
Beric edition

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Maario Naharis

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I miss her, lads...

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Howland Sneed

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>8ft tall, 500lbs of pure muscle

how do you kill this monster?

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>that's a big spear

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/got/ is dead...bury it

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>After the tourney, Gregor rides back to his keep. Upon his journey home from the tourney with seven of his men, Gregor broods on his loss. An overflowing river detours the group to a nearby alehouse, where he and his men gang rape the brewer's thirteen-year-old daughter, Layna.
Can I get a based?

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>Well, the dude who could revive you just croaked. Better hope you don't die again, Dondarrion!
>* Dies within a few steps of the one woman who could revive him again. She doesn't *

Wew lads.


>Jaime/Cersei >>>>>> Jon/Dany
Jon/Arya is the patrician ship
>outcasts of winterfell
>both rise higher than any of their other siblings

reminder that Jon didn't do shit when he found out about Ned dying or Robb going to war, but immediately dropped his vows and got killed because he was going to take the wildlings to save Arya. GRRM's original manuscript had a pained, forbidden love arc with Jon and Arya until they found out they were actually cousins so it was OK to smash

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Reminder Bran can't be king because he's a heathen.

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Stop. You darkened this for memeing.

>Mountain kills one of Elia Martell's children by smashing its head against the wall
>proceeds to rape Elia
>after finishing grabs his Greatsword and splits her in half with it

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>t. red viper
poison is a woman's weapon

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Actually Ned/Cersei is the big brain ship

>but immediately dropped his vows and got killed because he was going to take the wildlings to save Arya.

You would never know this watching the show.

They have like four scenes together and it's all just "was up".

No way fag

There’s an alternate universe where Gregor’s and Amory’s throats were torn out by Rhaneys’ cat, Balerion, before they could hurt Elia and her children

>poison is a woman's weapon
t. old farty Pycelle

Basically what Bronn says here

>after finishing grabs his Greatsword and splits her in half with it
big deal, he had already done that with his penis

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When Aerys saw the blood on his blade, he demanded to know if it was Lord Tywin’s. “I want him dead, the traitor. I want his head, you’ll bring me his head, or you’ll burn with all the rest. All the traitors. Rossart says they are inside the walls! He’s gone to make them a warm welcome. Whose blood? Whose?”

“Rossart’s,” answered Jaime.

Those purple eyes grew huge then, and the royal mouth drooped open in shock. He lost control of his bowels, turned, and ran for the Iron Throne. Beneath the empty eyes of the skulls on the walls, Jaime hauled the last dragonking bodily off the steps, squealing like a pig and smelling like a privy. A single slash across his throat was all it took to end it. So easy, he remembered thinking. A king should die harder than this. Rossart at least had tried to make a fight of it, though if truth be told he fought like an alchemist. Queer that they never ask who killed Rossart . . . but of course, he was no one, lowborn, Hand for a fortnight, just another mad fancy of the Mad King.

>Westerling< and Crakehall and others of his father’s knights burst into the hall in time to see the last of it, so there was no way for Jaime to vanish and let some braggart steal the praise or blame. It would be blame, he knew at once when he saw the way they looked at him . . . though perhaps that was fear. Lannister or no, he was one of Aerys’s seven.

“The castle is ours, ser, and the city,” Roland Crakehall told him, which was half true. Targaryen loyalists were still dying on the serpentine steps and in the armory, Gregor Clegane and Amory Lorch were scaling the walls of Maegor’s Holdfast, and Ned Stark was leading his northmen through the King’s Gate even then, but Crakehall could not have known that. He had not seemed surprised to find Aerys slain; Jaime had been Lord Tywin’s son long before he had been named to the Kingsguard.

“Tell them the Mad King is dead,” he commanded. “Spare all those who yield and hold them captive.”

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Unfortunately, no.

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>a man that angry
>having a big dick
I don’t think so

It's over. Stop talking about it.


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I don't see why desu

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Formerly Chuck's Reed

>How can one man be so based
It's the Classic Anglo-Saxon gentleman's blood in his veins, that's sadly been lost today, and now all we have are the bongs of today

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What the FUCK happened to Bessie? Who is this whore?

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Was there a story about a lowborn women who was a prisoner of the mountain who told him she would tell gregor everything if he let her daugher live, and then after she told him everything he killed her daughter anyway? I remember hearing about it once but can't find it anywhere.

based Stannis the mannis

bessie quit burlington bar and now does AMA's on Yea Forums

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Imagine believing in the seven while you have dead people coming back to life thanks to the lord of light, a kid that can see anything that has ever happened and take over animals thanks to the old gods and a bunch of assassins that can shapeshift thanks to the many faced god

>Dany shat herself when Jon stabbed her confirmed
Like pottery anons

What board did she post on? /lgbt/, /r9k/, or /soc/?

That was a bunch of Clegane’s men (Raff, Dunsen, Polliver, etc) who were torturing random captured peasants for info about gold and Beria Dondarrion. They caught Arya too but didn’t realize who she was.

she came to /got/ directly, twas a good thread

>this kills the Jamie fags

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quick, someone post her godawful Jon tat

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Also it should be in one of the Arya chapters in Clash of Kings but I’m not going to look up which.

