Dark City

If you like The Matrix and haven't seen this yet, go watch it. It was released the year before, and was said to have heavily influenced it's story. It has a very similar theme, but it's much more grounded, gritty and dark. I actually liked it more than the Matrix.

Attached: Dark-City-1998-movie-poster.jpg (800x1067, 170K)

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This is in my all time top 10, plus jennifer connelly is fucking hot

Is this the one with Melissa George's tits? They were perfect.

Are you baiting me to mention that the rooftop chase in the beginning of The Matrix takes place on a Dark City set piece? Fuck.


I don't remember particularly liking it.

Are you baiting me to rewatch The Matrix? I was never a really big fan of the trilogy but thought the first one was alright. Now I've seen Dark City and The Matrix feels like a cheap, more sterile and action overloaded knock off

It was cool except they never explained anything that was happening at all. The alien cenobite guys kept fucking with people for no reason, then one of the humans had their powers and exterminated them.


the directors cut ties up loose ends

This plus that weird comic The Invisibles IS the matrix. The Watchowski brothers never had any talent even before they chopped off their dicks.

Hey man, Cloud Atlas is a great movie

watched this when I was 22.
despised it, fuck Roger Ebert and his 4/4's, never trusted him again.
You never feel anything from the mystery, and then it ENDS WITH A FUCKING BEAM BATTLE
trash, can not recommend to anybody
one of the most hyped and disappointing movies of my life. for the record, I was hyped on Fifth Element and it was okay. I was told shit about Jacob's Ladder and it was above average.

Watch director's cut

Keifer SUtherland ruins this movie with that retarded lisp he does for this character... completely ruined it.

Such as?

>was 22

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Holy fuck

Didn't end with that though. And in 1998, it wasn't as cliche as it is now. The mental Cartman South Park episode wasn't even out

the climax was. the ending wasn't, I agree. it's still a beam battle after I'd seen so much dragon ball z


I loved the movie.

A bit dated, but it's a nice blend of sci-fi noir that the Matrix just couldn't quite grasp.

Too far ahead of it's time, with modern CGI SFX still in it's infancy.

It took me about 8 or 9 tries to make it all the way through without falling asleep
That's not exactly a good rating in my book

>It was released the year before, and was said to have heavily influenced it's story
cos that's how film production works lol

Is this fucking true? What the heck

Jennifer Connelly is a pretty good singer desu


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while we're on the subject of better movies than The Matrix

Attached: bone gun_eXistenZ.png (1091x720, 1.34M)

>the fried chicken gun

Shitty meme movie for brainlets

I didn't like the way the aliens were dressed and portrayed but besides that it was good.

They used the bodies of dead people as vessels, which was much cooler than the matrix agents

Wachowskis are capable of tuning, making average source material into superior kino

Classic Game Room

I watched it with some kozboys

It was really cool until the third act when the protagonist becomes a fucking god and has a Dragonball fight with the alien leader.

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Also just watched Dark City last night, good call

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Impressive, very nice

based and Lynchpilled

I'd watch it just for Jennifer Connelly.

eXistenZ is a Cronenburger though

man film looks so much better then modern digital shit

A narrative that can't survive spoilers unscathed isn't a very good narrative to begin with. Fortunately, Dark City is a strong enough narrative to stand on its own merit, with or without spoilers in the opening narration.

>I was hyped on Fifth Element and it was okay.
That shit was cancerous French pedo-faggot trash. Your opinion on anything further's going in pic related.

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>Kiefer Sutherland
I fucking hate this guy so much. Is this watchable despite that, or should I just pass.

His role is especially annoying because he imitates this weird speech impediment where he stops for a moment after every 2nd word. It's a minor supporting role though, give a try

>minor supporting role though, give a try
I have faith in you user.
However, I will hunt you down and fill your mailbox with nacho/frozen burrito/cheap beer poop if this is terrible.

Attached: do not underestimate my powers.jpg (720x960, 181K)

Yeah, they reused sets.

You're thinking about Leon: The Professional.