Just saw a screening, it was so fucking bad, holy shit
Just saw a screening, it was so fucking bad, holy shit
sure disney
spoiled nigga
That means we have to pretend to like it to be contrarian and edgy
Post an in-depth plot synopsis including material not shown in trailers or fuck off.
>The worst capeshit franchise put out another bad movie
In other news, water is still wet.
jean dies!!
>worst capeshit MOVIE franchise
X-Men is based but the movies suffer from lots of braindead decisions.
Just get to plot points or gtfo, faggot.
>JLaw on the poster without blue skin
I'm glad this abortion of a franchise will finally be put to rest. Everything after Logan shouldn't exist. Looking forward to never seeing JLaw waste screentime as the suddenly vital character Mystique, who she's too lazy to play properly.
>Movie begins with little Jean accidentally killing her parents.
>Xavier picks her up at the orphanage and takes her to the mutant school.
>In the 90's, the X-Men are beloved public heroes.
>Xavier is making them to help humans so they'll like mutants, Mystique thinks he's pushing the kids too hard.
>The X-Men get sent to rescue astronauts from a space shuttle damaged by a weird solar flare.
>Jean holds the shuttle together while Quicksilver and Nightcrawler round up the astronauts and teleport them aboard the X-Jet.
>The flare senses Jean's power and goes into her. She almost dies but then doesn't.
>The public cheers the X-Men, but Jean begins feeling weird.
>At a forest party, Jean can't control her powers and levels the area. Beast runs tests and finds out her powers are expanding.
>Jean realizes Xavier messed with her memories at the orphanage and her dad is actually alive and abandoned her.
>Jean tracks him down to a suburban home, and the X-Men give chase.
>Jean confronts her dad, but he says she's a freak who killed her own mom and he wants nothing to do to her.
>Jean goes nuclear and begins tearing up the neighborhood.
>The X-Men try to intervene, but Jean loses it and accidentally impales Mystique with a piece of debris and hits Quicksilver on the head, putting him on a coma.
>Jean flees, while the X-Men go back to school and hold a funeral for Mystique.
>Beast is pissed at Xavier for not telling them what they were dealing with with Jean and blames him for Mystique's death.
>Meanwhile, Jean decides to hide at a government-approved mutant camp run by Magneto.
>Magneto shelters Jean, but senses she's not herself.
>The government arrives looking for Jean, who is wanted for destroying her dad's neighborhood.
>Jean goes nuclear again and attacks the soldiers, causing a lot of destruction while Magneto tries to reign her in. She flees again.
>Opens with a flashback of a tragic car accident
Reminds me of another CBM this year
Sit down, uncle
Have sex.
>hits Quicksilver on the head, putting him on a coma
that's what happen when you make a character so OP
that's not the MCU
Go on...
>the face that fassbender is making on that poster
the fuck
>Jean hides in a bar, where she's approached by Jessica Chastain's character.
>Chastain explains Jean has become a vessel for an ancient cosmic force.
>Chastain herself tried to be the force's host, but couldn't endure the strain. Jean is the first one not to die from having the force inside her.
>The force is warping Jean's mind, but Chastain twists Jean into embracing the power and using it to conquer/destroy the world.
>Meanwhile, the X-Men arrive at the camp to help.
>Magneto decides Jean is too dangerous to be kept alive. Beast agrees and helps Magneto find her at an abandoned building. Magneto brings two random mutants from the camp along with them.
>Xavier finds out what Magneto is planning and the X-Men go after them.
>The X-Men have a big fight with Magneto and his gang outside the building where Jean is hiding.
>Chastain encourages Jean to fight and she curbstomps Magneto. Meanwhile, Xavier fights Chastain, who is also psychic, and finds out she's an alien wearing the skin of a human woman.
>Chastain and her alien followers worship the Phoenix and want to use her as a weapon to conquer the galaxy.
>Suddenly the military show up and arrest everyone but Chastain for all the shit they've been pulling lately.
>Chastain and her alien cronies intercept the train transporting the mutants to prison.
>The X-Men team up with Magneto to fight the aliens and keep them away from Jean.
>Meanwhile, the soldiers are trying to put them all down.