My BericBro still around?

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>slay a motherfucking dragon
>but killing the cripple is what you’re really proud about
The fuck was his problem?

Kitsy checks into rehab.. For "stress" and alcohol.

Nth for Jorah Whitebringer

Don't forget he asked for change.

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May he ride eternal sweeping the steppe clean of Dothraki subhumans.

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Shhhh, the King and Queen of Westeros are sleeping

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1st For the purest and most beautiful Queen who ever was or will be!

/ecg/ Will you do your duty and protect her smile? Lad of my lad


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But he didn’t?

>the King and Queen of Westeros

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No one cares about some brainlet beast.

>user, should I burn down King's Landing with my dragons?

What do you say, /got/?

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no, this does

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He really wanted to fuck Jaime all along especially since Aeron got too ugly to keep molesting him

>But what about the excellent brothels that are there?


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movie magic, man

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>Do you have brain damage or something?


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>D&D cucking your character so hard you check in to rehab

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>ywn be in that sweet Lannister twin sandwich
Why even live

They would have only accepted Rhaegar

Why do I love Jorah so much? It's pretty simple when I think about it. Jorah isn't just the best character in the series, he might just be the greatest character of all time. Just imaging him riding through the grasses of Essos, the wind in his hair, his mighty steed below him. As he rides through Slave Cities, the ladies swoon at his very scent. They know how he smells, the essence of his smell is sold in White Harbor under the the name of "Bearhair Orgasm." The very nature of Jorah is mystery. could he be playing a deeper game than even his creator realizes? The answer is yes, he has transcended such boundaries as the written world, and has free will to do whatever he sees fit. However, Jorah is filled with such guile, such arcane craft that he does not even use these powers. Why, you might ask? You will never know, for the mind of the Jorah is not one that is easily penetrated. Jorah is such a force of nature in his realm that nothing can truly touch him, the only thing keeping him bound to the page at all is his will to exist within the preordained boundaries of his world.Jorah is not only beyond the comprehension of us, he exists within a plane of true focus and beauty. Observe his playful smile, his gorgeous and rippling biceps, his gallant nose, and most importantly, his body hair. His hair, like the fur of a wild animal, provides the only glimpse into the true machinations of Jorah . Do not stare. Many good men have gone mad in the attempt. Jorah is not just a character, a formless collection of words and images, he is himself is the binding that holds the saga together. Without Jorah , the entire series, the entire world of Westeros as we know it crumbles. The Trident would stop flowing without Jorah the Reach would become a desolate crater, and the Wall would melt without his frosty gaze.

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>Rhaegar jumped and molested by the Lanni twins in the alt world where he married Cersei

Would Rhaegar let Jaime stick it in Cersei or would he top Jaime instead?

People act like it's wrong to point that out, but I'm more than certain that this is the case.

Congratulations! You devoted years of your life to this role and now people will only ever remember the fucktarded final season.

That goes for all of them.

>tfw in the books he'll control the dragon with his magic horn
>final boss Euron wears full Valyrian steel armor and rides Rhaegal to fight Dany and Drogon over King's Landing
>Dany is traumatized by having to kill Rhaegal, Euron is flung into the sea, then washes back ashore to fight and mortally wound Jaime

Honestly the show made me hyped up for the books to handle all the major plot points properly

forget his size, Can a medival history nerd tell me how knights in full plate armor get killed?

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Spear is unironically a good weapon for knights if you're skilled in the usage
It's narrow enough a weapon you can aim for the weapo spots. The only issue is control over the thrust given it's also very long
It's easily good in Oberyn's case because poison.

Dragons don’t get ridden by lions.

Was it rape?

He seemed really cut up in the documentary during the last scenes. There was also that interview where he told critics to go fuck themselves because he felt that the crew worked so hard just to get the show called shit by reviewers. I bet he's taking the criticism of the ending very personally, it being a known critical disaster is a major part of pop culture at the moment

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No, I mean, would he stick it in Jaime's butt or would they both double team Cersei?

I wish I had a flaming sword


Really a fucking shame because I never see people complaining about the actor’s work, it’s all to do with the writing.

after the finale, what the hell was the point of all this?

It's a bummer. He was never the strongest part of the cast but I never got the impression he wasn't trying, and his character was one of my favorites to the end despite the shit they put him through this season.

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Why not both?

it would be pretty tough, he's been doing the role basically his entire adult life and really doesn't know anything else

I'd rather he grow some balls and call out D&D rather than internalizing the blame though. Doesn't matter how hard a chef works or how talented if he's given dog shit to cook with, which is what the script D&D made was, absolute shit

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Halberd? Use the rear end to catch one arm or something, use the pointy end to poke them through the visor

anyone else felt empty since the finale

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Dealing with that cokehead Emilia Clarkson's shit on a daily basis must've really messed up with his head.
Hope he gets better and this helps him grow up as an actor.

