Le Science isn't influenced by politics!!!!!! Facts are facts!!!!

>Le Science isn't influenced by politics!!!!!! Facts are facts!!!!
where does this all lead to?
> Every metropolitan area with over 10% blacks is experiencing ridiculous violent crime explosions.
> City officials, for fear of social justice backlash of a perception of racism, lay on their Police leadership to be lenient on "the community".
> Bureaucratic police hierarchy will do anything to save their sweet pensions, comply.
> Low-level police officers needing easy prosecutable cases, go after white citizens with petty citations and ignore major crimes by blacks because "no one saw nuffin, anyway".

In the 70s when crime (coincidently) rose in cities, a "get tough on crime" approach got many politicians elected with zero-tolerance policies.
In today's world, Its a crime to be white. Any policy that is unnecessarily harsh on "the brothers" will be deemed barbaric and require the Feds to step in with Consent Decree reform.

How do you think this circus will end?

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Other urls found in this thread:


america will look more like brazil as the years go by

With you trailer inhabitants getting targeted by a biological weapon.


I wouldn't mind owning a double wide desu. Put it in a nice place and use some of the money you save to furnish it really well. Probably live around a bunch of elderly, well-behaved military vets and fire fighters. Sounds comfy.

It’ll end when they stop breeding and swallow themselves whole.

How the fuck is hating your body so severely you want to mulilate and castrate yourself not a mental illness?

Niggers can't even afford trailers. Sad!

Your fake vagina?

Mental health isn't a science. The people who run WHO certainly aren't scientists.

If it's not mental, what is it? Because if it were physical, they would actually, physically, be the sex they think they are.

makes me go hmmmm

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>everybody gets neetbucks

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dilate sweetie

brasil doesnt care about race tho since 2/3 of the people here are pardos
and crime doesnt affect your daily life that much if you dont live in or near a shithole neighbourhood, or atleast have some common sense when youre outside

>utterly convinced you were born with the wrong genitals and have a strong urge to remove them

>gaming addiction
>dangerous pathology

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hi brazil

Fuck yeah. Where's my money, government? I need World of Warcraft money to support my mental disorder.

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I actually don't disagree with this on the same grounds that gambling addiction is a thing. I think it's fair to say that there is something mentally wrong with people who fuck up their entire lives over videogames.

um sweetie stop dressing up like a clown and be normal :)

What exactly was their reasoning for doing so?

Psychology isn’t science

I love discussing trannies!

liberals had their feelings hurt

To make Yea Forums talk about trannies more

They either admit it's a fad or they're making the distinction between gender disphoria (the actual illness) and transgender.

It doesn't need to be dangerous to be considered mental disorder, it just needs to lower quality of life for the patient.
> going through hrt and mutilating your genitals, getting a bunch of mental and health issues in process
> does not lower the quality of life

wrong board

Yea Forums - Television & Film

post a BLACKED thread or something. This is what goes down here now.

>70s when crime (coincidently) rose in cities
>he doesn't know

Nice television and film related thread.

it's always the same memes, never an argument for how these threads are actually relevant

Brazil had a couple weird factors

>racial whitening campaign in first several decades of 20th C. that led to a huge portion of the population being mixed race
>massive civic nationalist campaign by multiple military governments from 1930s through 1980s, destroying any sense of racial identity
>nearly 20 years of right wing military dictatorship that led to huge portions of population hating everything right wing or conservative
>elect a socialist gov for 15 years that did everything fringe sjws want to do in America

The US, otoh, went from basically white nationalist through 1965 to moderate conservatism for the next 25 or 30 years, and has never at any point had a lack of racial identity amongst the majority or the minority, let alone the government propagandizing one way or the other. And we've been tough on crime that whole time until Obama and Holder decided to make it an issue in 2014.

I lived in a good neighborhood that was turned shitty because section 8 and other low income housing rules took effect. Now normal store close down for shitty pawn shops, graffiti everywhere, cars slow down and follow for a min and speed off, mini herds of nogs, and can’t smoke a cig outside without 3 people asking for one. I’m glad I moved.

Cops in brazil are literally drive bying gas stations from the street before the wheels even come to a complete stop, probably not even checking to make sure their not fucking a civis ass in the process.

When that's how your police force reacts to something as mundane as a robbery, you know your countries fucked.

Please discuss trannies

This legit sounds like Robocop. Sounds cool, but sucks in reality if you're not rich.

There are multiple off-topic threads with over 100 replies yet this one bothers you?

>In today's world, Its a crime to be white.
I'm white, my life has literally not changed for the 25 years I've been alive, crime to be white my ass.

good fuck burgerland

>if you complain about an off-topic thread I like that means you never complain about off-topic threads I don't like
ok brainlet

>not an illness

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Sound like hell to me

Same reason the Red Cross stopped saying gays couldn't give blood, it's not nice even if it prevents AIDS

Fuck off kike. White males are literally the only people who its legal to opress. But guess what. We are rising up and not gonna take it any more >:)

Oh look, OP is cherry picking stats to say some cringey racist shit. Classic /pol/
Very entertaining

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I don't see you complaining in any of those threads right now or any other time
Yet a thread like this pops up then all of the sudden you care a bout the quality of Yea Forums?

