I'm starting to think it wasn't the feedwater Edition
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/RBMK/ - Chernobyl General
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>mfw I bought a moist nugget at a pawn shop for $50
why didn't they drop a steel beam on the roof with long cables and have some trucks drag it to scrape all the spicy rocks back in?
Who would win:
>40 years of nuclear reactor design, backed up by thousands of the world's leading scientists in the field
>or some wavy water
she cute
big yellow pump bois
potential shot of big yellow pump bois in finale
Tell me how this can explode.
It's literally impossible.
The bane of pets.
the rods ment to revodcer teh isotrop dont and they go in and the meltdown
real answer: (((wreckers)))
Chernobyl: big yellow pumps
I'm starting to think that the surprise reveal at the end will be that it wasn't an explosion
Not possible.
>yfw when Boris wanted to protect Valery's smile
>yfw the krauts fucked it up
It literally happened in real life
Why didn't they use a simple grain elevator to chuck the boron and sand into the core?
I think its where his mouth used to be
Infirmary. Now.
>things that never happened.
Does anyone have an updated one
Which of you did this?
did it tho?
Is this comsic horror?
>tfw Bacho also protected Pavel's smile with the puppies.
Science Horror
>2 of the 3 madmen who went in to turn off the pipes might still be alive
How is radiation even real dog
I'm starting to suspect it was blown way out of proportion for entertainment purposes
who would've thought a tv show could do that???
Some of it is a roll of the dice
Also it's possible that you survive as a cripple
Forgot to deactivate the atoms.
Too bad about the first round of guys to go for a swim.
No. They thought it would be a death sentence.
It's just the stochioastic nature of dealing with contamination. You estimate exposure levels based on averages and probabilities, but what you actually get is a roll of the dice.
>"Hello, yes this is Hans from the german nuclear waste disposal robot factory. You need robot for 2000 roentgens? Not ein problem!"
Anyone else Bryukanov communist here?
there leninist,marxist, I'm bryukanov.
this 2017 Swedish paper argues there is significant evidence of a "75 ton thermal neutron mediated nuclear explosion" (not a bomb) causing the first blast, and the resulting blue flash/xenon fission products.
The paper gives two mechanisms for this:
a) The positive reactivity coefficient (reactor gets hotter = reaction gets stronger = reactor gets hotter...) caused an explosive surge of energy across the core.
b) The sudden lowering of the control rods may have resulted in a surge of reactivity across the fuel elements, causing a huge release of thermal neutrons.
Which is the one that builds a functional reactor?
Please don't derail the thread again
It was a waste of time IMO
>here's your 12,000 roentgens robot bro
Maybe not, but you can get them for 10's of dollars even here in canada. Got the carbine version myself for like $120 canadian but guns are expensive af here and our money's worth less than nothing.
The bayonet on the carbine could have helped put the dogs mentioned in the podcast out of their misery slightly faster.
>"Hallo, ja? 12000 roentgens? But you said 2000! We added tolerance. Robot was designed for 2001 roentgens!"
they wasted half an episode on it so yeah
>tfw they had to show a german robot fail to emphasize the scale of the radiation
Kek. Y'all got germcucked.
I served the Soviet Union.
Thank you.
Excuse me. Was ist problem? You gave us correct numbers, ja?
that scene just showed how the soviets took care of each other, Boris really grew fond and protec velerey, his smile gone he couldn't bare to see him hurt.
Thank you for your service, comrade.
what is the significance of this photo
... i need new fone
Will we ever see Ron Jeremy again?
In Bruges is the greatest movie ever made, good taste comrade
Memes aside, Imagine the smell of THAT.
they gave propoganda number.
old diarrhea and burnt flesh
How do we even know it exploded?
I like how Nikolai Fomin has a ? under it
Can somebody make the followup for this where Boris apologizes?
post your fav career party men
The linear no-threshold model (LNT) is bullshit and an outdated model for understanding radiation exposure
What is he thinking lads?
question mark means bullet no?
>no decomposing raditated hank hill with poo stains BF
>Oh no I have to kill radioactive dogs im so sad
am I a sociopath for thinking I would do it in a heartbeat? It's saving people, you're not dog killing for funsies
He never existed
>member them glasses?
