What is the movie equivalent of the CD loudness war?
What is the movie equivalent of the CD loudness war?
Imagine making this retarded thread because you have no friends and you're autistic.
capeshit ?
Color grading
this along with DNR/filtering
Films actually have great technical production and good use of 4k and HDR, but streaming compresses the hell out of it to the point of uselessness. It's designed for the normalfags (just like loudness) and technically compromises the media that should be in better quality.
I'll take this post and clarify it to point to all color grading and DNR done poorly on old films. T2 in 4k is a fucking disaster. So is the ultimate hunter edition of Predator on Blu Ray. This shit is as bad as the special editions of star wars.
Imagine being on Yea Forums if you have friends and are neurotypical
bad color grading *
right looks better but it's probably only because of the leveled blacks?
them bricking the rammstein CD has really pissed me off. is there any good vinyl rips out there yet?
I prefer left, a lot more information.
The only reason you'd think the right looks better is if you have a tiny brain
>is there any good vinyl rips out there yet?
yes, you're looking at it.
Anyone new movie that doesn't know how to balance out "quietness" and "loudnesss"
Pan and Scan, and 16:9 screen filling (for 4:3 filmed TV shows)
Yify V+A 10/10
>scene with 2 people talking
>volume is barely audible but they're not whispering
>turn volume up
>next scene
>neighbor knocks on door asking why I watch movies with such poor audio balance
Isn't this an audomixing and hardware issue? Stereo encoding has existed for a long time, but many rippers seem not to give much of a fuck about transferring the audio track faithfully. Besides that, most people do not use a receiver + satellite speaker set up and instead pump all the sound through their TV or a soundbar.
that's actually a good thing in theory, but it's not very compatible with the fact that neighbors exist. that's why dynamic range compression exists in amplifiers. The full range is really great for cinema or listening with headphones. You get to listen to dialogue at normal volume, and then the loud action scenes actually blow your ears off as they would in real life too.
Is there no software solution to this problem for people who watch their kino with mono audio outputs and do in fact have neighbors to worry about?
Well, a compressor. Not the MP3 type, mind you. The audio engineering type. It does exactly that, lower the volume when it goes above a certain threshold. There are also millions of software plugins that do what a compressor does, they're usually called Compressor too and are usually among the default plugins.
Question is whether you can find one that fits comfily into your setup., as youre probably not keen on manually processing each single track of your movie collection.
And again, amplifiers/players are I think required, at least for Dolby Digital, to have DRC (Dynamic Range compression) that is enabled by default. So you could see whether your player has settings like that. I believe TVs have settings like that too, often called something like "volume normalization". To my dismay, they tend to be enabled by default.
I want to take the audiophile pill but I have been broke for almost decade until very recently so I don't know what the state of the art is or what to buy that will give me the most bang for my buck. My last receiver and dolby 5.1 setup involved speakers with copper connections, for example. What would you consider the baseline hardware requirement for playing digital media without audio compression in a way that localizes the sound towards the direction of the viewer?
lol no idea bro, I listen to everything with headphones with HeSuVi, which is a Windows plugin that converts 5.1 audio into a simulated room sound basically. I don't know shit about real 5.1 setups.
That compression stuff I talked about isn't as fancy as it may sound, it's really basic stuff I learned during a basic audio course at my web development uni. I'm sure there are filters/plugins for MPC-HC and other players that do exactly that, maybe even integrated. I just personally like it without compression (that is, making loud parts quieter to have a more equal volume overall), hence I avoid using those. But I would be using them if I was listening aloud with neighbors and everything.