>Television & Film
and /pol/ wonders why they've been specifically banned from every board

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>does not lower the quality of life
Personal experience?

>the state of Yea Forums

>Niggers everywhere
>Some of the highest murders per capita in the world
>Drug infested hellhole
>Most trannys per capita
>It's absolutely insecure to walk around the neighborhood
>Government is as socialist as it can be
>149 in the liberty index

>Not bad

“Gender dysphoria” is still an acknowledged mental disorder and the cause of most transgender surgeries.
Simply wanting/getting a sex change doesn’t necessarily make you mentally ill though, you could just be a weirdo.

go ahead and dilate honey

>I don't see you
Are you retarded? we don't have usernames here redditor
and I report off-topic threads all the time, whether they be the cunny pedos or race-baiting autists

>Waaah trans people
>Black people are the real problem!
>I'm oppressed as a white guy!!!

So it's the trifecta of bigotry and hate, as usual. Do you people never get tired of playing the victim and blaming other people for your own pathetic lives?

>nice bronze shemales
>ladies with fat asses
>cheap prostitutes

Sound good to me

When are the gamers rising up?

what does this have to do with television and film?

Pol Is what people come to Yea Forums for, everything else is accessory. The same was true when only Yea Forums was around.

Do you ever wonder why moot never did anything and now hiro won't either?
Imagine what they can see with the powers they have while we manged to figure out how selective and dishonest about off-topic threads you are without them

It leads to Sodom and Gomorrah, but of course this is wasted breath since you only represent the other side of the same coin with your godless racism

Trannies are the ultimate incel victims, and mostly white guys as well.

kys pedo faggot

Back to /pol/ incel. Bigots no bueno on Yea Forums.


>godless racism
we're all racist, does that mean we're all godless?

Based r/thedonald boomer

Is this your damage control now that I've shown how dishonest you are?

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Hey /pol/

If you want to shitpost on this board, at-least put forth the effort to make this tertiary about... idk... that "I Am Jazz" show?

As it stands, you need to go back to your containment board.

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The white devils colonized the world killing anyone that looked different to this day. White people deserve to die off

>As it is written, there is none righteous, no, not one. there is none that understands, there is none that seeks God. All have turned aside, together they have become useless. There is none that does good, no not one

This is a friendly reminder to all transhits that they should dilate before their festering open wound attempts to heal itself and that they will never be anime girls despite what they select as their avatar on discord and twitter

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This. Faggots need to fuck off with
>(((journalism))) threads
>meanie leftist doo doo head literal who said this on twitter threads
>cunny threads
>youtube "celeb" threads

But Yea Forums has always been a /pol/ colony and always will be. Also sneed

Sure colonization did some horrific things but it’s thanks to that we progressed so far (progress as in literal technological progress not I feel like I should cut my dick off and the government should pay for it progress) so I’ve been waiting for any other society to actually progress us and we haven’t seen shit, and you don’t seem to care about anything other than revenge. Which once again I understand but do you have anything new or of value to add to the conversation?

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The Brotherhood stands strong.

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That's a nice TV show.

spoiler that shit desu

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you need to go back

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So you have nothing new to add? I mean I got a chuckle outta the mom is a cuvkservative so you got me there.

This brings up a good question. Who wants to leave who more and who wants to latch onto who more? Are there more white separatists, black separatists or progressive separatists? The answer might explain who is more """oppressed.""" I don't know the answer.

Every empire is destined to fall eventually


pretty sure mods have just given up at this point I have seen posts being deleted much slower recently
they could actually be giving up on Yea Forums


can we fucking just delete this shit board already it's just /pol/ 2.0

Mods come to Yea Forums once every hour or two to flush the toilet. If you pay attention you can figure out the soft spots in moderation schedules and shitpost hard.

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HBO, WB and Disney aren't paying them to be here right now
A month before the new star wars comes out this place will be heavily moderated though


That’s not the question though, what’re you going to replace us with? China is the likely choice but I don’t think they’re quite what you want

>this is what pedophiles actually believe

Thankfully I live in a 95% white American town that full of normal people and not you schizo pedophelic incels or the transvestite boogeymen you seethe about all day. Feels good man.


Pick one.

You think so but your friend is crossdressing

>I'm a real woman now!

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>Every metropolitan area with over 10% blacks is experiencing ridiculous violent crime explosions.
In the midst of an opioid and unemployment crisis that affects lower income brackets that flock to major cities and liberal states.

You almost spoke human language, but it fell apart at the end. I rate hue/10.

>How do you think this circus will end
The way all periods of collapsing decadence do.

Some things just never fail, do they?

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>Meanwhile being a gamer has been added as a disorder now

Honk fucking honk

imagine having a brain smooth enough to be swayed by this third rate propaganda