This is from a video. Never been able to find it but still looking.
I remember my biology teacher warned us about buying cheap powdered milk from Eastern Europe, saying don't fall for the price, that shit is tainted with radiation
This was in 99, don't know if it was accurate
She reminds me of my mum
>shit's fucked yo
Just call yourself retarded, its all the same no matter how you want to spin it.
Or gulag
>we're being irradiated and all likely have diarrea
toilet paper and hygiene amongst these savages
no it just means you aren't a COMPLETE faggot.
>It's all the same
>thats why their different
Not cool man
I would lambaste your mom with Russian sperm
You couldn't understand Brukynism.
based ahh poster.
You're delusional
-wheezes heavily-
Probably not.
The core never melted through the concrete pad in the end. The incredible feats of physical endurance and bravery in the face of death and disease demonstrated by the miners was entirely unnecessary in hindsight, but Legasov and co. ordered the excavations because of the probability of risk. They needed to cover every contingency to avoid contaminating the Dnieper river and half the Black Sea.
do you guys all have hbo subscriptions??
Before this show I thought dying of radiation meant losing your hair and getting supercancer, not shriveling up like a rotten apple being kept alive against the mercy of God
For me, it's The Pirate Bay and qBittorrent
sorry user. Use sunblock when you can
>The madman who risked his own life to hold open the doors to the reactor is still alive
I mooch off my parents HBO GO from Directv and stream to my Xbox.
t. 31 year old boomer
Speaking as an engineer, I do not agree with their findings on the basis of criticality: the fuel rods do not have enough mass nor the proper configuration to reach super critically (or really just past prompt criticality) in an undamaged state. If it had already started to melt down, and enough fuel mass was present to reach super critical mass, then it would be possible that a fizzle happened, but every other piece of evidence (especially the record radiation profiles) suggest this did not take place.
>don't let the phones suffer, or I'll fucking kill you
what did he mean by this?
>not rarbg
Someone has been drinking feed water again.
This man is delusional
mein neger
The radiation simply destroys your cells, and they don't hold together anymore. Your body's building blocks start collapsing, which means you pretty much wither and waste. The very structure of you fails.
>tfw you have less than a minute to solve this puzzle before the reactor goes critical
Did you think the sub-plot involving Brooks in Shawshank was a waste of time? Because it is basically the same purpose here as every minute you are with his character: to essentially serve as a microstate of the entire thesis of the piece.
why is his skin so white and mucus-y
>torrenting instead of using megalinks and google links
My brother
You know we use the same style shitting troph in Iraq and Afghanistan right?
Not nice
found an earlier pic of this dude
They rubbed Petroleum jelly on the victims to stop their skin from cracking and spilling open the contents.
look at this dude
>revodcer teh isotrop
>mfw all of dallas
because the individual molecular strands of his DNA are being destroyed on a subatomic level.
>can't scram control rods because of positive coefficient
>control rods take too long to lower just a few at a time
Abort the test, switch pumps to grid power, and pray to God that increased water flow/heat removal eliminates steam pockets slowing the reaction just enough to give you time to insert the rods in batches to shut her down.
Ich spiele meine geige fur dich
by the way was the fat-faced tall guy with the bleeding thigh who opened the reactor door Perevoschenko?
that was Yuvchenko
pirate bay is good if you get something that disables the fucking miner
>You will never get to manually turn the pumps with Akimfu, while you both get a lethal dose of radiation from the highly irradiated feed water.
Hold me, anons
has anyone made a webm of the guy spilling his spaghetti on the rooftop?
Simpler; they should have just let the reactor stall. It would have risked weeks of startup, but it would have made damage/explosions basically impossible.
I'm intrigued. Is that really a possibility?
Also: Muh cranes! I got shat at for asking why tthere was a a crane that wasn't in use instead of the choppers? On wikipedia the crane is only mentioned in connection to the crash, so what did they actually do with the crane?
No, but I miss him :__;
it was a big magic polar bear that got angry because Dyatlov accidentally shot an eskimo shaman in siberia
the finale is a soviet tank division hunting the tunbaaq
Based Yuvchenko. Received gamma burns from the doors to the core.Being a big guy helped him survive.
Better yet Why not just pour concrete over everything.