>Jean eventually regains her senses and begins attacking the soldiers and destroying everything.
>Chastain is egging her on and feeding off the power Jean is using.
>Cyclops manages to reach Jean and remind her of what she is, that the X-Men love her, all that.
>Jean realizes Chastain is the true enemy and blasts the remaining aliens before grabbing Chastain and flying up in the sky, where they both explode.
Why does it seem like this movie has been about to come out for a few years now.
Just fucking release this shit so I don't have to hear about it anymore.
This sounds boring as fuck.
>Xavier blames himself for Jean's death and realizes that he was pushing the students too hard, so he retires and leaves the X-Men in charge of the school.
>Cyclops renames it in Jean's honor.
>Beast becomes headmaster and Cyclops, Storm and Nightcrawler are teachers.
>Quicksilver comes out of his coma.
>Xavier and Magneto decide to travel the world together.
>While hanging in Paris, discussing all that has happened between them, Xavier notices a firebird in the sky, implying Jean survived and is still out there.
doesn't sound that bad desu
okay lmao nevermind that sounds retarded
What a terrible end to this series. They started good and went to shit fairly fast.
Sounds really boring.
faggot post bitch post? yes, that's what you did
X-Men 3 wasn't too bad, this definitely sounds way worse
It really does, doesn't it? There's nothing about it that harkens back to the comics. It's trying to be it's own thing, and it's...terrible.
Reminds me of a single episode from the 90's cartoon 2-parter. Except, the boring first half.
Started okay but fell apart around the middle, oh well
>Chastain and her alien cronies intercept the train
so...they have human skin too or they are literally aliens?
>Jean Grey REEEEEEEES really hard: the movie
That fucking ending too. What the fuck? Everyone just decides to hold hands and sing kumbaya? Jesus Henry Christ...
They have all these excellent actors and their writers/producers can't even bring their A game with them. What a waste of casting.
How does the continuity work? Didn't days of future past make the first 3 not canon? Is this a prequlel to xmen 3? Or a reboot?
Jennifer Lawrence btfo
Human skin.
Wow that was meh as shit. At least the Marvel reboot might be better.
>How does the continuity work?
It doesn't
Timeline reboot or some shit
>Marvel reboot is literally just X-Men First class with Instagram and 20% more quips
>literally redoing the end of x2 hoping it can save this train wreck
The way I make sense of it is all the events happened from the first 3, First Class, and the Wolverine ones. Then Days of Future Past happens and the future that was shown was a sort of real future, fucked over by Kitty doing that time thing all the time causing shit to get fucked up farther back. Once they keep changing things in the 70s the future gets more and more screwed up to where the everything in all the movies past the point where Wolverine goes back to the 70s never happened the way they originally did. But then that doesn't work with having Jean alive and fine in the new "present" at the end of DoFP and this movie happening.
It's also a bunch of idiots and Bryan Singer, king of the gay hollywood underground ring, fucking things up to keep making money.
No one actually cares enough to know for sure.
Sounds run-of-the-mill. Not terrible, not great. Just there.
>Disney are so ashamed of this movie they forced them to drop the X-Men title
Sounds good to me.
Fox dropped it long before being purchases by Disney to add some gravitas to the movie.
Why the fuck isn't the government shooting Magneto with plastic guns? He was one of Apocalypses Horsemen and killed millions. Same with Storm, fuck this version being a hero. She helped kill her own batch of millions too.
Ah yes, Jeans School for Gifted Youngsters. Right next door to the Adolf Hitler School of Art.
Where is the wolverine cameo? Can't be a stupid x-men movie without him
looks like we're still doing that blue and orange fucking bullshit
user, he died of stingrAIDS
That gay uninspired poster utilizing the overused orange and blue pisses me off so much.
>only fun character in these movies is in a fucking coma
In guessing he doesn't even have a scene with magneto?
The kind of film that if it was Disney would get a 75% on RT but anywhere else would get a 30 or below
I think you went to the same screening I got invited to. Glad I didnt go. Last time I went to one of those things I ripped the flick a new one on my survey
So they just remade X-Men 3??
With Lasers and 90's nostalgia.
Have you seen every CBM (comic book movie) this year?
Were you talking about Shazam?
