Post some Orwellian tier horror from reddit
Post some Orwellian tier horror from reddit
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what fucking board do you think you're on, you absolute waste of carbon
t. discord tranny shill
Cheers to the lads that brave those boards and bring this gold back to us.
O shit I love Arca too!
seething tranny
If the dude was actually a trap and not a snotling in the retinue of the Ork Warboss Grak-tar-Trakka he'd be cute.
This isn't Orwellian in the slightest. It's quite Lynchian, however, in its balancing of both the mundane and horrifying.
You got the wrong board, /tg/ is a few boards down
>school's out
consider suicide
I don't know if that's what he was going for, but he nailed the 40 year old crackhead tranny look.
I love discussing trannies
Fuck you
>if he was attractive he wouldn't be unattractive
That’s generous, it’s borderline Cronenbergesque
Would take so much pleasure in slitting all of your throats and drinking your blood
pls post more pictures of trannies
based wagh poster
The ironic thing is that's how most redditors view Yea Forums
Reddits subchan
remember people like OP joined Yea Forums during the april fools "prank" this year as it was the only board embracing the reddit ideals it pushed
now they feel welcome here
The right wing is officially way more obsessed with trannies than any other political denomination. You people think about fake pussies and dilation more than anyone else on the planet, no exaggeration.
I only ironically save pictures of trannies
It's because I care. These poor mentally ill people are being taken advantage of and having their symptoms and problems aggravated by faggots who want woke points, to the stage where these dudes are literally being driven to cut their dicks off.
It makes me sad to see a fellow man in such a terrible state. Our fellow men are being warped into castration and it is being seen as a good thing.
that would only deepen your voice and hair growth lad
I picture people like you making pictures like these.
Because they're funny
*Holds up spork*
do you think they chose 95 for some unknown reason or is that creature actually just 24 years old?
Let the wound close
Oh, jeez, if I had to I would fuck top right corner.
I personally take pleasure in knowing that you will spend your entire life as a depressed, suicidal mess in constant pain, both physical and mental, while I'll be over here laughing and enjoying every moment.
such an angry young ma'am
Laughing at the mentally ill and their enablers is funny though
that’s burnt concrete, comrade
Based and redpilled
Except the left are the one constantly shoving it in everyone's face, the right is just commenting on what they're observing.
don't worry, one day they'll have sex and move on
Bear children
Not really Orwellian
Am I supposed to make fun of this unfortunate kid to feel better about myself?
i dont understand the point of posting this.
like people like that get called nasty names and hated every single place they go. they find one small place on the internet where, if even for a few moments, they can feel alright and your response is to invade that space and ridicule them some more.
the irony is that Yea Forums used to, in a lot of ways, be a safe space for losers to post and avoid criticisms and misunderstandings of 'normal' people.
then it got invaded by 'normal' people who know post on this very board and criticize the losers here, in the exact same way you're doing with these trannies.
Not possible
Umm, no, sweetie.
The right wing is merely reacting to trannies becoming increasingly militant and insistent that our entire culture, from the legal system right down to bathroom access and language use, needs to be completely changed to accommodate their needs.
Transgenderism is a mental illness, and one that's being aggressively cultivated in order to manufacture dissent and weaken homogeneous societies.
Go back.
currently throwing up in my mouth
Not true though. Most people on the left (and most people in general) literally never think about trannies, because they’re like 0.0001% of the population. It’s you freaks that fetishize them to the point of saving their pictures and starting threads. And then you talk about “mental illness,” kek
Go dilate
>mfw when I knew I shouldn't read it, but I did it anyway
that's enough for me tonight bros, I'm out.
What's funny is I've discovered most Yea Forums people I've met online or irl tend to look like completely regular people.
Redditors on the other hand...
Yea Forums is the last place on the internet you can point out that transsexualism and transgenderism are degenerate mental illnesses and not get instabanned for it (and probably doxed to boot).
