Am I really suppose to believe hundreds of men just openly ran into beaches to get shot by automatic machine gun fire?

Am I really suppose to believe hundreds of men just openly ran into beaches to get shot by automatic machine gun fire?

Attached: saving privates rylans.png (1269x739, 1.56M)

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Yeah and they didn’t have sex

Most of them had little understanding of firearms, and didn't realize the danger.

A cursory glance at the well-documented history of the event in question will at once tell you all you need to know.

you're not the arbiter of reality and facts famalamadingdong.

that's cute, read about ww1 battles like the Somme.

The bombing runs and the shelling before the landing where supposed to create craters for the troop to use as cover. Obviously they overshot there target.


i wish that was me

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I never got that part of the plan. How is blowing a hundred foot deep hole in the ground going to help me hide from machine gun fire from a three hundred foot tall wall

Its propaganda to put men in a better light. In reality men are horrible pigs. I like that scene though for obvious reasons :)

where are you getting these numbers from do you even know what a foot is?

javascript:quote('115744154');you should really enjoy this.

Anything to destroy the future of the white race. FOR ISREAL!!!

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they werent right under the machine gun nests retard.

It's called hope. Commanders often filled the brains of their troops with such trash. It makes them think they have a real shot at not being bullet ridden immediately.

So glad my grandpa and his brother fought in North Africa to destroy the white race. Just look how amazing britain is now. Thanks grandpa!!

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You would need climbing gear to get out of a 100 foot hole. I don't think an emplacement on a three hundred foot escarpment would be able to pivot at the degree necessary to land rounds in a hundred foot hole.

Ok so how does climbing out of a ten foot hole staring at a machine gun nest work any better

Oh shit was D-day as fake as the Holocaust?

on certain beaches yes, and still NOTHING by eastern standards
in the east putting men through the meat grinder was a science

This world is an illusion, exile!

Actually they undershot their target because the Naval fleet was too scared of retaliation to move close enough to hit the fucking beach ahead of the troop carriers like they were supposed to.

>takes issue with a scene where they do that for a few hours/days
how quaint

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>biggest invasion of any one landmass in human history
>there are actual retards that just boil it down to what happened on a single beach concerning a few divisions


b-but thats where mah granddaddy invaded yurop and deafyted the evul nahtsies!!! murika saved the world from aydollfs evyl ehmpahyr on dat der beech

God damn you suck at words.

This is also why Omaha lacked tank support. They had amphibious tanks but they were launched too far from shore and sank before they could make landfall. It was a clusterfuck because the Navy were pussies.

Did you just learn about d day ? Are you 12 years old?

must be why they when to 4 months of boot huh. To NOT learn about weapons. Shut the fuck up

>men trained in combat had little understanding of firearms


Notsomuch gunfire as it was waves and waves of japs with samurai swords running at you screaming BONZAI as you burn them and their bunkers with your flamethrower

The real question is, what where the MG-42 gunners' tax policy?

who are you quoting?

>bloodiest and most infamous section of the Normandy invasion gets the most attention
Who woulda guessed

They’re just fodder sadly. Every war plan has fodder, everyone knows expect for the fodder. They’re there just to be targets. That’s why attacking is so difficult compared to defending in war. Like typed

Why do yuros get so fucking jealous of us, Ameribros?

Is this image ironic? I can't tell

T. Retarded goyim


i didn't know brainless people could live that long

ay tone not for notin but why didnt they blow up the whole beach before the thing if they had all those ships and planes

because the beaches of normandy didn't actually look like what the movies portray

Weather is a cruel bitch.


eh i dunno t a little rain never stop me ya know

It creates cover dumbass

I’ve been to the Normandy beachheads. They didn’t look too different than what was in the movie.

They tried but all the bombardments and bombings were ineffective.

Yes. If you think this was unrealistic you have never been in the military. If anything they seemed far more competent then reality

If anything Omaha Beach was flatter than what the film portrayed, but maybe my memory is distorted. Everything else seemed pretty close

The correct strategy was too send over way more "airborne" soldiers and have them pincer the beachead as "fodder" troops while the main force arrived on the beach

the stupid commanders thought people that could jump from planes were more special than the regular joe soldier so they had them act as guerrila forces crawling around fields for the first week barely achieving anything.

the jumpings were a clusterfuck already if they had sent more troops more people would have died before even touching the ground

Why didn't they bring snipers to sit at the back off the tug boat and fire into the machine gun holes?

Real life was worse than the movie

The first two waves got completely rekt and they were on the beach for hours before any breakthrough

>m I really suppose to believe hundreds of men just openly ran into beaches to get shot by automatic machine gun fire?


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>Why didn't they bring snipers to sit at the back off the tug boat and fire into the machine gun holes?

A a boat bobbing in the surf is very difficult to shoot from.

Let's train all these people to jump out of planes, organize on the ground, read the hostile terrain, and then push towards an objective while surrounded at all sides to sacrifice themselves for the general infantry coming in on boats.

based mannis

Nah thats not true lol. You stupid faggot. Watch Game of Thrones they filmed a fucking dragon getting shot with a big ass gun.

Am I suppose to believe millions of Jews just openly disappear without any evidence to prove it?

It was done on purpose to change the political landscape in America forever. They were carefully chosen to be drafted so that they would die in this war.

weak bait but... they didn't have a choice by that point. it's either drown (100% death) or run up the beach 50+% chance of death). I wouldn't be surprised if command kept the true strength of the defenses from the soldiers to ensure they'd actually go on the mission.

nah a bunch of them drowned first lol.

Wandering /k/ommando here: They didn't have much of a choice.

Try reading Eisenhower's autobiography. There's plenty of evidence, and they went to great pains to preserve and record it because Ike said he knew there'd be assholes like you.

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Reminder that only the burgers fucked up on D-Day (as they have fucked up in all modern conflicts in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries). The leafs and the bongs took their assigned beaches no problem.

That's because they landed largely unopposed on relatively level ground.

it was a different time

Jesus, now you're shitting up other boards with your trip faggotry.

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kek, gottem

Why didn't they drop all their bombs over the MG bunkers? The boys could have landed safely then.

Worlds more believable than millions dying in the showers.

Seems like cope to me. Allied bombs destroyed whole cities but not some shitty bunkers?