Just get a big crane set up that rotates over the roof zone and start pouring it on.
In the last minute it was going super critical. At the explosion it had likely gone prompt critical. It was way passed stalling at that point.
*blocks your path*
what do, comrades
Cranes use reasonably advance control systems (for weight distribution) and those systems would have shorted out the same way Joker did.
Additionally, cranes don't just magically appear; you need to build it up and the same issues of walking on the roof would exist building a crane near by (and you cannot just drag/push a 300 meter tall crane into position without toppling it).
The grain elevator idea has the same issue: there would be no practical way to either built in place, or push it into position building it elsewhere.
No the way they did it is pretty much the only practical way they could have done this, short of a controlled demolition (which was too risky for obvious reasons).
Physicist user here; this guy is more or less correct.
RMBK reactors used "slightly enriched" uranium for fuel, which is well below the threshold needed for a critical nuclear-yield fission reaction. It would have also been impossible for a fast reaction to occur due to the graphite moderator. Nuclear power plants can't explode in a fission/fusion reaction (like a hiroshima-style atom bomb), but they sure can explode via steam pressure.
Wife material. She was the pastry chef at the plant and that's how she met her husband.
shed a tear, and do my duty for the great soviet empire.
They're trying to keep the hot zone small and contained to the core, in order to safely build a sarcophagus around it.
The animal extermination was trash. Then we get a healthy dose of superwoman. It's fitting this show's compared to BrBa and Got. They're all trash.
His skin is dying and sloughing off his body without being replaced, because all the cells that grow skin have been killed by radiation. This is happening to everything in his body, incidentally--the level of radiation that these men were exposed to essentially tears the body apart at a cellular level, meaning they basically dissolve as cells die and aren't replaced.
have sex
does anyone have all the interesting youtube links that have been posted in previous threads?
Ive been in the mountains and only viewing on phone.
now Im at my desktop and want to watch all the great in depth chernobyl youtube videos Ive missed out on.
help a fellow apparatchick out comrades
i bought this cheese today because of the picture
There literally is a crane in Chernobyl during the clean up. The helicopter crash is real.
A grain conveyor belt is an easy thing to get and transport. You could even work it manually with gears and manpower.
They had that huge cargo helicopter dropping the robot, a conveyor belt is much lighter.
milk treatment, he'll be fine as long as its pasteurized
Before they pulled the last rods, the power was dropping and the reaction was dipping to sub-critical levels. This is known as a stall. In practice it takes weeks to safely bring a reactor BACK up to power after a stall.
Instead of risking that, they pulled the last rods,which also boosted output/reaction rate, but left the reactor in a state way too easy to push over the edge. But no evidence exists to suggest it went past prompt critical. The types of particles released are not consistent with a fizzle.
increased water flow is actually BAD. If you pump the water back in too quickly it does not have time to cool sufficiently before re-entering the reactor, meaning it's already hot before going in, meaning it's not cooling like it should.
This was a fucking time bomb waiting to happen.
*whoop whoop*
*pull up*
*whoop whoop*
*pull up*
You're telling me that nigger is still alive? Holy fucking based
I hate the fact that no one knows this. Everyone blames it on the nuclear part of the plants when in reality it is always(?) other components that cause the accidents.
If the same shit happens in coal power plants, and they do happen, nobody gives a fuck. But if it happens in a nuclear power plant everyone blames the "bad nuclear stuff I don't know shit about"
Where was I less correct? Again, working from the presumption (their paper) that the ACTUAL explosion was a fizzle, that means in the moments leading up to it, the fuel rods are undamaged.
he died a few years ago of leukemia but yeah he's a BIG GUY
For all the hate on Watson's character, they do in fact provide a dumb woman for you to project your insecurities onto: you have a woman ignoring repeated warnings, and acting in a known stupid way, and pays for it by losing her child. Why is it you cannot help but focus on 1 woman being competent and ignore the other being grossly incompetent? Are you really such a sad sack that *all* women need to be painted with the same brush?
well if it's book Tuunbaq better call the Americans cus a Soviet tank division wont be enough.
we need closure dammit
>Nuclear power plants can't explode
Based Nikolai Fomin
nothing personal puppy
>Bacho walks in room
>sees puppies
based Bacho
Valery x Boris montage when?
not to be too much of an autist, but the moist nugget is a LOT louder than they made it out to be.