>entire site constantly talks about dilation and gore and piss and shit, libertarian freedom
>entire site is always against censorship, libertarian freedom
>entire site is always making fun of literally anyone in the public eye, libertarian freedom
>entire site is full of NEET leeches, left wing
>entire site is always telling people to stop giving money to these mega corporations that make terrible content and poise propaganda of any wing upon the people, libertarian
>entire site is an actual melting pot, left globalist
>entire site has people from every country with internet access lurking or posting, left globalist
>entire site allows all views to be spoken and users are allowed to call it retarded or genius, libertarian
>site is tossed up between communists, socialists, capitalists and all other shit economically and those ideas are allowed to be talked about, democratic libertarian
What do you mean by "the right wing" exactly?
Oh please. Yea Forums has always made fun of the strange and bizarre in society, for whatever reason. Yea Forums has also always been anti-authority and contrarian. Even with neo nazis and fascist posters - they larp as authoritarians because the people that are actually in charge and are figures of authority in modern society are totally against those things. Trannies are one of the more recent demographics to be pushed into acceptance by the authorities, whether it be educators or government or media whatever, and that coupled with their natural state as lolcows makes them prime targets for ridicule. The fact that I have to explain this means you don't belong here.
Have seed. this what they mean by high IQ post?
Read Orwell and stop using that word.
IMO you’re playing dumb or you feel insulted somehow by the counter culture to the transgender push. they’re putting retarded shady gender identity garbage into bills in congress now, it’s everywhere.
Yea Forums - Television and Film
But aids
>reddit spacing
These people aren't mentally ill btw don't worry dudes
yeah im sure that was a legit tranny and not just some dumbass from /pol/ making stuff up
I like to dress like a sexy lady as much as the next guy, and enjoy a good ass fucking as well, but these people have mental disorders.
you can be libertarian and right wing at the same time
I’m neither of your assertions. I just find it funny, as someone who is pretty left, to imagine alt right incels walking around thinking about trannies all day because they go on the internet too much. Like literally fantasizing about them to the point of obsession that borders on sexual fetishism. And then they turn around and get mad at people on Yea Forums who jerk it to futa and shit for being degenerates, lmao. Meanwhile neither me nor any of my liberal friends ever think about this shit at all, until I see a seething thread like this.
hey bro you never know with these people
being poor and mentally ill is a dangerous combination
I have literally never met a trans person in real life, this shit is insignificant and you faggots stay up all night fearmongering about your trans boogeyman.
It's true, all of it.
Yea Forums - nerds with no real connection to society choosing to discuss matters that pertain to them
there, now you get it
as other people have said, anti-sjw losers spend way more time obsessing over trans people than anyone on the left does. Next maybe you can reveal to us all the filthy degeneracy of people with colostomy bags? truly a brave truth-teller, thank you sir for being so baste
Straight out of a Terry Gilliam movie.
I mean not straight. Fuck.
>there is no right wing on Yea Forums
Lol, okay champ. Also saying “entire site (does x generalization)” as if that means anything. You make zero points here.
>I’m not crying, you are!
Massive fucking cope
You're delusional. You're a leftard incel here right now complaining and crying. You cant stand it that people here think differently than you.
Now this is peak delusion
get a load of this
Fuck off back to
because somehow its an evil secret that sex reassignment surgeries are gross? are you just now learning how surgery works? why is this even a thread lol
you're the one writing paragraphs about how not mad you are, friend
>complaining and crying
I’m literally laughing at you my man. Stay noided tho ;)
>>trans boogeyman
Trannies are pretty scary tho
nice try /pol/
Inguinal canals aren't vaginas
idc unless the bird is mortally injured i might put it out of its misery but otherwise its just a bird lol
Typical tranny psychopath
You’re the one starting off topic threads on Yea Forums as an excuse to dump your ever-growing tranny folder, my nigga
Damn, ProJared looks like THAT?!
i mean first i would say people like in op's picture will never fit in. doesn't matter how much well wishes and prayers they get on social media. in real life no one will fuck that person. no one will love that person as a woman. they will always be an outcast where it matters, in reality.
so i guess i just feel bad for them, and think them having a small board on reddit of all places called 'traaaaaaaaans' or whatever gay shit, where they can find a modicum of happiness is fine. that, to hunt down and invade that board for the purpose of mocking them seems petty and unecessary.
im not saying the entire internet should be like that 'traaaaaaaans' board, in fact i hate the idea of censoring free speech. i think its perfectly fine to make fun of faggot or trannies or whatever. but specifically, going to that board, which is a place for them to avoid negativity, and to purposefully inject negativity into it, that just comes off, again, as petty.
and maybe i'm wrong, maybe they're not injecting negativity into that place because maybe they aren't posting on that board, just harvesting images, but honestly, even so, the pictures could continue to get passed around in a negative light, and it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
Riiight. Keep telling yourself that, loser.
