Tara Reid

Whatever happened to her? Will she ever make a comeback?

Attached: tara-reid-wears-see-through-dress-04.jpg (817x1222, 204K)

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Too much coke, alcohol, sun, cigs, and cocks.

Nope, if you are not an attractive young female you have no future in hollywood

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Wtf i just rewatched the big lebowski wasnt that tara reid? Shes hot as fuck in there but in this picture she looks like a fucking alien

desu even when she was in her 20s i thought she was weird looking and unattractive.

She fucked herself up with plastic surgery. She's usually the one case people point to when they want to demonstrate it's dangerous.

I'll still fuck her though

But no one would fuck you incel

Is it possible to fix her?


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>perhaps i can be of some assistance...

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literally a flesh suit hanging off a skeleton

Is it Halloween?
because I a spooked

Still would

She's doing fine now!

It can't be just drugs and booze right? She's brain damaged right?

It's alcohol and xanax, most likely.

nothing a bit of kebab and cum can't fix
give me 9 months and she'll be reborn anew

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I’d like to act like I wouldn’t but I’d rail her skinny ass brains out. My standards obviously low af

Snatch my fetsh

this chick still living in 2009 but she can't keep up

>Chef No
>From the Russian Restaurant with Love
>Chicken Finger
>Casino Royale with Cheese
>You Only Snack Twice
>On Her Majesty's Secret Room Service
>Almonds are Forever
>Live and Let Dine
>The Chef with the Golden Pan
>The Waitress Who Loved Me
>For Your Fries Only
>Octopus Sushi
>Never Say Never to Seconds
>A Meal to a Kill
>The Living Dinner-lights
>License to Fill
>Golden Fry
>Tomorrow Never Dines
>The Meal is Not Enough
>Dine Another Day
>Casino Royale with Cheese
>Quantum of Supper

live and let dine is definitely the best

Look at those feet. She'd be perfect as Captain Marvel

looking at her ig it seems like she stopped fasting in 2019 thank god