If they shot it indoors multiple times, they'd hear ringing for at least a day.
Okay you were exactly correct, I'm just using a figure of speech.
Was that Faras Faras?
I can't find good sources, some say he's alive as of 2011, other's say he died in 2008, but neither have good references
the radiation boollets clogged their ears up, komrad
>Speaking as an engineer, I do not agree with their findings on the basis of criticality:
>Physicist user here; this guy is more or less correct.
Where are you guys getting this?
>the fuel rods do not have enough mass nor the proper configuration to reach super critically (or really just past prompt criticality)
Nuclear power reactors have to be able to reach super criticality in order to start up. But they're delayed critical, meaning some of the neutrons come from fission products and reflection, making them controllable. Start it up then adjust the control rods to bring it to mere criticality.
Prompt criticality is neither "passed" nor "below" super critical. It's super critical but all your neutrons are from the primary fission events which means whatever is going to happen, it happens immediately and is NOT controllable.
Now I haven't personally run the math, but a RBMK core with most of the control rods pulled and steam voids forming all over the place sounds like a good recipe for a prompt critical event. Especially if one or more fuel rods ruptured.
>It would have also been impossible for a fast reaction to occur due to the graphite moderator.
A fast reaction clearly did happen Dyatlov. Chernobyl didn't melt down over hours like TMI. It jumped to 30GWt in a fraction of a second. Whether it was a *prompt* critical reaction or simply a super critical excursion that go away from them in the final seconds is academic at this point.
Fares Fares, yes
It would have got fried by the radiation even faster than the Joker
I was just making sure. I'm just a lowly ChemE.
As well as them not showing any signs of recoil, 54r is a whopper of a boolit
odd he isn't credited on imdb, could not notice that trademark Lebanese nose
Is this a boku no pico reference?
Tell me how an RBMK reactor explodes
They have neutron starters. They NEVER go super critical.
I'm betting it was still extremely painful though
>Nuclear power reactors have to be able to reach super criticality in order to start up. But they're delayed critical, meaning some of the neutrons come from fission products and reflection, making them controllable. Start it up then adjust the control rods to bring it to mere criticality.
Sounds more like you're reading this out of an encyclopedia as there's a bit more to it and it is is not accurate to say it reaches super criticality as they are expressly designed to not have super critical mass, nor do you want the rate to increase at all.
>Now I haven't personally run the math, but a RBMK core with most of the control rods pulled and steam voids forming all over the place sounds like a good recipe for a prompt critical event. Especially if one or more fuel rods ruptured.
If the rods were RUPTURED, yes, but then it begs the question, what came first? Because the implication that it was a fizzle would suggest they were ALREADY damaged and partially melted down (to create a large enough mass to blow past prompt) but then WHAT caused that damage and melt down? The reactor got hot, but not NEARLY hot enough to melt the fuel rods. Additionally, the particle readings took weeks to even suggest that casings had melted so it just doesn't fit the evidence that a fizzle took place.
Are you stupid? How do you get feed water to explode???
Sure. He had to have multiple skin grafts and blood transfusions.
It literally has no complex circuits. It's a rotating auger and a motor with a driveshaft.
He's delusional. Get him to the infirmary.
you turn it to steam. next
So the female character who is btfoing and schooling all the incompetent males just didn’t exist at all? Surprised she’s so central to the story
>They gave them the propaganda numbers
Got mine for 70 bucks at Big5 12 years ago
for yuvchenko
*destroys phone*
fucking kek
It's an inanimate fucking object.
Wasn't there a security guard who died shortly afterwards as well? I think we saw her in the first episode.
>Episode 1 Boris: "Good! I know how a nuclear reactor works. Now I don't need you."
>Episode 4 Boris: "Was that a smile, Valery-chan?"
I've enjoyed watching their brotherhood develop.
in soviet russia, snow shovels you
man I thought rbmk was a brotherhood
ya'll let a brat down.
i don't see anything in this image
>They have neutron starters. They NEVER go super critical.
A "neutron starter" would by definition push you to super criticality at which point you can adjust the controls to maintain a mere critical self sustaining reaction.