It's the left that picked this hill to die on, we're just dabbing
Trans cause their own suffering
Of course you would, you Satan-worshipping abomination.
This shit is funny and like watching a Trainwreck at the same time, also there are tons of trannys fucking up society with their crazy compelled preferred bullshit. They don't deserve the contrived sympathy you retards give them, DILATE
>wanting to cure mental illness so that their fellow Americans stop killing themselves at alarmingly high rates
Damn right wingers
Keep letting trannies take up your hard-drive space, you well-adjusted paragon.
I'd beat the fuck outta you and post it on Yea Forums so my Yea Forums bros and I can laugh at you.
>seed log
I didn't start the thread, but if anyone has that picture of all the balding trannies at a speedrunning convention I'd love to add it to my collection
>that picture
Oh my fucking lord
reply to this post if you think ALL trannies should die
>white people
The group with the highest suicide rates is straight white males, in fact 70% of suicides are straight white males. What is the right wing doing in order to aid these individuals and prevent them from killing themselves at such an alarming rate?
>the thing made tea out of used tampons
Why don't you like gays user? they're normal people just like you and me!
What are lolcows for $500 newtard
fucking disgusting filth
First one on the third row looks like that doll from the walls fall out video.
so you think people who get lots of surgery with long-term health effects don't deserve sympathy? Why would I care what you think society should be like, you sound like a psychopath.
>we need to cure mental illness, it’s a huge issue we on the right wing care about!
>except let’s not use any government resources to do so, fuck those freaks!
Lying through your teeth to justify your sick fetish. Kys
Fuck off crazy trannys
White people unironically need an authoritarian yet benevolent figurehead/state to keep them in line. If left to their own devices, they will invariably regress into self destructive and hedonistic behavior.
trannies are the new incels AND fedoras
I know an elementary school teacher in Arizona that has been told about three new students that are going to be in their school the upcoming year. Each is apparently trans, except they're fucking children. One is going into kindergarten, one is a first grader and another is a third grader. Apparently, the parents of the children all got their kids psychiatric evaluations by several doctors from San Diego. So I agree that it's hillarious but only when it's adults, not when it's children who are obviously having their parents either force this shit on them or being so fucking stupid that they believe the choices of their children are worth permanently altering their lives for the worse.
unless it's suicide with a handgun, the right doesn't seem very concerned with those, a major cause of death far exceeding trans suicides. sad to see people so delusional they are mislead to fringe obsession with other people's genitals.
Because the government only uses its resources to encourage genital mutilation therapy, never to discourage it, even going as far as providing it to prisoners like that guy in Oregon on the taxpayer's dime oh why am I even bothering. just go dilate
People shouldn't encourage these people's delusions, they're mutilating themselves, and retards encourage them and lie to them. All I can do is laugh at this shit, you sanctimonious pretentious pedantic faggot.
These are the end times. Makes sacrificing babies in ancient times look like child's play. These poor tortured souls.
>ignoring the actual rates amongst subgroups
>”Look! White males kill themselves a lot! Shouldn’t you help them too?”
Literal strawman. I’m all for somebody’s right to transition because the state shouldn’t tell them how to handle their own body, but that doesn’t mean I can’t see that it’s clearly a mental illness and should be treated as such. The “right wingers” you speak of literally are cringing at how normalized the left is making a mental illness.
Tell me right now that you would be okay with your tax dollars going toward getting some fucked up tranny mental health care and I’ll believe a single word you’re posting. Otherwise your entire argument is bullshit and you’re making excuses for thinking about trannies all day “for the good of the culture” lmfao.
You’d fuck John mulaney? Sure you don’t want Michael Jackson or Stephen king in bottom left? The tongue throws it off, but bottom right MIGHT be the most feminine looking
Hopefully society will correct itself soon and all these parents that made their kids into a way to virtue signaling to their peers get held accountable for their child abuse.