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Season 8 Jon snow got utterly fucked because the plot wouldn't work if he acted in character

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>he felt that the crew worked so hard just to get the show called shit by reviewers
Working hard doesn’t mean you should be proof from criticism and the critics are not blaming the acting anyway, but I do feel bad for the guy; this shitshow wasn’t his fault.

Rhaegar doesn't have an ounce of fag in him, otherwise Jon Connington wouldn't have felt so unfulfilled

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Lol like Cersei wouldn’t just watch to make sure Jaime is humiliated.

Very true. I know that he may not be in a rational enough of a headspace to realize that the criticism isn't directed at him, the rest of the cast, or the crew. He already admitted to having panic attacks and crying multiple times.

What's so fucked up is that the two assholes who should be on their knees apologizing are probably off having a grand 'ole time while Kit is taking it personally.

No straight man plays the harp

He probably just as anxious about what’s ahead. The show was his life for ten years. It’s ends and you have to ask, now what?

same for everybody, if Arya had a single conversation with anybody to tell them she was going to take care of cersei, nothing in KL would have happened

It's because D&D are hacks, they got the plot point from GRRM "Dany is going to go crazy and burn KL" but they aren't talented enough to make a logical path to that plot point

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One (1) firebomb


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Admittedly he's really not a great actor and is poor at emoting, but the dude really did pour his soul into the role, especially the choreography scenes. Dude fucking killed at that, according to D&D he went full Keanu Reeves in training to make his movements as quick and realistic as possible

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This is true and people tend to forget that. Even with the petition they always blame fans for being entitled, but all I hear are people excusing two trust fund babies putting in minimal effort, because they are too far up their own ass.

he did it for pussy, he got a tomboy like Lyanna to cry by playing it. Not to mention his fingerbang game was probably amazing due to playing the harp

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Did you miss the part where Beric recognizes Azor Jon and returns lightbringer to him so he can slay the Night King in an epic battle?

They've been slagging Kit since day 1 desu. He really put up with their shit for a while

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Bitch's a famous yachter and hardliner.
Not sure if memeing or just ignorant but there you go.

And your sister...

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>Jon Snow had a hard life
>Kit Harrington constantly gets shit for being 5'6 and having to finish a show's he's invested a good part of his life all for it to end badly


apparently for this scene D&D and others thought it had been sped up in post-production because he was swinging the sword so fast, turns out it was regular speed

probably because he's actually pretty jacked unlike most on the show who are old, female, or just weak

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The more you think about it the more plot holes you discover. There was absolutely no reason for Arya to not tell Jon and Dany their plan. There was no reason Dany should have kept Tyrion after he kept fucking up so bad. There's no reason for none of Dany's advisors to mention marriage after Tyrion made her get rid of Daario so she can get married. Jon all of sudden being emotionally distant from Dany when she was looking for comfort made absolutely NO SENSE.

This can't be true, she's far too pure for any of that.

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Purity is a farce user. Ultimately anything that is good will be ruined.

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Kit is supposed to be the best swordsman on the show, Nikolaj the worst

After season 5 they were making fun of Jon's height and even gave Jon a small dick, because he's 'too perfect.'

Then they turn him into a robot in the final season. It's too much not to be personal. I bet they were legit jealous of Kit and took it out on him in real life and through the character.

How many cast members do you think she's fucked?

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She's been fucking Lancel and Osmund Kettleblack and probably Moon Boy for all I know.

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there are dozens of illogical things that happen that didn't happen in the first 4 seasons because GRRM knows how to write

The show was so popular because it felt like a real world, consequences had actions and people acted like real people. The lack of fAegon is the crucial error, in the books Cersei will probably get murdered in a riot after she blows up the sept, in the show nobody cares and she does whatever she wants with no consequences, which is why the last few seasons sucked, there was no drama or weight to character's actions, people didn't act like people would IRL anymore

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Yeah cause Emilia hooked up with kit and George but never them

men or women? she supposedly hooked up with tywin, no joke

Wouldn't surprise me, she seems like the type to get around

user you will marry the shitposter and put an end to these ridiculous rumors.

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God that scene is kino. Just pisses me off that much more that he got absolutely nothing to fucking work with in season 8. You have this dude who absolutely kills it with the choreography and how do you utilize it? In the Long Night, you have him riding a dragon for half the time and the other half he's running around in circles screeching doing absolutely nothing. In the sack of King's Landing the most he gets is lazily parrying a couple of Lannister soldiers and killing them. This nigga should be 1v1 the Night King, or at least slaying a couple of generals. He should have been a force of nature carving up the battlefield like in BotB. He got fucking neutered so hard. Goddamn I'm mad.

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He wouldn't have been revived. He kept getting revived just so he could protect Arya.

Tolkien stole it all from Norse mythology ya dingus

Tommen kills himself after Cersei kills Margaery
Jaime kills Cersei

I really wonder how much of it is even his fault. I mean, I feel like killing Dany would be a legitimately emotional moment for him as an actor but it plays out so tame and straight. Are D&D secret assholes? Did they direct him like this, or choose the worst take?

