What are sone movies about bad people turning good?

What are sone movies about bad people turning good?

Attached: 22byynyrwgc21.png (795x931, 602K)

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Starship Troopers

Clearly missing the point of the movie. Or some retard from /pol/.

>Ability: Steadfast

How will the CWC saga end bros?

It's been such a long and wild ride, we're probably nearing the end...

Meme answer: some epic fag will rise up and provoke Chris for the last time, ending in an event with a high death count

Real answer: Barb dies, taxman forecloses, Chris tries to do sex work on street, killed in the process

Don't take 4chin so seriously.

however it ends it will be tragic and terrible

Based content creator

He will try to reunite with Megan and she will shoot him to death.

Attached: Megan.jpg (206x237, 17K)

>if only you knew how bad things really were

After Barb dies there's 3 different things that might happen:
>He becomes homeless
>He's institutionalized
>A fan lets Chris live with him in exchange for memorabilia

Barb will die and it will probably fizzle out from there. CWC already isn't as interesting as he was years ago.

it's a joke, dumdum

Why hasn't chris applied for autism bux?

>One day he fucking snaps, decides to shoot up someplace I’m the name of CWCville
>Begins hoarding money for a gun, as a result Barb starves to death
>Never bothers to practice shooting, thinks his cpu goddess powers will let him instantly 369 noscope fags
>Day of Retribution comes
>Goes to either pvcc or one of the numerous malls or stores that have banned him
>Only manages to pop off a few rounds before having a sensory overload
>Curls into a ball and begins whimpering as terrified citizens rush past him
>SWAT arrives, initially thinks he’s a victim but soon realize what happened and take him into custody
>Booked in a plethora of charges including Murder, because he somehow managed to kill someone
>At trial, attorney goes for the obvious insanity plea
>All he does is play a few of his vids, reads an excerpt of Sonichu, and puts Chris on the stand for 10 minutes
>Jury goes out and almost immediately acquits him
>Chris is sentenced to life in a psychiatric ward
>Spends the rest of his days in a padded cell smearing shit on the wall, thinking he’s drawing the next Sonichu issue


I highly doubt he knows how to

He has.


would be court kino

That's what the tugboat is but he blows his cash on toys and video games.

He pulls an Aurora when the Sonic movie comes to town and dies in a final climactic shootout with the police

>Over 10 years later and he’s still obsessed over her
Autism is a hell of a drug

>actually legally declared too autistic to work
the absolute state

Funny enough, muh guberment is actually looking into his e begging and will most likely begin taxing him on it. The sperg somehow sold a used blanket for $200

Attached: michaelsnyder.jpg (247x338, 13K)

Based Mike the Kike jumping on cars

It's been a good minute since I've updated myself of the chronicles of Chris-Chan's life, what's with the Ted Bundy thing?

He made him a Sonichu persona, saying he was doing good deeds in CWCville. Also said he was framed irl

So who is it that is feeding him these ideas? He obviously wouldn't ever reach that conclusion without some convincing.

Would you say "retard" on resetera or Twitter? Would you say it in your tranny discord server?