"Super critical" != "OMG EXPLOSION!".
>Sounds more like you're reading this out of an encyclopedia as there's a bit more to it and it is is not accurate to say it reaches super criticality as they are expressly designed to not have super critical mass,
Think about what you're saying. If a reactor could not be put into a super critical configuration with FRESH fuel then there would be no way to maintain criticality with partially SPENT fuel.
Reactors are designed not to have PROMPT critical events. But all modern reactor designs achieve this through active controls. If the safeties on Chernobyl had never been disabled none of this would have ever happened.
>nor do you want the rate to increase at all.
RBMK had a positive coefficient of reactivity with coolant loss. It had a built in rate increase which was one of its flaws.
> (You)
>If the rods were RUPTURED, yes, but then it begs the question, what came first? Because the implication that it was a fizzle would suggest they were ALREADY damaged and partially melted down (to create a large enough mass to blow past prompt) but then WHAT caused that damage and melt down? The reactor got hot, but not NEARLY hot enough to melt the fuel rods.
The test reduced water flow creating steam voids. Are you sure it didn't get hot enough at the bottom to rupture them? The claim is that if there was a nuclear explosion...a prompt critical event...it happened at the bottom of the reactor (based on the evidence, including melted things that should never have melted).
>Dyatlov brushing aside the picture of a literal gaping hole where the reactor used to be
we're hitting denial levels that shouldn't even be possible
It was made by pure anglos
> shakes hands with that one guy who tripped over and put his hand on a chunk of carbon
Remember when dyatlov tried to take the bullet for our boy sitnikov?
As someone with a mosin, this bugged me quite a bit as well
>the bullet
Why didn't they use two fire hoses/high capacity nozzles to blast everything over the edge from a distance? Supposing they couldn't because it would kick dust into the air, why didn't they saturate the roof with water and sandbag it do the nasty dust water only dripped into the pit they intended and THEN knocked everything over with hoses. This genuinely confuses me.
Any one got a webm of that crazy fag on Masha who kept tripping and then landed in the most toxic water on Earth?
cells are basically bags of fluids. when damaged or under stress, they only have two responses: open membranes and let internal fluids out, or absorb fluids and swell up until they burst. either way is messy.
Do you think the denial would've saved him?
Don't we know that the containment vessel was already ruptured during the first explosion, and this damaged the control rods ability to lower?
>The test reduced water flow creating steam voids. Are you sure it didn't get hot enough at the bottom to rupture them? The claim is that if there was a nuclear explosion...a prompt critical event...it happened at the bottom of the reactor (based on the evidence, including melted things that should never have melted).
The cladding was rated to about 1200 C acute stress, and around 800 sustained. They learned from K19 that reactors with coolant loss could quickly spike in temperature and had made corrections accordingly. So unless the temperature spiked into the 1500 C range, there's no way the cladding melted. And even if it had, I still question they could have melted down *enough* in a few seconds to create a super critical mass to produce a fizzle. And again, the particle readings after the fact did not show cladding had melted (until the fire was partially out several days later).
Increased water flow through the steam-drum -> core portion via the main circulation pump is bad, yes.
Re-engaging the turbines, however, drives increased water flow through the turbine -> condenser -> steam-drum portion of the loop, and the condenser provides the lowest-temperature water. Increasing that loop's flow rate has a stabilizing effect.
Fucking max kek
>that poor kid who gets stuck under a chunk of graphite and then slips and falls on the puddle
>then he sees his boot has a breach
>"Soldier, you're done"
>One of the liquidators in the accounts they used said one of the puppies wasn't dead when they went to bury it and they were completely out of bullets and could do nothing to help it since it was literally in a pile of irradiated animals.
What is the cost of lies?
Criticality and supercriticality are not the same thing.
A critical mass is self-sustaining
A super critical mass is exponentially increasing until it explodes, it is literally what a nuclear bomb is.
I mean, the fact that they don't recognize the root-cause of explosive radiation release events as being from steam or from a nuclear reaction doesn't really change anything about the impacts of said radiation releases.
t-this isn’t true right user
about tree fiddy roentgen
dog is bolshevik. purge immediately.
>containment vessel
lmao you have no idea what you're talking about
Yes, it was in the form of a question. Can you read, comrade?