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Is the point of book Dany that she just wants to be a traditional housewife with her husbando but she feels all this pressure to be the Dragon Queen instead? I don't remember her being so ideologically driven like in the show.

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unironically kit was one of the best castings in the show, he deserved better

Kys dicklet

Honestly, that episode was so fucking awful I don't think all the acting in the world would have helped it.

I still can't read book Jon Snow with his dumb northern accent though

She's been fucking Jaime and Oberyn Martell and probably Moon Boy for all I know

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Cersei won't die until Dany fucks her over after all three children are dead because of the prophecy

would you?
those are the targ bestgirls

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She's becoming aegon/drogon in the books, the show is just trash

battle of winterfell is retarded on every level
>tactics are retarded, catapults in front of trenches
>bran does nothing
>troop usage retarded
Bran should have been scouting out the white walkers with ravens so that Dany and Jon can surgically take them out, which would then knock out clumps of wights that were under their control. That would have been cheaper to film and much more interesting

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>even gave Jon a small dick

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I reject your dragon thots.

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‘ate kit
‘ate nik
‘ate barrystan

‘luv lena
‘luv dwarf
‘luv goblin

simple as

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When Jon gets revived Tormund says something like "I know you're not a god, I've seen your pecker, no god has a pecker that small"

The biggest retard was the night king, he could've just flown his dragon south and killed everyone

Let's be real, the show has been off-course in FanFictionLand for 4 seasons now, would anyone have complained if they wrote a show-original ending that played off what was established in the show, rather than trying to cram the ending set up in the books into 6 episodes, ruining arcs and doing complete 180s on a ton of plotlines, on a pace so rushed even the basest of normies noticed it?

If anything we know for sure it couldn't have been received any worse than the actual ending was.

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We looked for you in the catalog.

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He had to save the world from Bran first

oberyn is gay.

>and the more he stabbed her, the more she shat

Wtf I love GRRM now. Highly based.

Also it would have been so much better if he had gone to King's Landing and raised half a million which would have caused utter chaos across the kingdom and would have made Bran look stupid with his big brained 4d chess.

t. seething incel

Well an easy one is any method of concussion; full plate wouldn't diminish the kinetic effect of a hammer or mace's strike.
Another one, as others pointed out, is to search out and stab any gaps in the armor, such as joints, spaces between overlapping plate, and like, armpits.

If all else failed, though, a life or death melee between knights could very quickly develop into something of a wrestling match, where one tried to disarm the other and/or force them to the ground, at which point they could stab them through the chainmaille or visor's slit with a dagger dedicated to such a purpose, pic related.

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They warned us and we didn't listen.

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Just go city to city amassing his army instead of immediately attacking the one castle where everyone is turtled up knows you're coming and has 2 dragons

>she fucked a lowborn hedge knight
>and like 4 other lordlings
heh. heh.


why does Jaqen tell Arya she can kill who she wants if later she's not allowed to when she shows up in Braavos? What's his end game?

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We were not there. Woe to the jannies if we had been

If I recall that's how Ser Duncan killed that knight in the stream when they did the champion's versus.

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>would anyone have complained if they wrote a show-original ending that played off what was established in the show

Rumors have it that this is their original ending.

fake arthur dayne
>no white hair
>no purple eyes
0/10 unconvincing false valyrian, i'd fall for a lemur in lord's clothing easier

It's explicitly stated that she had not been with her betrothed's before they died and even Duncan who did want to fuck her was mad because she was married while he was unconscious. Also you forget that she married into the Lannister's. Our boy Tywin wouldn't be so if it weren't for Rohanne. Get fucked.

I have no fucking clue how Bran could become king and it make sense. He's still only like 10 years old in the books

tytos the cucked lion was tywin's father, without him we wouldn't have tywin but he was still a cuck to his bannermen


So in the end, Jon's death meant nothing but a bit of shock value, dude was dead for 2 fucking episodes before they brought him back

So is he going to be a villain in the books (if it's ever coming out lol)? At least a ruthless CHAOSH manipulator like Littlefinger perhaps?

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I don't know how much the applies
I used to be in a group LARPing as XIII century N Italy militia, so chainmail + helmet, but we'd mostly use heavy blunt swords because the dude in charge said they'd break bones and shit and sharp weapons are little use with chainmail anyway


And everyone knew he was coming back lol

>Thank God I never did drugs. I’m a complete scaredy-cat. If I had ever done a line of coke, I would have died on the spot because of the blood pressure. But yeah, just live your life. There’s a certain amount of fatality to that. But there’s nothing else to do but just carry on.

It isn't

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No, Tyrion definitely has a conscience which prevents him from being total villain. ADWD is probably going to be his lowest point, and you can see his time taking care of Penny and Jorah is rehabilitating him already

Literally only explanation is GURM is copying arthurian/welsh old legends

Tytos was the cuck not Rohanne. Not to mention Tywin fixed that shit quick. Tywin was his's mother's son if anything.

