Could he beat the Flash in a foot race?
Could he beat the Flash in a foot race?
No one beats the flash.
>No one beats the flash.
I wouldn't count that as outrunning the Flash. It's more tricking the flash into hurting himself.
He said no one beats the flash. He just got beat there.
no. but
All he has to do is sneak up behind him, drag him to space and boom he's dead.
only for charity
So would Brandon beat Superman in a fight?
They're the same thing. If he was still in his kid state he would stand no chance though
That story is a criminally unliked story that was trying to be edgy. Even though the Flash has canonically been beat, this moment no longer exists. It happened, but it no longer happens
Ok heres another time
Friendly reminder that even if you despise the MCU movies, they could be this much worse
When he said "No one beats the flash" in response to OP's question about a footrace. Then you decided to be a dumbass and pretend that predicting movement is the same as outpacing their movement. I pointed out that your whole idea had nothing to do with speed as much as prediction and trickery.
Holy shit those filenames. I can't tell whether you hate the Flash or love Deathstroke, but whatever the case, you've got issues.
>that diner scene
>no one beats the Flash
>here is someone beating the Flash
>n....NO! That doesn't count!
Back to /pol/ with the other shitty arguers
Of course that counts as beating the Flash. OP asked about a foot race, autist. We can talk once you post about the Flash losing an actual footrace.
>Of course that counts as beating the Flash
Good then we agree since that is what I responded to
>back to /pol/
>OP says foot race
>some user posts that nobody beats the flash while posting an image related to Barry's kenyan magic
>retard starts posting the Flash getting BTFO'd by edgestroke in something other than a race
>pretends not to be retarded
I'm amazed you haven't overdosed on those chromosomes bud
2nd poster said
>No one beats the flash.
which is who was responded to. You lost. Back to /pol/
In context to OP's statement about a foot race, the post doesn't exist in a vacuum you neanderthal. No more (you)s for you, retard.
The red dirt spacing just proves you're fishing for them
what was said:
>No one beats the flash.
You lost back to /pol/
What’s with you and pol you fucking freak? Nobody mentioned ANYTHING political dumb faggot
This is retarded. He would just see him standing there with his sword out.
Do people like this shit?
>I’m just PRETENDING to be a stupid faggot haha gotcha!
Just let the drooling simpleton rave about pol in peace.
No because he's already forgotten.
>terrible arguing style
>can't admit is wrong when proven wrong multiple times
Yup sounds like /pol/ to me.
I don't have to pretend anything because I was in the right you /pol/tard
I’m waiting for the inevitable “s-samefag” damage control comment
No samefag I understand you /pol/tards brigade threads
You need to get out and socialize with women my man. You’re taking arguments about comics way too seriously
Cease and desist.
I wonder if Brightburn is also weak to magic, or if that was phased out in this universe.
The boy is incredibly handsome.
He’s only weak to his ships metal
I literally just posted a panel and a bunch of you had a meltdown because I challenged a comic book character.
I loved it.
That's Wally West at age 21, he wasn't ready to take on the mantle of his uncle, the calm and coordinated Barry Allen
He never came into contact with magic in the movie. Unless you have a creator's word, this statement is unproven.
No. He's weak shit compared to most actual comic characters.
>takes down a building by himself
Idk user
Right champ
Have sex
90% of DC and Marvel characters can do that.
it's almost as if comic books are inconsistent and just attribute cool shit to characters because it makes them sound cool
as kids?
shazam doesn't count btw
Yeah but I don't see why it would matter. Brandon would be a D-tier villain that shows up for 2 issues, gets killed and then is never mentioned again.
>gets betrayed by everyone
Brandon... had a hard life.