>breaks into ancient tombs and other sites
>steals priceless artifacts so he can display them in his museum
>leaves destruction in his path
This would be totally unacceptable in real life.
Was Indiana Jones the bad guy?
Breaks into ancient tombs and other sites
Other urls found in this thread:
Because he does it while fighting Nazis, Indian death cults, and Soviets.
cultural appropriation is not okay
He set off traps that would kill people who are more careless or stupid. Someone wouldve stumbled into those places eventually and gotten themselves or their party killed. Hes saved lives.
Disregard all those times he stopped incredibly dangerous artifacts from falling into Nazi hands or that time he actually saved a village's religious artifact and their children from a death cult. Yeah sure, he's a "bad guy".
>This would be totally unacceptable in real life
Not really. Why do you think tons of priceless Egyptian artifacts are on display in England?
Real archaeologists actually despise Indiana Jones.
Hell yes, but he was a lovable bad guy. Like Han Solo, also played by some famously prickly guy irl.
Most of the time those traps are revealed stained with blood or littered with bones as they activate, implying that they reset on their own.
>breaks into ancient tombs and other sites
>steals priceless artifacts so he can display them in his museum
That's literally what archaeology is.
>ywn be a cool explorer in the golden era of adventure
Definitely couldn't get away with making non white people or leftists bad guys today
>Disregard all those times he stopped incredibly dangerous artifacts from falling into Nazi hands
According to the big bang theory that movie would've ended the same without indy
obviously, they probably get so many questions from retards who think archeologists are badass plunderers
The Mummy starring Brendan Fraser is better than any of the Indiana Jones films.
Eventually he would have died in an airplane crash. The death rate was rather high back then.
The native Egyptians were stealing mummies and selling them, vandalizing tombs and looting them.
Western Archaeologists did Egypt a favor by preserving their ancient culture, the modern Egyptians would have destroyed it all otherwise.
Yes but he is also responsible for a huge wave of kids growing up wanting to be archaeologists, and entering the field for real in adulthood. Before Indy, there were between about two and three archaeologists studying precolonial North American history at any one time. After Indy, hundreds, and the same is true worldwide, Most of what the world now has in terms of archeological findings comes from the post-Indiana Jones era, due to this explosion in popularity. Indy was a treasure hunter on film, but he made good in the end irl.
Yeah right, he only found the damn ark and everything. I'm tired of hearing that dumb argument.
that.... is not true
Otherwise Nazi would destroy or steal it. It's like Tom Cruise in mummy. He was a thief but ISIS would destroy these things anyway.
While both are not perfectly clean, they are the lesser evil.
Well, they did the rest of us a favor. They clearly didn’t do the Egyptians any favors, by they took away their artifacts and their means of making an income lol
Are you kidding? People should want to be archaeologists because they love culture, history, and their ancestry. Not because some action star flicked a whip or punched some nazi.
Might as well say Hackers is responsible for a generation of code monkeys.
He found the Ark using Meriam's amulet. If he didn't show up at her bar, the Nazis would have taken the amulet from her and found the location of the Ark themselves.
ironically Prof Jones actually explains to everyone that isn't the actual real life archeology.
he just keeps getting sucked into doing govt agent / spy type work
bad guy? yes. and true to life too. see "Elgin Marbles"
Because it belongs in a museum.
And then the Ark was locked up forever lmao.
On a lesser note the Nazis spent quite a bit on archaeology.
we never got the wild west in the sky life either
The mummy was a terrible movie when it came out, and it’s only aged poorly since. There is no fucking reason anyone on this planet should still even be talking about that pile of horseshit in 2019. If you’re talking about The Mummy, you’re either talking about the original real thing, or you’re talking about yourself and how ironic you are and how impressed you think people will still be by your eclectic knowledge of an older generations trash.
>raiders confirms that judism is real
>doom confirms that poo in loo gotta catch em all religion is real
>crusade confirms that christianity is real
>skull confirms that interdimensional ancient aliens are real
what was meant by this
HAH! Indiana. FUCKING. Jones. Epic!
What movie is the guy on the right from?
Reminder that Indiana's relationship with his 14 year old student was absolutely natural, wholesome, and supportive of the traditions that allowed the caucasian races to spread their civility and cultural advancement far and wide.
lol and yeah forget about marion and all those other people that would be dead without indy. BAZONGA
Obviously he's Chaotic Good.
I'm genuinely impressed with how fast you responded with that.
>that thread with an egyptologist talking about his work
That was comfy.
You’re merging adults and children into a single mindset.