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The show is the show, the book is the book. I think some beats of the show/major plot twists will be similar. Daenerys will probably be some sort of 'villain' by the end, Jon will probably kill him, but things like the white walkers, CLEGANEBOWL, Jaime & Cersei's fate might be different in the books. Jaime and Cersei in particular, since they omit the valonqar portion of the prophecy in the show.

He already is a villain, but doesn't he slowly regain some humanity? Can't remember for sure

Why are you still naming it /got/ when the show is over? Shouldn't it be at least /asoiaf/?

Jon Snow is the obvious King Arthur in that case though

>imagine writing this unironically
>imagine having to do this for money
>imagine your life gets to a point where you have to write this

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I honestly hope he stop's thinking about Tysha and becomes more serious with Penny. If anyone would understand him it's going to be her.

Is Greywater Watch the most impregnable fortification in Westeros?

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How exactly fAegon supposed to stand a chance against this in the book? At least Euron/Victarion has a magic horn and the white walkers may have some sort of secret weapon against dragons like in the show.

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Also: fire, ballistas, a giant, a white walker, magic, wildfire, a dragon, Sandor Clegane, etc.

gerold(tytos' father) was a 6foot chad and had both westerlander parents
tytos was weak and too trusting, and had a westerlander father and a reacher mother
tywin was a genius and had both westerlander parents
notice a pattern?

Why do they need green screen umbrellas?

Speaking about
>Versions of the original story vary widely, but he is always wounded in the legs or groin and incapable of standing.
>In the Fisher King legends, it is implied that he becomes unable to father or support a next generation to carry on after his death (a "thigh" wound has been interpreted by many scholars in Arthurian literature as a genital wound). There are slight hints in the early versions that his kingdom and lands suffers as he does, and 20th-century scholars have suggested his impotence affecting the fertility of the land and reducing it to a barren wasteland.
which is a legend linked to the one of BRAN the blessed
A legendary Welsh king who fought the Irish who kept REVIVING their warriors with a magic cauldron
>The name "Brân" in Welsh is usually translated as crow or raven.

because he is based
BRIAN not bran and he's an actor not a king and it's just blessed without "the"

>A legendary Welsh king who fought the Irish who kept REVIVING their warriors with a magic cauldron
Could it be that he is going to play some sort of role to revive Jonny boy in the books?

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Faegon is a pampered fag, he's fucked

Everything comes from somewhere, except a bit of stuff related to technological advancement, most of which just happended.

Just read The Iliad, everything's already there.

>Not to be confused

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As said by this guy: . Plate armor does fuck all against blunt force weapons such as a mace or battle hammer, which is why those weapons were developed in the first place. You can protect against slashing weapons but when a war hammer come crashing through your chest and breaks all of your ribs, you aren't going to get back up to counter attack.

Attached: war hammer.jpg (1920x1080, 144K)

There's a rumor floating around that they changed it to Bran being king only because they were trying to one up all of fan theories. That Jon was supposed to king and Jamie by himself as a way to forgive him for Rheagar. I only thought that the rumors had weight due the fact that they also included the original spoiler that Cersei was supposed to had a miscarriage by the end of the Season 7, but it seems that D+D changed their minds about that.

Unironically the people of KL are gonna live hims o much that they are going to willingly become their human shields

the illiad is stolen work too

Well, he still had a role to play obviously. Cersei most likely won't last long or if she does, it's unlikely she is going to be that much of a major threat in the books like in the show.

Go ahead, you've earned it kid. Break that wheel, break all the wheels.

>There's a rumor floating around that they changed it to Bran being king only because they were trying to one up all of fan theories. That Jon was supposed to king and Jamie by his side as a way to forgive him for Rheagar.

I need to sleep.

I thought it's just fan fiction from some angry /got/ user?
It is better than the actual thing, even though I still wonder how the white walker is going to get BTFO in that '''''''leaks''''''''

Also the first two write for a living, for Tolkien it was just a side hobby

Shame. Always loved him. Us manlets gotta stick together

only if I awake next to a dragon

>Writes for a living
>Hasn't written in 8 years

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>The original plan for S7 and 8 was quite different. Cersei’s pregnancy was meant to end with her miscarrying at the end of S7 as Jaime rode North. That scene was filmed, but held back, and then cut entirely. That was meant to signal the start of her spiralling into absolute madness. The whole nonsensical ‘Bronn being sent to kill Jaime and Tyrion’ plot is a hangover from that original outline, but he was meant to go after Sansa (who Cersei believed had her poisoned), and in turn Brienne, which was supposed to be the death knell for any reconciliation for the twins when Bronn came North and told Tyrion and Jaime about Cersei plans. That was the set up for Jaime being the Valonqar, which morphed into Jon killing Dany.

How’d she have a brain aneurysm in her twenties then?

No, he's going to end up being the leader to the Others who keep reviving their warriors

fAegon's war of the roses counterpart Lambert Simnel also got fucked but he didn't actually die

What could be kino is if he actually lives through the story and finds out his life has been a lie right at the same time Jon Snow finds out his life has been a lie.

