really just cannot stand the faggot russell crowe
Just go, man.
I've been on another continent out of money with no phone and a poor comprehension of the local language on several occasions. And you know what? It was liberating. I come back with good stories and once I came back with a wife. It isn't any good if you want to be able to go back to working like a slave and giving a shit about materialism and living in blissful ignorance, because your unlocked persona never goes back in that box. I can barely bother to do the bare minimum for my career and investments/retirement, I always want to go back out into the wild or a foreign land and just adventure for awhile.
>watching 300
>ex gf thought the Spartans were retards for fighting and should've just run away
Dodged a bullet there.
Women aren't made for honor, adventure or history.
You don't edit Russell Crowe's poetry ya testicle!
There's still the deep ocean. And science.
That is peak Rusty
>showed my parents Lord of the Rings trilogy finally
>my mom actually LAUGHS at the charge of the rohirrim scene because she thinks its funny they yelled DEATH! before charging
jesus dudes i dont want to be a mysogynist but come on
>and you know what
>It was liberating.
>once I came back with a wife
>dude boats
dull movie
>it was liberating
>giving a shit about materialism and living in blissful ignorance
Can't fight against America, cause good guys.
kek never noticed that
>>the desire to defend home from hostile entities
>imperialism at the other side of the world = defending your home
This is how the anglo thinks
there is no such thing as anglo
you might as well call african people afros
nobody does this for a reason
at LEAST say "angloid"
just watched it totally out of context but that was actually pretty funny.
Why would you listen to the advice and wisdom of a guy who killed himself? Seems like it wasn't that great after all...
When this movie came out, my girlfriend gasped when Paul Bettany got shot. Chaucer was her favorite character in A Knight's Tale and that's how I get her to go with me to see this one.
>hey let's go see this movie, that guy you like in Knight's Tale is in it
>Heath Ledger?
>no, the guy who played Chaucer
She dragged me to go see that tennis movie he was in, which wasn't half bad. She adored this movie, but just for the Bettany-Crowe dynamic.
The final frontier
you like hip hop music don't you
south sydney is a rugby league club in australia
its traditionally been the team of redfern......Abos
you hate hip hop music don't you
haha fuckin got you bitch
you got what? are you upset
>he isn’t getting rich off the system so he can create and fund the arischesraumzuggesellschaft
Defeatists and cowards belong in camps
i am upset that hip hop exists yes
haha fuckin got you bitch
your success is not comparable to mine
i unearthed an implicit truth
compare for example the sense of smells of these animals
you have a long way to go
u mad
fuck u white boi,, fuck a nikka hoe
norf is an AFL team mate
Yes? The world belong to the English. All other entities are hostile invaders.
Planes > Boats > Motorcycles > Cars
Prove me wrong fags
Weird hybrid vehicles > easy to categorize vehicles.
Exploring strange lands with weird animals is not something women dont get.
I think that they see a boat as a mobile house, they think its cosy and hospitable like their warm bedroom, not a hellish device build just to move shit with imeasurable pain and risk.
Camaraderie. Wars where GI's are drafted and are not professional soldiers are kino.
Based nigskull-cracking user
Lel jk, I know what you mean, shame everything has gone to shit now.
Good luck finding genuine respect in this fucking world.
What a wonderfully true voice you have there.
Is that an unused prop from Who Killed Captain Alex?
Nah, it's a Russian "plane". It doesn't even fly, it hovers over the water by exploiting some weird phenomenon. It's actually really cool
Guys why don't we just kill all the niggers? Then we can really start to plan where civilization goes next.
Dunno about that but he was good in the film, shame he didn't make it big.
One should always pick the lesser of two weevils!
When I was in school our female teacher told us as an reward we could watch one of two movies, Matrix, or Titantic. She and the other girls made us watch Titantic because according to our teacher we "wouldn't get" Matrix because she herself didn't really get it. I still don't understand what there isn't to get. Depressing.