Doubtful but maybe....
>safe space
Get the fuck outta here you fucking newfag
>It's a mental illness
Glad to see you care about mental illness so much user, so tell me, would you be ok with your tax dollars going to help all Americans suffering from depression or those who have attempted suicide in the past?
>have big dick
>want it gone
incels are reaching a new level of redditing
you try to tell me how society should be run while posting braindead shit like that, and than call me "sanctimonious"? imagine actually having that image saved on your computer and thinking it validates your opinion on anything
of course
they're the ones destroying our society and expecting to be given medals for the effort
>Let's fix depression by cutting our dicks off!
Blacks make up more trannies per capita.
>the only way to help them is through government assisted medical care, so the right really doesn’t care! Checkmate!
I shit on a lot of people that are on the right but for me to defend them makes you some special kind of retard
Orwellian is the most reddit expression out there
Yea Forums is a place for anonymous people to talk about whatever shit they want without any rules or posting history. Everything else is the faggots tale that you've told yourself.
oop that's a hate crime WEEOO WEEOO
What emotion is this face suppose to convey?
I figured I could make them wear a wig and be ok.
lmao tranny
>we make tranny threads on Yea Forums because we deeply care about these poor, mentally ill individuals
You’re not fooling anyone, sicko
Lol it wasn't suppose to validate my opinion, I think it's funny, you stupid tranny.
You are most certainly sanctimonious, and most likely a annoying pious self fellating retard to be around in real life. DILATE
why do brown-haired east asian men look so fucked up
wait, how are they taking offense to having their front hole called a vagina if it's EMULATING A VAGINA?
is this real?
I completely endorse state mental institutions for helping people incapable of helping themselves. Maybe it's not very "right wing" of me because Reagan closed them all but I would rather my tax money go to helping people with their problems instead of encouraging their destructive behavior. Therapy and counseling will certainly be cheaper than several reconstructive surgeries and all of the drugs they will be required to take. It would help quell the horrible homeless problems growing as well.
We all know this won't happen though so I might as well just have a giggle in the meantime.
>the only way to help with mental illness is at the taxpayers expense
To you people actually believe this? It’s insane that whenever people call it a mental illness it breaks down to “well, are you gonna help?” as if that has any merit to what it is.
How about this, stop pushing for it to be a healthy thing, because you can literally look at tons of research on this. Wanting to mutilate your genitals is not a healthy way of thinking. Call it out for what it is and like with any other mental illness, urge the person to seek professional help as to better their quality of life. Is this shit really too complex of an idea for people?
That is easily top 5 ugliest smiles I've ever seen in my life. God that face looks so disgusting...
post mug
>Oh btw trannys were always functional members of society, anyone saying otherwise is pol bugeyman
Literally kys, retarded faggot
We just want them to go -> to reddit.
I think maybe it would be funny if it wasn't an opinion shared by literal 60 year old boomers, and if it wasnt obviously attached to a specific political ideology that does some very un-funny things like prevent healthcare and demonize poor people.
The absolute state of you to insist trans people are "ruining society" and than back away and say "oh its just a joke stop being so pious". You're the one that was preaching about fucking social decay in a non-joking way 10 minutes ago. Do you think I forgot? Do you think I can't read? you come off like a retard and a coward who can't even own up to his beliefs.
This. The way to cure trannies is to tell them they're not women and then let them kill themselves. no longer alive = no longer mentally ill
we should all not round up all these people and their friends and great enablers and leave them in a big nice ditch and then not light them on fire and then not film it. then we should not have it play in schools as real footage of Hell.
Nigga you pay to see a therapist through your healthcare provider. It's not the government's job to help you feel better about being a sorry excuse for a man.
Why are you such a pussy user
Trans is what happens when you combine testosterone deficiency, low self-esteem, general mental illness, and pathologized sexuality from indulging in slightly too deviant fetishes for slightly too long. They are walking psychological train wrecks.
Who fucking knows at this point.
I do it ironically bro alright
Fuck you, fuck trannies, and fuck poor people
>be poor (which is most people relatively)
>no healthcare provider
>no therapy
>confused tranny freak spreading trans mind virus until suicide
Great society you got there pal
>tfw you might be fucking a tranny soon and they think you're "straight" so they are extra extra thirsty for your cock
who else knows this feel?