Yeah, I know the rumor you’re referring to now. I think it’s fanfic, with the Cersei thing put in to make it seem legit. That said, what was onscreen was not the book ending.

>Dany was always meant to lose it after being provoked by Cersei, but the situation was a lot less black and white. With nothing left to lose, Batshit!Cersei was going to outright threaten to blow up King’s Landing with the remaining wildfire. Dany still ends up razing the capital, but it’s in the aftermath of a far more even battle. She wins, but but everyone (including Grey Worm) she brought West with her dies. Both Jon and Tyrion walk away from her too, and she commands Drogon to melt the throne and flies back East.

What if I wanted to read Gilgamesh instead?

Yeah, I wish it's true and actually what we got. It's still won't fix the problems from season 7, but at least it's still a sensible ending if anything.

And it's still fake, sorry.

Dany is going to lose her dragons and most of her trusted allies saving the 7 kingdoms from White Walkers and come back and see the people loving Aegon the guy who sat on his ass and did nothing, so she's going to burn them all

Attached: got dany bell tolls.jpg (277x394, 26K)

>In the show, Jon was meant to sit on the throne originally, with Jaime, in the aftermath of killing Cersei, paying for his crimes by serving as his Hand. They essentially split the two major beats of Jaime’s arc, killing his Queen and becoming Hand, between Jon and Tyrion and fucked him (and Cersei) over, because HBO wanted to ensure that Kit, Emilia and particularly Peter would get a shot at Emmys. (Nikolaj and Lena were smart enough to realise that their character arcs were being sacrificed.) King Bran was the result of D&D being OBSESSED with reading online theories and wanting to come out of left field. There was also discussion of how it would be perceived if they removed a woman from the throne and placed a man there instead. ‘Bran the Broken’, as a disabled character, was the compromise.

He's busy writing side books and TV shows, but technically yes, he does

Backed up by script leaks

Stannis is going to burn Shireen to raise the sleeping dragon. Euron is going to bind that dragon to himself.

Yeah, this was part the rumor I read. This would have been 100x far better than what we got. In fact everything I've read so far is way better than what we got.


>King Henry pardoned young Simnel (probably because he recognised that Simnel had merely been a puppet in the hands of adults) and put him to work in the royal kitchen as a spit-turner. When he grew older, he became a falconer.
Based fAegon confirmed to be a falconer. War of the Roses was really a wacky time I guess.

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Trying to convince that a little girl that they can give her power. It's kinda like a cult desu. In the books the faceless men obviously have more to do and probably have an ulterior motive to recruit Arya

You know it’s fake because the table read was in August 2017, and the cast only got their scripts like a week before the read- and as far as we can tell the scripts were exactly what was in the show. The only people that would know of such significant changes to the script would be D&D, the other two writers, and maybe a couple executives. There’s no way a detailed alternate plot line would leak from any of those people.

Hes already a drunken asshole. Hes starting to pull his shit together

George wouldn't really end the incest in ASOIAF, right?

Dany's gonna have kids that'll fuck each other right? Please say yes. My fetish couldn't take it otherwise

The script leaks of season 7? Cersei's pregnancy is still a dubious one even to the end. To cut an important scene like that just seem so nonsensical if it ends up playing a major part of the later plot. But then again Season 8 is nonsensical. I want to believe, but until Lena Headey or any of the Dabids speak up, just no.

You don't know how aneurysms works do you

As much as I wish it were true, this is complete fanfic.

Why the fuck does stabbing a human with dragonglass create magical undead ice monster warlocks

The only thing is Cersei's miscarriage which we've known about since season 7.

It's really too bad because the only thing Cersei really does in season 8 is kill Missandei, the rest of the time she just stands around in the red keep before dying.

The best method was Longbows, like they used at Agincourt. Otherwise other knights with lances.
Beyond that you can use blunt weapons or try to hit the few less protected areas, but that's a longshot. Without specialized weapons you'll have a difficult time. During the crusades it got to a point where muslim armies would just avoid battle altogether since they had no way of reliably killing knights.
>Plate armor does fuck all against blunt force weapons such as a mace or battle hammer
>when a war hammer come crashing through your chest and breaks all of your ribs, you aren't going to get back up to counter attack.
It's true that blunt weapons are better against armor than blades, but I think their effectiveness is often overstated now. The other guy is still wearing steel plate, and lots of padding underneath. You'd have to be insanely strong to do the old Baratheon Chest Crunch maneuver.

Well, only up through the end of season 7 as far as I'm aware. We know the miscarriage stuff was filmed and cut. But it does certainly suggest that they were planning on going another direction prior to that, and this would fit (also explains Bronn and some other shit.)

It really feels like they worked from a first draft outline and were too deep in production to fix it when they realized it sucked.

If these leaks have any truth to them at all, they are probably based on what was outlined way back when they were initially writing season 7.

I could quit Yea Forums(nel), go free, the show's over, no new books to discuss, no details about the prequels to analyze....
Why do I keep coming to these threads?

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gurm has explicitly referred to Tyrion as a villain in the past

Never forget: you're here forever.