Why is he talking to Tony soprano?
The first clause of your question was a statement that shows you have no idea what you're talking about
>tfw this show's over and Yea Forums is just a bunch of fucking capeshit threads again
Help me bros where can I stream this I’m a poorfag
I'll take that as a 'no'.
>RBMK reactors do not have what is known as a containment structure, a concrete and steel dome over the reactor itself designed to keep radiation inside the plant in the event of such an accident. Consequently, radioactive elements including plutonium, iodine, strontium and caesium were scattered over a wide area. In addition, the graphite blocks used as a moderating material in the RBMK caught fire at high temperature as air entered the reactor core, which contributed to emission of radioactive materials into the environment.
when are those faggots getting their own board
On the internet, you baby fresh piece of shit.
why were they trying to clear the roof of graphite?
Cmon, komrade. You've never used torrents before?
>implying there’s graphite on the roof
Go get me a butter and caviar sandwich comrade
In order to safely build a containment structure
Wasn't this mentioned in the episode?
dont explain the show to redditors who can't even be bothered to watch it
Dyatlov eventually convinces the Tuunbaq that it is delusional, magic isn't real and it dies
It's concrete, user. Have you been drinking feedwater again?
They were shoveling that highly radioactive shit into the building. That way, they could actually approach the building exterior to build a containment structure around the outside of the reactor 4 facility.
With the chunks still up there, they'd have to build it in 90 second intervals. Much easier to train 4000 people to "shovel shit" in 90 seconds than train 4000 to do engineered structural assembly.
i'm sorry user this is the first ep i've been distracted with
>nuclear reactors literally split the very fabric of existence
>magic is not real
user, I ...
Did any of the liquidators die from full on ARS?
The graphite and other containment materials (concrete, steel, other stuff) were all irradiated by the initial explosion/exposure, they could have degraded into radioactive dust over a period and perpetuated the radioactivity elsewhere. Maybe.
I think they might have needed the roofs clear to install the sarcophagus properly but I really don't know.
Give them a bullet for mercy's sake, that's what I'd want
He needs a liquidator
Chernobyl bankrupt the USSR and helped bring about its downfall.
Why did the baby die?
Sure, but (forgive me the use of whataboutisms) oil spills, general environmental impacts of fossil fuel power plants that happen every day of their normal operation, the health effects of the miners, landslides caused by mining etc
They are much worse than Chernobyl and all the other incidents combined.
50-60 deaths due to radiation from Chernobyl. Of the 600000 recognised liquidators only 10% had a cause of death clearly linked to their work. 200000 were lifelong disabled. That's it. That is the total death toll of Chernobyl.
The Aberfan disaster caused nearly 150 deaths, most of them children. That is one mining related landslide.
Deep Water Horizon killed 11 people and injured 17 and god knows how horrible the oil spill was for the environment.
I'm not defending Chernobyl, but put it in relation. Chernobyl has been made into this weird myth of millions of deaths and mutated humans.
Fact is: None of the people close to it have any higher chance for cancer or birth defects. There is a slight spike in thyroid cancer but it is noted that this is most likely the result of better and more precise screening since the people there check themselves out of fear, while other people just die without ever detecting their cancer.
Radiation Exposure is horrible. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I also wouldn't wish on anyone to burn to death on an oil platform or a burning windturbine(which happened).
>muh golodomor
Damn, so much for historical accuracy.
That graphite IS the core essentially. It is exposed to all the radiation so is loaded with unstable fission products that let off a shitload of energy. Aside from the fuel itself, it's the most dangerous shit you can encounter on the scene in the short-term aftermath. Leaving it on the roof would prevent any work to contain the rest of the building and leave it exposed to the elements and further contamination releases. It had to go.
They did not shovel graphite BECAUSE IT'S NOT THERE
>Don't we know that the containment vessel was already ruptured during the first explosion, and this damaged the control rods ability to lower?
One of the explosions threw the top of the reactor vessel off. You're getting shit for calling it a "containment vessel" because in western designs that means a structure which contains the reactor and ideally any material in a meltdown.
>The cladding was rated to about 1200 C acute stress, and around 800 sustained. They learned from K19 that reactors with coolant loss could quickly spike in temperature and had made corrections accordingly. So unless the temperature spiked into the 1500 C range, there's no way the cladding melted.