>tom cruise
>the mummy
imagine getting mad over a post you didn’t even read properly
One of my favorite (and IMO one of the best, most meaningful) fantasy novel series I've ever read was written by an egyptologist.
shorty was cooler than dr jones and probably got more poon as well
>Spread civility
lol oh is that what we’re calling it now? Crack open a history book sometime. Find the peaceful part. It’s a tiny little sliver of a few decades without invasion and conquest and butchery, so unusual we actually gave it a name to refer to it by. It’s called the Pax Romanus. The rest of our history is living up to the title given to our cultures, the barbarians, fucking our sisters, raping your daughters, killing our neighbors like the dumb hogs they are. Our success lies in our devaluation of life and willingness to extinguish it for any and all reasons.
Imagine anyone reading a post about the mummy carefully, and imagine flattering yourself to think anyone actually cares so much about you they would, and imagine being so pathetic you fantasize about having affected someone’s emotional state by a dumb post about a dumb movie on an internet bored.
Daily reminder we were robbed an Indiana Jones movie when Indy was in his prime
I was about to post that. Thank you.
So the 1500s?
The Seven Citadels by Geraldine Harris. I think it's relatively unknown, which is a shame, but also not a surprise at all. It's less about "fantasy adventure swords and sorcerers" and more about culture and spirituality and trying to find meaning in a world beset with a corrupt declining society and barbarians at every gate. The premise makes it almost sound like a kid's story (and that's what it was marketed as) but it's really, and yeah I'm going to dare to say this word unironically here, deep. It's messianic, and embraces the struggle between hope/faith and realism sensitively.
One thing that bugs me though, it was rereleased as ebook some time ago and they gave it the most godawful covers, they just took some gross looking metalhead dude in renfest gear and photoed his face, it looks so fucking awful, like I genuinely despise it, it even goes against the way the cultures feel depicted in my imagining, they have an almost far east motif from the writing. Why did they have to do that shit, it just looks wrong.
Doesn't change the fact that it was probably the only blockbuster showing ISIS in action. Hollywood should show more of this. Blockbusters shape pop culture. There's more chance that people will watch Tom Cruise action film instead of documentary film, so why not point it out? They push bullshit political agenda for SJW and it's fine, yet almost never point on serious problem our successors will have to deal with. Assuming there's still something left.
Oh so it's kinda more fantasy. I m looking for discovery/adventure novels. I've finished Jewel of Seven Stars and She.
Big bang theory is a shit show for dumb nerds. It pretends to be smart but its just like look at us we are nerds hahahahahahahahhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaas
>Non-whites never had wars
I saw that Tim pool video too
He's right though, in the same way Jaws resulted in a much bolstered generation of marine biologists and shark conservationists
can you read
Uncharted 3.
To be fair, he's basically just Allan Quatermain and being an Archaeologist is just his day job.
cringe rageposting
A far bigger question is: what is Indiana Jones' PhD specialty?
He's studied relics from the Crusades, India, ancient Egypt, and Precolombian America. Does this me he has PhD's in ALL these fields?
It was the 1940's. Anything that kept the nazi from getting it, was in improvement.
This is kind of like asking what Martial Arts characters in Kung Fu movies use. It may have some real world equivalency but it's clearly a far cry from the actual discipline.
>There is no fucking reason anyone on this planet should still even be talking about that pile of horseshit in 2019.
There is one good reason. The Mummy was one of very few indiana-jones'ish (western guy visiting an exotic country to find a treasure or investigate a local myth and legend) in whole fucking decade. Last Indiana Jones movie was in 2008 and since then there was pretty much nothing similar for whole decade. There was Tomb Raider and maybe Percy Jackson and that's all. Cruise movie blows these out of water, even with some flaws. We had dozens of capeshit but none traditional adventure movies and The Mummy finally filled that gap. Tom Cruise obviously tried to create his own Indiana Jones.
part time
19th century was the golden age to be an explorer. Some rich guy financed your expedition, whatever technology you had was miles and miles ahead of whatever African or South/Central Asian, Australian, or Polynesian peoples you were encountering (unlike in 16th or 17th century, when you didn't have much advantage except in Latin America where people died anyways from the diseases you carried), and if you ever got in any serious trouble, the UK, France, or whoever was powerful enough to step in on behalf of their countrymen and threaten to fuck the place up if you weren't returned to safety (also unlike earlier centuries). Risky, but not certain death.
Nigga you can actually train in many martial arts. Warriors fucking did it all the time.
Multiple PhD's though is simply mental.
His bumbling self righteous path of destruction targeted at matters he has no business involving himself in is a perfect allegory for the American Psyche
user, hackers definitely inspired a wave of comp sci "cyberpunk" mentor fetishists
this is the question we should all be asking.
dude, idk. maybe just that there's more we don't know than we do. the rabbit hole is deeper than we think. it's just movies playing on our desire for the unreal to be adjacent to reality. right?
sounds good except for the shipwrecks
It was the 30's actually.