I think the Cersei miscarriage was shot. Before the ep aired I think they decided they would use the pregnancy as a plot point: make Cersei sympathetic (lol), give Tyrion something to plead with her over, make Jaime’s return to save his babby plausible. So the scene was shot but cut. It’s the shittiest of writing, but look who we’re talking about here.

>the rest of the time she just stands around in the red keep
Also getting fucked by Euron and complaining about muh elephants. What's the point of sparing Cersei from her death in season 7 if she is not going to do anything important. Just have Jaime kill her and maybe Euron as well already in the S7 finale. Those two just take up screen time which could be used to develop a better battle scenario against the White Walkers.

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No. Gaemon Palehair was pardoned by King Aegon III.

fAegon is going to get killed by Dany, which will be a motivation of Jon to kill her

I saw a theory that they knew she was a Warg and wanted that power for the Faceless Men

pretty damn useful, just control and fly a raven into the place, drop some poison in the wine and wait to confirm the kill, retry if necessary

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Cersei's miscarriage was part of the original correct set of season 7 leaks. Then when it didn't happen people thought it was going happen in Season 8 instead. I think at this rate D+D went the nonsensical route in order to 'subvert expectations.'

You realize we were robbed of a good asoiaf adaptation

He'll have the people of Kings Landing, the Reach, and Dorne. Kings Landing will have a power vacuum after Cersei blows up the Sept, in the books Mance Tyrell is actually waiting to hear the results of Margerys trial before he goes to face FAegon, it's likely that depending on the outcome of the trial he might switch sides. And Dorne had already sent their Princess Arianne to treat with Aegon. If he can impress her with a big victory like taking Storms End he can swing them to his side. That's three kingdoms in his corner.

There was a hacked HBO email that talked about mad dany and king bran that suggests otherwise

>tfw GRRM will never finish the books before he dies, and this embarrassment of a finale is the closest thing to an ending ASOIAF will ever have

Sauce? I don't recall that at all.

Cersei having a miscarraige causing her to go crazy is a way better plot point because she's the one who believes in all the prophecies, and the one they actually bothered to put in was the "gold their crowns and gold their shrouds."

She gets pregnant and thinks she's beaten the prophecy and then the miscarriage breaks her. But no, that makes too much sense.

>make Cersei sympathetic (lol)
It's just silly desperate attempt to put 'grey' morality where it doesn't belong. Cersei is a genocidal mass murderer by season 6 finale. By all means, season 7 would have start with the peasant screaming bloody rebellion and the rest of the kingdoms decide to proclaim independence. The Lannisters won't bother supporting her. They will fuck off back to Westerlands leaving Cersei to her fate. Jaime will either leave her or choke her to death. Qyburn & the Mountain will be put to trial as well seeing how they are Cersei's co-conspirators of the sept explosion.

TWOW been done for awhile, he was just waiting for the mummers farce to end before putting them out

Fitting end, he even subverted Tolkien on a meta level by never finishing the books and getting an awful adaptation rather than an excellent one

It’d also save about $5million in salary

>will be a motivation of Jon to kill her
House of the Undying vision is D&D OC from season one which is BEFORE they met with George to get everyone's ending.

If, when, where, why, by who or what and how Dany dies we don't know

>What's the point of sparing Cersei from her death in season 7 if she is not going to do anything important?
high Q ratings and they fucked up by leaving out fAegon and didn't think of the consequences. They needed some drama for the Iron Throne because it's the name of the fucking show, so they made everybody retarded so that cersei was a legit threat

If fAegon was in the show it would fix a lot of plotholes, like why the Stormlands and Reach don't do anything for like 3 seasons. fAegon not being in the show basically creates a vacuum where nothing can happen

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I hope in a few weeks the mods end this and free me eventually
Most likely correct, user

*from season 2

It is not. At best, it's coming out next year. And this is still very doubtful. After that we need to wait another 10 years at the very least before actually hoping for a Dream of Spring.

actually false, good plate stands up surprisingly well vs blunt weapons


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She's a notorious coke fiend and sucks billionaire dick in expensive boats. This is a fact.
She's never going to give you a tuggy for defending her on a peruvian basket weaving forum, take it easy user.

Even if they don't want to include fAegon, they could relegate his role to at least Tommen and Margaery seeing they are established characters who have the support of the Reach at the very least. It would give Jaime and the Lannisters a reason to stick around protecting the Iron Throne and risking their lives fighting Daenerys. And it also make Tyrion's reluctance more sensible since it's his beloved nephew he needs to beat and possibly kill.

>She's a notorious coke fiend and sucks billionaire dick in expensive boats. This is a fact.

Did Emilia really turn down Kit or is this actor fan fiction?

There is no way this doesn't light a fire under his ass

You got a single fact to back that up?

Winds of Winter 2021, A Dream of Spring 2025 and The Song of Summer 2030

She friendzoned him because he's a drug addicted degenerate

Because you love it, because it's the only thing you are good at. Complaining about unfinished work of fiction that ends up being adapted by inferior writers while still wishing that it could turn out good had things taken a different way.