Did it? And again: in a RBMK reactor is fuel rod rupture a prerequisite for a fizzle?
You're basing your evaluation on what temps you think might have happened, and your believe that a fizzle could never occur with intact fuel rods. But that Swedish paper is looking at things that did happen and would have required more force than a mere steam explosion from a thermal excursion. I'm not saying 100% they're right, but I'm not 100% convinced they're wrong either.
>Criticality and supercriticality are not the same thing.
Hence the following sentence:
>A "neutron starter" would by definition push you to super criticality at which point you can adjust the controls to maintain a MERE CRITICAL self sustaining reaction.
>A critical mass is self-sustaining
>A super critical mass is exponentially increasing until it explodes, it is literally what a nuclear bomb is.
Yes and no. A prompt critical mass is a nuclear bomb (exponential increase in a fraction of a second). A delayed critical mass would ultimately reach a similar...though somewhat less dramatic...conclusion. But you have time to intervene. The cycle of exponential increase is on a human observable time scale (unless something goes wrong).
/RBMK/ for you, what is the scariest scene? Personally, I was freaked out by the phone call. It's the real recording, and they make it echo.
Based and Soviet pilled.
so people bitched about the dog shooting scene or nah
this might be dumb but how are there railings and shit in the room posted above, or does the circle part not get hot / irradiated
it's just a tv show, like the titanic.
Oh yeah, recognition of the relative impacts of events and their frequency is a big issue. Not knowing the technical root causes is no big deal, but lay-folk should at least get a good feel for the relative impacts of various energy sources if they will be voting on energy policies or politician's based on their energy policy views.
Holy balls. That is a bubonic plague tier rapid decline
people are sad about the dog shooting scenes
shoo shoo, back to your anti-sjw cult in pol
None reported but most of them probably died of cancer within 10 years
One was real person while the other is a sjw fantasy?
So did the firefighters get the worst radiation burns/ARS in the history of humanity?
Criticality with respect to a nuclear reactor and critical mass with respect to a bomb are two different things.
A critical reactor is a reactor with reactivity=0, i.e. every neutron created fissions exactly 1 U-235, which creates exactly 1 neutron, etc.
In reality, the average fission event creates about 2.4 to 2.7 neutrons, which can leak, be absorbed but not fissioned, resonance capture etc.
During any up power, the reactor, by definition becomes super critical. It has to in order to function raise power Once the transient subsides, the reactor achieves criticality once again.
Similarly, any down power causes the reactor to achieve sub criticality for the same reasons above. Again once the transient subsides, criticality is regained.
t.navy nuke
>mere steam explosion
you do know that water is Incompressible right?
Has anybody here actually had a butter and caviar sandwich? Sounds pretty good desu
>Thanks, Gorbachev
no, that would be the people in hiroshima and nagasaki who got straight-up vaporized.
low effort bait
I think it was that jap guy or maybe that American guy with the demon core
Nah, they sent it to live on a farm
WTF there's no core that is Shakespeare's stage!
>engineer criticizing the work of a nuclear physicist with over 1100 citations on a matter of nuclear physics
That's not ARS
>forgot about the show
>watch the first episode
>"that really good, not let's watch the sec....WAIT A FUCKING MINUTE""
>didn't realize the page had them in order 3-2-1 instead of 1-2-3
now watching the first episode will feel like watching star wars in release order
I WANT YOU TO HEAR IT ALL Yea Forums!!!!!!!!
Question. If a dog that was running around Pripyat for a few months after the explosion and then wandered back out into the countryside where it mated with an unexposed partner how fucked up would the puppies be?
That would be quite pleasant compared to Hisashi Ouchi
I still find it unbelievably hilarious that the man who quite possibly suffered the worst of any human to ever live was named "Ouchie"
>tfw some people took a blast so intense it burned their shadows into buildings
There's also that guy who got impaled by a control rod because the asshole tried to push it back in by hand.
Nah, the top of the circle in that room are just some weights that sit on top of the really long pressure tubes or fuel/control rod assemblies. They are at room temperature during normal operation, and you can walk right across them.
