>Israel calls for aid!
Israel calls for aid!
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Tell them I'm not home.
And the American Taxpayer will answer!
>Isidul! Destroy the Israeli nuclear program!
I see shareblue's ban wore off
it do be like dat
>t. Ziocon trumpcuck
Where was Israel when the London fell?
Where was Israel when the muzzies closed in around us?
I thought they just had Memorial day off?
you're my favorite goy
>The Iraq War cost the US 2 trillion
>jewish billionaire owned politicians are begging for a war with Iran, an even worse target
When the US financially collapses Americans will only have themselves to blame
Israel? Where was Israel when the Twin Towers fell? funding the hijackers
If the US market collapse, it'll take the whole world with it.
you do realize hillary would have done just the same right (probably even send more money if anything) and trump would be kennedy'd if he refused
Pls no more
Shut the fuck up drumpfkin go lick a boot
>spot the magapede
>b-but hilary
Nah lol, the developing third world will replace it as the consumers.
go dilate,. 5 more years
Knocking them down.
Man, when the US burst the housing bubble every fucking consumer goods and services went up in my country and it hasn't gone down since. The world is dependent on these big ass markets so much that a mere whiff of collapse will send our third world markets reeling.
5 more years of sending American tax money to Israel
>just read about the USS Liberty yesterday
You guys sure love that Jewdick, huh?
It seems like almost every global empire just falls in love with jewcock for the duration of their reign until they collapse into subservience to the next great global hegemony. Strange isn't it?
All presidents do this. Name one in the past 100 years that hasn't.
>past 100 years
Israel isn't even that old rtard lol
if he wasnt a faggot he could've easily martyred himself and got the word out, with the amount of money he has
>what is rounding
I rarely laugh out loud at things I see on the internet. This was one of those times.
>rounding up on the state of Israel
If they actually make it to their centennial humanity truly deserves to be blanda'd into extinction.
the ABSOLUTE STATE of muttapedes
can we round 1 million up to 6 million?
>he doesn't know what the Balfour declaration was
"In the new British strategic thinking, the Zionists appeared as a potential ally capable of safeguarding British imperial interests in the region. Furthermore, as British war prospects dimmed throughout 1917, the War Cabinet calculated that supporting a Jewish entity in Palestine would mobilize America's influential Jewish community to support United States intervention in the war"
When federalized banking was instituted in America somewhere around 1912, is the same year that the US stopped being the US. This rabbit hole goes further back than even 100 years user.