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fAegon's role was relegated to Jon, he won't be legitimized in the books and Dany will be his sister

Funny, because someone else on here claiming that she's a cokehead.

Jon has already been legitimized by Robb in the books

>using a Russian whore
What a fool, Russian women cant be trusted.


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>One doctor was just like, “Live your life. Maybe don’t do cocaine. Live your life.” Thank God I never did drugs. I’m a complete scaredy-cat. If I had ever done a line of coke, I would have died on the spot because of the blood pressure. But yeah, just live your life. There’s a certain amount of fatality to that. But there’s nothing else to do but just carry on.

Of course we'd have to take her word for it

>letting Issac go

What does this mean?

She literally can't use drugs or she would die. High blood pressure would cause another aneurysm and If she ever had sniffed cocaine she would have died on the first one

Which become a problem. Jon is pro-Dany and it's sensible, he needs her dragon to fight the Night King and the white walkers. You need someone with a reason to be against Daenerys beyond simplistic black and white reason. This is fucking Game of Thrones, it's not supposed to be simplistic good vs evil conflict when it comes to the political conflict. Even ruthless players like Tywin, Stannis and Roose have reasons to be ruthless. The ruler of the Iron Thrones post-sept explosion should be someone the peoples of Westeros (and by extension we as the audience) could root as much as Dany & Jon.

>woman with blood clots doing coke
I don't think so.

That'll help him in becoming King in the North, which is how far Robb's authority goes. He's still a Targ bastard in the eyes of the realm.

Where we should have stopped /got/?

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I agree, but I don't know why that other poster is so stuck on it.

They were going to cut Isaac (Bran) from the show. it’s clear they were told Bran was endgame and needed to keep him around.

Arya on the boat to Braavos, imagine missing out on Charles Dance as Tywin

Just baiting, trying to Farm (You)s

Jon and Dany having sex on the boat

>Cocaine users risk brain haemorrhages 20 years earlier than non-users. If the wall of a blood vessel is damaged, it dilates
and forms bulges (aneurysms).
How do you think she got there in the first place?
I know i'm talking to 4channelers but come on, think a little. What would you want her to say if you were her agent?

luckily in 10 years AI will be advanced enough that they'll be able to redo season 7 and 8 with CGI clones of the actors and deep fake voices


Attached: got jon snow smile.jpg (1065x742, 65K)

Nigger she has symptoms since she was 14 read the story

>There's finally rule34 of Jon fucking Dany on the Iron throne


Attached: dany_happy_again.png (1280x720, 592K)

This season is mostly nonsense and it takes a fair bit of suffering to get here, but at least it's a happy ending for the protagonists.

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>luckily in 10 years AI will be advanced enough that they'll be able to redo season 7 and 8 with CGI clones of the actors and deep fake voices
I want to reboot the whole show. Basically Season 1-4 will be extended version closer to the books. Season 5-6 will be AFFC and ADWD. Season 7-8 TWOW and the last two for ADOS.
Also one special spin-off of Sansa & Ramsay dark romcom with Bran the Broken™ recording everything.

>cutting out willas tyrell so they could write more flaming fag adventures for loras
>literally everyone knows loras is gay too

Why did D&D butcher the Tyrells so badly?

I don't want to suffer 6 episodes of cringey fan-fiction user.

Attached: TheRealS8.jpg (640x363, 33K)

>Make it longer with more Jon x Dany
>Fix the Wight hunt and have Cersei join the alliance

It could have been good

>Have symptoms
>Compound symptoms by being a cokehead
Aneurysm in your 20's BRAVO thanks for helping me make my case.

That sounds disgusting user. That's incest. Tell me the name of these websites or artists so I know to avoid them

It's more likely they casually dated/fucked when they were younger. Emilia is besties with Rose though so they're all very close

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>have Cersei join the alliance
>Letting the mad queen anywhere near your alliance
At least Tyrion will have a drinking buddy and someone better to bant and throw insults with.

You are literally retarded, have my last (You)

>Jon fucking Dany on the Iron throne
But it's filled with swords and very uncomfortable. What if one of them move too much and end up getting stabbed in the ass cheeks by one of the iron throne's sword.

Just go to paheal and search for Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow

When Stannis leaves Castle Black


New thread

That's S05E05. The one when Jon executes Janos Slynt and Jorah gets his greyscale.

Pretty underwhelming desu


Listen to this guyThe whole armor set is more than flat sheets of metal. It's a fairly intricate molding of angles and overlapping sheets to provide mobility and protection of all key areas combined with chain/HEAVY padding (I know it sounds like bullshit but it works). You don't simply whack at him until he stops moving. A good shot with a proper longbow or a good crossbow is the best way as they can seriously punch through a lot of shit. Lances will do but also run a much higher risk obviously. On foot, it'll probably be a dagger in a weak point but it's going to fucking cost you.


I have a fairly rare genetic disorder called HHT (Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia) and my family on my father's side has a history of deaths by brain aneurysm. Doctors don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about most of the time. Sometimes your shit's just fucked my man.