The hot water/steam exits the pressure tubes below those weights and a later of thermal insulation. Lower down is a "Biological Shield" which is a thick-ass plate of hearty metal that the pressure tubes pass through and blocks essentially all the radiation from the core. Once you get below that you get into the graphite stacks with the active fuel assemblies inside the pressure tubes, where it's spicy in a few different ways.
But up on top? Just a regular industrial facility.
Nuclear energy is like GMOs and cloning.
No one knows the first thing about it, but boy, are there stories about it. And why would you believe Nuclear Power lobbyists or Monsanto or some Geneticist, if there was an opinion on it in a tabloid newspaper or you saw a movie about it?
People should not be allowed to be against nuclear power if they cannot even explain how it works or why it is bad.
I am much more afraid of a nuclear ship crashing into a harbour like Marseille or in New York and even that fear isn't justified since the reactor is very well sealed and the water prevents anything bad to reach any lifeforms.
Honestly anything involving the firefighters on the night was horrifying.
Moment's of massive denial and whole dread of it really but when only I put myself into Dyatlov's shoes.
Oh and don't forget the Goiânia accident, something so science fiction horror they accidentally made an episode of Star Trek about it.
the SL-1 accident
actual kek'd
They would probably die shortly after birth, or resolve in miscarriages, or wouldn't get the bitch pregnante due to how damaged the male dogs semen cells are.
Imagine being such a dick that you destroy europe single handed.
All I see is a very happy merchant
>all that graphite
>People should not be allowed to be against nuclear power if they cannot even explain how it works
Bad take.
>... or why it is bad.
Good take.
Don't be a gatekeeper. If you have to live with consequences of something, you shouldn't have to fully understand it, just what the TRUE risks of consequences are. Requiring the former is kinda evil.
More water night shift chief engineer?
The dog would almost certainly be infertile.
It's not a sjw fantasy. The soviets had tons of women in power. Besides, she serves as a composite to replace a group of people no one would be able to keep up with. This show has 5 episodes. Imagine introducing like 10 scientists, all in grey suits, glasses, look exactly the same and you as viewer have to be able to keep them apart. I'm glad they used a woman. She sticks out and makes it possible to keep up with the characters and story.
I think Ouchi is fake.
based and /k/ pilled
See this is why democracy is a brainless concept. You cannot have people making policy choices when they refuse to do the necessary research to understand the consequences of their choices.
Asking normal people to vote is no different than asking a child for sex.
I bet they meant blinies, not a sandwich. He is a soviet, not a barbarian
Damn good eyes do you also see images when you look at clouds?
you watched the entirety of ep3 without figuring out that it wasn't actually the first one?
that has to be even more stupid than Chernobyl
even brazilian monkeys should be able to understand that perpetually glowy bits on former medical machinery is not something you let your fucking kids play with.
Yes but in my country the new episodes go live friday instead so I'm still torrenting.
yup, i really thought the second or 3rd episode was going to be something like " 3 weeks earlier" after they figured out what happend
Water is really good at absorbing it
Rarbg was trying to make me download an .exe with the ep
They literally though it was supernatural. People don't even know why ice is slippery, knowing that glowing shit is bad is bad for you is way beyond the capabilities of dead reckoning.
I half agree.
To understand the flaws, you should understand what exactly is done.
And in some instances such as GMO there hasn't been a single reported casualty or incident where a GMO caused shit. They are completely safe. So you cannot explain something that doesn't exist. But you should be able to kinda know what exactly is done during GMO experiments. They don't live in a castle with an open roof and sow together a mouse and a chicken or whatever some people imagine happening there.
They do selective breeding....on a much smaller and more direct scale. That's it. Scaaaary.
they were literally all getting sick and still passing that shit around like a fucking paperweight. It was straight up homer simpson type shit
2:25 best kino from the whole show
to be fair, getting sick is not an uncommon occurrence in shithole jungles.
Why not both at the same time?
People don't understand the difference between a theme-focused drama and action/triller
Yikes, so even if they weren't likely to pass on their mutated genes, the animals were so radioactive that they could make other animals sick?
The guys going into the water
Or attack other animals/humans outside the exclusion zone because of the pain they are in. And since they are highly radioactive, they literally walking radioactive waste.
What if they shit or die in creeks?