Was this the girl who almost gilled thanos in the othet movie?
T. I only read corto maltese and tintin
>In the 90's
Wtf Xavier and Magneto have aged 7 years in 30 years.
Is Jubilee in this one? I remember them making a big deal about her being in the previous movie then she ended up with maybe just a minute of screentime
What happens to Quicksilver? Does he wake up or remain in a coma for the rest of the movie?
How are the special effects? Are they as shit as they usually are in this franchise?
Any post-credit scenes? Definitely no clues regarding the MCU?
Was Cyclops finally cool in this movie? Did he have any good fight scenes? Or is he still an under powered fag?
user you can say that almos everymovie, there like 6 jubilees in all movies.
How do the aliens look like?
That's pretty dark.
Seriously, why are they doing dark phoenix again? Aren’t there a million other stories and villains they could adapt?
Why bother with this story? What the fuck is the point?
> a government-approved mutant camp run by Magneto.
The actual fuck is this? Even if magneto suddenly decided to do a 180 on his personality and trust humans and human governments.... he's public enemy #1 and wanted to multiple mass murders, including helping apocalypse to almost destroy the world. The US government wants to kill him five times over, not set up a terrorist training camp for him.
Vete a la cama Jodo, confiamos en tu salud.
This, normies just wouldn't understand a true Singer masterpiece
Still better than DC
Wtf the ending completely contradicts the ending of Days of Future Past. I guess we should be glad that Disney is going to reboot this franchise even though it doesn't make sense that people love the avengers but hate mutants.
Yeah. X1, X2, The Wolverine, First Class, Days of Future Past, Logan, Deadpool 1 & 2 and maybe watch X3 just for context and continuity but ignore everything else
Same reason they did the green goblin storyline twice in spiderman/the amazing spiderman.
No end credits? Not even midcredits?
Fuck. Disney is literally pulling the plug on the whole thing. Tey're not even teasing any chance of the XMCU entering the MCU
>Icy blue vs orange red poster
Intelectualy banckrupt.
>Days of Future Past.
That is going to be my canon ending for this series moving forward. Yes, I know Logan is suppose to be the chronological end, but I'll imagine it to be an alternate sequel to X3 and The Wolverine.
For all its failings, the MCU did not reach the height of DoFP until Endgame. And even then, that montage of the mutants dying, against Magneto's speech in DoFP, will always be the highlight of the series for me.
tfw X-men were some of your fav Marvel books but the Fox movies are mostly beyond trash
disney owns it now, though?
Most of the films before Logan wereshit too, user.
They have aged like milk in the sun.
Another fucking capeshit?
I can't even differentiate between them anymore
He wakes up after Jean dies
Who gives a shit Famke Jansen was hot in that leather outfit
but like four movies too late
I can go jerk off to her in other movies and magazines.
I don't need to do it while some pedo dirdctor ruins characters I loved.
It will be cool to watch Fasbender's magneto one last time.
It was directed, written, and produced by Simon Kinberg, writer for Last Stand, DotFP, and Apocalypse.
How is it even possible to drop the ball that hard though? Dofp is the best xmen movie and Apocalypse is by far, the worst
>>Chastain herself tried to be the force's host, but couldn't endure the strain. Jean is the first one not to die from having the force inside her.
Chastain says anyone who has the force inside them has died except Jean. Chastain tried herself but could not endure the strain...and is still alive?
She's lying
Why are you fucking retards believing anyone who bothers spending 20 minutes to write a fanfic?
Pro tip for gullible faggots: EVERY fucking early screening gives you a ticket, that OP could have posted.
Literally written and directed by the same guy who wrote x-men 3
Any good death scenes bruh
She got better.
dude aliens lmao
What is the after credit scene? And does quicksilver have another slow mo sequence with some music playing?
Do we see the aliens in their true form?
is this actually a continuation after the events of apocalypse? Because when I saw that movie I couldn't help but think "how will the mutants ever try to explain anti-mutant hatred as paranoid bigotry now?" because in that movie magneto literally caused a global earthquake that killed millions of people. And Charles is just like "well he apologized, sort of, what more do you want?"