>implying she wasn't referring to the idea of living in a simulation
>none of us will be there when it happens
>implying it hasn't already happened and most people aren't just kept out of the loop
Too much sugar in his English breakfast tea.
post a picture of your bare skin thigh, I'm so lonely.
try it. check on their website or go to a recruitment centre for info.
What do you think I was referring to? Bullet time? What's so hard to get about life being a computer game? Matrix isn't that deep bro. The deepest think about it are the christian themes and those aren't deep either. Whoa she's called Trinity, and they are three. Woah he's like Jesus if Jesus knew Kung-Fu! Mopheus, like the god of dreams, get it? Nah, I don't. Because I'm a dumb bimbo who's projecting her own shallowness onto others.
marry me
That was a really good joke.
The Nina, the Pinta, the Santa Maria
I'll do you in the bottom while you're drinking Sangria
Nachos and Lemonheads on my dad's boat
You won't go down 'cause my dick can float
We sail around the world and go port to port
Every time I cum I produce a quart
Put on your life vest, let's drop anchor
There's a nice lady whore, I'd like to spank her
They really filmed on the Galapagos
Sauce my nigga
You are either:
-a guy that didn't watched the film
-a complete retard
-a women
European here to play: 1760, 1850, 1914, 1939, 1960
>The Lun-class ekranoplan is a ground effect vehicle (GEV) designed by Rostislav Evgenievich Alexeyev in 1975 and used by the Soviet and Russian navies from 1987 until sometime in the late 1990s.[1][2]
>It flew using the lift generated by the ground effect of its large wings when within about four metres (13 ft) above the surface of the water. Although they might look similar to regular aircraft, and have related technical characteristics, ekranoplans like the Lun are not aircraft, seaplanes, hovercraft, nor hydrofoils. Rather, "ground effect" is a distinct technology. The International Maritime Organization classifies these vehicles as maritime ships.
i get its nice that there are no roasties in it and everything, i hate women too but... this film kinds sucks lets be honest
About as miserable as a buncha guys whining on an anonymous imageboard about never having a life of "adventure."
Are you so retarded to not understand you didn't talk about the rhetoric of the post, at all?
1775*, technically speaking
Noice stuff m8
Why would I pay attention to the rhetoric of someone who killed themselves?
Okay. Then read it from me:
>And she won't have to because you still like her and she still wants your dick in her. If we were always 100% honest about everything, nothing would ever get done.
For the main who disdains his female co-workers, he keeps a tight lip. Lest he lose his employment.
Mate, he only got the world wars right.
>he doesn't realise the world is what it is because of England
Someone posted a a good explanation a while back. Basically boats symbolize freedom and self sufficiency. They embody what men want and what women want men to give up for themselves.
Honestly, if you watch anything besides mindless eye candy flicks with others and expect them to give a shit you deserve everything you get. Film is the hobby of a loner.
>inb4 anecdotal retards
at least we got some 10/10 mummyfu and sisterfu content from his role in Rome
Makes sense. It's a common theme - a man's mistress being the sea.
>Women don’t understand
there. thats all that needed to be said
This. Women are worthless, dumb, horrible creatures that barely register as human, they deserve nothing but scorn. Giving them ANY rights was a mistake.
Also, I can't understand why none of them want to be my girlfriend ;_;
Annapurna is still the deadliest. Go for it
>ask gf who was Mussolini
>she doesn't fucking know
All hope is lost
>love to travel
>love photography
>love drink with friends!
>a one-armed 14 year old boy is more of a man than you will ever be
Do you guys think when gene editing tech is finally perfected, we will be able to fix women? Or is their stupidity incurable?
No, instead we’ll get mutts so horrid we could not even imagine them today. They will make you fucking WISH for El Ateocidad to come back
>inb4 anecdotal retards
>going to to a 4 star hotel to post selfies at the buffet.
My girlfriend just turned to me with a completely blank expression and said, "Was that a joke?"