They are ruining society, I didn't backpedal. You are distorting what I said you pretentious idiot. Kys
kill those fucking faggots
>can't afford healthcare but can afford HRT
Great critical thinking you have there bitch
For someone who never thinks about trannies and finds it funny that people care, you sure are getting riled up about the subject.
Very manly.
Well people should know how fucked up these people actually are, considering how much the media whitewashes them.
Yea Forums seriously needs more positive transgender representation.
Iess fetishisation of trans people, we are not your fap fuel.
more discussion of the trans lifestyle and community, no more abuse and harassment.
no haters and trolls allowed! if you don't have anything nice and constructive to contribute to the thread, just don't say anything at all.
you literally have 149 of your own threads at all times.
Oh man. I'm starting to feel a little guilty because this person might actually be mentally retarded. Poor guy.
Who said anything about HRT? the lengths you’ll go to so you can feel like you’ve won an argument. You can be a poor loser tranny without HRT. Way to ignore the actual point I was making though. Feels good to stump retards on the Chan. B)
dilate your stinkhole lol
Also check em
kill yourself faggot
than don't pretend its a joke when you are clearly trying to push a political agenda. Its not that hard, just stop lying to defend your views. Also, if that's true and you find social decay funny, than you are still objectively a psychopath
Jesus, that Gandalf made me laugh.
Ideally this solution would be applied to fags, windowlickers, schizos, atheists, and commies as well. Honestly I just really really want to execute a bunch of subhuman trash. I'm not some savage like a moose limb or anything though. I am merely a vessel of the one true God.
That guy isn’t me. The fact that you conflate anonymous posters with the same arguments confirms how low I suspected your IQ is though.
>hurrr what are percentages
How can u be so non-self aware that you post cringe like this
jazz threads were kino
I didn't say I was joking about you fucking freak trannys fucking up society you illiterate retard, I said I thought the gender spectrum chart I posted was funny. You are so goddamn stupid holy shit.
But they don't need to showcase their cut off dick or seek attention approval from other mentally ill dick cutting white people.
every time someone post an anime avatar, this is the type of person I imagine
needs more facial hair
>NOT all me
doubtful and desperate
imagine being so upset over your nonexistant sex life that in your blind celibate rage you reply to bait and actually tell people to kill themselves
shut the fuck up duckie
These communities reinforce destructive belief systems that will inevitably lead to self mutilation, the obliteration of one's psyche, the end of almost all interpersonal relationships and eventual suicide. It's not good old fashioned fun, retard
Kill yourself brah
have sex and then kill yourself
do all trannies act like this?
that's pretty rude
You state that most people are poor and can't afford healthcare (false) and now you want to call a crossdresser a tranny and pretend they're the same thing to prop up your pathetic argument. You must be a welfare nigger. Remember...the check comes in on the 1st and the 15th
>you are that user and you can’t prove otherwise ;)
Soak up that non-victory, incel. Have sex while you’re at it.
cummed in my girlfriend (male) literally 15 minutes ago. how's it feel to go to bed cold and alone while I have a beautiful woman by my side?
why would I kill myself? I've never been happier
cope harder its going so well
You should tell everyone to kill themselves. Better safe than sorry!
Lol I don't know if you heard but they're kinda mentally I'll
it's a mental disease that a large amount of society is keen on enabling rather than treating
>Caring about what a specific person would like in an Anonymus Board
You're not very bright aren't ya
based sexposter triggering incels
fuck off dracula
Have sex bruv
Is the US media encouraging children and impressionable teens to commit suicide with handguns? They're certainly encouraging Trans insanity on a daily basis and on a very large scale so your comparison in nonsense, tranny
It’s funny because that’s exactly how I feel
Outstanding work
>Yea Forums used to
>Implying you're here for more than a few months
Yeah no
literally have sex
I know you like slicing body parts but come on now.
kill yourself redditor
so the only way anyone can do anything in society is through control of corporate media? this is why everyone thinks the right is retarded, user, you are very small-minded.
Lol why is this thread still up? The mods here are such faggots.
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