Not him but they will probably be humans with grey/blue/green skin
>but Chastain twists Jean into embracing the power and using it to conquer/destroy the world.
for what purpose?
I still wonder what Disney gains from showing this, it only damages the Xmen franchise.
Phoenix kino.
sit down and shut the fuck up uncle
It'll come and go, with X-Men going to the hands of Disney they'll wait years, hell, they'll probably wait out this entire phase of the MCU to bring them in and all this shit will be swept under the rug as they work their magic
2 timelines
First is first class, dofp where both intersect, apocalypse, dark phoenix and deadpool 1 and 2
Timeline 2 is xmen 123 and the 3 wolverine movies with the intersection point of drop which changes the first 3
So logan dies in timeline 2 but may still be alive in time line 1
>oy vey, how very anti-mutant of you to criticize us for logical reasons
>before grabbing Chastain and flying up in the sky, where they both explode.
Oops, end of the movie, gotta go kill myself for no reason.
Has there ever been a less talented lead actress that hasn't had to fuck old, fat, hairy, sweaty jews for the role?
Sophie should have been MJ. A cold, bitchy, Amazonian redhead would be pure kino.
>thinking they actually remember that or even care at all
no you didn't, but you're probably right anyway.
I know I’m a brainlet but I love the fucking tittle Days of Future Past, it’s perfect! I’m not even a big X-men or cape shit fan but sometimes think of that title in real life when I see an ex girlfriend or something
How bad ? Fantastic Four bad or Fant4stic bad?
Are there any lewd moments?
Seconding this
No shit all the xmens are actually really fucking bad
all of them are dogshit but the last 4 have been even worse
I hope the porn version will be slightly better
Who died?
Lol... I can smell the bacon grease off your keyboard you fat piece of shit.
Dofp is bad. First Class is better.
So only Mystique died (thank God)? And I'm guessing this was the movie that insiders were saying that a certain main character gets suddenly killed off in an unintentionally hilarious way?
>hits Quicksilver on the head, putting him on a coma.
Yeah real convenient
>Another "Mystique was right all along" narritive
>Another "This is your fault charles" plot string
>Another "Xavier/Magneto Disagreement"
>Magneto being accepted by the Gov to run a fucking campsite even after the events of the last movie
Its like every time they make a new movie, they forget about the last one. This franchise is fucking dead in the water.
>While hanging in Paris, discussing all that has happened between them, Xavier notices a firebird in the sky, implying Jean survived and is still out there.
lmao literally tdkr ending
I only seen X1 and 2. I'd really like to watch the whole series.
Should i just watch in release order or there is a different order?
I heard that last movies retconned something.
Was it hard retcon or retcon as a part of story, like time travel?
Does Chastain's character even have a name?
Lil Andrea
>Godzilla isn't the worst movie of the year
I'm sorta glad.
Same desu
Just like the audience then.
>meanwhile nobody says a fucking word about magneto constantly trying to kill millions
I know Fox is done with Xmen and they're about to become Marvel canon soon, but the fact that this doesn't have the consistency of the future Xmen movies is really stupid to me. I know they changed the future in DOFP, but Logan showed us the future. Charles was the head of the Xmen until old age. This shows him going on a cruise trip with Magneto. What the fuck? I was against Marvel taking over Xmen just because I don't like monopolies.. but now I'm glad they did. Fuck you Fox!
No, that honor goes to Brightburn.
Thank god it's over. Now we can get some MCU Xmen.
Wait is that Sansa Stark from Game of Thrones
The past 9 movies are a complete mess in terms of timeline. Origins, First Class, The Wolverine, Days of Future Past, Deadpool, Apocalypse, Logan, Deadpool 2, and Dark Phoenix fuck with things in different ways. There's making minor hiccups in continuity here and there, and then there's the fucking Fox X-Men movies. Even normalfags can tell they make no sense.
no, are you blind?
Imagine fucking Sansa stark DOGGYSTYLE while pulling on her hair and making her scream. Your girth pushing her pussywalls apart and stretching them to their absolute limit. And the best part is you make your friend stay in the room and watch.
To conquer the galaxy.
>somehow it’s still better
Saw a preview the other night while watching Zootopia. Holy fuck, Mystique's make-up is awful as shit.